How can I get the command that was executed at the command line? - linux

If I call a script this way: -a something -b anotherSomething
Within my script is there a way to get the command that called the script?
In my script on the first line I'm trying to use:
echo $lastCommand
But the result is always null.
If I do echo !! the only thing that prints to the console is !!, but from the command line if I do echo !! I get the last command printed.
I've also tried:
but I'm getting null here as well. Is it because the script is called in a subshell and thus there is no previous command stored in memory for the subshell?

The full command which called the script would be "$0" "$#", that is, the command itself followed by all the arguments quoted. This may not be the exact command which was run, but if the script is idempotent it can be run to get the same result:
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
printf '%q ' "$0" "$#"
printf '\n'
$ ./ -a "foo bar" -b bar
./ -a foo\ bar -b bar

Here's my script
ps --pid $BASHPID -f > $temp
lastCommand=`tail -n 1 $temp | xargs | cut -d ' ' -f 8-`
rm $temp
echo $lastCommand
last=`cat /proc/$$/cmdline | xargs -0`
echo $last


Can't run bash file inside ZSH

I've placed a bash file inside .zshrc and tried all different ways to run it every time I open a new terminal window or source .zshrc but no luck.
FYI: it was working fine on .bashrc
here is .zshrc script:
#Check if ampps is running
bash ~/ & disown
Different approach:
#Check if ampps is running
sh ~/ & disown
Another approach:
#Check if ampps is running
% ~/ & disown
All the above approaches didn't work (meaning it supposes to run an app named ampps but it doesn't in zsh.
Note: It was working fine before switching to zsh from bash. so it does not have permission or syntax problems.
Update: content of
#! /usr/bin/env
echo "########################"
echo "Checking for ampps server to be running:"
check=$(pgrep -f "/usr/local/ampps" )
#[ -z "$check" ] && echo "Empty: Yes" || echo "Empty: No"
if [ -z "$check" ]; then
echo "It's not running!"
cd /usr/local/ampps
echo password | sudo -S ./Ampps
echo "It's running ..."
(1) I believe ~/ is a bash script, so, its first line should be
#! /usr/bin/env
(2) Then, the call in zsh script (~/.zshrc) should be:
(3) Note: ~/ should be executable. Change it to executable:
$ chmod +x ~/
The easiest way to run bash temporarily from a zsh terminal is to
exec bash
or just
Then you can run commands you previously could only run in bash. An example
help exec
To exit
Now you are back in your original shell
If you want to know your default shell
echo $SHELL
set | grep SHELL=
If you want to reliably know your current shell
ps -p $$
Or if you want just the shell name you might use
ps -p $$ | awk "NR==2" | awk '{ print $4 }' | tr -d '-'
And you might just put that last one in a function for later, just know that it is only available if it was sourced in a current shell.
local defaultShell=$(echo $SHELL | tr -d '/bin/')
echo "Default: $defaultShell"
local currentShell=$(ps -p $$ | awk "NR==2" | awk '{ print $4 }' | tr -d '-')
echo "Current: $currentShell"
Call the method to see your results

Linux bash script: share variable among terminal windows

If I do this:
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=KGDB -x bash -c 'VAR1=$(tty);
echo $VAR1; bash'
echo $VAR1
How can I get the last line from this script to work? I.e., be able to access the value of $VAR1 (stored on the new terminal window) from the original one? Currently, while the first echo is working, the last one only outputs an empty line.
The short version is that you can't share the variable. There's no shared channel for that.
You can write it to a file/pipe/etc. and then read from it though.
Something like the following should do what you want:
if _file=$(mktemp -q); then
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=KGDB -x bash -c 'VAR1=$(tty); echo "$VAR1"; declare -p VAR1 > '\'"$_file"\''; bash'
cat "$_file"
. "$_file"
echo "$VAR1"

Close gnome-terminal with specific title from another script/shell command

I need to close a specific gnome-terminal window having a unique name from any other bash/shell script.
$] gnome-terminal --title "myWindow123" -x "watch ls /tmp"
gnome-terminal opened in the name "myWindow123"
All I need is to kill that terminal from my script. Is there expect kind of script support in bash also?
As a contestant for the ugliest hack of the day:
sh$ TERMPID=$(ps -ef |
grep gnome-terminal | grep myWindow123 |
head -1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
sh$ kill $TERMPID
A probably better alternative would be to record the PID of the terminal at launch time, and then kill by that pid:
sh$ gnome-terminal --title "myWindow123" -x "watch ls /tmp"
sh$ echo $! > /path/to/
# Later, in a terminal far, far away
sh$ kill `cat /path/to/`
In the script that starts the terminal:
gnome-terminal --title "myWindow123" --disable-factory -x watch ls /tmp &
echo ${!} > /var/tmp/
In the script that shall slay the terminal:
if [ -f /var/tmp/ ]; then
kill $(cat /var/tmp/ && rm /var/tmp/
It's a bit of an ugly hack, but you can create a wrapper script that takes a nonce as an argument, and then kill that.
cat > ~/ < 'EOF'
#Throw away the nonce, and then run the command given
chmod +x ~/
#Make a random string, so we can kill it later
nonce=`tr -dc '0-9A-Za-z' < /dev/urandom | head -n 10`
gnome-terminal -- ~/ "$nonce" watch ls /tmp
#Kill any command with our nonce as one of its arguments
pkill -f "$nonce"

