Executing a function over a grouped set - excel

I have two columns of data in Excel, one containing dates and the other values 1 or 2 which represent a specific status (like an enum).
Here is an example data set:
2014/07/04 | 1
2014/07/04 | 1
2014/07/04 | 2
2014/07/04 | 1
2014/07/05 | 2
2014/07/06 | 1
2014/07/06 | 1
2014/07/06 | 2
I need to get a graph of the percentages of the number 1 over days; in the above example
July 4th: 75%
July 5th: 100%
July 6th: 66%.
I've tried pivot tables and charts with no luck because I can't write my own function for values (COUNTIF for ones divided by COUNT), only use the predefined ones which aren't of any use.
Does anyone know how I would go about doing this?

You could do this with a pivot chart.
I made up my own data so it doesn't quite match but it is the same idea.
For the pivot table fields I used
Legend Fields:Compare
Axis Fields:Date
Values: Count of compare
For values under Value field settings goto show value as and change this to % of column total and summarize value by Count.
If you only want to see number one just put a filter on the column labels.


Dynamic sum column in SUMIFS

I have month columns and criteria for rows (Division, measure) and need a way to sum all divisions for a given measure and only return for the reporting month.
INDEX(MATCH) does not work because I need it to sum all Dec-18 absence values, but there are other measures in the columns as well.
My current iteration (array):
But I can't get this to change the summing column based on the month selected.
My last guess is that I need to swap division and month (so division column headers, month rows), but I'd rather not if I'm missing something obvious.
Department | Measure | Nov-18 | Dec-18
Sales | Absence Hours | 3.5 | 4.6
Manu | Absence Hours | 6.2 | 1.7
Sales | Hours worked | 1000 | 976
An alternative solution that does not use array like calculation nor volatile functions.
In the event that either your criteria or date is not found an error will be displayed. You can deal with this by wrapping the whole thing in an IFERROR function and then choose your own error message, display blank or return 0.
=IFERROR(SUMIF($B$2:$B$4,$F2,INDEX($C$2:$D$4,0,MATCH(G$1,$C$1:$D$1,0))),"NOT FOUND")
Also, if you wish to further breakdown your results but "department" and by "measure", then you could us SUMIFS which allows you to set multiple criteria instead of 1
Maybe something like this would work?

How to calculate values dynamically from Excel table

I have a programming issue in Excel that I don't know how to solve it. I want to create an automatic Delivery Cost Program on Excel that will help me calculating the cost more easily.
The input variables are:
Quantity (Values for 1, 2-9,10-49,50+ and more)
Shipping method
Depending on the Quantity Value and Shipping method, Excel should lookup on the table and return the total shipping cost according the following Table:
Delivery | Per shipment fee
| 1 2-9 10-49 50+
Standard | 2,99 1,89 1,5 1,1
Expedited | 5,99 2 1,75 1,25
Priority | 10,99 3,39 2,25 1,35
Let me show you with some examples what I want to get:
1- Example:
- Quantity: 15
- Delivery: Expedited
- Total Cost = 15 * 1,75 = 26,25$
1,75$ is the returned value after looking on the table using the variable Quantity and Shipping Method.
I have tested doing =IF statements but sure that there is an easier way to do it.
I'm not very good on Excel programming so any help will be appreciated
Best regards and have a great day!
Assuming that your table has the delivery types in column A in rows 4 through 6 and that the quantities are in row 3 (columns B through E) the following formula should do it for you:
=INDEX(B4:E6,MATCH(B9,A4:A6,0),MATCH(C9,B3:E3,1)) * Quantity
Note, that the quantities in row 3 must be a number. So, the numbers should be 1, 2, 10, and 50 and not 1, 2-9, 10-59, 50+. There are two possibilities to achieve that:
Create a helper row and hide it (while only showing the row with the "names" as you wish for.
Change the number format on these cells: for the column containing the 2 the number format should then be "2-9" (custom number format). For the number 10 the number format would be "10-49" and the number format for the last column would be "50+". Like this you see what you wan to see while the cells still contain numbers only (for the upper formula to work correctly).

