Draw2d js: How can I keep the ports on the top of the figure? - draw2d-js

After reading a lot in order to manipulate the position of the ports, I found another problem: when I select a port that is positioned below the figure, as shown in the images.
My question is: How can I keep the ports on the top of the figure?
This is my code:
var leftLocator = new draw2d.layout.locator.InputPortLocator();
var rightLocator = new draw2d.layout.locator.OutputPortLocator();
leftLocator.relocate = function(index, figure) {
var width = figure.getParent().getWidth();
var height = figure.getParent().getHeight();
var x = width / 4;
var y = height / 2;
figure.setPosition(x, y);
rightLocator.relocate = function(index, figure) {
var width = figure.getParent().getWidth();
var height = figure.getParent().getHeight();
var x = width * 3 / 4;
var y = height / 2;
figure.setPosition(x, y);
elemento.createPort("input", leftLocator);
elemento.createPort("output", rightLocator);

I found a solution using the "toFront" method at onDragStart event:
OutputPortFigure = draw2d.OutputPort.extend({
NAME: 'OutputPortFigure',
init: function() { ... },
onMouseEnter: function() { ... },
onMouseLeave: function() { ... },
onDragStart: function(x, y, shiftKey, ctrlKey) {
this._super(x, y, shiftKey, ctrlKey);

I was having the same problem with some of my figures.
I found a solution that can help but it's not the best one i think.
I create a hidden figure that holds the Ports (Implement repaint method to re-size the child figure when the parent one changes)
var Hidden = draw2d.SetFigure.extend({
NAME: "Hidden",
init : function()
this.addPort(new draw2d.InputPort('port1'), new draw2d.layout.locator.InputPortLocator());
this.addPort(new draw2d.OutputPort('port2'), new draw2d.layout.locator.OutputPortLocator());
onDoubleClick: function(){
var Test = draw2d.SetFigure.extend({
NAME: "Test",
init : function()
this.hidden = new Hidden();
this.addFigure(this.hidden, new draw2d.layout.locator.CenterLocator(this));
this.addFigure(this.label, new draw2d.layout.locator.CenterLocator(this));
this.tooltip = null;
repaint: function(attributes){
if(this.hidden != undefined) this.hidden.setDimension(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
onDoubleClick: function(){
if you have a better solution i'll be happy to see it :)
i discovered this when i was implementing a figure that can have a loop connexion


