To practice concurrent programming, I wrote the following (suboptimal) program, which repeatedly calculates the first prime bigger than whatever the user inputs:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Monad (forever)
primeAtLeast n = -- Some pure code that looks up the first prime at least as big as n
outputPrimeAtLeast n = putStrLn $ show $ (n, primeAtLeast n)
main = do
chan <- newChan
worker <- forkIO $ forever $ readChan chan >>= outputPrimeAtLeast
forever $ (readLn :: (IO Int)) >>= (writeChan chan)
killThread worker
I want to have a worker thread in the background that does the actual calculation and outputs (n, primeAtLeast n) as soon as it's finished.
What it's doing now: As soon as I enter a number n, it immediately outputs (n,, returns the control to the main thread, calculates primeAtLeast n in the background and outputs the second half primeAtLeast n) as soon as it's finished.
So is putStrLn not atomic? Or where is the problem?
Try this:
outputPrimeAtLeast n = let p = primeAtLeast n in p `seq` putStrLn $ show (n, p)
The above forces the computation of the prime before the putStrLn is run.
Further, you may use print instead of putStrLn . show:
outputPrimeAtLeast n = let p = primeAtLeast n in p `seq` print (n, p)
Alternatively, you may use a putStrLn function which forces every single character before starting printing anything.
strictPutStrLn :: Show a => a -> IO ()
strictPutStrLn x = let str = show x in str `listSeq` putStrLn str
listSeq :: [a] -> b -> b
listSeq [] w = w
listSeq (x:xs) w = x `seq` listSeq xs w
I have a very simple function f :: Int -> Int and I want to write a program that calls f for each n = 1,2,...,max. After each call of f the (cumulative) time that was used up to that point should be displayed (along with n and f n). How can this be implemented?
I'm still really new to input/output in Haskell, so this is what I've tried so far (using some toy example function f)
f :: Int -> Int
f n = sum [1..n]
evalAndTimeFirstN :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO()
evalAndTimeFirstN n max time =
if n == max
then return () -- in the following we have to calculate the time difference from start to now
else let str = ("(" ++ (show n) ++ ", " ++ (show $ f n) ++ ", "++ (show time)++ ")\n")
in putStrLn str >> evalAndTimeFirstN (n+1) max time -- here we have to calculate the time difference
main :: IO()
main = evalAndTimeFirstN 1 5 0
I don't quite see how I have to introduce the timing here. (The Int for time probably has to be replaced with something else.)
You probably want something like this. Adapt the following basic example as needed for your recursive function.
import Data.Time.Clock
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a number"
n <- readLn
start <- getCurrentTime
let fact = product [1..n] :: Integer
evaluate fact -- this is needed, otherwise laziness would postpone the evaluation
end <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn $ "Time elapsed: " ++ show (diffUTCTime end start)
-- putStrLn $ "The result was " ++ show fact
Uncomment the last line to print the result (it gets very large very quickly).
I finally managed to find a solution. In this case we're measuring the "real" time in ms.
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
f n = sum[0..n]
getTime = getCurrentTime >>= pure . (1000*) . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds >>= pure . round
main = do
maxns <- getLine
let maxn = (read maxns)::Int
t0 <- getTime
loop 1 maxn t0
where loop n maxn t0|n==maxn = return ()
loop n maxn t0
= do
putStrLn $ "fun eval: " ++ (show n) ++ ", " ++ (show $ (f n))
t <- getTime
putStrLn $ "time: " ++ show (t-t0);
loop (n+1) maxn t0
I'm new to Haskell and trying to write simple program to find maximal element and it's index from intput. I receive values to compare one by one. Maximal element I'm holding in maxi variable, it's index - in maxIdx. Here's my program:
loop = do
let maxi = 0
let maxIdx = 0
let idx = 0
let idxN = 0
replicateM 5 $ do
input_line <- getLine
let element = read input_line :: Int
if maxi < element
then do
let maxi = element
let maxIdx = idx
hPutStrLn stderr "INNER CHECK"
hPutStrLn stderr "OUTER CHECK"
let idx = idxN + 1
let idxN = idx
print maxIdx
Even though I know elements coming are starting from bigger to smaller (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) program enters INNER CHECK all the time (it should happen only for the first element!) and maxIdx is always 0.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Anyway, let's have fun.
loop = do
let maxi = 0
let maxIdx = 0
let idx = 0
let idxN = 0
replicateM 5 $ do
input_line <- getLine
let element = read input_line :: Int
if maxi < element
then do
let maxi = element
let maxIdx = idx
hPutStrLn stderr "INNER CHECK"
hPutStrLn stderr "OUTER CHECK"
let idx = idxN + 1
let idxN = idx
print maxIdx
is not a particularly Haskelly code (and as you know is not particularly correct).
Let's make if Haskellier.
What do we do here? We've an infinite loop, which is reading a line 5 times, does something to it, and then calls itself again for no particular reason.
