I have written some code in Haskell for modeling propositional logic
data Formula = Prop {propName :: String}
| Neg Formula
| Conj Formula Formula
| Disj Formula Formula
| Impl Formula Formula
| BiImpl Formula Formula
deriving (Eq,Ord)
However, there is no natural way to extend this to Modal Logic, since the data type is closed.
Therefore, I thought I should use classes instead. That way, I can easily add new language features in different modules later on. The problem is that I don't exactly know how to write it. I would like something like the following
type PropValue = (String,Bool) -- for example ("p",True) states that proposition p is true
type Valuation = [PropValue]
class Formula a where
evaluate :: a -> Valuation -> Bool
data Proposition = Prop String
instance Formula Proposition where
evaluate (Prop s) val = (s,True) `elem` val
data Conjunction = Conj Formula Formula -- illegal syntax
instance Formula Conjunction where
evaluate (Conj φ ψ) v = evaluate φ v && evaluate ψ v
The mistake is of course in the definition of Conjunction. However, it is unclear to me how I could rewrite it so that it works.
This should work:
data Conjunction f = Conj f f
instance Formula f => Formula (Conjunction f) where
evaluate (Conj φ ψ) v = evaluate φ v && evaluate ψ v
However, I am not sure type classes are the right tool for what you are trying to achieve.
Maybe you could give a whirl to using explicit type level functors and recurring over them:
-- functor for plain formulae
data FormulaF f = Prop {propName :: String}
| Neg f
| Conj f f
| Disj f f
| Impl f f
| BiImpl f f
-- plain formula
newtype Formula = F {unF :: FormulaF Formula}
-- functor adding a modality
data ModalF f = Plain f
| MyModality f
-- modal formula
newtype Modal = M {unM :: ModalF Modal}
Yes, this is not terribly convenient since constructors such as F,M,Plain get sometimes in the way. But, unlike type classes, you can use pattern matching here.
As another option, use a GADT:
data Plain
data Mod
data Formula t where
Prop {propName :: String} :: Formula t
Neg :: Formula t -> Formula t
Conj :: Formula t -> Formula t -> Formula t
Disj :: Formula t -> Formula t -> Formula t
Impl :: Formula t -> Formula t -> Formula t
BiImpl :: Formula t -> Formula t -> Formula t
MyModality :: Formula Mod -> Formula Mod
type PlainFormula = Formula Plain
type ModalFormula = Formula Mod
Suppose I have a sum type (or several, in fact), that I know by design all have a common field:
data T1 a
= C1 String a
| C2 Int a
| C3 Bool a
data T2 a
= C4 Int Int a
| C5 [String] a
Is there a way to access the a field without having to pattern match on all variants across all types?
(I ask in the context of defining ASTs & having a neat way of accessing node-specific information)
A Minor Technical Detail
At the boring super-technical level, no. There is no way to access the fields of a constructor without pattern matching. Pattern matching is the primitive operation that causes the constructor to be evaluated. Before that, the fields don't even necessarily exist (thanks to non-strict evaluation).
Some Options That Might Be Useful
But you probably didn't mean that low-level question. You probably want a way to work with these data types without constantly writing pattern matches. And that can be done. It's just a matter of writing some functions. Which functions, though? ...that can be interesting.
You can write simple accessor functions:
t1ToA :: T1 a -> a
t1ToA (C1 _ x) = x
t1ToA (C2 _ x) = x
t1ToA (C3 _ x) = x
t2ToA :: T2 a -> a
t2ToA (C4 _ _ x) = x
t2ToA (C5 _ x) = x
Don't automatically reject this approach. Sure, it's a bit hungry on namespace because you need a different function name for each type. On the other hand, it's really good for readability and type inference. There's nothing magical anywhere. You might write some matching setter and modifier functions as well.
If you find that's getting to be too namespace hungry when you have various set and modify functions added in, you could use the van Laarhoven trick:
t1A :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> T1 a -> f (T1 a)
t1A g (C1 x y) = C1 x <$> g y
t1A g (C2 x y) = C2 x <$> g y
t1A g (C3 x y) = C3 x <$> g y
t2A :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> T2 a -> f (T2 a)
t2A g (C4 x y z) = C4 x y <$> g z
t2A g (C5 x y) = C5 x <$> g y
This representation lets you do reading and updating from the same type, though it is awkward without some helper functions. This is the representation used by libraries like lens, which provide you a huge number of those helper functions. But maybe you don't want to worry about learning how to work with this representation. I'm going to assume this isn't really what you're looking for and not even go into the details of how those helper functions work. But at a high level, they make clever use of specific types for f like Identity and Const a.
