Compiler options basic ./configure explanation - linux

recently, i try to compile a gnu wget from source code in cygwin environtment that pop-up error if perl is not found. otherwise, perl is installed both perl and perl5 on /bin/ but the wget is try search perl on /usr/bin. i think i have missed basic ./configure to setup path executable. so my question is basic.
what is it all about options on below:
Thank you

These options specify directories where a software package being compiled is going to be installed. As far as I remember it doesn't deal with checks performed by configure. Make sure that perl is in $PATH. If nothing helps, try to locate the exact place in the configure script (usually it's robot-generated and not intended for human eyes, but afterall it's a shell script, and anybody can read it) and see what checks exactly are performed to locate perl.
Update: I have checked, the tests corresponding to perl look like this in (which essentially is a "source code" for configure):
AC_PATH_PROGS(PERL, [perl5 perl], no)
AC_PATH_PROG(POD2MAN, pod2man, no)
This means that PERL with executable named perl5 or perl (somewhere in $PATH) is checked, and then POD2MAN with executable pod2man. Carefully check the configure output and config.log file and see what tests have failed.
Update2: The third argument of the AC_PATH_PROG and AC_PATH_PROGS is value-if-no-found. Also you may specify the fourth argument, $PATH for this particular check. Make sure that configure gets rebuilt after you changed (usually it happens automatically, but may be performed by autoconf explicitly)

what is it all about options on below:
The first (bindir), is where binaries will be installed. For wget, that's (on my system) /usr/bin.
The second (sbindir), is where static binaries will be installed. You might set that to /usr/sbin.
The third (libexecdir), is where your runtime libraries are to be installed. That's usually /usr/lib.
In fact, usually you let configure set all three by using --prefix.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local


How to install Gnatcoll Postgres on Linux Centos 7

I have installed gprbuild, xmlada, and gnatcoll. I am now attempting to install gnatcoll_postgres. Which I have downladed from here:
Within the Postgres folder is a Makefile, which I execute like so...
[parallels#localhost postgres]$ ls
gnatcoll-sql-postgres.adb gnatcoll-sql-ranges.adb
gnatcoll-sql-postgres-builder.adb Makefile postgres_support.c
[parallels#localhost postgres]$ make Makefile
which: no gnatls in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/parallels/.local/bin:/home/parallels/bin)
make: Nothing to be done for `Makefile'.
[parallels#localhost postgres]$
Would anybody please be able to tell me what this means...
which: no gnatls in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/parallels/.local/bin:/home/parallels/bin)
make: Nothing to be done for `Makefile'.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please see the xmlada and gnatcoll in my project below, does this look like it's installed correctly? I'm presuming this isn't correct...
It means that your GNAT installation binaries aren’t on your PATH.
The README.txt from the site says, in part,
To start using the tools in command-line mode, you will need to add
to your PATH environment variable. Alternatively, you can simply launch
and GPS will automatically add itself to the PATH - it will also find the
cross compiler, if you have installed everything in the default locations.
Note that GPS will add this at the end of the PATH, meaning that it will find first any other GNAT installations that you have in your PATH.
I strongly suspect that you’ve been doing the latter, so that GPS adds itself (actually, of course, its own location) to the PATH, so that when it launches the compiler it finds the correct one.
When you run make from the terminal, the compiler isn’t on the PATH, so neither are gnatls, gprconfig, gprbuild and the rest of the GNAT tools.
What you need to do is to take the first choice from the README, and add /home/parallel/opt/GNAT/2019/bin to (the front of) your default PATH. How you do that depends on your shell.
You will find xmlada, gnatcoll already installed.

How to specify which version of perl to use for a script without installing perlbrew