Saving a command into a variable instead of running it

I'm trying to get the output of the ps command to output to a file, then to use that file to populate a radiolist. So far I'm having problems.
eval "ps -o pid,command">/tmp/process$$
more /tmp/process$$
sed -e '1d' /tmp/process$$ > /tmp/process2$$
while IFS= read -r pid command
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist" $($pid) $($command) "off"
height=`wc -l "/tmp/process$$" | awk '{print $1}'`
width=`wc --max-line-length "/tmp/process$$" | awk '{print $1}'`
echo $height $width
dialog \
--title "Directory Listing" \
--radiolist "Select process to terminate" "$msgboxlist" $(($height+7)) $(($width+4))
So far not only does the while read not split the columns into 2 variables ($pid is the whole line and $command is blank) but when I try to run this the script is trying to run the line as a command. For example:
+ read -r pid command
++ 7934 bash -x line 322: 7934: command not found
+ msgboxlist=
+ off line 322: off: command not found
Basically I have no idea where I'm supposed to be putting quotes, double quotes and backslashes. It's driving me wild.
tl;dr Saving a command into a variable without running it, how?
You're trying to execute $pid and $command as commands:
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist" $($pid) $($command) "off"
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist $pid $command off"
Or use an array:
msgboxlist=() # do this before the while loop
msgboxlist+=($pid $command "off")
# when you need to use the whole list:
echo "${msgboxlist[#]}"
Your script can be refactored by removing some unnecessary calls like this:
ps -o pid=,command= > /tmp/process$$
while read -r pid command
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist $pid $command off"
done < /tmp/process2$$
height=$(awk 'END {print NR}' "/tmp/process$$")
width=$(awk '{if (l<length($0)) l=length($0)} END{print l}' "/tmp/process$$")
dialog --title "Directory Listing" \
--radiolist "Select process to terminate" "$msgboxlist" $(($height+7)) $(($width+4))
I have to admit, I'm not 100% clear on what you're doing; but I think you want to change this:
msgboxlist="$msgboxlist" $($pid) $($command) "off"
to this:
msgboxlist+=("$pid" "$command" off)
which will add the PID, the command, and "off" as three new elements to the array named msgboxlist. You'd then change "$msgboxlist" to "${msgboxlist[#]}" in the dialog command, to include all of those elements as arguments to the command.
Use double quotes when you want variables to be expanded. Use single quotes to disable variable expansion.
Here's an example of a command saved for later execution.
cmd="ls $file" # $file is expanded to readme.txt
echo "$cmd" # ls readme.txt
$cmd # lists readme.txt
Edit adressing the read:
Using read generally reads an entire line. Consider this instead (tested):
ps o pid=,command= | while read line ; do
set $line
echo $pid $command
Also note the different usage of 'ps o pid=,command=' to skip displaying headers.

How to get the command line args passed to a running process on unix/linux systems?

