Understanding Wikipedia's example of Haskell's Maybe monad - haskell

I think I understand the monad concept in Haskell, i.e., the role of >>= and return. However, I'm a little confused by the the syntax of the application of them in this Wikipedia example.
add :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
add mx my = -- Adds two values of type (Maybe Int), where each input value can be Nothing
mx >>= (\x -> -- Extracts value x if mx is not Nothing
my >>= (\y -> -- Extracts value y if my is not Nothing
return (x + y))) -- Wraps value (x+y), returning the sum as a value of type (Maybe Int)
I understand clearly the intent of this function. I'm just a little confused about the order of evaluation. May anyone show line by line which part of the function is evaluated (supposing that mx and my are of type Maybe Int and mx = Just x' and my = Just y', where x' and y' are Int values)?
I think it is something like that:
mx >>= (\x -> my >>= (\y -> return (x + y))) --- original
(\x -> my >>= (\y -> return (x + y))) x --- mx is Just Int, then apply the function in x
(\x -> my >>= (\y -> return (x + y))) --- x is the first argument. Then I get confused. What's the second part of the function?

n.m. gave the key for the answer, as I was replacing incorrectly the values.
We have to apply beta reduction.
Quoting the Haskell Wiki:
For example, suppose we apply the function
(\x -> 2*x*x + y) to the value 7. To calculate the result, we
substitute 7 for every free occurrence of x, and so the application of
the function (\x -> 2*x*x + y)(7) is reduced to the result
2*7*7 + y
Then, applying that to the function I presented,
mx >>= (\x -> my >>= (\y -> return (x + y)))
(\x -> my >>= (\y -> return (x + y))) x'
my >>= (\y -> return (x' + y)))
(\y -> return (x' + y)) y'
return (x' + y')


Concise way to conditionally update map in State monad

Below is the code from an answer regarding memoization, showing a memoization function used in the State monad, where the state is updated with the result of the passed function if the key is not already in the map.
type MyMemo a b = State (Map.Map a b) b
myMemo :: Ord a => (a -> MyMemo a b) -> a -> MyMemo a b
myMemo f x = do
map <- get
case Map.lookup x map of
Just y -> return y
Nothing -> do
y <- f x
modify $ \map' -> Map.insert x y map'
return y
It doesn't seem like idiomatic Haskell: it feels very imperative, with not really that much going on per line.
Is there a way to do the above, but in a more concise/functional style? I've had a look around the functions available at http://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers-, but nothing really seems helpful.
I think your code is in functional style, but you can bit simplify it.
myMemo f x = maybe work return =<< gets (Map.lookup x)
work = do
y <- f x
modify $ Map.insert x y
return y
This is alternative that uses mapState, as well as >>= and maybe from https://stackoverflow.com/a/44515364/1319998, that avoids all the do notation
myMemo f x = gets (Map.lookup x) >>= maybe y' return
y' = mapState (\(y, map) -> (y, Map.insert x y map)) $ f x
This is an alternative that expands on https://stackoverflow.com/a/44515364/1319998, using more >>= that avoids all the do notation
myMemo :: Ord a => (a -> MyMemo a b) -> a -> MyMemo a b
myMemo f x = gets (Map.lookup x) >>= maybe y' return
y' = f x >>= \y -> state $ \map -> (y, Map.insert x y map)
This is an alternative that expands on https://stackoverflow.com/a/44515364/1319998, essentially de-sugaring the do-notation
myMemo f x = gets (Map.lookup x) >>= maybe y' return
y' = f x >>= \y -> modify (Map.insert x y) >> return y