An option if you are willing to give up some type inference in order to reduce namespace use is to go for some sort of ad-hoc class:
class ToA f where
toA :: f a -> a
instance ToA T1 where
toA (C1 _ x) = x
toA (C2 _ x) = x
toA (C3 _ x) = x
instance ToA T2 where
toA :: T2 a -> a
toA (C4 _ _ x) = x
toA (C5 _ x) = x
You could choose to combine this with the van Laarhoven encoding, for what it's worth. This would minimize the amount of namespace you grab, but requiring some additional helpers for the sake of using them easily.
There are a few other options that you might be able to work with, like using less ad-hoc tools GHC provides. Data and Generic are different classes you could work with where GHC gives you a lot of the tools already. But these tend to be very complex to pick up the first time around.
But Maybe There's a Better Solution
There's one last option that is actually the one I would recommend in most cases. Refactor your data types so the shared values aren't duplicated.
data WithA t a = WithA t a
data T1
= C1 String
| C2 Int
| C3 Bool
And so on. Or however you might choose to refactor it. The important part is that the shared field is lifted out of the sum type, and is just always present. I think that this often ends up working the best. It often communicates what you mean better. When you have 3 constructors which each have a field of the same type it's not immediately obvious that that field should be seen as interchangeable between the constructors, even when the datatype is polymorphic over that field's type. But if it's a single field outside of the multiple constructors it is immediately obvious that it's always the same thing. Don't underestimate the communication value that provides for all future maintainers of the code.
Carl already mentioned a few alternatives. For completeness, let me add that using records allows one to use a common field name for all constructors, and that in turn allows to get/set the common field.
data T a
= K1 { foo :: a, oth1 :: Int }
| K2 { foo :: a, oth2 :: String }
get :: T a -> a
get = foo
set :: T a -> a -> T a
set t x = t{foo = x}
I am not a huge fan of this approach since other fields like oth1, oth2 become partial functions. I would rather refactor the type as Carl showed (the WithA example).
Disclaimer: I am new to working with haskell.
I am working with proving logical formulas in haskell. I have trouble understanding how to work with newtypes and datas properly.
I have defined the following types to represent logical formulas that have the structure: (a or b or c) and (d or e) and (f) etc.
data Literal x = Literal x | Negation x
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Or x = Or [Literal x]
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype And x = And [Or x]
deriving (Show, Eq)
I want to write a function that can filter on the literals (i.e. take out certain a b or c based on some condition). Naively I thought this should be similar to filtering on [[Literal x]] but I cannot seem to get it to work.
My current method is something like:
filterLit :: Eq x => And x -> And x
filterLit = map (\(Or x) -> (filter (\(Lit l) -> condition l) x))
This doesn't type. I feel like I'm missing some syntax rules here. Let me know if you have suggestions on how I should approach it.
\(Or x) -> filter (\(Lit l) -> condition l) x
Let's check the type of this function.
The domain must have type Or x. That's OK.
The codomain is the result of filter, hence it is a list. Let's only write [....] for that.
Hence, the function is Or x -> [....].
If we map that, we get [Or x] -> [[....]]. This is not the same as the claimed type And x -> And x -- a type error is raised.
First, you want your lambda to have type Or x -> Or x. For that, you can use \(Or x) -> Or (filter .....).
Then, you want filterLit to be something like
filterLit (And ys) = And (map ....)
so that it has the right type.
Following the answer in https://stackoverflow.com/a/26084087/8142021
I used the following haskell code to define a Modal Logic with GADTs.
data Plain
data Mod
data Formula t where
Prop :: {propName :: String} -> Formula t
Neg :: Formula t -> Formula t
Conj :: Formula t -> Formula t -> Formula t
Disj :: Formula t -> Formula t -> Formula t
Impl :: Formula t -> Formula t -> Formula t
BiImpl :: Formula t -> Formula t -> Formula t
MyModality :: Formula Mod -> Formula Mod
type PlainFormula = Formula Plain
type ModalFormula = Formula Mod
Is there a way to change the type of a PlainFormula to a ModalFormula? Since PlainFormula is a subset of Modal Formula, I tried to define the following injection but it did not work.
toModal :: PlainFormula -> ModalFormula
toModal f = f
I have function f, which I want to augment with function g, resulting in function named h.
By "augment", in the general case, I mean: transform either input (one or more arguments) or output (return value) of function f.
By "augment", in the specific case, (specific to my current situation) I mean: transform only the output (return value) of function f while leaving all the arguments intact.
