node.js child process change a directory and run the process - node.js

I try to run external application in node.js with child process like the following
var cp = require("child_process");
cp.exec("cd "+path+" && ./",function(error,stdout,stderr){
However when I try to run it stuck, without entering the callback starts a server, when I execute it with cp.exec I expect it run asynchronously, such that my application doesn't wait until server termination. In callback I want to work with server.
Please help me to solve this.

cp.exec get the working directory in parameter options
var cp = require("child_process");
cp.exec("./", {cwd: path}, function(error,stdout,stderr){
for running script in the "path" directory.

The quotes are interpreted by the shell, you cannot see them if you just look at ps output.


Interract with a .exe program with js instead of typing in the program

Hello I'm tryna make a Skyrim server Dashboard.
The server look like this =>
On this server i can type some command like this =>
when I manualy wrote /help and it show the output.
I tried to run the executable in node js, the server is working, I can join it, And I can see the output on my VSCode Terminal
But I can't input some text or command
Hope you can help me thanks in advance.
##Its my first ask
Add shell: true to the spawn method so you can still pass commands to the process.
const child = require('child_process').spawn("C:/SkyrimTogetherServer.exe", {
shell: true

Executing Command in Nodejs and Attaching the output to the console

I'm working on a CLI tool to add an extra layer of automation and utilities to our workflow and I'm wrapping the webpack development command with an alternative in my CLI (here's a demonstration):-
function runDev(){
I'm using NodeJs child_proecess.exec and I'm trying to figure out a way to execute the webpack dev command and attach it to the terminal (like -it in docker if you're familiar with it) or transferring the control to the child process(so output will be directly emitted to the console).
Is there away to do that?
It turns out that I can achieve this but just making the child process inherit the stdio. ex:-
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
const shell = spawn('sh',[], { stdio: 'inherit' })
shell.on('close',(code)=>{console.log('[shell] terminated :',code)})

How to create and manage a npm process in electron

I'm trying to make this little QoL app that can trigger my scripts inside package.json of any project I throw at it (react, polymer, etc.).
So far, it works as it should. At least until I kill the app or want to terminate the specific process (like using ctrl+c while running a npm start in a console).
I'm currently calling the command this way:
const exec = require("child_process").execFile;
let ps = exec("command.bat", [path, command], (error, stdout, stderr)=>{}) //command.bat contains only: cd "%1" \n npm "%2"
Previously I've used node-powershell like so:
const Shell = require('node-powershell');
let sh = new Shell();
sh.addCommand(`cd ${fs.realpathSync(path)}`);
sh.addCommand(`npm ${command}`);
And I've already tried using ps-tree in hopes that this will list all the processes started by my process so I can kill them but no luck and because it creates additional process or two it's getting out of hands really quickly.
const cp = require('child_process');
psTree(, function (err, children) {
cp.spawn('kill', ['-9'].concat( (p) { return p.PID })));
So if there is some solution I would be really grateful. I'm also open to any different solution if there is any.
Thanks in advance.

calling child_process.exec in Node as though it was executed in a specific folder

I'm using the following to execute a CLI command in nodeJS
var cp = require('child_process');
cp.exec('foocommand', callback);
However, the foocommand is executing in the current folder node is running from. How can I make it execute as though it is being invoked from a different folder?
Its in the docs:
var cp = require('child_process');
cp.exec('foocommand', { cwd: 'path/to/dir/' }, callback);
Not a total expert but if its a cli then you want to be able to use stdin witch is not available with process.exec. Maybe you want to see if there is a programable interface for the cli?

configure monitrc to monitor node js app process, can't find node app pidfile running with screen ec2 linux

I run my app.js (node js application) via screen on my ec2 linux instance.
I'm trying to config my monitrc file and I need the app pidfile.
It's not in :
(and there isn't a /var/www)
Would really appreciate it if someone has any idea where the pidfile is or how can I find it out..
Thank you!
in your app you can get the current pid number with so
var fs = require('fs');
and you get a pidfile in tmp
seems like there isn't a pid file created so I used forever-monitor in order to restart my app.js script in case of an error.
Looks like it is working.
What you need to do is npm install forever
and write server.js :
var forever = require('forever'),
child = new(forever.Monitor)('app.js', {
'silent': false,
'pidFile': '/var/run/',
'watch': false,
'options': ['8383'], // Additional arguments to pass to the script,
'sourceDir': '.', // Directory that the source script is in
'watchDirectory': '.', // Top-level directory to watch from.
'watchIgnoreDotFiles': true, // whether to ignore dot files
'watchIgnorePatterns': [], // array of glob patterns to ignore, merged with contents of watchDirectory + '/.foreverignore' file
'logFile': 'logs/forever.log', // Path to log output from forever process (when daemonized)
'outFile': 'logs/forever.out', // Path to log output from child stdout
'errFile': 'logs/forever.err'
and then run it with - node server.js (I run it from ~/nodejs directory)
Still the pid file that supposed to be in /var/run isn't there, weird but I don't need monit anymore.
I still don't understand why I should additionally use upstart (like all the posts related suggested) anyhow when I tried to run upstart it didn't work
