When creating a new build definition, I cannot see the other solution configuration. I have three solution configurations: debug, test, and release.
In the process tab > 1.required > item to build > configuration to build
I can only see two of the configuration:
Is there something I am miss here?
The dialog would have to load and parse the solution to infer all the possible solution configurations. I suspect here they are just listing the 4 default combinations. As the dialog says, type in the ones that you want if they aren't listed.
I've a list of features files and the list of the related step definitions. Every feature file refers to some specific functionality of the website.
According to some environment variables defined in package.json and representing the theme of the website, I might need to skip entirely some of the feature files (and obviously their step definition), due to missing feature for some specific theme.
To give some code examples:
"test:cy:run:daylight": "PORT=9000 CYPRESS_THEME=daylight cypress run",
"test:cy:run:darkness": "PORT=9001 CYPRESS_THEME=darkness cypress run",
feature files list:
with the relative definitions:
So in case of CYPRESS_THEME=darkness I would like to skip entirely from my testing process the features evening.feature and night.feature
How to do that? Ideas?
This example is with fake data, my real scenarios includes many more features and themes, so unluckily splitting test in different folders or using Cypress tag is not an efficient option.
Another not efficient idea I am thinking of is to put conditionals in every step definition Given, When and Then with the help of the detection of the Cypress.env('THEME') but obviously I would prefer not to follow this approach.
Anything else? Thanks
The correct answer would be to tag the tests and run only specific tags... if such a feature existed. I believe #mosaad is wrong on his second point; the --tag command line parameter merely adds meta data to the run from what I understand. It doesn't restrict which spec files get run.
If I were you I'd just try to get creative with your folder structure. Alternatively you can implement this person's workaround, which seems a bit heavy to me but probably gets the job done.
You can split tests into 2 folders and run only the files in this folder
cypress run --spec "cypress/integration/daylight/**/*"
Or you can use tags and run tests with the correct tag
cypress run --record --tag "daylight"
I'm implementing an app, which uses (kotlin.text.)StringBuilder instances at various points. Since today, I have to double-click the variable name and, after that, double-click 'value' to see the content shown as one character per line (next to 'value', it also says e.g. char[20]). Until yesterday, I was able to see their contents in the variables view of the debugger right after double-clicking the variable name and - what is even more important - in one single string line. I have to compare the content of several instances and therefore cannot work efficiently with this view.
Is there some kind of setting, which needs to be reset? Has anyone else experienced this? Is this an intended behavior or am I the only one having this bug/behavior?
After getting this, I already tried restarting android studio, as well as upgrading all components to the latest version. I also tried creating an entirely new project with only one StringBuilder to rule out any problems in my current project - but, no luck so far.
Any hint would be much appreciated!
You need to add a .toString() call to your string builder to get the value of the string.
I finally figured out the solution to the problem. It was indeed a setting I had to reset. As I did not actively change it, this solution might be useful to others, too.
Via 'Setting > Build, Execution, Deployment > Debugger > Data Views > Java', I found the option 'Enable 'toString()' object view:'. After selecting this option, everything worked again as before.
Thanks to everyone, who tried to figure out the solution!
I'm developing an DSL with jetbrains MPS. It's not obvious to use, but I succeeded so far with the design-part.
It's possible to right-click on a solutions node and "run" it, assuming the language is executable (extends executing.util). Plus I use a seperately developed jar as a library (used by the generator).
I build a new project to test, as simple as possible, added some extra nodes and loops in the generator, the error occures and it can't be undone.
As far as I can see, there are several possible sources of errors.
dependencies (they are tricky in MPS)
my jar
wrong cached files or so
Executing "run" causes the following error:
error: could not find or load main class MySolution.package.map_concept
Has some of you out there experience with this?
Tell me, if there are some extra information that would help.
It seems that you have added the jar file as a model to the language, which makes it invisible for the solution. Following the instructions at https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPSD32/Getting+the+dependencies+right#Gettingthedependenciesright-AddingexternalJavaclassesandjarstoaprojectruntimesolutions and creating a separate library solution worked for me.
To me this looks like a problem of the generator. Have you fully rebuilt the project - right-click on the "project" node in the structure tree?
Is the root mapping template correct? If you can share your project, I can have a look.
A small tip that could have saved me some time and might also solve this problem for someone else, even if you followed the instructions in other answers.
When prompted to add your libraries to modules after including the libraries on Java tab, dismiss the window if you already included them in the first place on the Common tab. Otherwise they are listed once despite having been added twice, leading to a compilation failure.
I'm getting 110 warnings in my build after installing Azure SDK 2.3 that I don't recall seeing before. They are all for the file "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets".
An example of one such warning is:
The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element 'CloudToolsVersion'.
Has anyone else encountered this problem or know the right way to fix it?
Well, it looks like I just needed to close any open editors for msbuild project files to get those to disappear. Other answers I found suggested on the web were to disable schema validation or to extend the schema myself.
Very scary! From your solution and hints from other similar questions, I think I know what's going on: When any build script file (such as a .props) is open in a text editor, it turns on /validate. This is used to see red wavies in the editor and gives the warnings when the project is loaded by any MSBuild task. The schema holds the various element used by the MS targets infrastructure, and doesn't know anything else. I'm not sure what good that is, but there you have it.
I am working with Visual Studio 2012 paired with TFS 2012. Right now I am building a custom workflow template and need to run an if statement to separate two invokeprocess's. The condition for the if statement needs to operate off of which build configuration I am running, I want it to operate like this C code:
if(Configuration == 'Debug')
{//run for debug}
else if(Configuration == 'Release')
{//run for release}
My problem is that I can't find any documentation or help as to how one would go about creating a conditional in workflow, and how I can use my build configuration as a value in this conditional. Hopefully a straight-forward question that someone has some insight on, if any clarification is needed please let me know! Thanks!
To answer your basic question about an "if" in a workflow, open the worflow xaml file in the designer. Go to View > Toolbox. Under the heading "Control Flow" there is an "If" activity that you can drag and drop into your workflow.
A workflow can have multiple projects and solution being built in multiple configurations. The workflow contains an argument, BuildSettings, which has a property called PlatformConfigurations. The default template will loop through all PlatformConfigurations for all projects in the "Compile and Test" sequence. You may just want to grab the platformConfiguration variable in that loop and get the Configuration and put the if either before or after the MSBuild activity or you may need additional logic for specific project you want to act on.