Meaning of different lambda functions and characters

At the moment I am learning Haskell, but I am struggling with the syntax of a few example. What do they exactly mean?
First: What is the difference between these two lambdas (-> \y and y)?
lambda1 = \x -> \y -> x + y
lambda2 = \x y -> x + y
Second: What does this mean? Is this a lambda that act as a "pseudo" list generator that generates a list with 3 elements. How can I create such a list?
lambda3 = [\x -> x+1, \x -> 2*x, \x -> x^2]
Third: What does the \_ exactly mean?
lambda4 = \_ -> (\x -> x+1, \() -> 'a')
lambda2 is syntactic sugar for lambda1. All of these are equivalent:
f = \x -> \y -> x + y
f = \x y -> x + y
f x = \y -> x + y
f x y = x + y
f x y = (+) x y
f x = (+) x
f = (+)
lambda3 is a list of unary functions on numbers. Each function has the type (Num a) => a -> a, so the list has type (Num a) => [a -> a]. You could produce a list of values from this with map or a list comprehension:
fs = [\x -> x+1, \x -> 2*x, \x -> x^2]
map (\f -> f 3) fs
map ($ 3) fs
[f 3 | f <- fs]
[4, 6, 9]
lambda4 uses pattern-matching syntax. For example, if you have a data type:
data Foo = Foo Int String
Then you can write a lambda that pattern-matches on it:
f = \ (Foo n s) -> concat (replicate n s)
f (Foo 3 "bar") == "barbarbar"
(But unlike case, there is no way to provide alternative patterns if Foo has multiple constructors.)
The _ pattern just says “accept a value and ignore it”, so lambda4 is a function that accepts an argument, ignores it, and returns a pair (2-tuple) of unary functions, the first of type (Num a) => a -> a and the second of type () -> Char, so its type is Num a => r -> (a -> a, () -> Char).
lambda4 = \_ -> (\x -> x+1, \() -> 'a')
lambda4 = \ignored -> (\x -> x+1, \() -> 'a')
(inc, getA) = lambda4 ()
inc 3 == 4
getA () == 'a'
Functions that ignore their arguments can be constructed with the const function, and operator sections ((+ 1)) are typically preferred over lambdas (\x -> x + 1), so you can also write the above as:
lambda4 = const ((+ 1), const 'a')
On your second question, lambda3 is just a bad variable name. this is a list of functions of type Num a => a -> a. You can verify that by typing the following in ghci:
:t [\x -> x+1, \x -> 2*x, \x -> x^2]
First: What is the difference between these two lambdas (-> \y and y)?
There is no difference. Both produce the same output for the same input, and since they're pure functions, you can be sure that they produce no external effects that you wouldn't see.
The difference lies in that the first lambda uses syntactic sugar for currying.
\x y -> x + y is equal to \x -> \y -> x + y. Now, don't you think it looks a lot like type signatures, such as foo :: Int -> Int -> Int ? ;)
It means that the function foo takes 2 Int and produces an Int.
Since I don't have a very precise answer for the 2nd…
Third: What does the \_ exactly mean?
It's a lambda function (\) to which is associated the _ variable. _ is used as a placeholder to say “I don't care about the content of this variable, I'm even going to give it a proper name”.
There is no -> y. The correct way to read this is
(\ x -> (\ y -> (x + y)))
As it happens, Haskell has "curried functions", which means that
\ x y -> (x + y)
just happens to be equivalent to the above.
lambda3 is a list which contains three elements. Each of those elements happens to be a function. Functions are data in Haskell; you can pass them as arguments, return them as results, stuff them into lists, etc.
lambda3 = [ (\x -> x+1) , (\x -> 2*x) , (\x -> x^2) ]
lambda4 = \_ -> (\x -> x+1, \() -> 'a')
The "_" character basically means "I don't care what this is; ignore it". You can use it anywhere you can use a pattern. For example,
foobar x _ z = x + y
is a 3-argument function that completely ignores argument #2. Read about pattern matching and this should become clear. (I.e., it's not to do with lambdas, it's to do with patterns.)

