Linux command to create the empty file called 'test1' - linux

Enter a Linux command to create the empty file called 'test1' in the directory 'systems' (you are still in your home directory).

Assuming 'systems' is a subdirectory of the current directory:
touch systems/test1
Assuming that you only know that the directory 'systems' is some subdirectory in the directory tree of the current directory then: find . -name systems -type d -exec touch "{}/test1" \; Will create such a file. Alternately, so will find . -name systems -type d -execdir touch systems/test1 \; However, both will do so in every subdirectory named 'systems' in the current directory tree. We could limit that action to only the first, the last, or some other criteria, but the list of possible permutations is just too long.
You really have not provided enough information for us to provide a complete answer.


Creating file in all system directories and displaying their paths LINUX

I have a problem with a task I've been given "Create files in each system directory and display the paths to those files". As I understand I need to create a file in all of the directories, I tried with using find . -type d -exec touch {}/file \; but I don't think it's what im asked for.

copying files from etc ending with digit to test1 directory

I'm new to linux and as an exercice I need to copy the "etc" files that end with a digit from home directory to the test1 directory
(with one command).
I tried this but it dosn't work
find /etc -type f -iname "*[3-9]" -exec cp {} ../test1/ \;
this should work for your home directory files ending with digit
mv `ls . |grep -Eo "^.*[0-9]$"` your-directory
lets says in the current directory you have some files like ofjweifhwef9 or kfhiofeh8 ( files ending with digit)
so ls will list them.
this grep expression "^.*[0-9]$"` will find only files ending with digit. ( because in your home directory system wont allow to have a file like this "/etc/somefile123")
and then mv will move those files to your-directory
note :- if grep cannot find the files ending with number you will see an error ofcourse because mv needs 2 operands but since it wasn't there so error.
mv: missing destination file operand after './your-directory'
It is probably because /etc is a link in the system that you're using, and find doesn't seem to consider it a path until you add an extra / at the end. Try this instead:
find /etc/ -type f -iname "*[3-9]" -exec cp {} ../test1/ \;
Notice the /etc/ instead of /etc. I get the same behavior on my Mac where /etc is a link to another directory.
Of course, also make sure that you have files which names end on a digit under the /etc/ directory tree. I have none in my mac. You should get some files when you run:
find /etc/ -type f -iname "*[3-9]"
If you don't, you don't have any files to copy. You may also try: find /etc/ to see all files under the directory tree.
Finally, you may want to add the option: -depth 1 if you only want to copy the files in the /etc/ directory, as opposed to all the files that match in the directory tree under /etc/.

Linux backup all files with known extensions with timestamps

I want to backup all files with a given extension in a directory but I want them to be with timestamps.
Given a directory:
Sample/ with multiple subdirectory and a subfolder name BACKUPS.
cd Sample
find . -name '*.xml' -exec cp {} BACKUPS \;
Say I have multiple xml files in this Sample folder and I want them to be copied to the BACKUPS folder but I want them to be timestamp
I am able to backup the files but I could not figure out how to append a timestamp to the files using the find command.
You could try this:
find . -name '*.xml' -execdir cp {} "$PWD/BACKUPS/{}.$(date +%Y%m%d)" \;
As before, we use find . -name '*.xml' to locate all the files. However, in order to get rid of the names of subdirectories, we use -execdir instead of exec. This causes the specified command to be run from inside the subdirectory the current file is in and replaces {} by its base name.
This means we have to modify cp's second argument (the target filename). We now pass "$PWD/BACKUPS" to create an absolute path ($PWD is the current working directory). This way cp always targets the right directory, even when invoked from a subdirectory of Sample.
Finally, the filename we use is constructed from {}.$(date +%Y%m%d). $( ) runs the specified command and substitutes its output (the current date, in this case). This is done by the shell before find is invoked, so find just sees .../{}.20171107. The {} part is replaced by find itself just before it runs each cp.

How to script to go to the deepest folder directory from parent directory to execute a command?

I am trying to automate converting .vmx to .ova by ovftool, and these .vmx files are generated from ghettoVCB. So I am writing a script to get converting automation working.
My question is how do I write a shell script that goes through each directory from a parent_directory and executes a command in each directory? Or could move everything from the deepest folder to parent_directory? (This solution may take time consuming to move those files from the deepest folder to parent_directory).
The directory structure is as follows:
Here is another structure layout
The name of subfolders from parent_directory does not follow patterns. Could be any name.
The folder "automation-2016-04-18_19-08-32" is the name of subfolder + date + time.
Approach 1
move everything from the deepest folder to parent_directory
This command will search subdirectories of the current directory, find all .vmx files, and move them to the current directory:
find . -type f -name '*.vmx' -exec mv {} . \;
Approach 2
write a shell script that goes through each directory from a parent_directory and executes a command in each directory
The following command will search for every subdirectory of the current directory and execute command in it:
find . -type d -execdir command \;
If you want to run command in every directory that contains .vmx files and supply the names of those .vmx files as arguments to command, then run:
find . -type f -name '*.vmx' -execdir command {} +
Alternatively, suppose we want to run the command once for each .vmx file that we find:
find . -type f -name '*.vmx' -execdir command {} \;

Search recursively for files in a parent directory in Linux

I am trying to list all the files in a parent directory and its subdirectories. However, I am running this command from another location. So, at first, I need to traverse to the directory (from where I want to run this command).
Please note that I am using the find command instead of ls because I also want to list down the absolute path for each file in front of it. This is not possible with the ls command.
here is what I am doing:
cd ../../../;cd level1_dir1;find $(pwd) . -name *.* -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%p\n"
This command does not show any output.
Here is the directory structure:
this has multiple subdirectories:
each of these subdirectories again have subdirectories and files inside them.
however, now if I do:
cd ../../../;cd level1_dir1/level2_dir1;find $(pwd) . -name *.* -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%p\n"
it will do the recursion properly for all the subdirectories in level2_dir1 and show output like:
date level1_dir1/level2_dir1/path/to/file/filename
so, I wanted to print out for all the level2 directories, this way (by using the wild character):
cd ../../../;cd level1_dir1/*;find $(pwd) . -name *.* -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%p\n"
but it prints out the results only for the first directory in level2 (that is level2_dir1)
how can I make it list down the files for all the subdirectories?
How about this?
find ../../../level1_dir1 -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\t%p\n"
If you want all the files, you don't even need -name in the find command. If you don't want to see the directories and only the files, just add "-type f" before -printf.
Hope this helps...