Let's split it:
import Control.Monad
readFiveLines :: IO [Int]
readFiveLines = replicateM 5 readLn
addIndex :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
addIndex xs = zip xs [0..]
findMaxIndex :: [Int] -> Int
findMaxIndex xs = snd (maximum (addIndex xs))
loop :: ()
loop = loop
main :: IO ()
main = do xs <- readFiveLines
putStrLn (show (findMaxIndex xs))
snd returns the second element from a tuple; readLn is essentially read . getLine; zip takes two lists and returns a list of pairs; maximum finds a maximum value.
I left loop intact in its original beauty.
You can be even Haskellier if you remember that something (huge expression) can be replaced with something $ huge expression ($ simply applies its left operand to its right operand), and the functions can be combined with .: f (g x) is the same as (f . g) x, or f . g $ x (see? it's working for the left side as well!). Additionally, zip x y can be rewritten as x `zip` y
import Control.Monad
readFiveLines :: IO [Int]
readFiveLines = replicateM 5 readLn
addIndex :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
addIndex = (`zip` [0..])
findMaxIndex :: [Int] -> Int
findMaxIndex = snd . maximum . addIndex
main :: IO ()
main = do xs <- readFiveLines
putStrLn . show . findMaxIndex $ xs
As for debug print, there's a package called Debug.Trace and a function traceShow which prints its first argument (formatted with show, hence the name) to stderr, and returns its second argument:
findMaxIndex :: [Int] -> Int
findMaxIndex = snd . (\xs -> traceShow xs (maximum xs)) . addIndex
That allows you to tap onto any expression and see what's coming in (and what are the values around — you can show tuples, lists, etc.)
I think alf's answer is very good, but for what it's worth, here's how I would interpret your intention.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import System.IO
import Control.Monad.State
data S = S { maximum :: Int
, maximumIndex :: Int
, currentIndex :: Int }
update :: Int -> Int -> S -> S
update m mi (S _ _ ci) = S m mi ci
increment :: S -> S
increment (S m mi ci) = S m mi (ci+1)
next :: (MonadIO m, MonadState S m) => m ()
next = do
S maxi maxIdx currIdx <- get
input <- liftIO $ getLine
let element = read input :: Int
if maxi < element
then do
modify (update element currIdx)
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "INNER CHECK"
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "OUTER CHECK"
modify increment
run :: Int -> IO S
run n = execStateT (replicateM_ n next) (S 0 0 0)
main :: IO ()
main = do
S maxi maxIdx _ <- run 5
putStrLn $ "maxi: " ++ (show maxi) ++ " | maxIdx: " ++ (show maxIdx)
This uses a monad transformer to combine a stateful computation with IO. The get function retrieves the current state, and the modify function lets you change the state.
In the following Haskell code, how to force main thread to wait till all its child threads finish.
I could not able to use forkFinally as given in the section "Terminating the Program" here in this link: (
I get desired result when using TMVar. But I want to do this with TVar.
Please help.
module Main
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
type TInt = TVar Int
transTest :: TInt -> Int -> IO ()
transTest n t = do
atomically $ do
t1 <- readTVar n
doSomeJob t
t2 <- readTVar n
writeTVar n t
doSomeJob :: Int -> STM ()
doSomeJob t = do
x <- newTVar 0
let l = 10^6*t
forM_ [1..l] (\i -> do
writeTVar x i )
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- newTVarIO 0
let v = 5
forkIO (transTest n v)
let v = 3
forkIO (transTest n v)
let v = 7
forkIO (transTest n v)
let v = 1
forkIO (transTest n v)
r <- atomically $ readTVar n
putStrLn("Last updated value = " ++ (show r))
What I did in the past was to create a little MVar for each forked thread and then use forkFinally to fork the threads such that at the very end, each thread would put a dummy value into the MVar (i.e. I used the MVar as a synchronisation primitive). I could then call takeMVar on those MVars to wait.
I wrapped it into a little helper function:
forkThread :: IO () -> IO (MVar ())
forkThread proc = do
handle <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkFinally proc (\_ -> putMVar handle ())
return handle
Using this, your code could be changed to something like
-- Fork four threads
threads <- forM [5, 3, 7, 1] (\v -> forkThread (transTest n v))
-- Wait for all of them
mapM_ takeMVar threads
However, that was before I read the (most excellent) book "Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell" by Simon Marlow, which made me aware of the async package. The package provides an abstraction which not only takes care of all these things, so you can write just
-- Runs 'transTest n {5,3,7,1}' in parallel and waits for all threads
_ <- mapConcurrently (transTest n) [5, 3, 7, 1] also takes care of things such as (asynchronous) exceptions.
Basically I would like to find a way so that a user can enter the number of test cases and then input their test cases. The program can then run those test cases and print out the results in the order that the test cases appear.