Defining foldl in terms of foldr in Standard ML

The defined code is
fun foldl f e l = let
fun g(x, f'') = fn y => f''(f(x, y))
in foldr g (fn x => x) l e end
I don't understand how this works;
what is the purpose of g(x, f'')?
I also find a similar example in Haskell,
the definition is quite short
myFoldl f z xs = foldr step id xs z
step x g a = g (f a x)
Let's dissect the Haskell implementation of myFoldl and then take a look at the ocaml SML code. First, we'll look at some type signatures:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -- the step function
-> b -- the initial value of the accumulator
-> [a] -- the list to fold
-> b -- the result
It should be noted that although the foldr function accepts only three arguments we are applying it two four arguments:
foldr step id xs z
However, as you can see the second argument to foldr (i.e. the inital value of the accumulator) is id which is a function of the type x -> x. Therefore, the result is also of the type x -> x. Hence, it accepts four arguments.
Similarly, the step function is now of the type a -> (x -> x) -> x -> x. Hence, it accepts three arguments instead of two. The accumulator is an endofunction (i.e. a function whose domain and codomain is the same).
Endofunctions have a special property, they are composed from left to right instead of from right to left. For example, let's compose a bunch of Int -> Int functions:
inc :: Int -> Int
inc n = n + 1
dbl :: Int -> Int
dbl n = n * 2
The normal way to compose these functions is to use the function composition operator as follows:
incDbl :: Int -> Int
incDbl = inc . dbl
The incDbl function first doubles a number and then increments it. Note that this reads from right to left.
Another way to compose them is to use continuations (denoted by k):
inc' :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
inc' k n = k (n + 1)
dbl' :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
dbl' k n = k (n * 2)
Notice that the first argument is a continuation. If we want to recover the original functions then we can do:
inc :: Int -> Int
inc = inc' id
dbl :: Int -> Int
dbl = dbl' id
However, if we want to compose them then we do it as follows:
incDbl' :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
incDbl' = dbl' . inc'
incDbl :: Int -> Int
incDbl = incDbl' id
Notice that although we are still using the dot operator to compose the functions, it now reads from left to right.
This is the key behind making foldr behave as foldl. We fold the list from right to left but instead of folding it into a value, we fold it into an endofunction which when applied to an initial accumulator value actually folds the list from left to right.
Consider our incDbl function:
incDbl = incDbl' id
= (dbl' . inc') id
= dbl' (inc' id)
Now consider the definition of foldr:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr _ acc [] = acc
foldr fun acc (y:ys) = fun y (foldr fun acc ys)
In the basis case we simply return the accumulated value. However, in the inductive case we return fun y (foldr fun acc ys). Our step function is defined as follows:
step :: a -> (x -> x) -> x -> x
step x g a = g (f a x)
Here f is the reducer function of foldl and is of the type x -> a -> x. Notice that step x is an endofunction of the type (x -> x) -> x -> x which we know can be composed left to right.
Hence the folding operation (i.e. foldr step id) on a list [y1,y2..yn] looks like:
step y1 (step y2 (... (step yn id)))
-- or
(step y1 . step y2 . {dots} . step yn) id
Each step yx is an endofunction. Hence, this is equivalent to composing the endofunctions from left to right.
When this result is applied to an initial accumulator value then the list folds from left to right. Hence, myFoldl f z xs = foldr step id xs z.
Now consider the foldl function (which is written in Standard ML and not OCaml). It is defined as:
fun foldl f e l = let fun g (x, f'') = fn y => f'' (f (x, y))
in foldr g (fn x => x) l e end
The biggest difference between the foldr functions of Haskell and SML are:
In Haskell the reducer function has the type a -> b -> b.
In SML the reducer function has the type (a, b) -> b.
Both are correct. It's only a matter of preference. In SML instead of passing two separate arguments, you pass one single tuple which contains both arguments.
Now, the similarities:
The id function in Haskell is the anonymous fn x => x function in SML.
The step function in Haskell is the function g in SML which takes a tuple containing the first two arguments.
The step function is Haskell step x g a has been split into two functions in SML g (x, f'') = fn y => f'' (f (x, y)) for more clarity.
If we rewrite the SML function to use the same names as in Haskell then we have:
fun myFoldl f z xs = let step (x, g) = fn a => g (f (a, x))
in foldr step (fn x => x) xs z end
Hence, they are exactly the same function. The expression g (x, f'') simply applies the function g to the tuple (x, f''). Here f'' is a valid identifier.
The foldl function traverses the list head to tail while operating elements with an accumulator:
And you want to define it via a foldr:
Rather unintuitive. The trick is that your foldr will not produce a value, but rather a function. The list traversal will operate the elements as to produce a function that, when applied to the accumulator, performs the computation you desire.
Lets see a simple example to illustrate how this works. Consider sum foldl (+) 0 [1,2,3] = ((0+1)+2)+3. We may calculate it via foldr as follows.
foldr ⊕ [1,2,3] id
-> 1⊕(2⊕(3⊕id))
-> 1⊕(2⊕(id.(+3))
-> 1⊕(id.(+3).(+2))
-> (id.(+3).(+2).(+1))
So when we apply this function to 0 we get
(id.(+3).(+2).(+1)) 0
= ((0+1)+2)+3
We began with the identity function and successively changed it as we traversed the list, using ⊕ where,
n ⊕ g = g . (+n)
Using this intuition, it isn't hard to define a sum with an accumulator via foldr. We built the computation for a given list via foldr ⊕ id xs. Then to calculate the sum we applied it to 0, foldr ⊕ id xs 0. So we have,
foldl (+) 0 xs = foldr ⊕ id xs 0
where n ⊕ g = g . (+n)
or equivalently, denoting n ⊕ g in prefix form by (⊕) n g and noting that (⊕) n g a = (g . (+n)) a = g (a+n),
foldl (+) 0 xs = foldr ⊕ id xs 0
where (⊕) n g a = g (a+n)
Note that the ⊕ is your step function, and that you can obtain the generic result you're looking for by substituting a function f for +, and accumulator a for 0.
Next let us show that the above really is correct.
Formal derivation
Moving on to a more formal approach. It is useful, for simplicity, to be aware of the following universal property of foldr.
h [] = e
h (x:xs) = f x (h xs)
h = foldr f e
This means that rather than defining foldr directly, we may instead and more simply define a function h in the form above.
We want to define such an h so that,
h xs a = foldl f a xs
or equivalently,
h xs = \a -> foldl f a xs
So lets determine h. The empty case is simple:
h [] = \a -> foldl f a []
= \a -> a
= id
The non-empty case results in:
h (x:xs) = \a -> foldl f a (x:xs)
= \a -> foldl f (f a x) xs
= \a -> h xs (f a x)
= step x (h xs) where step x g = \a -> g (f a x)
= step x (h xs) where step x g a = g (f a x)
So we conclude that,
h [] = id
h (x:xs) = step x (h xs) where step x g a = g (f a x)
satisfies h xs a = foldl f a xs
And by the universal property above (noting that the f in the universal property formula corresponds to step here, and e to id) we know that h = foldr step id. Therefore,
h = foldr step id
h xs a = foldl f a xs
foldl f a xs = foldr step id xs a
where step x g a = g (f a x)

