Mongodb Full text search, get the matched string in the document - node.js

I am trying to implement FTS feature with node and mongdodb backend. In the search result, I would also like to project a new field, i.e the matched string in the document. This would give it a google like feel. Has anyone got ideas on this without having write lots of own custom functions?
The schema looks like this
var version = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
owner: String,
reviewer: String,
date_of_modification: Date,
comments: String,
hints: [String],
global: Boolean,
**content: { type: [String], index: true }**
version_no: Number,
var artifactSchema= new mongoose.Schema({
pid : String,
trashed : Boolean,
baseline : Number,
versions : [version],
I would like to create an index on the content field of Version model.

I know its a little late but recently I did it with MEAN+angucomplete
AngularJS Query e.g. http://localhost:8080/api/search?s=
Express Query
.get(function(req, res) {
{ $match : { '' : new RegExp(query, 'gi') } },
{ $project : { name : 1, _id : 1, '' : 1, 'Product._id' : 1} },
{ $unwind : "$Product" },
{ $group : {
_id : "$_id",
Category : { $addToSet : "$name"},
Product : { $push : "$Product"}
Angucomplete Markup
<div angucomplete-alt id="depts"
placeholder="Click Here to Search across Whole Store"
autocapitalize="on" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off"
input-class="form-control form-control-small"


mongodb mongoose nodejs express4 why insert a _id in Object Array field automatically?

It might be conceptual question about _id in mongodb.
I understand mongodb will insert a _id field automatically if you don't set key field in document.In my case, I defined a field as Object Array, I don't know why it always create a _id in each Object in Array of this field.
I do appreciate if someone could clarify it for me.
Mongoose Model Scheme definition:
module.exports = mongoose.model("Application", {
Name: String,
Description: String,
Dependency: [
App_id: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Application'
Priority: Number
This is an Update operation, request data is:
{ _id: '571953e33f33c919d03381b5',
Name: 'A Test Utility (cmd)',
Description: 'A Test Utility (cmd)'
[ { App_id: '571953e33f33c919d03381b6', Priority: true },
{ App_id: '571953e33f33c919d03383da', Priority: 0 } ]
I use this code to update it
var id = req.body._id;
Application.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: id }, req.body, function (err, app) {
if (err)
The update is successful.But the document in mongodb is:
"_id" : ObjectId("571953e33f33c919d03381b5"),
"Name" : "A Test Utility (cmd)",
"Description" : "A Test Utility (cmd)",
"Dependency" : [
"Priority" : 1,
"App_id" : ObjectId("571953e33f33c919d03381b6"),
"_id" : ObjectId("571a7f552985372426509acb")
"Priority" : 0,
"App_id" : ObjectId("571953e33f33c919d03383da"),
"_id" : ObjectId("571a7f552985372426509aca")
I just don't understand how come the _id in the "Dependency" Array?
When you use [{..}] that means inside it act as a sub schema and you know that MongoDB insert a _id field automatically if you don't set key field in document. So you need to force to insert document without _id field.
Need use {_id:false} for your Dependency array schema to insert without _id
var ApplicationSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
Name: String,
Description: String,
Dependency: [
App_id: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Application'
Priority: Number,
_id: false
module.exports = mongoose.model("Application", ApplicationSchema);

How to find a record using dot notation & update the value in a schema using mongoose

I am using mongoose to perform CRUD operation on my db. This is how my model looks.
var EmployeeSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
description: {
type: String,
default: 'No description'
department: [],
lastUpdated: {
type: Date,
The department can contains array of object like this.
"id" : "55ba28f680dec4383eeebf97",
"text" : "Sales",
"topParentId" : "55ba28f680dec4383eeebf8b",
"topParentText" : "XYZ"
"id" : "55ba28f680dec4383eeebf98",
"text" : "IT",
"topParentId" : "55ba28f680dec4383eeebf8b",
"topParentText" : "XYZ"
"id" : "55ba28f680dec4383eeebf94",
"text" : "Marketing",
"topParentId" : "55ba28f680dec4383eeebccc",
"topParentText" : "ABC"
Now I need to find all the employee where = '55ba28f680dec4383eeebf94' and then I need to update the text of the object.
Employee.find({'': '55ba28f680dec4383eeebf94'}, function(err, Employees) {
_.each(Employees, function (emp) {
_.each(emp.department, function (dept) {
if( === '55ba28f680dec4383eeebf94'){
dept.text = 'XXXXX'; // How to update the employee to save the updated text
What is the right way to save the employee with updated text for that department?
Iterating is code is not a "sharp" way to do this. It is better to use the MongoDB update operators, especially since there is no schema defined for the array items here, so no rules to worry about:
{'': '55ba28f680dec4383eeebf94'},
{ "$set": { "department.$.text": "XXXXX" },
function(err,numAffected) {
// handling in here
The $set is the important part, otherwise you overwrite the whole object. As is the positional $ operator in the statement, so only the matched ( queried item in the array ) index is updated.
Also see .find**AndUpdate() variants for a way to return the modified object.
I think you can use the update model:
Employee.update({ '55ba28f680dec4383eeebf94'}, {department.text: 'XXXXX'}, {multi: true},
function(err, num) {
console.log("updated "+num);
First object is the query, what to find: { '55ba28f680dec4383eeebf94'}, the second one is the update, what to update: {department.text: 'XXXXX'} and the third one is the options to pass to the update, multi means update every records you find: {multi: true}

