Node.js npm dependencies in subfolder - node.js

I have a project in which I use node-webkit. node-webkit allows npm packages to be used for developing desktop applications. I make use of grunt to build my application.
My folder structure looks like this at the moment:
project root
node_modules/ (1)
package.json (1)
node_modules/ (2)
package.json (2)
The npm dependencies for the application itself are kept within the App folder, but the dev dependencies for building the project are not related to the application source code, so i keep them in node_modules (1) inside the root folder. I also know that in a package.json file one can express dependencies and dev dependencies, exactly for this reason. I would rather have one package.json file in the root expressing ALL dependencies, including dev dependencies, but i would rather have a separation of those dependencies on folder level.
Two questions arise:
Is this a good way to organize my npm dependencies? If yes, awesome? If no, which I expect:
What is a better way to organize my dependencies? Is it possible to specify that dev dependencies go into folder a, and 'regular' dependencies go into folder b? If so, how do I do this?
In case anyone is wondering, this is the project i am talking about:
[updated folder structure to include app.js for clarity]

It is perfectly fine to keep more than one package.json file and multiple node_module directories for a project. If you consider the parts as separate components.
An example might be if, you have one directory containing a node server, another containing a react app, and a third containing some kind of deployment script written in javascript.

#Michael package.json file contains all the dependencies related to that project.There is no need for multiple package files and multiple node_modules folders..
But you need to check where is your App.js file!!
your App.js , package.json must be in same folder unless configured.


How share node_modules across two node projects with PNPM?

i have a project with two nodeJS projects inside, a backend project with inside a folder "client" for the frontend.
Now i would like to make one common node_moduels folder both.
I found that PNPM could do that, but for me the documentation is not so clear. How doest it work?
How can i run pnpm i on my root folder and then make my node_modules accessable for my "client" folder?
Thank you!
On Linux or Mac, i usually symlink the module (ln -s) into my other projects' libs. Then i import or require the module from there. It's located directly in your codebase, not in node_modules, but it works just fine.
Just don't update the common module without keeping in mind all the dependant projects.
For easy versioning, you may choose to publish your module to npm (even as private), and update it with each push for each of the dependants.

Best practices: Folder structure for client and server using create-react-app

Recently I've done a few small projects with a Node backend and a React frontend using create-react-app. Although I've spent quite a bit of time researching best practices for folder structures I haven't been able to come up with a satisfying solution without having to eject the react app. I wonder if there are solutions out there that I just haven't found yet.
The folder structure I am trying to aim for looks something like this:
index.js (node.js main file, could just as well be in server/)
This layout would allow me to run all scripts from the root folder and I can put all configurations in one package.json. For example, I would like to be able to just run npm test from the root folder which would then use jest to run both the client and the server tests.
As far as I can tell create-react-app is hardwired to expect a src/index.js when using npm start, which prevents me from using this folder structure - if I just move all the boilerplate generated by create-react-app into the client folder I have an ugly src/client/src folder which again contains it's own package.json. I guess I could split it differently, creating a client/src and server/src, but I still have separate package.json files in each directory.
Would love the hear about your experiences with this, maybe I am missing the obvious solution.
I follow this pattern for developing applications in microservice architecture.
This structure is for mono-repos.
You also can divide the front end and backend into different repositories.

When using a private git url for an npm module, how can I configure the consuming application to only use files from the module's dist folder?