Haskell Precedence: Lambda and operator

I found precedence and associativity is a big obstacle for me to understand what the grammar is trying to express at first glance to haskell code.
For example,
blockyPlain :: Monad m => m t -> m t1 -> m (t, t1)
blockyPlain xs ys = xs >>= \x -> ys >>= \y -> return (x, y)
By experiment, I finally got it means,
blockyPlain xs ys = xs >>= (\x -> (ys >>= (\y -> return (x, y))))
instead of
blockyPlain xs ys = xs >>= (\x -> ys) >>= (\y -> return (x, y))
Which works as:
*Main> blockyPlain [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
I can get info from ghci for (>>=) as an operator, (infixl 1 >>=).
But there's no information for -> since it's not an operator.
Could someone of you guys give some reference to make this grammar thing easier to grasp?
The rule for lambdas is pretty simple: the body of the lambda extends as far to the right as possible without hitting an unbalanced parenthesis.
f (\x -> foo (bar baz) *** quux >>= quuxbar)
A good rule of thumb seems to be that you can never make a custom operator that has precedence over built in syntactic constructs. For instance consider this example:
if b then f *** x else f *** y
Regardless of the associativity of ***, no one would expect it to binds as:
(if b then f *** x else f) *** y
There aren't a lot of syntactic constructs in Haskell (do and case are a little special because of layout syntax) but let can be used as another example:
(let x = y in y *** x) /= ((let x = y in y) *** x)

