How to check if there's only numbers in string - string

how to check if there is only numbers in the string?
I want to skip some code with goto if there's only numbers in the string.

i := StrToInt( str );
{ str is NOT an integer }

A simple google: Pascal Help
Convert a string to an integer value.
Source position: line 113
function StrToInt( const s: string ):Integer; Description
StrToInt will convert the string Sto an integer. If the string
contains invalid characters or has an invalid format, then an
EConvertError is raised.
To be successfully converted, a string can contain a combination of
numerical characters, possibly preceded by a minus sign (-). Spaces
are not allowed.
The string S can contain a number in decimal, hexadecimal, binary or
octal format, as described in the language reference. For enumerated
values, the string must be the name of the enumerated value. The name
is searched case insensitively.
For hexadecimal values, the prefix '0x' or 'x' (case insensitive) may
be used as


Go string appears shorter than it's first rune

I was running some fuzzing on my code and it found a bug. I have reduced it down to the following code snippet and I cannot see what is wrong.
Given the string
s := string("\xc0")
The len(s) function returns 1. However, if you loop through the string the first rune is length 3.
for _, r := range s {
fmt.Println("len of rune:", utf8.RuneLen(r)) // Will print 3
My assumptions are:
len(string) is returning the number of bytes in the string
utf8.RuneLen(r) is returning the number of bytes in the rune
I assume I am misunderstanding something, but how can the length of a string be less than the length of one of it's runes?
Playground here:
The explanation is simple: your input is not valid UTF-8 encoded string.
This outputs: false.
The for range over a string ranges over its runes, but if an invalid UTF-8 sequence is encountered, the Unicode replacement character 0xFFFD is set for r. Spec: For statements:
For a string value, the "range" clause iterates over the Unicode code points in the string starting at byte index 0. On successive iterations, the index value will be the index of the first byte of successive UTF-8-encoded code points in the string, and the second value, of type rune, will be the value of the corresponding code point. If the iteration encounters an invalid UTF-8 sequence, the second value will be 0xFFFD, the Unicode replacement character, and the next iteration will advance a single byte in the string.
This applies to your case: you get 0xfffd for r which has 3 bytes using UTF-8 encoding.
If you go with a valid string holding a rune of \xc0:
s = string([]rune{'\xc0'})
Then output is:
len of s: 2
runes in s: 1
len of rune: 2
UTF-8 bytes of s: [195 128]
Hexa UTF-8 bytes of s: c3 80
Try it on the Go Playground.

Compare Unicode code point range in Python3

I would like to check if a character is in a certain Unicode range or not, but seems I cannot get the expected answer.
char = "?" # the unicode value is 0xff1f
if hex(ord(char)) in range(0xff01, 0xff60):
print("in range")
print("not in range")
It should print: "in range", but the results show: "not in range". What have I done wrong?
hex() returns a string. To compare integers you should simply use ord:
if ord(char) in range(0xff01, 0xff60):
You could've also written:
if 0xff01 <= ord(char) < 0xff60:
In general for such problems, you can try inspecting the types of your variables.
Typing 0xff01 without quotes, represents a number.
list(range(0xff01, 0xff60)) will give you a list of integers [65281, 65282, .., 65375]. range(0xff01, 0xff60) == range(65281, 65376) evaluates to True.
ord('?') gives you integer 65311.
hex() takes an integer and converts it to '0xff01' (a string).
So, you simply need to use ord(), no need to hex() it.
Just only use ord:
if ord(char) in range(0xff01, 0xff60):
hex is not needed.
As mentioned in the docs:
Convert an integer number to a lowercase hexadecimal string prefixed with “0x”.
Obviously that already describes it, it becomes a string instead of what we want, an integer.
Whereas the ord function does what we want, as mentioned in the docs:
Given a string representing one Unicode character, return an integer representing the Unicode code point of that character. For example, ord('a') returns the integer 97 and ord('€') (Euro sign) returns 8364. This is the inverse of chr().

How to convert integer to fixed length hex string in Go?

I want to convert an integer to a hex string with a fixed length of 64 characters, prepended with zeros for integer values that do not use up all 32 hex values. If I try the following it adds spaces in front of s rather than zeros.
i := 898757
s := fmt.Sprintf("%64x", i)
The correct format is "%064x":
fmt.Printf("%064x\n", 898757)
Where the leading 0 is a "flag" for the formatting string. Per the fmt docs:
0: pad with leading zeros rather than spaces;
for numbers, this moves the padding after the sign
My personal preference is to use a period to separate the flags from the length field. This technically works because . is not meaningful with the integer verbs and is ignored. I find it a useful visual indicator. The format string becomes "%0.64x".

How to check if a String contains two same characters?

In my case a string contains for example something like 2500.00. Also you input a string in the same format for example 250.0 which would be converted to 250.00. These strings will be converted to float and they will be added or subtracted.
Now I want to check if the string contains two "." somewhere for example 2.50.00 or 250..00. In that case an errormessage should be displayed.
Therefore my question is how am I able to check if a string contains two "." characters at any position of the string?
You may check if a dot appears more than once in a string with a simple method checking if the first index of the char is not equal to the index of the last char occurrence:
boolean containsTwoDots(String str) {
return str.indexOf('.') != str.lastIndexOf('.');

transform string/char to uint8

Why does the expression:
test = cast(strtrim('3'), 'uint8')
produce 51?
This is also true for:
test = cast(strtrim('3'), 'int8')
Because 51 is the ASCII code for the character '3'.
If you want to transform the string to numeric 3, you should use
Note that str2double will ignore trailing spaces, so that strtrim isn't necessary.
When a string is used in an numeric operation, Matlab automatically converts it to its ASCII value. For example
>> '1'+1
ans =
Because 51 is the ASCII value for the character '3'.
This is because '3' is seen as an ASCII character to matlab. By casting as a signed or unsigned integer (8 bits in this case) you are asking Matlab to convert an ASCII '3' to a decimal number. In this case the decimal number is 51. If you want to look at more conversions here is a basic document.