Only sprites can be added to a group although it's a sprite

I'm trying to make a sketch in which a sprite animation appears when I click on another sprite. It appears on the middle of the screen and it should be able to be pushed by the mouse which also has a sprite attached to it.
As soon as I want to add the appearing-onMousePressed sprites to a group or to the mouseBlock.displace(), I get an error saying "Uncaught Error: overlap can only be checked between sprites or groups". I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Is it because the sprites are created through a function? Or is my order of things wrong? Please help me.
var movingBlocks;
var mouseBlock;
var bb1;
var b1;
function preload() {
mouseBlock = loadImage('mouse.png');
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
mouseBlock = createSprite(200,200);
mouseBlock.addAnimation('normal', 'mouse.png');
movingBlocks = new Group()
var b1 = createSprite(windowWidth-200,100);
b1.addAnimation('normal', 'stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0000.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0001.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0002.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0003.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0004.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0005.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0006.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0007.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0008.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0009.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0010.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0009.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0008.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0007.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0006.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0005.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0004.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0003.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0002.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0001.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0000.png');
b1.scale = 0.15;
b1.onMousePressed= function() {
var bb1 = createSprite(windowWidth/2,windowHeight/2);
bb1.addAnimation('normal', 'stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0000.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0001.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0002.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0003.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0004.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0005.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0006.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0007.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0008.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0009.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0010.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0009.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0008.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0007.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0006.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0005.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0004.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0003.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0002.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0001.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0000.png');
bb1.scale = 0.4;
// movingBlocks.add(bb1);
function draw() {
mouseBlock.position.x = mouseX;
mouseBlock.position.y = mouseY;
// mouseBlock.displace(bb1);
I've found it! I needed to change things about the order of my code. The place where I add a sprite to a group had to be relocated and then I could say mouseBlock.displace(movingBlocks);
var movingBlocks;
var mouseBlock;
var bb1;
var b1;
function preload() {
mouseBlock = loadImage('mouse.png');
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
mouseBlock = createSprite(200,200);
mouseBlock.addAnimation('normal', 'mouse.png');
movingBlocks = new Group()
var b1 = createSprite(windowWidth-200,100);
b1.addAnimation('normal', 'stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0000.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0001.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0002.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0003.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0004.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0005.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0006.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0007.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0008.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0009.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0010.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0009.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0008.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0007.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0006.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0005.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0004.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0003.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0002.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0001.png','stamps/static/BB1/1BuildingBlock0000.png');
b1.scale = 0.15;
b1.onMousePressed= function() {
var bb1 = createSprite(windowWidth/2,windowHeight/2);
bb1.addAnimation('normal', 'stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0000.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0001.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0002.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0003.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0004.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0005.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0006.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0007.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0008.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0009.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0010.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0009.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0008.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0007.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0006.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0005.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0004.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0003.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0002.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0001.png','stamps/move/BB1Move/1BBMove0000.png');
bb1.scale = 0.4;
// mouseBlock.displace(bb1);
function draw() {
mouseBlock.position.x = mouseX;
mouseBlock.position.y = mouseY;
// for(var i=0; i<allSprites.length;i++){
// var block1 = allSprites[i];
// }

Is there is any way to clear the previous setInterval before firing new one

This is a code to run swiper slider and when the slides move or on slide change, I fire a move function which fires a setInterval method to a progress line above the slider to increase its width to be 100%, but when I swipe the slider before the autoplay time ends it run the function move again and this new function fire a new setInterval unless the old one still not finish yet, so I have a two setintervals conflict here.
I need anyway to clear the old one however if its time does not end yet.
I hope you understand and know where is the issue exactly.
Finally thanks, and Sorry for my English :)
there is a link under the code kindly see it
var autoplay = 5000;
var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
pagination: '.swiper-pagination',
paginationClickable: true,
watchSlidesProgress: true,
autoplay: autoplay,
onProgress: move
function move() {
var elem = document.getElementById("progress");
var width = 1;
var autoplayTime = autoplay / 100;
var id = setInterval(frame, autoplayTime);
function frame() {
if (width >= 100) {
} else {
elem.style.width = width + '%';
link => https://codepen.io/shady-agmy/pen/OJVmNPw?editors=1010
you're clearing the frame interval just right on the animation, but you are not clearing the animation interval on each subsequent call to move
var autoplay = 5000;
var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
pagination: '.swiper-pagination',
paginationClickable: true,
watchSlidesProgress: true,
autoplay: autoplay,
onProgress: move
var previousid;
function move() {
var elem = document.getElementById("progress");
var width = 1;
var autoplayTime = autoplay / 100;
previousid = setInterval(function(_id) { return function() {
if (width >= 100) {
} else {
elem.style.width = width + '%';
}}(previousid), autoplayTime);

