Scaling a circle in SVG - svg

I have the following SVG code. To scale the circle only, I have to scale the container. I can't scale the circle inside the SVG.
I can access the circle element, but why can't I like other html elements? Is the code scaling the circle or the container?
function scale() {
document.getElementById('container').setAttribute('currentScale', 1.5);
<svg height="150" width="150" id="container">
<circle cx="25" r="20" cy="20" fill="blue" id="circle"></circle>
<button id="zoom" onclick="scale()">scale</button>

I've never tried scaling the whole SVG (using the pure SVG transform attribute). But look like you can just scale each element inside SVG. In this case you have to target (select) the circle first before calling setAttribute on it to modify the transform attribute to scale(1.5,1.5) like this:
function scale() {
document.querySelector("#container > circle")
.setAttribute('transform', 'scale(1.5,1.5)');
Here is the Demo. Note that you have to select the option No Wrap - in <head> (on the right hand in the Frameworks & Extensions section). Or better you should attach click handler right in JS code editor (not inline as an attribute in HTML code).

Here is one way to scale just the circle using JS:
For convenience, give your circle a transform attribute with no change in scale added. (Alternatively you can add this programmatically on demand.)
In your event handler, modify the scale of this transform element:
var circle = document.querySelector('circle'); // Or however, e.g. by id
var scale = circle.transform.animVal.getItem(0); // The first transform
scale.setScale(4,3); // Modify the transform


Touch events are wrong for transformed SVG elements

In the process of experimenting with scaling/panning an inline SVG image by applying a matrix transform I have discovered a rather peculiar thing. After loading the image I am attaching a touchstart event listener to some of the elements in the SVG image and the event fires right away when the object is touched. However, after applying a transform
document.getElementById('mysvg').setAttribute('transform''matrix(a b c d e)')
which has the effect of scaling and/or translating the entire SVG image touching the same object no longer triggered the expected touch event. After some experiment I found that the event could still be triggered by the touch location on screen had no bearing to the actual new placement of the object on the screen. I then proceeded to first removeEventListener followed by addEventListener for the object after issuing the matrix transform and lo & behold the touch event handling was back to normal.
Quite apart from the fact that I would like to avoid the rather expensive operations of removing & then reassigning the same event listener after each pan/zoom I would like to understand just why this is happening. It is like the browser is locating the pixel location of the object at the addEventListener stage and then holds on to that somewhere in its memory blissfully ignorant of any object displacements that might have occurred later.
Can anyone here tell me what is going on here and how I can go about retaining the utility of the touch event after pan & zoom in a more efficient manner?
I've set up a similar issue:
There is a <circle> element, with a transform attribute inside an <svg>.
The 'touchstart' event fires only at the first tap on the <circle>. After that it doesn't trigger the 'touchstart' event anymore.
I have found a strange workaround: Add a 'touchstart' eventListener to the <svg> element with a noop handler:
document.querySelector('svg').addEventListener('touchstart', () => {});
After this the <circle> triggers the 'touchstart' events perfectly.
You can test it with the folllowing snipet:
let debugLines = [];
let lines = 0;
function writeDebug(...t) {
let d = document.getElementById('debug');
debugLines.unshift(`${lines++}: ${t.join(' ')}`);
d.innerHTML = debugLines.join('<br />');
document.querySelectorAll('circle')[0].addEventListener('touchstart', writeDebug);
/* remove comment from the line below to test workaround */
// document.querySelector('svg').addEventListener('touchstart', () => {});
<!doctype html>
svg { background: #f0f0f0; width: 200px; float: left; }
<div id="wrap">
<svg viewBox="-50, -50, 100, 100" class="b-circular-slider-svg">
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="8"
stroke="#ccc" fill="#fafafa"
transform="translate(0, -10)"></circle>
<div id="debug"></div>