By "transparent", in the context of "augmentation", (both the general case and the specific case) I mean: To couple g's implementation as loosely to f's implementation as possible.
Specific case
In my current situation, this is what I need to do:
h a b c = g $ f a b c
I am interested in rewriting it to something like this:
h = g . f -- Doesn't type-check.
Because from the perspective of h and g, it doesn't matter what arguments f take, they only care about the return value, hence it would be tight coupling to mention the arguments in any way. For instance, if f's argument count changes in the future, h will also need to be changed.
So far
I asked lambdabot on the #haskell IRC channel: #pl h a b c = g $ f a b c to which I got the response:
h = ((g .) .) . f
Which is still not good enough since the number of (.)'s is dependent on the number of f's arguments.
General case
I haven't done much research in this direction, but erisco on #haskell pointed me towards http://matt.immute.net/content/pointless-fun which hints to me that a solution for the general case could be possible.
So far
Using the functions defined by Luke Palmer in the above article this seems to be an equivalent of what we have discussed so far:
h = f $. id ~> id ~> id ~> g
However, it seems that this method sadly also suffers from being dependent on the number of arguments of f if we want to transform the return value of f -- just as the previous methods.
Working example
In JavaScript, for instance, it is possible to achieve transparent augmentation like this:
function h () { return g(f.apply(this, arguments)) }
How can a function be "transparently augmented" in Haskell?
I am mainly interested in the specific case, but it would be also nice to know how to handle the general case.
You can sort-of do it, but since there is no way to specify a behavior for everything that isn't a function, you'll need a lot of trivial instances for all the other types you care about.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DefaultSignatures #-}
class Augment a where
type Result a
type Result a = a
type Augmented a r
type Augmented a r = r
augment :: (Result a -> r) -> a -> Augmented a r
default augment :: (a -> r) -> a -> r
augment g x = g x
instance Augment b => Augment (a -> b) where
type Result (a -> b) = Result b
type Augmented (a -> b) r = a -> Augmented b r
augment g f x = augment g (f x)
instance Augment Bool
instance Augment Char
instance Augment Integer
instance Augment [a]
-- and so on for every result type of every function you want to augment...
> let g n x ys = replicate n x ++ ys
> g 2 'a' "bc"
> let g' = augment length g
> g' 2 'a' "bc"
> :t g
g :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
> :t g'
g' :: Int -> a -> [a] -> Int
Well, technically, with just enough IncoherentInstances you can do pretty much anything:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies,
FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
class Augment a b f h where
augment :: (a -> b) -> f -> h
instance (a ~ c, h ~ b) => Augment a b c h where
augment = ($)
instance (Augment a b d h', h ~ (c -> h')) => Augment a b (c -> d) h where
augment g f = augment g . f
-- Usage
t1 = augment not not
r1 = t1 True
t2 = augment (+1) (+)
r2 = t2 2 3
t3 = augment (+1) foldr
r3 = t3 (+) 0 [2,3]
The problem is that the real return value of something like a -> b -> c isn't
c, but b -> c. What you want require some kind of test that tells you if a type isn't
a function type. You could enumerate the types you are interested in, but that's not so
nice. I think HList solve this problem somehow, look at the paper. I managed to understand a bit of the solution with overlapping instances, but the rest goes a bit over my head I'm afraid.
JavaScript works, because its arguments are a sequence, or a list, so there is just one argument, really. In that sense it is the same as a curried version of the functions with a tuple representing the collection of arguments.
In a strongly typed language you need a lot more information to do that "transparently" for a function type - for example, dependent types can express this idea, but require the functions to be of specific types, not a arbitrary function type.
I think I saw a workaround in Haskell that can do this, too, but, again, that works only for specific types, which capture the arity of the function, not any function.
The problem:
Currently I have a type WorkConfig, which looks like this
data WorkConfig = PhaseZero_wc BuildConfig
| PhaseOne_wc BuildConfig Filename (Maybe XMLFilepath)
| PhaseTwo_wc String
| SoulSucker_wc String
| ImageInjector_wc String
| ESX_wc String
| XVA_wc String
| VNX_wc String
| HyperV_wc String
| Finish_wc String
deriving Show
(I'm using String from PhaseTwo_wc on as a placeholder for what will actually be used)
I have a function updateConfig that takes a WorkConfig as one of it's parameters.
The problem is that I want to be able to enforce which constructor is used.
For example in the function phaseOne I want to be able to guarantee that when updateConfig is invoked, only the PhaseTwo_wc constructor can be used.