Make zoom images slideshow on canvas

i am trying to making zoomin images slideshow using pixijs on canvas from three images like this
I tried but not succeed. My question in how to add zoomin or zoomout image in pixijs for specific width and height, then second image and so on.
I am writing this code
var pixiapp;
var pixiloader = PIXI.Loader.shared;
function initpixiapp() {
pixiapp = new PIXI.Application({ width: 1280, height: 720 });
function handleimagesload() {
var imagessprites=[]
var img1 = new PIXI.Sprite(pixiloader.resources['images/img1.png'].texture);
var img2 = new PIXI.Sprite(pixiloader.resources['images/img2.png'].texture);
var img3 = new PIXI.Sprite(pixiloader.resources['images/img3.png'].texture);
for (let index = 0; index < imagessprites.length; index++) {
const element = imagessprites[index];
// here will the the code to run zoom image to specific width and heigth and then move to next image,
// here is my code, its only display zooming third image
var ticker = new PIXI.Ticker();
ticker.add(() => {
console.log('ticker called')
element.width += 1;
element.height += 1;
One more things, how to display a box with text for three seconds before slideshow start.
Try something like this:
var pixiapp;
var pixiloader = PIXI.Loader.shared;
function initpixiapp() {
pixiapp = new PIXI.Application({ width: 1280, height: 720 });
function handleimagesload() {
var imagessprites = [];
var img1 = new PIXI.Sprite(pixiloader.resources['images/img1.png'].texture);
var img2 = new PIXI.Sprite(pixiloader.resources['images/img2.png'].texture);
var img3 = new PIXI.Sprite(pixiloader.resources['images/img3.png'].texture);
// Put first image on stage:
var currentImageIndex = 0;
var currentImage = imagessprites[currentImageIndex];
var ticker = new PIXI.Ticker();
// Start "main animation loop":
ticker.add(() => {
currentImage.width += 1;
currentImage.height += 1;
if (currentImage.width >= 1500) {
// remove current image from stage:
// Move to next image:
// Increase index - but if it reached maximum then go back to 0 (to first image)
if (currentImageIndex >= imagessprites.length) {
currentImageIndex = 0;
currentImage = imagessprites[currentImageIndex];
// Set initial width and height of image (TODO: adjust this)
currentImage.width = 1000;
currentImage.height = 1000;
// put image on stage:

How to assign variables in loop For NodeJS

I have an array called req.body.items, which contains always one or more items. And I have to assign some variables according to the quantity of items that it has, like this:
for (x in req.body.items.length) {
var width = req.body.items[x].dimensions.width * 100;
var height = req.body.items[x].dimensions.height * 100;
var weight = req.body.items[x].dimensions.weight;
var depth = req.body.items[x].dimensions.depth * 100;
var quantity = req.body.items[x].quantity;
var sku = req.body.items[x].sku;
The problem is that I will have as many "widthes" as items, so if I have 3 items, I must have 3 widthes. And I don't know how to do so. I have searched this, but I only found in Javascript for frontend, I need it to create an API.
It could be just like var width0, var width1, var width2, etc.
let req={
body: {
items: [
dimensions: {
width: 1,
dimensions: {
width: 5,
let dimensions = req.body.items.reduce((result,item)=>{
Object.entries(item.dimensions).map(([key,value])=>(!!result[key] ? result[key]=[...result[key], value*100]: result[key]=[value*100]));
return result;
I believe you need something like this:
var width = [];
var height = [];
var weight = [];
var depth = [];
var quantity = [];
var sku = [];
for (let x in req.body.items.length) {
width.push(req.body.items[x].dimensions.width * 100);
height.push(req.body.items[x].dimensions.height * 100);
depth.push(req.body.items[x].dimensions.depth * 100);
Now, width, height ... are arrays conaining your data.

