Vim not updating lines in quickfix windows under under Cygwin - vim

I have Vim 7.4 and it has a strange issue in a quickfix window when using Vim in Cygwin.
When moving downwards, everything if fine. When moving upwards, however, once my cursor is on the top of the window (not the top row), from then on every movement upward only updates the row one row below my cursor gets updated; the rest don't.
By pressing Ctrl+L and refreshing, the rest of the file gets updated properly. But the fix doesn't stay.
What is causing this and how could I fix it?
TERM is xterm-256color
Mouse support works. This isn't quite relevant except it should demonstrate that vim, tmux and my terminal emulator are all configured fairly well in general.
This happens even with an empty .vimrc
The terminal emulator I am using is MinTTY
Trying to reproduce it doesn't work. It happens in my Tmux session with 10 tabs open. But when I try to open another MinTTY with Tmux, the issue doesn't happen
When trying to record the issue with Asciinema, the issue still comes up, but when looking at the recording, the issue is not seen there.
One of the symtoms are that while using Vim, sometimes the contents of the lowest row (tmux tabs) are copied to vim's lower statusline row until the next full redraw of the screen.


To scroll in gdb window using Termdebug in Vim

I'm using vim since a while to code in c++, and I use the plugin Termdebug to have the gdb window included in vim, with all the commands easily usable etc... my problem is that I can't scroll up or down in the gdb command window and in the output window, because up and down arrows only show precedent and next commands, none of the combo I tried worked (like C-Up or A-Up). I already tried some solutions:
lauching vim with :let g:termdebug_use_prompt = 1, so I can go in normal mode in the termdebug windows. It worked, but the text displayed is ugly and buggy (text which was bold isn't anymore, random line breaks in the middle of lines...).
as How to scroll the gdb window within cgdb? says, using PageUp/PageDown, but my laptop doesn't have these keys. I tried to map new combinations of keys with or by modifying ~/.config/openbox/lxqt-rc.xml, but when I tried them it only wrote "3~" and ";3~" whether in Vim or in Qterminal btw. Edit : tried with another computer with Page Up / Down key, doesn't work.
Using C-w + :C-y, as C-w make it possible to enter vim commands in the gdb window and C-y scroll up in vim. In the vim and the gdb window, it raises an E464 Error, saying the command is ambiguous. Edit : vim commands doesn't seem to work at all in gdb windows, command :go which should move the cursor to the beginning of the file has no effect.
If someone has a solution making it possible to switch between modes in the gdb window, but with a correct display it would be perfect, allowing me to use all my vim maps in the gdb window, however just a solution to scroll would already save me.
Problem solved ! Doing "C-W N" in the gdb and/or in the I/O window switch them to normal mode, making possible the scrolling.

copying text with the mouse in VIM, why doesn't it work?

I am using both MacVim and console Vim.
My shell is ZSH and the terminal is iTerm2.
What I am trying to achieve:
when I'm dealing with the GUI, in other window, sometimes I want a quick copy paste from a VIM window.
I can use the mouse to select the text, but:
cmd-c doesn't copy
ctrl-c doesn't copy
ctrl-shift-c doesn't copy
right button context menu copies sometimes but not always and I don't know why. I don't know if it's related to the mode I'm in, etc it's just not reliable. At this stage, the menu that appears in the console is not VIM's, since it doesn't have one, but iTerm2, so things get very confusing.
when using MacVim, the menu shows me to use cmd-c to copy, but whether I do it, or using the context menu it sometimes works and, more than often, it doesn't.
Reading from forums, I've tried to do:
but, when I press return it doesn't even acknowledge the line.
So, my simple question is: how can I do quickie copies from a mouse selection in VIM to paste it in another window without have to do anything else that would slow me down?
The command is
set mouse=a
but you need clipboard interfaces. See :help "*
I would visually select (with or without mouse) and use "*y, or :yank * if it can be done linewise (sometimes the range is easier to type, like :%y*).
Alternately, disable mouse-reporting (Cmd-R on mac) and use the native copy-paste.

Cmder cursor and highlight issues with Neovim

Currently in normal mode and the cursor is still just a | instead of the usual block
This doesn't change regardless of the mode, I have tried reinstalling both neovim and cmder and the same result happens regardless of the .vim file being used.
using the / command to search for the word "there" and it makes the word im searching for invisible with or without a stock config for both cmder and neovim
currently in visual select highlighting all of the text but the highlight on the text is clear/can't see it but it is working.
For all of these issues I have tried using a new .vim file and a stock cmder config and have reinstalled both and the issue still occurs, the issue doesn't happen when I use neovim through the command prompt or from powershell.
The highlight issue doesn't occur when using regular vim through cmder only with Neovim, however the cursor staying a | persists in regular vim as well.
Update with regular vim:
Regular vim is working properly with highlighting cursor and everything, the issue only happens with neovim now, if this doesn't get fixed then ill just switch to regular vim.
I've never used cmder before, but for iterm2, for example, there is a setting associated to this:
If you're on osx you can hit <⌘ + ,> to get to the preferences for the current application.

How to prevent neovim from placing cursor at the last line?

Recently I am trying to switch to neovim but there is some annoying cursor movement as you can see below:
Each echoed text may be followed by cursor at the end. Saving file is quite often command so it is very annoying. The problem may occur when leaving insert mode or even with popup menu when completion takes some time (cursor is placed after the first line of menu). Another example:
Completion menu based on completefunc. It is quite slow and unstable yet but what the hell is this cursor doing?

Vim Ctrl v column selection issue on macOS Sierra

I am trying to use vim (Vi IMproved 8.0) on macOS Sierra for the first time and I noticed that a column selection in visual mode does not work properly.
Typing Ctrl+V toggles visual mode on, and by moving left or right I can make a horizontal selection as usual.
For example, here I selected 'no play' on the second line
However moving cursor down, instead of selecting a column, selects the current second line until the end and the next line is selected from the beginning to the cursor position.
I am guessing that this issue might be associated with the Terminal setting, rather than with bad settings in .vimrc since removing .vimrc does not change this behavior.
Moreover, I can ssh into a remote computer and still experience the same issue, even though vim on that remote computer works fine if I use a different computer to ssh into it.
I would appreciate any suggestions or tips on how to address or understand this issue.
