Is it possible to include remote JMX values on a dashboard? - hawtio

I'm looking at using hawtio for our app as a support console. We're not currently using camel or the like, but I am impressed by the ability to connect to remote JVM's via Jolokia/JMX and the logging features and was wondering:
Our use case would be that we have a weblogic server hosting our web app and my thought would be to include hawtio as a war alongside it. In addition to monitoring the web app, we have a number other JVMs running on different servers.
Is it possible to create a dashboard using values from the local JVM, as well as some of the remote JVMs?
Or must one always manually connect to the instance to see the dashboard for that particular JVM?

The current dashboard and JMX plugin does not support that.
Though there is works planned to support gathering statistics from remote JMVs etc. And there is also work on elastichsarch with a kibana web ui.


Web interface for managing Tomcat services

I have tons of tomcat servers, they are all in a virtual machine. At the moment there is a need to develop a web panel, where I can track the statuses of servers, change their configurations, stop and restart. Actually the question itself: with what technologies can I do this. Previously, there was an idea to use the playbook ansible.
How can I at least display the names of my servers on the page?
There are two standard ways to monitor Tomcat:
you can use Tomcat Manager, especially its text interface,
you can use JMX directly or through the JMX Proxy Servlet. On Tomcat's webpage you can find a not so up-to-date list of MBeans. For some MBeans you'll have to fire up jconsole and explore the names yourself.

How exactly Nagios server communicates with remote nodes i.e which protocol does it use in agent and agentless settings?

I installed Nagios Core and NCPA on a Mac. Implemented a few checks via custom plugins to understand how to use it. I am trying to understand the following:
Protocol that Nagios server actually use to communicate with NCPA agent and how exactly does NCPA return the result back to Nagios. Does it ssh into Nagios server and writes a file that server processes?
From application monitoring standpoint how can it be leveraged? Is it just to monitor that application is up and running (I read its not just for that it can do more but couldn't find any place where I could see how its actually implemented) or is there a restful API as well that we invoke from with in our application to send custom notification to Nagios server. I understand it might require some configuration at Nagios server end as well.
I came across Pager Duty and Sematext articles i.e PagerDuty Integration and SemaText Nagios Alert Integration where they have integrated their solution with Nagios I am trying to do something similar. Adding integration support for Nagios so that a user can utilise our applications UI to configure alerts/notification. For e.g. if a condition is met then alert or notify Nagios server to show a notification on its dashboard.
Can we generate an alert from within a spark streaming application based on a variable e.g. if its value is above a threshold or some condition is met send an alert to Nagios Server to display as notification on Nagios Dashboard. I came across a link where we can monitor status of a spark application but didn't find anything for something within a spark application.
I tried looking for answers to above questions but couldn't find anything useful or complete as such online. I would really appreciate if someone could help me understand above.
Nagios is highly configurable, and can communicate across many protocols. NCPA can return JSON or XML data. The most common agentless protocol is probably SNMP. If you can read Python, look directly at the /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ file to see what's up.
Nagios can check whether a system is running a service, how much resources it is consuming, etc... There is a restful API.
Nagios offers an application with a more advanced graphical interface called Nagios XI. Perhaps that is what you are after.
I bet you probably could, yeah. It might take some development work to get the systems to communicate though.

Submit & monitor spark jobs via java in cluster mode

I have a java class which manage jobs and execute them via spark(using 1.6).
I am using the API - sparkLauncher. startApplication(SparkAppHandle.Listener... listeners) in order to monitor the state of the job.
The problem is I moved to work in a real cluster environment and this way can’t work when the master and workers are not on the same machine, as the internal implementation is making a use of localhost only (loopback) to open a port for the workers to bind to.
The API sparkLauncher.launch() works but doesn’t let me monitor the status.
What is the best practice for cluster environment using a java code?
I also saw the option of hidden Rest API, is it mature enough? Should I enable it in spark somehow (I am getting access denied, even though the port is open from outside) ?
In addition to viewing the metrics in the UI, they are also available as JSON. This gives developers an easy way to create new visualizations and monitoring tools for Spark. The JSON is available for both running applications, and in the history server. The endpoints are mounted at /api/v1. Eg., for the history server, they would typically be accessible at http://:18080/api/v1, and for a running application, at http://localhost:4040/api/v1.
More details you can find here.
Every SparkContext launches a web UI, by default on port 4040, that displays useful information about the application. This includes:
A list of scheduler stages and tasks
A summary of RDD sizes and memory usage
Environmental information.
Information about the running executors
You can access this interface by simply opening http://driver-node:4040 in a web browser. If multiple SparkContexts are running on the same host, they will bind to successive ports beginning with 4040 (4041, 4042, etc).
More details you can find here.

Jhipster app logging to remote ELK (elastic stack)

I've been asked to configure an ELK stack, in order to manage log from several applications of a certain client. I have the given stack hosted and working at a redhat 7 server (followed this cookbook), and a test instance in a virtual machine with Ubuntu 16.04 (followed this other cookbook), but I've hit a roadblock and cannot seem to get through it. Kibana is rather new for me and maybe I don't fully understand the way it works. In addition, the most important application of the client is a JHipster managed application, another tool I am not familiarized.
Up until now, all I've found about jhipster and logstash tells me to install the full ELK stack using Docker (which I haven't, and would rather avoid in orther to keep the configuration I've already made), so that Kibana deployed through that method already has configured a dashboard tunned for displaying the information that the application will send with the native configuration, activated in the application.yml logstash: enabled: true.
So... my questions would be... Can I get that preconfigured jhipster dashboard imported in my preexistent Kibana deploy. Where is the data, logged by the application, stored? can I expect a given humanly readable format? Is there any other way of testing the configuration is working, since I don't have any traffic going through the test instance into the VM?
Since that JHipster app is not the only one I care for, I want other dashboards and inputs to be displayed from other applications, most probably using file beat.
Any reference to useful information is appreciated.
Yes you can. Take a look at this repository:
there are the exports (in JSON format) from kibana stored in the repository, along with the
The scripts adds the configuration by adding them via the API. As you can imply, any recent dashboard is not affected by this, so you can use your existing configuration.

JavaFX console service with GUI

I need to make an application that runs as a server that accepts connections from various clients and responds to their requests (via proprietary protocol). This server also needs a GUI for configuration and monitoring. I (of course) need to run the server as a service, and the GUI has to be available only at certain moments. Since the server service and GUI share some of the hardware resources and part of the configuration they would run on the same machine. I would like that the GUI and the whole long running service are one process that will run in the background; the GUI would than be invoked (shown) only when needed.
My question is: can this be done with a JavaFX 2 GUI and how?
Thanks in advance
So you need Monitoring and Management in a Java application? You should be using the Java Management Extensions (JMX) Technology.
And if you decide that you can't just use a standard JMX client or create a plugin then you create your JavaFX application as a JMX client.