I have a script that must be run in Perl 5.10.1, although my university's linux cluster system uses the most recent version of Perl. I tried to install Perlbrew, but I don't think it worked.
I'm not sure how to specify the perl version in the shebang because of how I call/run this script. There is "", which is run by running "./command.txt".
Also, I don't think I can install Perlbrew because it's the university's linux system: After copy-pasting the installation commands, my terminal screen said the perlbrew patch was installed, but when I used "perlbrew install perl-5.10.1", it would say "command perlbrew not found" I don't know how to run the script
As of now, has this shebang:
One related question said to write this in the command line
#OP needed to use version 5.6.1, unlike me (I need 5.10.1)
However, I don't know whether "program" is OP's directory or a mandatory part of the path
Below is command.txt, which has the necessary input arguments:
#this is command.txt
./ Datachr1 2 galGal5.Chroinfo.txt
Essentially, where would the suggested shebang go? Would I include "program" in my path too?
If you wrap your script in Perl's packaging framework, this is handled for you automatically. When it installs scripts, it changes the shebang line with the actual perl. You end up with something like this at the top of the file:
eval 'exec /usr/local/perls/perl-5.30.0/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$#"}'
if $running_under_some_shell;
You might try this with my app-rhich distribution. Download the tarball and run the Makefile.PL with the perl you want. Run make and it builds stuff into the blib staging directory. You should see the modified shebang there:
$ /Users/brian/bin/perls/perl5.30.0 MAkefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
WARNING: Older versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker may errantly install README.pod as part of this distribution. It is recommended to avoid using this path in CPAN modules.
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for App::rhich
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
$ make build
make: *** No rule to make target `build'. Stop.
$ make
cp lib/App/ blib/lib/App/
cp script/rhich blib/script/rhich
"/usr/local/perls/perl-5.30.0/bin/perl" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/rhich
Manifying 1 pod document
Manifying 1 pod document
brian#otter app-rhich (master)[3125]
$ more blib/script/
package rhich;
use strict;
use warnings;
However, if your path to perl is a symlink to some other perl, this can get confused. I don't use perlbrew because I don't think it adds much other than saving you looking up a download URL. I install multiple perls (and How should I install more than one version of Perl?) and can use paths to them so I know which version using. There's a similar problem with env depending on how you set up your path. How you handle that is based on how you decide to manage things, but it's these sorts of questions that show that the tools of convenience aren't really that convenient.

make: i686-linux-gnu-ld: Command not found

i want to install cpanm WWW::Curl::Form on my Synology NAS. But that fails. Here is the output cpanm WWW::Curl::Form WWW::Curl::Easy File::Find::Rule String::CRC32 URI::Escape
--> Working on WWW::Curl::Form
Fetching ... OK
Configuring WWW-Curl-4.17 ... OK
Building and testing WWW-Curl-4.17 ... FAIL
! Installing WWW::Curl::Form failed. See /var/services/homes/fox/.cpanm/work/1541095458.25803/build.log
the log file gives me:
make: i686-linux-gnu-ld: Command not found
But i dont know how to fix it on my Synology NAS (DSM 6.2 and appollolake architecture DS918+)
After reviewing your additional comments, I believe I have potential solution. It looks like you are trying to install some Perl modules via the default Perl shell, cpan. As part of the installation process, the make utility is being executed. This utility is heavily used for compiling and building source from C and C++ source code, along with other languages.
The make utility is trying to call some executable i686-linux-gnu-ld which is a linker, see ld. A linker is a utility used in C programming for linking (combining) multiple compiled object files into a single executable binary. make is calling this utility as some sort of build process. Instead of calling i686-linux-gnu-ld it should probably just be calling ld. The only thing I am not sure about is why it is using the full name of the utility instead of ld.
I can think of two solutions. The first would be to update the make file to use the correct name for the linker. I'm not sure how you would do this when it is being installed via cpan since it is downloading a package and executing the make file before you have a chance to modify it. The other option is to create a symbolic link from the incorrect name and path of ld that the make file is using to the correct path /opt/bin/ld. This will result in ld being called when i686-linux-gnu-ld is called. Also, I forgot to mention it earlier but the which command will tell you where an executable / command is located on your shell's path.
The Stack Overflow post, How to symlink a file in Liunx?, gives a good explanation of how to create a symlink. You need to create a symlink to point to the correct name and path of the linker. To do so run the following command:
ln -s /opt/bin/ld /usr/bin/i686-linux-gnu-ld
Depending on the permissions of these directories you may need to run this command under a account with elevated permissions or via sudo. I apologize for this post being rather long and verbose. I just wanted to explain my solution in detail. I hope this helps. Please let me know if this doesn't resolve the problem.
edit: fixed typo in the command.

