why after adding new user , passwordless ssh does not work - linux

I have created passwordless ssh for localhost. I test it and work fine.Now when I create a new user with following command
sudo useradd -d /home/testuser -m -g impadmin impadmin_test
then after if I tri ssh localhost
then it asks for password. can anybody help me what may be the reason behind this.

The issue arrise because when add a user in the same group then it decreases the permissions of .ssh folder and its child files, so after adding new user just increase the permission of .ssh folder by
sudo chmod -R 700 .ssh
Then ssh localhost will work fine


log into server with created user on linux ubuntu

Server provider offered me an option to create ssh connection. I applied pub key generated with putty and I can enter it as a root.
First thing I did was to create a new user with sudo rights.
I opened /etc/ssh/sshd_config and inserted:
AllowUsers my_user
from /root/.ssh/authorized_keys I copy to /home/my_user/.ssh/authorized_keys
I apply
systemctl restart ssh
I try to enter again via putty.
login as: new_user
I get error: server refused our key ... What could be a problem?
could be a permission issue. set keys permission first
chown -R my_user:my_user /home/my_user/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/my_user/.ssh
chmod 600 /home/my_user/.ssh/authorized_keys

authorized_keys ignored for new git user

I want to create an own git server. I started with a root user and here is the following I did:
mkdir /srv/git/project.git
useradd -r -d /srv/git git
passwd git
Now I have a new user git (can log in via su git from my root account).
I want to login via git#mywebsite.com without the use of a password. Right now, it will ask for a password every time.
For root, I have my SSH public key in .ssh/authorized_keys. The key should also work for git. Do I have to add another authorized_keys file for this git user? With my useradd command, I do not create a home directory where I could add it, so where should it go?
Thank you all for your help!
Run sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log and attempt to login once more from a different console. You will see now the lag that should tell you why exactly the login was denied.
In my case there were wrong permissions for the home folder.
You did create a home directory, it just isn't sitting under /home.
Under that directory create a .ssh directory, fix the permissions:
mkdir /srv/git/.ssh
chmod 0700 /srv/git/.ssh
Create a new authorized_keys file with the public key in it, fix the permissions:
vim /srv/git/.ssh/authorized_keys # or method of your choice
chmod 0600 /srv/git/.ssh/authorized_keys

Copy files to different folder without sudo access

I am trying to copy files/directories from one user to another user in a same machine via jenkins.
Suppose there is one file abc.txt in a directory(say /tmp/dist) where user1 has sudo access. I need to copy that file to the directory of (/opt/user2/temp) via jenkins.
I executed these commands in interactive shells after logging in to the server.
sudo -u user2 -s cp /tmp/dist/* /opt/user2/temp
This asks for password prompt and abruptly comes out of terminal and terminates the job.
I also checked if i can remove password prompt by adding password details in /etc/sudoers but to no avail.
sudo visudo
I also tried scp to the destination folder directly but that also was not fruitful.
Tried ssh as well
ssh -t user2#hostname 'sudo -u user2 -s cp /tmp/dist/* user2#hostname:/opt/user2/temp'
edit 1:
Tried changing the owner of the group to the destination folder but it asks for password prompt again.
sudo chown -R user2 /tmp/dist
I expect directory copy from to another folder provided it doesnt asks for password prompt.
Also,I don t have access or can modify /etc/sudoers.

Unable to ssh to remote server

I'm trying to log in to a particular user on my lightsail account via ssh but I get a permission denied (public key) error
Here are the steps I followed(I am on git bash on windows 8)
ssh into my lightsail account via the .pem key provided via aws
ssh -i <key.pem> ubuntu#<public_ip_address>
(I am now logged in to my lightsail server)
sudo adduser user1
sudo touch /etc/sudoers.d/user1
sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/user1
** user1 ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL**
su - user1
sudo mkdir .ssh
sudo touch .ssh/authorized_keys
I open Another shell prompt and do the following
-cat <file_location_of_key>.pub
-copy the contents
paste the contents of the public key created on my local machine
via ssh-keygen
sudo chmod 700 .ssh
sudo chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
sudo service ssh restart
I exit from the lightsail account and try to ssh to the grader user
ssh -i <file_location_of_key> user1#<public_ip_address>
I get the error Permission denied (publickey).
Note: I havn't changed any port setting yet. I’m still trying to connect it to my default port 22
#RickBaker #helloV Thanks for your help. Realised the file was still owned by root. Had to change to ownership of the file to user1. ssh works fine now

How to run remote ssh session from Jenkins with sudo rights?

Using 'Execute shell script on remote host using ssh' option and need sudo rights on remote server to change permissions and remove protected files.
How to run session with this rights?
Getting message
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
when trying to run sudo command.
To run sudo remotely you have 2 options
Allow the user to run sudo commands without a password.
Append username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL the /etc/sudoers file with sudo visudo. Alternatively you can modify this line to only allow certain sudo commands to be run without a password
Use the pseudo-tty to emulate tty remotely and enter your sudo password when requsted.
To do this run ssh -t username#host command_to_execute
If the remote server accepts the direct login of the root user you can simply do:
ssh -l root yourserver command_to_execute
Similar syntax is:
ssh root#yourserver command_to_execute
Mind that allowing the login of the root user via ssh to a remote server isn't always a good solution.
A better solution would be change the owner / permissions to allow a non-root user to modify the protected files.
