Richfaces 4.2 and TinyMCE - jsf

I am trying to use Richfaces 4.2 and my own custom TinyMCE rich text editor (based on version 3.5.11).
The editor was installed like the official tutorial ( It works and the editor is applied to any textarea.
My problem is after ajax submits, when the form is re-rendered, so the TinyMCE instance is lost and not applied anymore.
Is there some way to deal with it, reapplying the TinyMCE on every ajax submit or any other approach?

I did a workaround that allowed TinyMCE to interact with Richfaces ajax actions and renders, so I will answer my own question although I believe its not the best answer possible.
Here is my solution:
Copy TinyMCE folder to my WebContent/js folder, including the tiny.js which is a init file (external file optional).
This file contains both the tinyMCE init config and the JSF2 javascript that join tinyMCE and render actions.
Here is the tiny.js code:
jsf.ajax.addOnEvent(function(data) {
switch(data.status) {
case "begin":
case "complete":
case "success":
var i, t = tinyMCE.editors;
for (i in t){
if (t.hasOwnProperty(i)){
function tinyMCEinit(){
language : "pt",
mode : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
mode : "textareas"
What JSF 2 Javascript do is call the tinyMCEinit() function that cleans all textareas and reapply it all again. It works nice when you open the page for the first time, maybe a little heavy DOM processing, but the final user will no notice the loading... unless you page have 4 texareas/editors and need to be editable like a list of Alternatives Question. 4 editors on the same page have slow loading time and previous rich:editor/ckeditor will notice the performance lost.
Well, one little touch of javascript needs to be added to your "Save" buttons like this:
<a4j:commandButton onclick="tinyMCE.triggerSave();" render="some_panel" value="Any render"></a4j:commandButton>
The triggerSave() transfer the values (html) on the editor to the h:inputTextarea so JSF can grab the values and send it to the backend.


Auto-collapse any item in PrimeFaces PanelMenu on page loading

I'm writing a Primefaces 5.1 portlet.
It consists in a unique page containing a panelMenu, and I need that it starts with any panel collapsed everytime a user change page (on page loading).
But, if I open a panel, then change page, it will start showing that panel still opened.
I wasn't able to find any option to achieve this goal (e.g. collapsed=true, ignoreCookie=true or something similar).
The only solution I found was the following Javascript code:
The problem is that this code will collapse any opened panel (so on page loading user is able to see panel menu collapsing animation) but it seems it doesn't store this state in its cookie/localstorage... the result is that on any page loading user can see this animation.
I'm sure it doesn't save its state, because the only way to "solve" the problem is to manually re-open and re-collapse the panels... then, on following page change, these menus start closed (and there is no animation).
I also tried to use PrimeFaces.widgets.sideMenuPanel.saveState() after collapsing, but with no success.
Do you have any idea about?
Thank you...
I found a solution to the problem.
If you read my discussion with Kukeltje (comments on my question), you will find that latest Primefaces' versions will solve the problem.
Otherwise, if you want to avoid upgrade or modify sources, and you need a quick fix based on Javascript only please read the following part of the answer.
It directly works on the component's state using JavaScript.
First of all you need to have a variable reference to your component:
<p:panelMenu model="#{menuBackingBean.menuModel}" widgetVar="sidePanelMenu" />
Then you should add the following JS code on document ready:
var panelMenu = PrimeFaces.widgets.sidePanelMenu;
// 1. On page loading collapses possible opened panels
// following line is commented because it never should be necessary is not necessary (unless unexpected situation I never verified)
// 2. Call the "clear preferences" actions on click on two tpe of links: first level are the panel link (used to open/close the menu) and second level are the destination links
// We need to fork also on the first level links to be sure it works after user clicks there then exit from the page in another way
panelMenu.headers.children("a").click(function(){setTimeout(clearSidePanelMenuPreferences, 500)}); // setTimeout is necessary because this event should be fired after preferences are written
The function called to clear preferences are the following:
function clearSidePanelMenuPreferences() {
var panelMenu = PrimeFaces.widgets.sidePanelMenu;
panelMenu.expandedNodes = []; // clear the opened panels lists
panelMenu.saveState(); // store this information
Hope it helps
Please check this block of code
var header = jQuery(this);
I prefer to do this in order to execute this method only once and keep the menu option selected.
$(document).ready(function() {
if(location.pathname == "/cotizador/" || location.pathname == "/cotizador/faces/login.xhtml"){
var panelMenu = PrimeFaces.widgets.sidePanelMenu;
// 1. On page loading collapses possible opened panels
panelMenu.expandedNodes = []; // clear the opened panels lists