So basically I have main which reads in the number of test cases and inputs it into a function that will read from IO that many times. It looks like this:
main = getLine >>= \tst -> w (read :: String -> Int) tst [[]]
This is the method signature of w: w :: Int -> [[Int]]-> IO ()
So my plan is to read in the number of test cases and have w run a function which takes in each test case and store the result into the [[]] variable. So each list in the list will be an output. w will just run recursively until it reaches 0 and print out each list on a separate line. I'd like to know if there is a better way of doing this since I have to pass in an empty list into w, which seems extraneous.
As #bheklilr mentioned you can't update a value like [[]]. The standard functional approach is to pass an accumulator through a a set of recursive calls. In the following example the acc parameter to the loop function is this accumulator - it consists of all of the output collected so far. At the end of the loop we return it.
myTest :: Int -> [String]
myTest n = [ "output line " ++ show k ++ " for n = " ++ show n | k <- [1..n] ]
main = do
putStr "Enter number of test cases: "
ntests <- fmap read getLine :: IO Int
let loop k acc | k > ntests = return $ reverse acc
loop k acc = do
-- we're on the kth-iteration
putStr $ "Enter parameter for test case " ++ show k ++ ": "
a <- fmap read getLine :: IO Int
let output = myTest a -- run the test
loop (k+1) (output:acc)
allOutput <- loop 1 []
print allOutput
As you get more comfortable with this kind of pattern you'll recognize it as a fold (indeed a monadic fold since we're doing IO) and you can implement it with foldM.
Update: To help explain how fmap works, here are equivalent expressions written without using fmap:
With fmap: Without fmap:
n <- fmap read getLine :: IO [Int] line <- getLine
let n = read line :: Int
vals <- fmap (map read . words) getLine line <- getLine
:: IO [Int] let vals = (map read . words) line :: [Int]
Using fmap allows us to eliminate the intermediate variable line which we never reference again anyway. We still need to provide a type signature so read knows what to do.
The idiomatic way is to use replicateM:
runAllTests :: [[Int]] -> IO ()
runAllTests = {- ... -}
main = do
numTests <- readLn
tests <- replicateM numTests readLn
runAllTests tests
-- or:
-- main = readLn >>= flip replicateM readLn >>= runAllTests
When more than one thread is waiting to write an MVar, they are executed in first-in first-out scheme. I want to execute thread as per shortest job scheduling.
I have tired to code this using MVar. Here job is to calculate a Fibonacci number and write a MVar. 1st thread calculates Fibonacci 30 and 2nd thread calculates Fibonacci 10. As time taken for calculating Fibonacci 10 is less than 30, thus 2nd thread should execute first. I a not getting the desired result from the following block of code.
How to implement shortest job first scheduling in Haskell (or may be using Haskell STM)?
module Main
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO
nfib :: Int -> Int
nfib n | n <= 2 = 1
| otherwise = par n1 (pseq n2 (n1 + n2 ))
where n1 = nfib (n-1)
n2 = nfib (n-2)
type MInt = MVar Int
updateMVar :: MInt -> Int -> IO ()
updateMVar n v = do x1 <- readMVar n
let y = nfib v
x2 <- readMVar n
if x1 == x2
then do t <- takeMVar n
putMVar n y
else return()
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- newEmptyMVar
putMVar n 0
forkIO(updateMVar n 30)
t <- readMVar n
putStrLn("n is : " ++ (show t))
forkIO(updateMVar n 10)
t <- readMVar n
putStrLn("n is : " ++ (show t))
n is : 832040
n is : 55
To implement scheduling you need to use MVars and threads together. Start with an empty MVar. Fork the jobs you wish to run in the background. The main thread can then block on each result in turn. The fastest will come first. Like so:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO
nfib :: Int -> Int
nfib n | n <= 2 = 1
| otherwise = par n1 (pseq n2 (n1 + n2 ))
where n1 = nfib (n-1)
n2 = nfib (n-2)
main :: IO ()
main = do
result <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ do
let !x = nfib 40
putMVar result x
forkIO $ do
let !x = nfib 30
putMVar result x
t <- takeMVar result
print $ "Fastest result was: " ++ show t
t <- takeMVar result
print $ "Slowest result was: " ++ show t
Note that it is important to use bang patterns to evaluate the fibonacci calls outside of the MVar (don't want to simply return an unevaluated thunk to the main thread).
Compile with the threaded runtime:
$ ghc -o A --make A.hs -threaded -fforce-recomp -rtsopts
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( A.hs, A.o )
Linking A.exe ...
And run on two cores:
$ ./A.exe +RTS -N2
"Fastest result was: 832040"
"Slowest result was: 102334155"
Productivity is pretty good as well (use +RTS -s to see runtime performance statistics).
Productivity 89.3% of total user, 178.1% of total elapsed
The first thread to finish will have its result printed first. The main thread will then block until the second thread is done.
The main thing is to take advantage of MVar empty/full semantics to block the main thread on each of the children threads.