SVG + Angular2 code sample does not work with interpolation

My goal is to convert code from Angular 1.3 to Angular 2 (with SVG in both cases).
I tried the following simple test code, which works in case #1 that does not involve interpolation, but does not work in case #2 (which uses interpolation), and AFAICS the only difference in the generated SVG code is the inclusion of an extra attribute in the element: class="ng-binding"
Is there a way to suppress the preceding class attribute, or is there another solution?
Btw I wasn't able to get the formatting quite right (my apologies).
Contents of HTML Web page:
<title>SVG and Angular2</title>
<script src="quickstart/dist/es6-shim.js"></script>
<!-- The app component created in svg1.es6 -->
// Rewrite the paths to load the files
System.paths = {
'angular2/*':'/quickstart/angular2/*.js', // Angular
'rtts_assert/*': '/quickstart/rtts_assert/*.js', // Runtime assertions
'svg': 'svg1.es6' // The my-svg component
Contents of the JS file:
import {Component, Template, bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2';
selector: 'my-svg'
//case 1 works:
inline: '<svg><ellipse cx="100" cy="100" rx="80" ry="50" fill="red"></ellipse></svg>'
//case 2 does not work:
//inline: "<svg>{{graphics}}</svg>"
class MyAppComponent {
constructor() { = this.getGraphics();
getGraphics() {
// return an array of SVG elements (eventually...)
var ell1 =
'<ellipse cx="100" cy="100" rx="80" ry="50" fill="red"></ellipse>';
return ell1;
SVG elements do not use the same namespace as HTML elements. When you insert SVG elements into the DOM, they need to be inserted with the correct SVG namespace.
Case 1 works because you are inserting the whole SVG, including the <svg> tags, into the HTML. The browser will automatically use the right namespace because it sees the <svg> tag and knows what to do.
Case 2 doesn't work because you are just inserting an <ellipse> tag and the browser doesn't realise it is supposed be created with the svg namespace.
If you inspect both SVGs with the browser's DOM inspector, and look at the <ellipse> tag's namespace property, you should see the difference.
You can use outerHtml of an HTML element like:
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<svg xmlns=''><ellipse cx="100" cy="100" rx="80" ry="50" fill="red"></ellipse></svg>
<span [outerHTML]="graphics"></span>`
export class App {
constructor() { = this.getGraphics();
getGraphics() {
// return an array of SVG elements (eventually...)
var ell1 =
'<svg><ellipse cx="100" cy="100" rx="80" ry="50" fill="red"></ellipse></svg>';
return ell1;
note that the added string has to contain the <svg>...</svg>
See also How can I add a SVG graphic dynamically using javascript or jquery?

draggable rect in svg drags only diagnolly on the screen

I tried making a small program where in I wrote code to drag a rectangle in svg. The program is quite simple. My problem is that the rectangle drags only diagnolly on the screen and not on the entire web page.
Here is my code..
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg xmlns=""
width="100%" height="100%"
onload="Init( evt )" >
<script type="text/ecmascript">
var svgDocument;
var svgRoot;
var newP;
var bmousedown=0;
var myCirc;
function Init(evt){
svgRoot= document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
newP = svgRoot.createSVGPoint();
myCirc = document.getElementById("mycirc");
function getMouse(evt){
var position = svgRoot.createSVGPoint();
position.x = evt.clientX;
position.y = evt.clientY;
return position;
function onMouseDown(evt){
function onMouseMove(evt){
function onMouseUp(evt){
function doUpdate(){
myCirc.setAttributeNS(null, "x", newP.x );
myCirc.setAttributeNS(null, "y", newP.y );
// ]]></script>
<rect id="mycirc" fill: #bbeeff" x="0" y="0" width="80" height="80"
Please help me as I am unable to understand why does it not move on the entire screen.
i see the problem recreated on firefox, but it's not a single problem, your code is all over the place. i suggest going back to the drawing board before posting specific questions.
i'd also recommend a good reference on SVG or using a JS vector graphics library, as it would simplify things a little and will ease up the development a lot, if you're not interested in getting down to the nitty-gritty.
Here is the correct solution:
The mistakes I think you made:
onload="Init( evt )" makes the variable evt global, a bad and useless thing to have. All the functions are also global, but this should be ok for this example.
the function calls for onmousedown etc. were using this global evt. (wrong). In order to get the correct event for each call you need to register some handlers.

How to use svg filters with raphael js?