Y combinator, Infinite types and Anonymous recursion in Haskell

I was trying to solve the maximal subsequence sum problem and came up with a neato solution
msss :: (Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> a
msss = f 0 0
f gmax _ [] = gmax
f gmax lmax (x:xs) =
let g = max (lmax + x)
in f (g gmax) (g 0) xs
You call the wrapper function msss, which then calls f, which in turn actually does the work.
The solution is good and afaik working correctly. If for some reason I had to solve the maximal subsequence sum problem in production code, that is how I would do it.
However that wrapper function really bugs me. I love it how in haskell, if you are persistent enough you can write your entire program on a single line, to truly drive home the point that a program is pretty much just one big expression. So I figured I'd try and eliminate the wrapper function for the extra challenge.
It's now I run into the classic problem: How to do anonymous recursion? How do you do recursion when you can't give names to functions? Thankfully the fathers of computing solved this problem ages ago by discovering Fixed-Point Combinators, with the most popular being the Y Combinator.
I've made various attempts to get a Y combinator set up, but they can't get past the compiler.
msss' :: [Int] -> Int
msss' = (\y f x -> f (y y f) x)
(\y f x -> f (y y f) x)
(\g' gmax lmax list -> if list == []
then gmax
else g' (max gmax lmax + head list)
(max 0 lmax + head list)
tail list)
just gives
Prelude> :l C:\maxsubseq.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( C:\maxsubseq.hs, interpreted )
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
t0 = t0 -> (([Int] -> Int) -> [Int] -> Int) -> [Int] -> Int
In the first argument of `y', namely `y'
In the first argument of `f', namely `(y y f)'
In the expression: f (y y f) x
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
t0 = t0 -> (([Int] -> Int) -> [Int] -> Int) -> [Int] -> Int
In the first argument of `y', namely `y'
In the first argument of `f', namely `(y y f)'
In the expression: f (y y f) x
The lambda expression `\ g' gmax lmax list -> ...'
has four arguments,
but its type `([Int] -> Int) -> [Int] -> Int' has only two
In the second argument of `\ y f x -> f (y y f) x', namely
`(\ g' gmax lmax list
-> if list == [] then
g' (max gmax lmax + head list) (max 0 lmax + head list) tail list)'
In the expression:
(\ y f x -> f (y y f) x)
(\ y f x -> f (y y f) x)
(\ g' gmax lmax list
-> if list == [] then
g' (max gmax lmax + head list) (max 0 lmax + head list) tail list)
In an equation for `msss'':
= (\ y f x -> f (y y f) x)
(\ y f x -> f (y y f) x)
(\ g' gmax lmax list
-> if list == [] then
g' (max gmax lmax + head list) (max 0 lmax + head list) tail list)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Changing from f (y y f) to f (y f) just gives
Couldn't match expected type `[Int] -> Int'
with actual type `[Int]'
Expected type: (([Int] -> Int) -> t1 -> t0) -> t2 -> t0
Actual type: ([Int] -> Int) -> t1 -> t0
In the first argument of `y', namely `f'
In the first argument of `f', namely `(y f)'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
I've tried taking a different approach by just defining the combinator externally, however this still isn't working and doesn't really meet my challenge to do it in one expression.
y f = f (y f)
msss' :: [Int] -> Int
msss' = y (\g' gmax lmax list -> if list == []
then gmax
else g' (max gmax lmax + head list)
(max 0 lmax + head list)
tail list)
Can you spot what's wrong with what I'm doing? I'm at a loss. The complaining about constructing infinite types really ticks me off because I though Haskell was all about that sort of thing. It has infinite data structures, so why the problem with infinite types? I suspect it has something to do with that paradox which showed untyped lambda calculus is inconsistent. I'm not sure though. Would be good if someone could clarify.
Also, I'm under the impression that recursion can always be represented with the fold functions. Can anyone show me how I could do it by just using a fold? The requirement that the code be a single expression still stands though.
You cannot define the Y combinator like that in Haskell. As you noticed, that results in an infinite type. Fortunately, it is already available in Data.Function as fix, where it's defined using a let binding:
fix f = let x = f x in x
Because the Y combinator needs infinite types, you'll need workarounds like this one.
But I'd write your msss function as a one-liner like this:
msss = fst . foldr (\x (gmax, lmax) -> let g = max (lmax + x) in (g gmax, g 0)) (0, 0)
Well let's think about it for a minute. What type does this lambda expression have?
(\y f x -> f (y y f) x)
Well f is a function (a -> b) -> a -> b, and x is some value b. What does that make y? Well given what we just said about f,
(y y f) :: (a -> b)
Also, since we are applying this expression to itself, we know that y has the same type as the entire expression. This is the part where I get a little bit stumped.
So y is some magical higher-order function. And it takes two functions as input. So it's sort of like y :: f1 -> f2 -> f3. f2 has the form of f, and f3 has the result type mentioned above.
y :: f1 -> ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (a -> b)
The question is...what is f1? Well, it has to be the same as the type of y. Do you see how this is getting beyond the power of Haskell's type system? The type is defined in terms of itself.
f1 = f1 -> ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (a -> b)
If you want a self-contained "one-liner", then take hammar's suggestion instead:
msss' = (\f -> let x = f x in x)
(\g' gmax lmax list -> case list of
[] -> gmax
(x:xs) -> g' (max gmax lmax + x) (max 0 lmax + x) xs
) 0 0
Although imho if max is allowable, then fix from Data.Function should be allowable as well. Unless you are in some Prelude-only contest.
