I need help if you go to my home page here http://jaboostudios.com/ you can see at the bottom I have set up a table with images at the top with simple roll over behaviors and text below it. What has been driving me batty is why the text is slightly off and not lined up correctly. I also want the text to be even in width so that the images and text will fit perfectly balanced on screen. Make sense? Any help would be greatly appreciated! HTML table code below ...
<table style="width: 100%;">
<table cellspacing="5">
<table cellpadding="15">
<td style="text-align: center;">
<div><img class="size-full wp-image-1430" onmouseover="this.src=' http://jaboostudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/artbuttonrollover.jpg '" onmouseout="this.src=' http://jaboostudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/artbutton.jpg '" alt="artbutton" src="http://jaboostudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/artbutton.jpg" width="200" height="200" /></div></td>
<td><img class="size-full wp-image-1430 aligncenter" onmouseover="this.src=' http://jaboostudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/brandingbuttonrollover.jpg '" onmouseout="this.src=' http://jaboostudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/brandingbutton.jpg '" alt="brandingbutton" src="http://jaboostudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/brandingbutton.jpg" width="200" height="200" /></td>
<td><img class="size-full wp-image-1430 aligncenter" onmouseover="this.src=' http://jaboostudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/webbuttonrollover.jpg '" onmouseout="this.src=' http://jaboostudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/webbutton.jpg '" alt="webbutton" src="http://jaboostudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/webbutton.jpg" width="200" height="200" /></td>
<td style="text-align: center;">
<td style="text-align: center;">
<td style="text-align: center;">
<td style="text-align: justify;">
<h5>Artist Jesse Lewis, of Jaboo Studios, offers a diverse array of artwork. Jesse has primarily created artwork for pet lovers and is known throughout Connecticut for his pet portrait work. He also has many collectors and clients in the field of real estate. Jesse creates one-of-a-kind artwork from recycled materials using acrylic paint on canvas or wood. He uses a combination of techniques, borrowing from street art, pop art, and outsider art. He has a style that is unique, blending these influences. This artwork makes great gifts for the holiday seasons or to add to the decor of any home or office.
Want to talk to Jesse about a project or work of art? You can reach him by phone or email to discuss your project. Feel free to reach out.
P. 203.763.9154
E. Contact#JabooStudios.com
<td style="text-align: justify;">
<h5>Graphic designer, Jesse Lewis, can help a new start up business or individual with their corporate identity. Jesse specializes in logo design, however a logo is not all you need to get your new venture off the ground. He is available to do it all. Logos, business cards, letterheads, and any other graphic design needs. He has created flyers and ads for many local businesses. He would love to work with you and help you on your journey to success. He offers free initial consultation over the phone and his rate is seventy-five dollars an hour to meet and discuss projects in detail. Designing is a process and takes a relationship between the client and the designer. Establishing trust and understanding is the first step to getting great results.
Want to talk to Jesse about a graphic design need? You can reach him by phone or email to discuss your project. Feel free to reach out.
P. 203.763.9154
E. Contact#JabooStudios.com
<td style="text-align: justify;">
<h5>A website can be an overwhelming process. Jesse is here to help you every step of the way, from getting your domain name and hosting, to design and launch of your site. Web designer, Jesse Lewis, has built many websites for local Connecticut businesses and start-ups. Jesse now works in the content management platform and designs with Wordpress. He has found over the years that Wordpress has many great capabilities and their plugin features make site design limitless. Jesse has also created sites using the Dreamweaver platform. He now prefers Wordpress and would encourage you to do the same. Jesse uses Go Daddy to register domain names and hosting. If you do not know how to set up your hosting or domain name on your own, Jesse can help you with setup as well.
Want to talk to Jesse about a website design project? You can reach him by phone or email to discuss your project. Feel free to reach out.
P. 203.763.9154
E. Contact#JabooStudios.com
I actually solved my own issue. The problem was in the td style. My width was set to 100% so I made the td width 33.3% with valign="top">. Now it looks how I want!!! So happy to have this solved was driving me nuts and took two days but happy I figured it out on my own! YAY!
After connecting to the PostgreSql Database and retrieving specific data, some (5) visualisations were made. Instead of publishing each paragraph (Each individual visualisation) to a website, is there a way of publishing the whole report (obtained while viewing the notebook in report view)?
Well, that is quite useful feature. I would welcome something like that.