moving from javascript to Rich:ModalPanel

In my web application currently there are many pop up windows made by various JS function which i would like to replace with Rich:ModalPanel (I'm using Myfaces 2.0.12 and RichFaces 3.3.3). Below is a typical example i like to replace:"<%=basePath1%>jsp/custhistory.faces?userid="+pk);
where pk is the value retried from a hidden input such as <h:inputHidden id="userPk" value="#{1234}"/> inside the javascript function and then added to the end of the url above.
Looking at few RichFaces ModalPanel examples (and demos) i can't figure out how i can make the above work using ModalPanel. Can someone please provide an example or a link to a resource o
I have been using Richfaces 4, but the same theory should apply.
The modal panel is essentially a div that can be shown or hidden, so you could add a <ui:include> in there if you specifically need (or want) the panel to be a seperate file.
The modal panel is rendered as part of your page, but is styled as display:none I believe. If this is triggered by a client action you can call the Richfaces API to show the panel on command.
For instance instead of a command(Link|Button) triggering Richfaces.$('elName').show() it could trigger your js function which sets and values/params your modal panel needs and then call .show() itself.
Note: IE and firefox had a truly modal popup. This is not truly modal and javascript will process in the background, and if you do not give focus to the popup panel if the user types it will interact with the application in the background.
I had used a modal js popup to prompt a user with a yes/no question int his type of idiom
if(askUser("some question?")=='yes'){
//some code to do if yes
//some code to do if no
Depending on how generic you want this popup, that is not really possible without using an event that is fired and defining an event handler for that event to handle the rest of the function.

jQuery Mobile - Dialogs without changing hash

I have a search dialog that I am popping up and filling with jquery templates. After they make a selection I set a value on the current page. As such I don't need hashTags or anything like that, I just need a pop-up dialog that I can open and close programatically. I am currently opening the dialog with
$.mobile.changePage(dialog, { transition: "slide", changeHash: false });
and closing it with
However, in certain cases (when the page is navigated to), closing the dialog refreshes the current page.
Is there a better way to interact with this?
I think I figured out what is going on. So for some reason, jquery mobile usually keeps 2 pages loaded on the DOM - one of which is invisible, you can verify this by running $('[data-role=page]') in the console. One page is the page you're on, the other is the page that you initially navigated to. Not quite sure why they choose to do that, but there you have it.
So they treat dialogs as a page navigation with a different transition even if the dialog is already in the DOM. Therefore, if you go directly to the page and then trigger a dialog, modifying the current page and closing it works fine - because the original page is always loaded in the DOM. However if you go to another page, than navigate to the page that triggers the dialog, and THEN trigger the dialog it destroys the current page so that the pages in the DOM are the initial one and the dialog. In that case it reloads that dialog-launching page entirely and you never get a chance to make any modifications.
Jeez. How do I interact with the jqm dialog widget directly?
You can try two other things. Both should work:
1 set DomChache
How about overriding JQM to keep the page your are firing the dialog from in the DOM? The docs say you can set data-dom-chache and override cleaning the page from the DOM.
If it only happens when you load this page in via AJAX (vs. loading it directly) you could make DOM-keeping dependend on your trigger page having data-page-external, assign DOM-chache="true" only when the dialog is openend and remove it again once the dialog is closed.
2 override JQM
I had the same problem you described and got it to work like this (requires hacking into JQM though...):
// inside transitionPages function
if ( !$(toPage).jqmData('internal-page')
{ "page" )._trigger( "hide", null, { nextPage: toPage } );}
My problem was that pagechanging to certain pages (same as dialog) caused the preceding page (where the dialog fired from) to be removed from the DOM, so I had a blank screen (when trying to go back). I added data-internal-page="true" to the pages, which should keep the preceding page intact and added the if-clause in JQM.
So now pageHide (and DOMcleanup) only fires, if I'm not going to a page labelled with data-internal-page="true"
I think I was having a similar problem. What I wanted to do was based on certain parameters, pop a dialog window on load (with that content on the same page), which they can close and view the page that loaded.
I could get it to pop on load using load, or the pageshow events, but when I clicked close that sent you back to the previous page in history, instead of just closing the dialog.
//target your 1st page content, here its id=success
//the modal content is in a page id=dialog and data-role="dialog"
Its a hack, and just allows the page load to beat the dialog so it gets stuck in history. Then the default dialog close behavior for the dialog works as expected. Talk about a PITA, if they took a little more for the JQuery UI dialog it would have made things a ton easier.
And regarding your question: Have you looked at Jquery Mobile Actionsheet plugin
If you don't really require a page to be loaded, that should be ok.
Also helpful could be Cagintranet iPad popover, although you have to tweak the design to be fullscreen on mobile devices. If you require CSS/Jquery to do that let me know (I'm using this in a JQM plugin I'm writing)
Hope that helps.