Move the sprite but don't collide with other sprites in the scene in Phaser

I'm referring to the official example on Phaser.io site, but have copied it here for reference below. What I want, and repeatedly fail to achieve is that the moving (with keyboard keys) starfield sprite would not collide with other vegies sprites.
I did go through the docs and looked here on SO and their forum, and it seems that the solutions should be easy enough; to just put the following code in the update() function:
But, for some reason this is not working for me, so please tell me what I'm doing wrong.
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
function preload() {
game.load.image('sky', 'assets/skies/sky4.png');
game.load.image('starfield', 'assets/misc/starfield.jpg');
game.load.spritesheet('veggies', 'assets/sprites/fruitnveg64wh37.png', 64, 64);
var sprite;
var cursors;
var veggies;
function create() {
game.add.image(0, 0, 'sky');
// Enable p2 physics
// Make things a bit more bouncey
game.physics.p2.defaultRestitution = 0.8;
// Add a sprite
sprite = game.add.tileSprite(300, 450, 200, 50, 'starfield');
// Enable if for physics. This creates a default rectangular body.
veggies = game.add.group();
veggies.enableBody = true;
veggies.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.P2JS;
var vegFrames = [ 1, 3, 4, 8 ];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var veg = veggies.create(game.world.randomX, game.world.randomY, 'veggies', game.rnd.pick(vegFrames));
text = game.add.text(20, 20, 'move with arrow keys', { fill: '#ffffff' });
cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
function update() {
if (cursors.left.isDown)
sprite.tilePosition.x -= 8;
else if (cursors.right.isDown)
sprite.tilePosition.x += 8;
if (cursors.up.isDown)
sprite.tilePosition.y -= 8;
else if (cursors.down.isDown)
sprite.tilePosition.y += 8;
edit: Solution which worked in the end thanks to SirSandman's answer:
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });
function preload() {
game.load.image('stars', 'assets/misc/starfield.jpg');
game.load.spritesheet('ship', 'assets/sprites/humstar.png', 32, 32);
game.load.image('panda', 'assets/sprites/spinObj_01.png');
game.load.image('sweet', 'assets/sprites/spinObj_06.png');
var ship;
var starfield;
var cursors;
function create() {
// Enable P2
// Turn on impact events for the world, without this we get no collision callbacks
game.physics.p2.restitution = 0.8;
// Create our collision groups. One for the player, one for the pandas
var playerCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
var pandaCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
// This part is vital if you want the objects with their own collision groups to still collide with the world bounds
// (which we do) - what this does is adjust the bounds to use its own collision group.
starfield = game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 800, 600, 'stars');
starfield.fixedToCamera = true;
var pandas = game.add.group();
pandas.enableBody = true;
pandas.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.P2JS;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var panda = pandas.create(game.world.randomX, game.world.randomY, 'panda');
panda.body.setRectangle(40, 40);
// Tell the panda to use the pandaCollisionGroup
// Pandas will collide against themselves and the player
// If you don't set this they'll not collide with anything.
// The first parameter is either an array or a single collision group.
panda.body.velocity.x = 500;
panda.body.velocity.y = 500;
// Create our ship sprite
ship = game.add.sprite(200, 200, 'ship');
ship.smoothed = false;
ship.animations.add('fly', [0,1,2,3,4,5], 10, true);
game.physics.p2.enable(ship, false);
ship.body.fixedRotation = true;
// Set the ships collision group
// The ship will collide with the pandas, and when it strikes one the hitPanda callback will fire, causing it to alpha out a bit
// When pandas collide with each other, nothing happens to them.
cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
function hitPanda(body1, body2) {
// body1 is the space ship (as it's the body that owns the callback)
// body2 is the body it impacted with, in this case our panda
// As body2 is a Phaser.Physics.P2.Body object, you access its own (the sprite) via the sprite property:
body2.sprite.alpha -= 0.1;
function update() {
if (cursors.left.isDown)
else if (cursors.right.isDown)
if (cursors.up.isDown)
else if (cursors.down.isDown)
if (!game.camera.atLimit.x)
starfield.tilePosition.x += (ship.body.velocity.x * 16) * game.time.physicsElapsed;
if (!game.camera.atLimit.y)
starfield.tilePosition.y += (ship.body.velocity.y * 16) * game.time.physicsElapsed;
function render() {
game.debug.text('Collide with the Pandas!', 32, 32);
I P2 you have to set the Collisiongroups in contrast to arcarde.
I think you have to set a collisiongroup for the sprite like that:
var veggCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
and then define with which other groups this group shell collide like that in the Loop:
And then the your tilesprite should collide with your other tilesprites.
if i should be wrong you will find your answer in the examples. :)