In order to use a type class for this enforcement, I would have to make separate data constructors, for example:
data PhaseOne_wc = PhaseOne_wc BuildConfig Filename (Maybe XMLFilepath)
If I go this route, I have another problem to solve. I have other data types that have WorkConfig as a value, what would I do to address this? For example,
type ConfigTracker = TMVar (Map CurrentPhase WorkConfig)
How can I use the type system for the enforcement I would like, while keeping in mind what I mentioned above?
ConfigTracker would have to be able to know which data type I wanted.
* Clarification:
I'm looking to restrict which WorkConfig that updateConfig may take as a parameter.
Your question was a little vague, so I will answer in the general.
If you have a type of the form:
data MyType a b c d e f g = C1 a b | C2 c | C3 e f g
... and you want some function f that works on all three constructors:
f :: MyType a b c d e f g -> ...
... but you want some function g that works on just the last constructor, then you have two choices.
The first option is to create a second type embedded within C3:
data SecondType e f g = C4 e f g
... and then embed that within the original C3 constructor:
data MyType a b c d e f g = C1 a b | C2 c | C3 (SecondType e f g)
... and make g a function of SecondType:
g :: SecondType e f g -> ...
This only slightly complicates the code for f as you will have to first unpack C3 to access the C4 constructor.
The second solution is that you just make g a function of the values stored in the C3 constructor:
g :: e -> f -> g -> ...
This requires no modification to f or the MyType type.
To be more concrete and drive the discussion, how close does this GADT & Existential code get to what you want?
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DeriveDataTypeable, ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Maybe
data Phase0 deriving(Typeable)
data Phase1 deriving(Typeable)
data Phase2 deriving(Typeable)
data WC :: * -> * where
Phase0_ :: Int -> WC Phase0
Phase1_ :: Bool -> WC Phase1
deriving (Typeable)
deriving instance Show (WC a)
data Some = forall a. Typeable a => Some (WC a)
deriving instance Show Some
things :: [Some]
things = [ Some (Phase0_ 6) , Some (Phase1_ True) ]
do'phase0 :: WC Phase0 -> WC Phase1
do'phase0 (Phase0_ i) = Phase1_ (even i)
-- Simplify by using TypeRep of the Phase* types as key
type M = Map.Map TypeRep Some
updateConfig :: forall a. Typeable a => WC a -> M -> M
updateConfig wc m = Map.insert key (Some wc) m
where key = typeOf (undefined :: a)
getConfig :: forall a. Typeable a => M -> Maybe (WC a)
getConfig m = case Map.lookup key m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Some wc) -> cast wc
where key = typeOf (undefined :: a)
-- Specialization of updateConfig restricted to taking Phase0
updateConfig_0 :: WC Phase0 -> M -> M
updateConfig_0 = updateConfig
-- Example of processing from Phase0 to Phase1
process_0_1 :: WC Phase0 -> WC Phase1
process_0_1 (Phase0_ i) = (Phase1_ (even i))
main = do
print things
let p0 = Phase0_ 6
m1 = updateConfig p0 Map.empty
m2 = updateConfig (process_0_1 p0) m1
print m2
print (getConfig m2 :: Maybe (WC Phase0))
print (getConfig m2 :: Maybe (WC Phase1))
print (getConfig m2 :: Maybe (WC Phase2))
Sorry, this is more of an extended comment than an answer. I'm a little confused. It sounds like you have some functions like
phaseOne = ...
... (updateConfig ...) ...
phaseTwo = ...
... (updateConfig ...) ...
and you're trying to make sure that eg, inside the definition of phaseOne, this never appears:
phaseOne = ...
... (updateConfig $ PhaseTwo_wc ...) ...
But now I ask you: is updateConfig a pure (non-monadic) function? Because if it is, than phaseOne can easily be perfectly correct and still invoke updateConfig with a PhaseTwo_wc; ie it could just throw away the result (and even if it's monadic too):
phaseOne = ...
... (updateConfig $ PhaseTwo_wc ...) `seq` ...
In other words, I'm wondering if the constraint you're trying to enforce is really the actual property you are looking for?
But now, if we're thinking of monads, there is a common pattern that what you describe is sort of like: making "special" monads that limit the kind of actions that can be performed; eg
data PhaseOneMonad a = PhaseOnePure a | PhaseOneUpdate BuildConfig Filename (Maybe XMLFilepath) a
instance Monad PhaseOneMonad where ...
Is this maybe what you're getting at? Note also that PhaseOneUpdate doesn't take a WorkConfig; it just takes the constructor parameters it is interested in. This is another common pattern: you can't constrain which constructor is used, but you can just take the arguments directly.
Hm... still not sure though.