Mongoose MongoDB: updating objects in a nested array

I've got the following schema
var UserSchema = new Schema({
emp_no: Number,
skills: [{
skill: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Skill'
startDate: {type: Date},
I'm then trying to update the startDate of one particular skill. I've tried several differents ways, one of them being:
User.findOne({emp_no: req.body.emp_no}, function (err, user) {
user.update( {'skills._id': 123}, {'$set': {
'skills.$.startDate': req.body.startDate
This particular code gives: err: 'cannot use the part (skills of skills._id) to traverse the element
The actual object looks like
"_id" : ObjectId("5469753de27a7c082203fd0a"),
"emp_no" : 123,
"skills" : [
"skill" : ObjectId("547d5f3021d99d302079446d"),
"startDate" : ISODate("2014-12-02T06:43:27.763Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("547d5f8f21d99d3020794472")
"__v" : 108
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
When you call update on a model instance like you're doing here, the first parameter is the update operation to apply to that document, as the document to update is already uniquely identified by its _id.
Instead, use Model.update to do this all in one operation:
{emp_no: req.body.emp_no, 'skills._id': 123},
{'$set': {
'skills.$.startDate': req.body.startDate
function(err, numAffected) {...}

Mongoose fail to set ref -Schema.Types.ObjectId- to other document

I'm trying to save a document with mongoose according to the doc
First I call and inside the callback of I use
But when I check parent.childs I can see that no child has been added.
The parent schema is Home :
var HomeSchema = new Schema({
password : String,
draft : { type: Boolean, default: true },
edited : { type: Boolean, default: false },
guests : [{type : Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref : 'Guest'}],
_event : {type : Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref : 'Event'}
the child schema is Guest :
var GuestSchema = new Schema({
_home : {type : Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref : 'Home'},
firstname : String,
lastname : String,
coming : { type: String, default: 'dnk-coming' },
phone : String,
email : String,
address : String,
edited : { type: Boolean, default: false },
draft : { type: Boolean, default: true }
To avoid any misunderstanding, you have to know that this two Schema are included in my user schema :
var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
Now you should have all the required informations to completly understand the execution :
UserModel.findById(user._id, function(err, userFound) {
if (!err) {
/* cleaning draft*/ = that.clean(;
/* setting draft */
var HomeModel = mongoose.model("Home");
var homeModel = new HomeModel();
homeModel.draft = true;
if ( === null) { = [];
} {
if (!err) {
var GuestModel = mongoose.model("Guest");
var guestModel = new GuestModel();
guestModel._home = homeModel._id; {
if (!err) {
// #ma08 : According to the doc this line should'nt be required
//homeModel.guests.push(guestModel._id); so when I use this obviously the id is correctly set but when I try a populate after saving the populate do not work;
userFound.guests.push(guestModel); {
if (!err) {
else {
This treatement doesn't result in any error. But it doesn't work as intended when I stringify the user.guests I get :
[ { coming: 'dnk-coming',
edited: false,
draft: true,
_id: 53dcda201fc247c736d87a95,
_home: 53dce0f42d5c1a013da0ca71,
__v: 0 }]
wich is absolutly fine I get the _home id etc...
Then I stringify the and I get :
[ { draft: true,
edited: false,
guests: [],
_id: 53dce0f42d5c1a013da0ca71,
__v: 0 } ]
According to the doc guests should be setted, but it's not <-- this is my issue. Please help me to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I could set it manualy but according to the doc it's not suppose to work this way I think. {...
this is wrong because you are embedding the guests in the userSchema.
So skip the and just push the guestModel in userFound
An embedded document can never a reference. You can't point to it without obtaining the parent document. So you can't do both embedding and keeping a ref to the embedded document. You should choose between either embedding or adding a ref.
My suggestion would be to design your schemas like this. Store guests in a separate collection. Store the ref to guest in user and home schemas. If you want to store some relationship data you can store along with the ref like [{guestId:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId,ref:'Guest'},field1:{type:...},field2:{...}..] and if you just want the ref [{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId,ref:'Guest'}]

Using mongoose, how do I filter and then group by?

I am using mongoose and so far the query I use gets me all of the critiques based on a docId. I would like to group this result by distinct editors now. Except, my editors is an object.
This is what my critique query looks like:
Critique.find({docId:req.params.docId}).populate('editor', 'name username').exec(function(err, critiques){
console.error("Cannot find critiques with docId: " + critiques.docId);
This is my model I am querying:
var CritiqueSchema = new Schema({
className : String,
content: String,
eleId: Number,
type: String,
comments: String,
isAccepted: Boolean,
classes: String,
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Composition'
created: {
type: Date,
editor: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
UPDATE new query:
[ {$match : {docId : mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.docId)}},
{$group : { _id : "$editor", critiques: { $push: "$$ROOT" } } }
]).exec(function(error, result){
else console.log(error);
What you need is $group in the aggregation framework. But aggregation and population don't go along. So you have two options populate and group the results by yourself by writing a loop or you can use $group to group them and then query each editor manually. The second is better as there will no duplication in editor queries whereas in population there will be significant duplication going on.
docId: ObjectId(req.params.docid)
{ $group : { _id : "$editor", critiques: { $push: "$$ROOT" } } }
/* result will be of the form:
[{_id:<an editor's objectid>,critiques:[{<critique1 document>},{<critique2 document>}...]}...]
//you will have to manually query for each distinct editor(result[i]._id) which sucks
//because the call will be asynchronous in the loop and you can't send your response without using async library
//another option would be to use the $in operator on an array of the distinct critiques:
var editors = { return x._id } );
var{return x._id})
var index;
for(var i=0;i<result.length;i++){
//result is your final result. In the editor field of each object you will have the username of the editor
Check the docs for $$ROOT.