i would like to know, which techniques should i use to apply svg filters to raphael paths?
I know that raphael tries to be as much cross browser with IE it can, but i was wondering if there was a way to add the filters using javascript.
I built a library to do this. You can do something like:
var paper = Raphael("test");
var circle =, 100, 50, 50).attr({fill: "red", stroke: "black"});
Have a look at a fiddle:
or the project page:
It's quite possible to extend Raphaël to add svg filters, for blur look at raphael.blur.js. That can serve as a starting point for adding other filter effects. For a bit more info on filters (along with examples) see the SVG Primer.
One hacky way to use SVG filters with Raphael objects is the following technique. It creates Raphael rectangle and adds filter definition to the same SVG document. This of course doesn't work with older browsers which lack support for inline SVG. But this is not a big problem, because older browsers have also no SVG filter support.
Although this is not jQuery tagged question, for simplicity the code uses jQuery for DOM manipulations. The namespace problem is solutioned using dummy SVG element, which has the advantage that SVG elements can be created using text strings (instead of DOM methods). Let the browser do what browser can!
The working example is in
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var p = Raphael("cont", 300, 200);
$(p.canvas).attr("id", "p");
var rect = p.rect(10, 10, 100, 100);
$(rect.node).attr("id", "rect");
$("#rect").attr("filter", "url(#innerbewel)");
$("#rect").attr("fill", "red");
var f = "<filter id='innerbewel' x0='-50%' y0='-50%' width='200%' height='200%'>\
<feGaussianBlur in='SourceAlpha' stdDeviation='2' result='blur'/>\
<feOffset dy='3' dx='3'/>\
<feComposite in2='SourceAlpha' operator='arithmetic'\
k2='-1' k3='1' result='hlDiff'/>\
<feFlood flood-color='white' flood-opacity='0.8'/>\
<feComposite in2='hlDiff' operator='in'/>\
<feComposite in2='SourceGraphic' operator='over' result='withGlow'/>\
<feOffset in='blur' dy='-3' dx='-3'/>\
<feComposite in2='SourceAlpha' operator='arithmetic'\
k2='-1' k3='1' result='shadowDiff'/>\
<feFlood flood-color='black' flood-opacity='0.8'/>\
<feComposite in2='shadowDiff' operator='in'/>\
<feComposite in2='withGlow' operator='over'/>\
// Create dummy svg with filter definition
$("body").append('<svg id="dummy" style="display:none"><defs>' + f + '</defs></svg>');
// Append filter definition to Raphael created svg
$("#p defs").append($("#dummy filter"));
// Remove dummy
$("#rect").attr("fill", "orange");
<div id="cont"></div>

One SVG file, many SVG gradients inside

I’m making a set of buttons which use dynamic gradients. I’ve taken care of Firefox 3.6+ and WebKit by using their proprietary CSS extensions and all I need to do is support Opera, iOS and IE9 by using background-image: url("gradient.svg").
This is relatively easy, I made an SVG file, linked it and got it working. However, I’m making a set so I need at least 6 gradients. When I normally do it in images, I create a sprite for fast HTTP access. I’m not sure how to achieve this in SVG – can I use one file and access different parts of its XML by using #identifiers, like XBL does?
My current SVG:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="">
<linearGradient id="select-gradient" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="rgb(231,244,248)"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="rgb(207,233,241)"/>
<style type="text/css">
rect {
fill: url(#select-gradient);
<rect x="0" y="0" rx="6" ry="6" height="100%" width="100%"/>
And then I have CSS:
.button-1 {
background-image: url("gradient-1.svg");
.button-2 {
background-image: url("gradient-2.svg");
I want to do something like this:
.button-1 {
background-image: url("gradient.svg#gradient1");
.button-2 {
background-image: url("gradient.svg#gradient2");
Is it even possible? Can you help me out? I really don’t wanna push 6 XML files when I can do it with one.
If you just want gradients for button backgrounds, most of this can be acheived in css. For the remaining browsers, ie6 + can user ms filters:
iOS uses webkit to render, so you can use -webkit vendor prefix. Unfortunately you will still need svg for opera, but this may make it easier (or just use a normal image sprite for opera's 1% of users)
in theory - according to SVG documentation #Params it is possible. You could use 2 params for setting up both colors, you could create multiple rects with different gradients, height set to 0 and then make only one 100% (like ?gradient2=100%)
What you could do is load your SVG file that contains all of the definitions first, and then load your other SVG files.
Using Firefox, jQuery SVG , and a minor shot of framework...
in your XHTML:
<div id="common_svg_defs"><!--ieb--></div>
<div id="first_thing"><!--ieb--></div>
<div id="second_thing"><!--ieb--></div>
in your JavaScript:
var do_stuff = function()
// load your common svg file with this goo.
loadURL: 'path/filename.svg',
onLoad: function(svg, error) { run_test(svg, error);} });
var run_test = function(svg, error)
if (typeof(error) !== "undefined")
if (typeof(console.log) !== "undefined")
// load your other svg files here, or just
// set a flag letting you know it's ready.
loadURL: 'path/anotherfilename.svg',
onLoad: function(svg, error) { somecallback(svg, error);} });
loadURL: 'path/anotherfilename.svg',
onLoad: function(svg, error) { somecallback(svg, error);} });
Because the id can be found in the documents scope, the SVG are capable of finding the IRI reference.
This allows you to define things once (that would not otherwise be defined in a css) and avoid id collisions.
Christopher Smithson