On SunOS there is pargs command that prints the command line arguments passed to the running process.
Is there is any similar command on other Unix environments?
There are several options:
ps -fp <pid>
cat /proc/<pid>/cmdline | sed -e "s/\x00/ /g"; echo
There is more info in /proc/<pid> on Linux, just have a look.
On other Unixes things might be different. The ps command will work everywhere, the /proc stuff is OS specific. For example on AIX there is no cmdline in /proc.
This will do the trick:
xargs -0 < /proc/<pid>/cmdline
Without the xargs, there will be no spaces between the arguments, because they have been converted to NULs.
Full commandline
For Linux & Unix System you can use ps -ef | grep process_name to get the full command line.
On SunOS systems, if you want to get full command line, you can use
/usr/ucb/ps -auxww | grep -i process_name
To get the full command line you need to become super user.
List of arguments
pargs -a PROCESS_ID
will give a detailed list of arguments passed to a process. It will output the array of arguments in like this:
argv[o]: first argument
argv[1]: second..
argv[*]: and so on..
I didn't find any similar command for Linux, but I would use the following command to get similar output:
tr '\0' '\n' < /proc/<pid>/environ
You can use pgrep with -f (full command line) and -l (long description):
pgrep -l -f PatternOfProcess
This method has a crucial difference with any of the other responses: it works on CygWin, so you can use it to obtain the full command line of any process running under Windows (execute as elevated if you want data about any elevated/admin process). Any other method for doing this on Windows is more awkward ( for example ).
Furthermore: in my tests, the pgrep way has been the only system that worked to obtain the full path for scripts running inside CygWin's python.
On Linux
cat /proc/<pid>/cmdline
outputs the commandline of the process <pid> (command including args) each record terminated by a NUL character.
A Bash Shell Example:
$ mapfile -d '' args < /proc/$$/cmdline
$ echo "#${#args[#]}:" "${args[#]}"
#1: /bin/bash
Another variant of printing /proc/PID/cmdline with spaces in Linux is:
cat -v /proc/PID/cmdline | sed 's/\^#/\ /g' && echo
In this way cat prints NULL characters as ^# and then you replace them with a space using sed; echo prints a newline.
Rather than using multiple commands to edit the stream, just use one - tr translates one character to another:
tr '\0' ' ' </proc/<pid>/cmdline
ps -eo pid,args prints the PID and the full command line.
You can simply use:
ps -o args= -f -p ProcessPid
In addition to all the above ways to convert the text, if you simply use 'strings', it will make the output on separate lines by default. With the added benefit that it may also prevent any chars that may scramble your terminal from appearing.
Both output in one command:
strings /proc//cmdline /proc//environ
The real question is... is there a way to see the real command line of a process in Linux that has been altered so that the cmdline contains the altered text instead of the actual command that was run.
On Solaris
ps -eo pid,comm
similar can be used on unix like systems.
On Linux, with bash, to output as quoted args so you can edit the command and rerun it
</proc/"${pid}"/cmdline xargs --no-run-if-empty -0 -n1 \
bash -c 'printf "%q " "${1}"' /dev/null; echo
On Solaris, with bash (tested with 3.2.51(1)-release) and without gnu userland:
IFS=$'\002' tmpargs=( $( pargs "${pid}" \
| /usr/bin/sed -n 's/^argv\[[0-9]\{1,\}\]: //gp' \
| tr '\n' '\002' ) )
for tmparg in "${tmpargs[#]}"; do
printf "%q " "$( echo -e "${tmparg}" )"
done; echo
Linux bash Example (paste in terminal):
## setup intial args
argv=( /bin/bash -c '{ /usr/bin/sleep 10; echo; }' /dev/null 'BEGIN {system("sleep 2")}' "this is" \
"some" "args "$'\n'" that" $'\000' $'\002' "need" "quot"$'\t'"ing" )
## run in background
"${argv[#]}" &
## recover into eval string that assigns it to argv_recovered
printf "argv_recovered=( "
</proc/"${!}"/cmdline xargs --no-run-if-empty -0 -n1 \
bash -c 'printf "%q " "${1}"' /dev/null
printf " )\n"
## do eval
eval "${eval_me}"
## verify match
if [ "$( declare -p argv )" == "$( declare -p argv_recovered | sed 's/argv_recovered/argv/' )" ];
echo MATCH
Solaris Bash Example:
## setup intial args
argv=( /bin/bash -c '{ /usr/bin/sleep 10; echo; }' /dev/null 'BEGIN {system("sleep 2")}' "this is" \
"some" "args "$'\n'" that" $'\000' $'\002' "need" "quot"$'\t'"ing" )
## run in background
"${argv[#]}" &
pargs "${!}"
ps -fp "${!}"
declare -p tmpargs
printf "argv_recovered=( "
IFS=$'\002' tmpargs=( $( pargs "${!}" \
| /usr/bin/sed -n 's/^argv\[[0-9]\{1,\}\]: //gp' \
| tr '\n' '\002' ) )
for tmparg in "${tmpargs[#]}"; do
printf "%q " "$( echo -e "${tmparg}" )"
done; echo
printf " )\n"
## do eval
eval "${eval_me}"
## verify match
if [ "$( declare -p argv )" == "$( declare -p argv_recovered | sed 's/argv_recovered/argv/' )" ];
echo MATCH
If you want to get a long-as-possible (not sure what limits there are), similar to Solaris' pargs, you can use this on Linux & OSX:
ps -ww -o pid,command [-p <pid> ... ]
try ps -n in a linux terminal. This will show:
1.All processes RUNNING, their command line and their PIDs
The program intiate the processes.
Afterwards you will know which process to kill
