Retrieve a mailchimp list via GET - get

I am trying to retrieve a MailChimp list.
I have an API Key and a List ID, and while I understand that I can use the MailChimp API wrapper to achieve this I prefer to avoid implementing it since I only need to do this one task.
When I enter in my browser:*****&id=******
I get a JSON result of my list - but it is limited to the first 25 subscribers. I don't see anything in the MailChimp API documentation about submitting a GET request to retrieve a list. Is it possible to do so? If so, how can I retrieve a full list?

Read this:
Options are available via pagination.
You are supposed to POST the values in your request.

Looks like the best method is to use the MailChimp list method which "Exports/dumps members of a list and all of their associated details. This is a very similar to exporting via the web interface."
Another option is to use API v1.3 listMembers function, more info here: v1.3 is deprecated, but it still functions properly.


Maximo- Update work order using RESTApi by passing wonum and siteid instead of workorderid

We are currently on Maximo 7.6.1 and have started to use Restful APIs and was wondering if there is a way to update a work order using RESTApi by passing wonum and siteid instead of workorderid.
We would like to avoid one additional GET call for our middleware to retrieve the workorderid and then use it in the PUT request.
Using this URL (OS as well) tries to insert a record even though the HTTP method is PUT.
Any pointers will be helpful.
The IBM documentation appears to suggest you can only update existing records with the unique ID:
Use the PUT method to update or insert a resource. An update request
must provide the unique ID of the resource. To update an object
structure resource, the ID of the main object is required.
The response received using the url you provided appears to bear this out in as far as it indicates the work order cannot be created as it already exists:
Error 400: BMXAA4129E - The record for Site=BEDFORD, Work Order=1234
already exists. Ensure that the key value for the given record is
Reviewing the information at the following url I wasn't able to determine a method to perform the update without the unique ID:
In addition the Maximo RESTful API Swagger documentation indicates a POST to /os/mxwo is used to "Create a new resource":
Whilst a POST to /os/mxwo/{id} is used to "Update WORKORDER Object":
I was however able to update an existing work order using the unique ID. This being the case I can only suggest one of the following:
If you're creating the work order first using the REST/OSLC API,
retrieve and store the unique ID from the response received when the
record is created.
If (1) above is not possible, perform a GET and use parameters in
the query to filter on wonum and siteid and only receive back the minimum of
fields (e.g. workorderid only).
If neither (1) or (2) are feasible investigate whether it's possible
to customise Maximo and create your own endpoint for the work order
object structure that takes wonum and siteid as parameters,
retrieves the mbo and performs the update.

How do i fetch only internal messages from O365 using Graph API

I wan't to fetch only messages that are only internal to organization.
Right now the way i see is fetch domains first then for each message see if from/sender domain belongs to that message , based on that differentiate.
But this is lengthy process and not a foolproof technique.
Is there any GRAPH API query i can use which readily provides this ?
It does not apear that the REST API queries for Office 365 includes this information directly in the messages. From the Version 2.0 And the Beta this is not included in message output.
However, it looks like you might be able to get it from the REST API via the headers.
Try the following query:$select=internetMessageHeaders&$top=1
This takes top one messages and shows you the email header of the message.
In the header look for X-OriginatorOrg. The value should be the main domain of your organisation.
Alternatively you can look at the X-MS-Exchange-Organization-MessageDirectionalityheader. If the value here is Originating it should come from inside your own organisation.

Get all DocuSign EnvelopeIds that originated from a powerform

Using DocuSign's REST API, is there a way to retrieve a list of all envelope Ids from an account where the envelopes have a completed status and originated from a specific power form?
I've tried using the follow call and still see all completed envelopes after 9/12 regardless of where they originated from:
The best working solution I have now is to add a custom field to the envelope and filter on it using the custom_field parameter. This requires additional setup from users and is not optimal.
Have you looked at DocuSign Connect for this? If you setup a specific user for your Powerform, Connect can publish events to you for just the envelopes created from that user. Then you wouldn't even need to make calls to get the Envelope IDs (or even other information).
Your idea of adding a custom field on the template level is the best way to go. It will help return accurate results, though I would agree it adds some overhead/upkeep during template/powerform creation.
The powerformids parameter you are including in your sample is not a supporter parameter and is simply being ignored.

For Azure DocumentDB input binding, Is there a way to get the document id from the headers?

I am trying to use Azure function to automate a process, where by a third party send me a http request with document id in the http header. I want to use that id to use documentdb input binding.
I have already learnt that we can do it from the body. Thanks to Brett Samblanet for replying on the Azure documentation itself.
Alternatively I can redirect it further by putting "document id" into the query string, that will be bit inefficient but still better than not being able to use it at all. So it will be great If anybody can please help me to find out a way to:
use http header as document id.
use query string as document id.
At the moment you can only bind to values from the request body. We have a PR already merged that expands this to allow binding to the query string as well. But this change is not currently in production (I can update this response when it is):
There is currently no support for headers but I've filed an issue:
FYI -- I also copied this answer here:

Adding a user to a list with mandrill

I'm trying to create a simple page on heroku to gather emails for an upcoming product launch. I'm trying to use the nodejs mandrill api wrapper to do accomplish this but it looks like there's no method for adding a user to a list. List subscription seems like it would be a really basic ESP function, am I missing something or is there some reason why this isn't included in the api.
Mandrill doesn't store your subscribers (unlike mailchimp), only your recipients blacklisted. You have to build your own storage layer.