I was thinking about exactly same thing. I needed to publish 4 simple visualizations at once. After some attempts I found way how to solve this.
As a first step I just created one last paragraph on the end of my notebook which had interpreter displaying HTML. I used pyspark by:
print("""%html ... """)
Then I created simple HTML table layout like this:
<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;" border="1">
<td style="width: 50%;"> </td>
<td style="width: 50%;"> </td>
<td style="width: 50%;"> </td>
<td style="width: 50%;"> </td>
(I am not HTML professional, so I just used HTML generator for this).
After layout was generated, I populated all cells with each paragraph iframe link I needed to display. As example, one cell of table looks like this:
<td style="width: 50%;"><iframe src=LINK_WHICH_YOU_GET_BY_PUBLISHING_PARAGRAPH width="100%" height="400"></iframe></td>
There is more parameters how you can play/tune within that HTML table and with iframes, but it require some HTML skills.
When all cells of the HTML table are populated just try to run the HTML in that very last paragraph of your notebook. If outcome is OK then just publish this lash paragraph and you have one link to your all visualizations.
I'm using Aurelia framework with Material Design Lite via plugin "aurelia-mdl-plugin".
I have the following markup:
<table class="mdl-data-table mdl-js-data-table mdl-data-table--selectable mdl-shadow--2dp">
<th class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">Name</th>
<tr repeat.for="s of items">
<td class="mdl-data-table__cell--non-numeric">${s.name}</td>
This markup represents a list of items that are selectable - each of them gets a checkbox with ability to select + the list gets "select all" check box in the header.
The problem is that since this additional markup with checkboxes is generated by MDL I can't really bind to it.
If I had a checkbox manually inserted I would do something like:
<input type="checkbox" checked.bind="s.IsChecked" />
Is there any way to fix this?
PS> I don't think it's necessarily Aurelia specific. Most likely I would have the same problem in Angular or other library..
The mdl team officially deprecated automatic checkbox insertion. So now you should write them down manually, which would solve your binding issue.
See this link: https://github.com/google/material-design-lite/wiki/Deprecations#automatic-selection-checkboxes
I've got a basic list of users with some roles & features and am using qlist to display them how I want on the main page. The only problem is that I cannot get the Lync presence indicator to work with a Custom Display.
If I just use the default Sharepoint List View or the Quest 'Display Fields' one without custom display, it's fine but I cannot get the presence indicator to work using custom. I'm really hoping that I'm missing something super simple...
The normal Display Field looks like this (tickbox for 'Enable Presence' checked) and the Lync indicator is there:
<Fields LookupThresholdControlSetting="Default">
<Field Name="Name" Presence="true" GroupExpanded="false" />
<Field Name="Responsible for..." />
The bit of my custom display that's not working so well is here (pulling some other fields too but they're fine). The Lync indicator doesn't appear:
<td valign="top" style="font-size:14px; padding:2px;">
<%Job Title%><br>
<%Telephone Number%><br>
<%Responsible for...%>
</a> </td>
I have a workaround that displays the indicator (non-custom display) but I don't like it so would like to have my custom one.
Can anyone tell me if adding the equivalent of Presence="true" is possible with a Custom Display? The name field is pulling AD details with Lync presence.
I have come a little further with this and now have a Lync icon appearing with the correct details etc...but it's showing everyone as offline (unless hovered over in which case it's fine..)
<td valign="top" style="font-size:14px; padding:2px;">
<img src="/_layouts/images/imnhdr.gif" onload="IMNRC('<%EMail%>')" id="<%ID%>" name="imnmark<%ID%>" ShowofflinePawn = "1" border="0" height="12" valign="middle" /><%Name%><br>
<%Job Title%><br>
<%Telephone Number%><br>
<%Responsible for...%>
FIXED - Dell Forums came through with a solution.
<td valign="top" style="font-size:14px; padding:2px;">
<span><img src="/_layouts/images/imnhdr.gif" onload="IMNRC('<%EMail%>')" id="QAIMID<%ID%>" name="imnmark<%ID%>" ShowofflinePawn = "1" border="0" height="12" valign="middle" /><%Name%></span>
<%Job Title%><br>
<%Telephone Number%><br>
<%Responsible for...%>
I am a beginner using Orchard CMS (and web design in general). I'm having trouble styling the output of blog pages on my site. Many of my pages have custom HTML to create a background for text. I would like to re-create this background on all blogs created through the Dashboard.
