Disguising the use of Game Center - game-center

We are developing a multiuser app that is not really a game. We want to use the GameKit framework to use the matchmaking and GKVoiceChat. But we want to avoid the Game Center login (my understanding is that this is not possible) and especially the welcome banners. Or at least to change them. Is there any way to suppress or change the banners? And are there any alternatives?

I am actually very new to this. But while I was researching online for the same reason, I found both this question and one tutorial. This tutorial is seems to be old and it is for iOS5. But hopefully GameKit still functions the same way.
It is a game that uses GameKit for communication but did not use Game Center:
Above is the link for the first part where he explained that he uses Game Kit but not Game Center. You can find the entire tutorial by search the keyword Bluetooth in this page:


How to integrate Node.js Server in My cocod2d-x (C++) Game

I am new in Multiplayer Game Development, I have already developed a offline game and now I want to make it a multiplayer, so with help of my friend we create a server side script in node.js, but I don't know how to integrate this in my c++ project,
I've googled but, can't find anything helpful.
anybody can suggest any tutorial.
You've asked a big open-ended question. As Allern suggests there are a lot of things that you can do with networked programs that can extend it well beyond that of a single user game. For instance in my current game there is an access to a version welcome page in html. There are file downloads for campaign/user maps and there are connections to Firebase for leaderboards and other networked resources like ads.
However, I suspect you are referring to the communications between a number of separate user machines all synchronized to keep them coordinated. For this you will need to write some serialization code to transmit to and receive packets from the central server. Typically a serialization package like flatbuffers will be needed to move information from your data structures to a packet and the reverse.
You might also require communication/network software to asynchronously send and receive those packets (this may be included in whatever game engine you might be using). Boost.asio might help otherwise. There are numerous other networking packages and libraries all the way down to the bare-bones unix/POSIX calls (or Windows OS calls).
You will also need software on the server side to log users in, deal with players disconnecting and doing the main work of passing the game packets around. This software may also implement the logic of your game (game rules) and might do saves on the data if you want users to be able to play the game in multiple sessions (like a big dungeon crawl). There might be packages out there that do most of the server side stuff. If so, please post what you find out.
Cocos2dx does have some networking software built in but it isn't very functional as far as I'm concerned. It does have facilities to display web pages and download files fairly easy but the async communication seems a little weak. You can try the Network module in the API Docs which may have what you are looking for.
Since the type of game and how you want to implement your player interaction will dictate how the software is to be built I'm afraid this answer is a little vague. Good luck. Share your insights.
you can use public tools , as a sample is websocket,it can support C++ and javasc

How to program a simple weather check app?

I'm pretty new to programming (I've only learned basic Java and Python), but I'm really interested in application development. So, I wanted to create a simple app that checks the chance for rain from a specific weather site. If the chance of rain is greater than or equal to 50%, it simply displays "Carry an umbrella". If chance is less than 50%, say "Don't need an umbrella".
I tried to read some other questions about creating a weather app on this site and they talked about using APIs, but besides me doing a little research on what an API is, I have no idea what's going on. And, I don't want to make it complicated.
Also, I'm aware that there's already some apps that do this (such as one from Yahoo). However, I'm not just looking for a prebuilt app. My goal is to learn a little bit more about app development by creating simple app that will retrieve information from a site, and display it to me. I don't care very much about the weather aspect, but it seemed like a simple example to give.
I'm just looking for guidance on how to go about doing this, so if someone can explain how, or provide any useful links, that'd be great! Thanks!
Edit: Oh also, I am looking to build on Windows (not Android or iOS).

tablet and phone website layout design - which to make first?

I have a project which requires the development of a mobile site which works on both smart phone and tablet devices. I have read much about mobile design, concepts of "mobile first", responsive design, etc. One thing I have not seen covered is discussions on work flow, particularly at the layout design phase.
What I am not sure about is whether I should focus on the wireframe model for the phone site layout first, and then work on the tablet layout once the phone layout is finished? Or is it better to work on developing both phone and tablet wireframes concurrently? Which method is less problematic in the long run?
It really depends on how many of these you've done before as well as your designer.
Some designers need to work on the desktop first and bring everything down from there, it's just what allows them to be be more creative.
Having said that you're better off looking at going mobile first. I've seen a lot of responsive projects run into issues around linearising the large desktop content areas down into a tablet and mobile layout while still maintaining brand recognition and a synergy between the designs (yeah, I used 'synergy').
It helps if you're able to get your hands on REAL content for the site so you know exactly what you're dealing with. Use a framework like Bootstrap or Foundation to rapidly prototype some ideas with the real content and test to see what does and doesn't work.
When it comes to designing, try and design things in modules. Check out Style Tiles for hints on how to design with that workflow.
Best advice is do what works for your team, you will make mistakes anyway so even if you ignore everything I've said keep it in the back of your mind. Use real content, prototype/test early and don't be afraid to go through a few iterations.
Oh and finally, if you do go Desktop first design, display: none; is not a suitable solution for your content problems later on.

