Translating source field of pivot table - excel

I have a pivot table where source data headers are written in german. Is there a way to translate data in pivot table in such a way, that I only translate headers in source sheet?
Of course if it was a problem of one table I could do it manually, but I have more than 50 different tables based on the source data.
One idea is to run VBA script to update all the fileds but is there a better solution?
Thank you for any hints

You could do this with the Google translate webservice.
Just loop through the headers and then return the English translation.


Generate a table in word using excel data

Data in this list is required to be formatted in a table in MS Word so I can make a simple catalog with similar to this I have a long list of items so I need a faster and easier way to prepare the catalog, I intend to save it as a PDF afterwards, by placing company logo in page header. Any easier way to do this without having to pay for a catalog service is much appreciated
You can simply take the whole table from excel to word by selecting the whole table in excel then copying it and pasting it in the word file.
Another way is to create a table in the word file having exact number of rows and columns in your excel table. And than pasting the excel table data to the word table.
I hope this helps you.

Excel - Create an indented hierarchy list from a source data set

I'm trying to create an indented hierarchy list in Excel from a source data set.
The source data set has 3 levels (department, municipality and city).
I tried many different formula but honestly I cannot find the right system. Actually it's not even a matter of formula, what I'm missing here it's logic, honestly.
It would be easy to do it manually but since I have more 8000 rows it would be also pretty time consuming.
This is the format of the source data:
And this is what I'd like to achieve:
Any suggestion on how to proceed would be very appreciated.
Create a pivot table with your categories in the row field and any
of them additionally as a data field.
Change the report layout to Outline form
Copy / Paste Values
I was able to accomplish this with a pivot table...

Pivot table in Excel

after googling my specific inquiry online, I haven't found much luck. Basically what I'm trying to do is take a excel file what has lots of columns. Now I'm only interested in some of these columns to be included in a pivot table. Is there a way to automatically create a pivot table, via a script of some sort which will occupy the desired columns in a pivot table that I want to take from the original excel file?
Thank you
The best way to do this for real is to set your file up to make the call to the database and specify that the destination is a pivot table.
How this is done depends greatly on what your data source is. But the functionality to do this is built in to the program without having to use VB at all.

Unwanted duplicate rows in pivot table in Excel

I'm using pivot tables to structure my statistics.
I have recently been making changes to the data set and then created a new pivot table. However, this time there are duplicates in the row labels. For example, there is a duplicate of "1". Before it was 12345678 as row labels, however, currently it is 112345678.
Any idea of what my causing this?
For a pivot table to have information within it, it has to be referencing some data that resembles this... If you can provide a little more information you may get some help but the information provided is very limiting.
Also check out if the data source is all formatted as text or numerics.

Create a Table with data filtered from data in another worksheet

I have a table with 105 columns and around 300 rows in Sheet 1. I need in Sheet 2 a reduced version of the same table, filtered by some column values (not the first column).
I've looked at Pivot Tables but it seems that I can not get the same tabular structure. I have tried with Advanced Filter and I get an error:
"The extract range has a missing or illegal field name".
Could you help?
Microsoft's PowerQuery addin supports this. One of its many sources can be Excel Data-From Table.
I have discovered that one needs to run Advanced Filter from the destination sheet, in an unused place (best over the intended destination, not on it or below it).
You can use the add-in for table-valued functions I developed to make any operations (including filtering, partitioning, aggregation, distribution etc.) on data tables in Excel.
Each table (ListObject in Excel) is an input or output parameter for a table-valued function. You can for example feed three tables as input parameters to a table function which generates some resultant tables.