Percentage of Sum of two Pivot cells

I'm trying to work out a small problem with my excel Pivot table. I have data from a Excel Sheet which i have made a Pivot table of. The data is structured as below
Name | Count Cell1 | Sum of Cell 2 |
Eric | 25 | 5 |
Sam | 5 | 1 |
Joe | 10 | 5 |
What i want to have is a formula that takes the Count of Cell 1 and divide it by Sum of Cell 2 and display it in % like the example below.
Name | Count Cell1 | Sum of Cell 2 | Difference|
Eric | 25 | 5 | 20% |
Sam | 5 | 1 | 20% |
Joe | 10 | 5 | 50% |
All formulas i have tried only uses the original Table cells and not the sums of them.
So is there a smart way to have a formula lookup inside of a pivot table and display it in %?
In your Pivot Table, you can enter a calculated field to do what you want.
Select somewhere in your pivot table (e.g. one of the Sum of Cell2 fields)
In the PivotTable Tools > Options ribbon, in the Calculations section, click Fields, Items & Sets and from there pick Calculated Field
Change the name to Difference and the Formula =Cell2/Cell1
In the Field Settings for that field, change the Custom Name to Difference and Number Format to Percentage
EDIT - question updated for Count & Sum
So, as far as I can see, trying to do the combination of Sum/Count really upsets it... the only workaround I could find was adding a helper column in the data source with just the number 1... in that way, the sum of that gives you the count, and so the Calculated Field can be Cell2/HelperColumn -horrible!

Pivot table to return the FIRST value in a range

Glad to be joining the forum.
My question deals with attempting to return the FIRST value that occurs over several columns of data, using a pivot table that is filtered within a narrow time range. My current pivot table works by counting values in each column over the time rows. However I'm really only interested in the FIRST value that I come across for each person. So the raw looks something like this:
1 | 1 | 1 | 0
1 | 2 | 1 | 0
2 | 1 | 1 | 0
2 | 2 | 0 | 1
What I currently get for a pivot using a range of time1 to time 2 is
1 | |2 | 0
2 | |1 | 1
Clearly, the time range I select includes MULTIPLE values in the same column, leading to counts of >1. What I'm thinking is that there is a way to use the same time sorting, but count only the FIRST time a value occurs in that variable, so that the pivot reports only the first time a value occurs within the range for the variables of interest.
Is there a simple way, or am I going to have to do this in VBA?
Much appreciated for any and all help. This is my first more complicated attempt with the newer pivots.
This is probably not the problem you would want to solve using a pivot table. You could just use the VLOOKUP Excel function to solve this issue in a simple way. VLOOKUP will always return the first value in the lookup range that matches the lookup value.

Custom Formula for Grand Total column

I have a frequent problem where the formula I want to use in the Values area in my Pivot-Table is different than the formula I want to use for the Grand Total column of that row. I typically want to Sum the Values but I want to average the Sums. Here is what I normally would get if I pivoted the dates on the Column Labels, Meat Type on the Row Labels, and Sum Orders in the Values.
Row Lables | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Grand Total
Beef | 100 | 105 | 102 | 307
Chicken | 200 | 201 | 202 | 603
I get sums by day and a sum of all of the days in the Grand Total column. Here is what I want to have:
Row Lables | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Grand Total (Avg of Day Totals)
Beef | 100 | 105 | 102 | 102.3
Chicken | 200 | 201 | 202 | 201.0
In this case the Orders are still summed by day but the Grand Total is now an average of the sums. What I do now is copy and paste the Pivot data onto a seperate sheet then calculate the averages. If there was a way to do this with a custom Grand Total column it would be incredible. This is one of the biggest shortcomings of Pivot Tables for me but I'm hoping it is due to my ignorance, which it often is. Thanks for the help!
You can write a measure that checks the number of 'rows' in a particular filter context and nest that in an IF() to determine which to use.
If using PowerPivot V2 then it's:
If using PowerPivot V1 it's:
Both do the same thing in that they assess the number of rows in the table in the given context and when the Meat Type is 'Beef' then the temporarily filtered table has one row. If it doesn't have one row then its going down the path of the AVERAGE()
This assumes your column headers 'Days' are in a table called Calendar (if you aren't using a separate Calendar table then you are missing the most powerful functionality of PowerPivot IMO).
I can't think of a "good" way, but here's one option. Add the Amount field to the data area a second time and change the operation to Average. Then use conditional formatting to hide the averages in the data area and hide the sums in the total area.
You might be better off just using some array formulas in a do-it-yourelf pivot table. You lose the pivot table benefits, but get more flexibility with the data.