add the code for a widget (widget.xhtml) once but use it twice in same webpage, possible ? How?

I have a widget in my application that I need to display at two places(once in main page body and once through dialog box). Currently its code has been added twice in the page. Now I was thinking, If there was a way I could just include it only once and show the same instance in the dialog box, as in the main page body.
Can you suggest a way for this?
I'm Using:-
JSF 2.0 with Facelets
Primefaces 3.0 M3 Snapshot
JSF 2 has exactly the feature you want: it's called composite components. I bascially allows you to write a bunch of Facelet code into a file and use it just like any other JSF component, pass parameters to it, etc.

Wicket : Can a Panel or Component react on a form submit without any boilerplate code?

I am currently evaluating Wicket and I am trying to figure out how things work.
I have a question regarding form submit and panels (or other components).
Imagine a custom wicket panel which contains a text field, doing as-you-type validation using ajax. This panel is added to a form.
How can the Panel react a form submit (let's say because javascript/ajax is unavailable)?
I am currently only aware of one solution: calling a panel's method inside the Form onSubmit() method. But this seems not like a "reusable" approach here, because I have to add boilerplate code to every form's onSubmit() which contains the panel (and every developer which use the panel must know this).
So here comes my question: Is there any way that a Panel/Component can "detect" a form submit in some way? Or is there any other solution beside this?
Thank you.
Make your panels implement org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IFormModelUpdateListener, and the updateModel() method should be called when the containing form is submitted and passes validation.
There's a good example of code using this by one of the wicket authors at the Wicket In Action blog.
Well, you could simply do the following:
protected void onSubmit(){}
This means that any panel that extends your panel need only override the onSubmit and the form no matter what it is in html will call that method. That way you can extend the panel and only override one method for each form.
With regard to form components, the framework handles it for you transparently. Forms are aware of any child form components, even if they haven't been added directly to the parent form.
I would have a Form inside that Panel. This way, you can reuse that Panel without requiring an external Form. As Forms can not be nested inside each other in HTML, Wicket will swap the inner Form(s) into 's transparently, but will make sure that each of the inner Forms takes part of the form processing (validation,..).
You can override the OnSubmit() function of the Form in your Panel. Wicket will call it for you.
what do you mean by "react"? I have only started recently with Wicket, but FWIK, form submit updates the model of a component, and then it calls onSubmit(), which you can override to take special actions beyond that. See Wicket in Action, chapter 6.
After that, the page (and it's components) get re-rendered, using the updated model, so basically, they really "react" on a submit, with quite few lines of code.
For your mentioned case with Component in a Form, have a look at the CompoundPropertyModel.
Implementing IFormSubmitListner and IFormModelUpdateListener shall call the respective methods during a form submit.
However, if you want to do some processing after form submit, I'm afraid you have no choice but to write some boilerplate code yourself.