I've looked all through this site and Google for the past few weeks trying to find information, but I can't find anything substantial that isn't completely over my head.
I removed some information for privacy reasons, but basically the code creates a container where I can place my content. Here is the (revised) code for the background:
<table style="float: right" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="width: 21px;"><img src="src.gif" /></td>
<td style="background-image: url('src.gif'); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: white; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold;">
<span style="float: left">[Redacted]</span>
<span style="float: right">
<script language="javascript">
var dayNames = new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday",
var monthNames = new Array(
var now = new Date();
document.write(dayNames[now.getDay()] + ", " +
monthNames[now.getMonth()] + " " +
now.getDate() + ", " + now.getFullYear());
<td style="width: 21px;"><img src="src.gif" /></td>
<td style="background-image: url('src.gif');"></td>
<td style="background-color: #fcfefc;">
<!-- Content goes here -->
<!-- End Content -->
<td style="background-image: url('src.gif');"></td>
<td><img src="src.gif" /></td>
<td style="src.gif');"></td>
<td><img src="src.gif" /></td>
Here are my questions:
How do I style my blog(s) and every blog page so that all content falls within this container?
How do I change the output of the 'excerpt'? The default length of the blog excerpt cuts off in strange places. I want to be able to control this.
Aside from orchardproject.net, can anyone recommend a good place to find Orchard documentation for beginners? I feel the learning curve is steep for me, but I'm committed to learning Orchard. Can you recommend a good place to start so that I can get a good base for this type of stuff?
I'm quite a beginner, but I'm trying to get better, so please bear with me. I have almost no .Net or C# experience, and my CMS knowledge is basic (Wordpress).
Thanks for reading!
In your theme, override the content.cshtml template so it includes your html instead of what's in the default one. The original template shows how to add zones into which content will get inserted (typically something like #Display(Model.Content).
Override the content summary template. See http://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/archive/2012/07/01/my-body-summary-template-for-orchard.aspx
If I may, I'd like to make some comments on your markup as well:
Table should not be used for layout but only for tabular data.
Inline styles should not be used and should be replaced by styles defined in stylesheets.
That script should not be added inline but rather should be in a separate file, and included using #Script.Include so that if the template is rendered more than once for whatever reason, the script is not added as many times.
The script is polluting the global namespace.
The script is not localizable.
Instead of that client-side script, you should probably use server-side code, which by the way already knows day and month names in all cultures of the world. #DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, MMMM yyyy") should be able to replace that whole script block.
I have the following requirement to fulfill:
I have a view group by "Project" column. Current logged in user need to expand only a project that he/she belongs to (I have a way to get the user's project). The grouped projects have the following forms:
<td nowrap="" class="ms-gb" colspan="100"><img width="0" height="1" alt="" src="/_layouts/images/blank.gif"><a onclick="javascript:ExpCollGroup('1-2_','img_1-2_');return false;" href="javascript:"><img border="0" alt="Expand/Collapse" src="/_layouts/images/plus.gif" id="img_1-2_"></a> <a onclick="javascript:ExpCollGroup('1-2_','img_1-2_');return false;" href="javascript:">Project</a> : Project1 <span style="font-weight: lighter">(2)</span></td>
<td nowrap="" class="ms-gb" colspan="100"><img width="0" height="1" alt="" src="/_layouts/images/blank.gif"><a onclick="javascript:ExpCollGroup('1-3_','img_1-3_');return false;" href="javascript:"><img border="0" alt="Expand/Collapse" src="/_layouts/images/plus.gif" id="img_1-3_"></a> <a onclick="javascript:ExpCollGroup('1-3_','img_1-3_');return false;" href="javascript:">Project</a> : Project2 <span style="font-weight: lighter">(1)</span></td>
Tried the following but disables all project links:
$('td:contains("Project1") td.ms-gb a').removeAttr("onclick").click(function() { return false; });
Also when a user clicks on project that he/she don't have access to, I need to throw out a message "you do not have access to this project...".
All helps are greatly appreciated! Thanks!
to disable the specified project group linke, use this (project1 for ex.):
I haven't found out how to change items links' behavior under a certen group. But, even if we can do that, we still can't prevend unauthorized users to access the project items through url directly. The best solution is to stop those items permission inherit and give access permisson only to those people who supposed to read or write the items.