I am using angular-cli for my angular application, but because angular-cli currently does not support use for creating a library, I used the seemingly most widely used git project to create my library:
My issue is that I don't want to publish my npm module library to the public directory. Instead I want to use the git url directly in my dependencies. During development, this works fine. I can run the build locally and run an npm link inside the "dist" folder and everything is dandy. However when I push my npm module code to git, and then run an npm install in the consuming project, I'm not sure how to set it so that my consuming project just looks inside the dist folder of the module and treats it as if it was the root of the module.
For example, in node_modules/my_private_module, my file structure looks like:
-- component1
-- compoennt2
-- my_module.metadata.json
-- my_module.d.ts
-- my_module.umd.js
-- index.d.ts
-- index.js
-- package.json
All the files that my application is using are in the /dist folder, but I DO NOT want to specify "dist" in all my imports like
import { myComponent1 } from 'my_private_module/dist';
I want to be able to just specify
import { myComponent } from 'my_private_module";
As I do in development when I run an npm link in the dist folder.
Is there a way I can achieve this?
In package.json for your module, in the root folder:
typings: 'dist/index.d.ts',
main: 'dist/index.js'
Remove the package.json in your dist folder.
When the package is resolved from import {...} from 'my_private_module', the module loader will look for a folder called my_private_module under node_modules, and look either for index.js which defines the exports, or within package.json for the main property - which in your case also points to index.js from the dist folder.
It is good practice to put package.json where you want your module to be found, and have main and typings point to index.js and index.d.ts.
I answered a similar question here and it seems relevant.
Basically, treat the generated library in the dist folder as it's own repo. In order to keep the git init files and folders, you tell ng-packagr to not destroy the destination when building. Then you push the changes to the library specific repo and use that as your package url in other projects.

is good practice to include my modules in node_modules for make require search easy,if not why not?

is good practice to include my modules in node_modules for make require search easy,if not why not?
In node.js cms calipso(
their modules not inside node_modules: then the include the modules without auto option:
calipso = require(path.join(rootpath, 'lib/calipso'));
vs if it was inside node_modules:
calipso = require('calipso');
node_modules is typically ignored in the version control (GIT, etc) and most of the developers assume that this folder contains only packages listed in the package.json. I can imagine the approach on updating the modules just by removing this folder completely and executing npm install. Considering these I would rather say that keeping own modules in node_modules is not consistent with the node.js workflow.
Update: this is assuming that "my modules" is actually just a set of files. If your modules are "npm" modules, that can be restored by executing "npm install" then this is completely fine to keep them in node_modules.

Can I put the npm node_modules directory outside of my 'webroot'

I'm new to Node but am enjoying myself so far. I was trying to move my node_modules (libraries) directory outside of the public 'webroot' and need advice and guidance.
I've setup my simple expressJS based Node project as follows:
I was wondering if there was any way I could have the /node_modules dir outside of my webroot and not break my application. I'm just so used to keeping the bare minimum in my publicly exposed webroot and don't feel right with the libs being in there. Call me old fashioned but that's how I'm used to doing stuff in the PHP and C# world.
If I setup the project as follows:
then it all goes wobbly and Node's require() magic breaks.
I've tried the following:
var express=require('../express'); which doesn't work either giving me the 'Cannot Find module' type error.
Is what I'm asking even possible, if so then how?
Are there any major risks with me having my libs in a webroot or have I missed something fundamental here with the way Node works.
What do you guys do, what is best practice for production apps? May I have some examples of your production practices and why.
1. Is it possible to have modules in a folder outside of the project
2. Are there any major risks with having modules in a webroot?
Assuming that you by "webroot" mean in the root of the server or any folder outside of your project: yes. It is possible to install modules globally with npm using the g-flag: npm install -g express. This generally considered bad practice as different projects may depend on different versions of the same module. Installing locally allows different projects to have different versions.
If you're using version control and don't want to check in the external modules, a common (and standard in npm) pattern is to ignore ./node_modules and specify dependencies in a package.json file.
3. "What is best practice for production apps?"
Not a good fit for SO, but since I'm at it I'll give it a shot anyway. If you use grunt (a very popular task automation tool) you'll usually end up with a structure like this:
# actual project files
# files that are meant to be sent to clients
package.json # specifies dependencies, main script, version etc # optional
This structure has the advantages of clearly separating core files, dependencies and any tests while keeping it all in the same folder.