What are some good text chat libraries or platforms?

I'm interested in building a text chat application along the lines of AIM, facebook chat, etc, and I'm wondering where a good place to start would be.
One word. XMPP.
I've written a chat client with both server and client parts in Java, and our company uses one based in Delphi, so I would recommend either of those.
If you use Java, I would recommend using EclipseRCP to create a GUI quickly, and Delphi is already great for GUI's with it's forms.

Web programming language

I want to go learn web programming,but besides names and a little of html I don't know anything.So I ask you what programming languages you recommend,why,what can be done with it,tools to learn ,etc.I don't know if it matters but I program in a Linux enviroment(Ubuntu).
I don't want to do hardcore web programming ,I only want to be able to develop complete websites and understand network concepts.
Well, most cheap/free web hosts support PHP, MySQL, and most browsers support Javascript.
Target those and you'll be on a reasonably good path.
Some support Ruby and Python, and you might choose that path if you want to learn those languages.
Good luck!
Definitely start with HTML, and basic CSS. These are the core of web programming, and you need to understand them well to do anything of consequence.
Once you've got those down, you'll want to move on to a server-side language. The easiest is PHP, but be careful of picking up bad habits, since it's a loose environment; if you stick with PHP, you'll eventually want to use it with an MVC framework such as CodeIgniter, which encourage separating presentation and logic. To get a little more advanced, you can also try Python or Ruby. Get yourself some server space to mess around with; most shared hosting plans are $5-10/month.
For Javascript/AJAX, you'll probably want to start by using Firebug or Firefox's DOM inspector to learn the relationship between the HTML of a page and the DOM object which Javascript uses to interact with it. Once you understand how the DOM works, toy around with jQuery to start doing useful (and fun!) stuff.
You'll also eventually want to learn MySQL (or a similar SQL variant), but that can probably wait, since you can do lots of interesting things without tackling database stuff.
Above all, be patient and persistent, and make use of every resource at your disposal: books, Google, Stack Overflow, and cheat sheets.
Ruby all the way. It's exactly what you need if you're interested in web dev and completely starting from scratch programming-wise. From the basics of Ruby it's pretty easy to get into Rails, which is a very beginner-friendly web framework.
Many great books on Amazon (look for the highest rated of course) on both Ruby and Rails.
Great starting point for links:
As well check out Learn to Program
Now get learnin'.
Google App Engine offers free hosting for applications that do not exceed the specified limits. The server-side language is Python, the client-side language is JavaScript inside Django templates. Everything has worked nicely for me in Ubuntu 8.10.
GREAT Question,
a couple of years ago I was in the same place -
What HONESTLY Helped me was using Dreamweaver, I set it in split mode and started watching the code
I used this and started delving into the PHP Application world and could see what was going on (sort of)
I know you can use dreamweaver with wine on the linux, and it can help you do a TON
granted if you continue it has the potential to limit you to the dreamweaver world... but can help you learn and create at the same time
(I build full php apps from scratch now with a notepad... but I started with DW)
The question I'd have is what kind of scale on web programming are you wanting to do? If it is small stuff then the LAMP stack would be my suggestion while if you want to get more into 3-tier architecture then Java or ASP.Net may be worth getting into for middleware or business logic code.
With the exception of the reference to the LAMP stack above, there has been no Perl recommendations. I like Perl as it is easy enough to build a fairly full featured web application (using CGI, or mod_perl). Of course, you are going to have to learn HTML/CSS if you are going to do anything on the web. I feel Perl is a good choice for web development as it is fairly robust and full featured with all of the modules available on CPAN. Combine with an application framework like CGI::Application or Catalyst and you can build sophisticated web apps in a short amount of time. Also, using a tool like XAMPP can help as you won't have to worry about web server or database cofigurations to get started.
