How to select a SKRoute on a single tap in iphone sdk - skmaps

I'm working in SKMaps. I'm new to maps. Please give me idea to highlight a route when tapping anywhere on the route.

The current SDK is not supporting this.
You can highlight the route (if this would be a good option for you) via a GPX track or a polyline.
Here you'll find how to deal this on iOS. The demo projects contains also examples of both GPX track drawing and polylines/polygons:


Roku SceneGraph with Search Functionality

I'm creating a Roku app in SceneGraph and trying to near duplicate the search functionality I had using the old SDK. I'm stuck at only being able to display the mini keyboard. I'm trying to add buttons via buttongroup (i.e., Search, Cancel) but having two issues:
Not sure how to get the text string that's typed into the mini keyboard and store that in a variable or field so I can perform the search on it.
How to create a Search button and give it focus when user is ready to search for the string they entered.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
SGDEX (Scenegraph Developer Extensions) is what you need. They have a view called "SearchView". Look it up.
RALE (Roku Advanced Layout Editor) has good search options. - I have been unable to find a decent Search sample. It would be cool if we could export the source code from RALE.
However if you haven't tried RALE. You could upload your script, then add search to it.

Which image within the visual assets list, corresponds to Cortana

I am currently creating an UWA that interacts with Cortana, but the image displayed at the top of the canvas, remains the default one.
I have tried to declare various images within the visual assets list in , but none of them had a positive impact.
Who knows which one to change? I have read the documentation in MSDN, and they just mentions that cortana displays the app logo but again, I don't know which one is it.
Thanks in advance
In your package manifest, you have a line like this (This is taken from a the default UAP app template)
The element that shows up for me in Cortana's UI when I use a Cortana voice command is the Assets\Square44x44Logo.png one. Is that the one you're trying to change? Keep in mind you can use automatic scaling for different DPIs (it'll look up a file like Square44x44Logo.scale-200.png and other variations depending on the DPI of the screen) so it might be preferring that over the file you've modified, perhaps?

Android Studio Plugin - Show Image In Editor

I'd like to be able to display an image below a class-level javadoc in Android Studio. My assumption is that I should write a plugin to make this happen.
Does anyone know what I need to do to get an image (JPEG or PNG) to display below a class-level javadoc comment in a Java class file?
I looked into basic information about creating an IntelliJ IDEA plugin but I have no idea where to look to accomplish my task.
This is not possible in the current version of IntelliJ IDEA. The editor can display only text, and does not support embedding of non-text things such as an image file.
You can display images on hover, or in popups, or in dialogs, but not within the editor itself.
Do you want the image to show in the class' source code itself? As an aside, images in Javadocs will show when you view the formatted javadoc view the Quick documentation action (Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Q or Mac: ^J)
If you still want the image to show in the source code, then yes, you will need to write a plug-in. You can look at the Information for Plugin Developers
Setting Up the Plugin Development Environment section of this web page - - to get started. You'll have to dig through source code to try and find some ideas for how to display an image in the source code. As much as I love IntelliJ IDEA, there plug-in documentation is a bit weak. When I wrote a plug-in, I had to do a lot of looking through the IDEA code to find code that was doing things similar to what I wanted to do. I also downloaded the source code for some of the better plug-ins out there and looked through them.
Finally, you can ask for some guidance in the IntelliJ IDEA Open API and Plugin Development forum. That forum is monitored by JetBrains developers. Your best bet to getting answers in that forum is to ask very specific questions. Do not try and get someone to explain from start to finish what you need to do. As you do each step, ask questions about what you are trying to do.

Automating text entry using gesture keyboard in Android

I am new to the android development platform and working on a project to write some test comparing some of the different gesture keyboard implantations (android 4.2 built in, swipe and swift key).
I am using eclipe for my IDE and relying primarily on the emulator for testing. I am using the 4.2 gesture keyboard from here (
What I would like to be able to do (starting with android 4.2 built keyboard).
Pass a string in, for example “hello” and then have that string entered using the gesture keyboard.
Get the words shown in the Candidates View box.
Compare the words to an expected word and return pass/fail depending on if the words returned from Candidates View were what I expected.
Store passed in word and returned suggestions in a log file for analysis.
Ideally I would like able to use API’s only for this and not reply on UI but I am not sure if this is possible.
Some possible solution I am looking at.
Use TouchUtils class ( to draw shapes between keys. However, I am not sure how I can specific x and y coordinates on device to map to specific keys. Also I don’t see any methods in this class that would let me draw a custom based shape.
Also I see the sendKeys(String keysSequence) however this looks like it just presses key and would not exercise to gesture keyboard stuff.
So I am curious how all you advance android developers would approach/solve this problem and if there is already any resources/API’s out there that can help.
You can try MonkeyRunner tool
Or you can try "Programmatically Injecting Events on Android" in the below two blog posts (part 1 and part 2)

Getting started with Xcode 4.2

I have recently got a Mac and I have downloaded Xcode 4.2 from the store. I am trying to get to grips with iPhone development but I am having real troubles. All the tutorials I seem to find online, when they create a project, they had a resources folder, and inside that there is xib file which allows them to use an interface builder.
This does not appear on 4.2, so makes it kinda hard to follow majority of tutorials have the resources folder. How do I get this back? Or how do I access this file on 4.2?
Also, I could someone explain to me where the objects list is? I started following this tutorial
as it seemed to be using Xcode 4.2, but when I get down to the storyboard section, it says
"Of course, we really want another tab on there so we can see the switching between the two – so lets drag in another Navigation Controller from the Utilities (objects) list and plonk it down somewhere. "
Except I cannot find this objects list? How do I open this objects list? What am I missing?
Sorry if these questions seem very basic, I am new to both Macs and iPhones. Android development seems a HELL of a lot easier from what I can see so far.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Also would be grateful if anyone could point in direction of any good up to date tutorials
I have a post on it will give you a nice understanding of how most stuff fits together, I don't use Interface Builder at all since it only makes the app bigger. Have a look at my blog post, still need to do styling, and add more posts but it is a nice beginner guide.
Most posts you are finding still use XCode 3 that's why you can't find certain things.
Also have a look at
What they are referring to as the object list, in XCode 4 it is found in the bottom right corner of Interface Builder. In XCode 4 Interface Builder is part of XCode and no longer an external application. Therefore when ever you open a XIB file Interface Builder also automatically opens