Set linker search path for build in CMake

It seems this question has been asked very often before but none of the solutions seem to apply in my case.
I'm in a CMake/Linux environment and have to run an executable binary during the build step (protoc in particular).
This binary needs a library but it's not installed (and cannot be) in the in the standard directories like /usr, so the library cannot be found.
Unfortunately I cannot manipulate the protoc call because it's embedded in a 3rd party script.
I can now set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before every make or set it system wide but this is very inconvenient especially when it comes to IDEs in which the build takes place or distributed build scenarios with continuous build environments.
I tried to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH via
set(ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "/path/to/library/dir")
but this seems to have no effect during the build step.
So my question is: can I set a library search path in CMake which is used during the build?
Try this
SET(ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} "/path/to/library/dir:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}")
I also used this dirty trick to temporary change some environment variables:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/library/dir:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" cmake ...
After execution of this line LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not changed in the current shell.
Also, I do not find it bad to change LD_LIBRARY_PATH before invoking cmake:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...
It won't change anything system-wide, but it would be used for your current shell, current build process. The same holds for CI builds. You can save the variable and restore it after cmake invocation:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...
I have recently run into a somewhat similar problem.
My solution was to incorporate sourcing a file that set the appropriate environment into every command.
For example, this custom command:
OUTPUT some_output
COMMAND some_command
ARGS some_args
DEPENDS some_dependencies
COMMENT "Running some_command some_args to produce some_output"
Would become:
set(my_some_command_with_environment "source && some_command")
OUTPUT some_output
ARGS -c "${my_some_command_with_environment} some_args"
DEPENDS some_dependencies
COMMENT "Running some_command some_args to produce some_output"
Obviously, this has some disadvantages:
It relies on a bash shell being available.
It sources the environment script for every command invocation (performance issue) and you will have to change all invocations of commands that rely on that environment variables.
It changes the normal syntax of having the command follow COMMAND and the arguments follow ARGS, as now the 'real' command is part of the ARGS.
My CMake-Fu has proven insufficient to find a syntactically nicer way of doing this, but maybe somebody can comment a nicer way.
I had a similar issue for an executable provided by a third party library. The binary was linked against a library not provided by the distribution but the required library was included in the libs directory of the third party library.
So running LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/thirdparty/lib /path/to/thirdparty/bin/executable worked. But the package config script didn't set up the executable to search /path/to/thirdparty/lib for the runtime dependent so CMake would complain when CMake tried to run the executable.
I got around this by configuring a bootstrap script and replacing the IMPORTED_LOCATION property with the configured bootstrapping script.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=#_thirdpartyLibs# #_thirdpartyExe_LOCATION# "$#"
get_target_property(_component ThirdPartyLib::component LOCATION)
get_filename_component(_thirdpartyLibs ${_component} DIRECTORY)
get_target_property(_thirdpartyExe_LOCATION ThirdPartyLib::exe IMPORTED_LOCATION)
${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/thirdpartyExeWrapper #ONLY
set_target_properties(ThirdPartyLib::exe PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/thirdpartyExeWrapper)
Honestly I view this as a hack and temporary stop gap until I fix the third party library itself. But as far as I've tried this seems to work on all the IDE's I've thrown at it, Eclipse, VSCode, Ninja, QtCreator, ... etc

make: pwd: Command not found

I am new to using make files. I have cygwin and MinGW. I'm still looking into their differences.
Anyway, I have a makefile that is used to create a project for an FPGA, which I have never done before. I have included C:\cygwin\bin and C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin in my PATH, but I always get this error.
make: pwd: Command not found
I typed pwd into the cmd prompt and get a correct response. Any pointers? Am I missing something? Not sure what else I can try. Most forums I have found pertaining to this error never have a resolution.
Let me know what information you'd like.
pwd is commonly both a shell built-in command and a standalone executable, provided by GNU coreutils (which Cygwin installs by default).
If you're invoking make from the Cygwin environment (say, typing make at a bash shell prompt), then C:\cygwin\bin is the wrong way to specify the directory. That's the path as seen from Windows. From within Cygwin, it's /bin -- and it should be in your default $PATH. The Cygwin equivalent of C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin would be /cygdrive/c/mingw/msys/1.0/bin
If you're doing this directly from Windows rather than in the Cygwin subsystem, then C:\cygwin\bin is the path to the Cygwin bin directory -- but running C:\cygwin\bin\pwd is going to give you a Cygwin-specific directory name that's not going to be meaningful to Windows.
I have encountered the same issue in my mingw environment. It turned out in my case to be a missing 'pwd'executable in the msys/bin directory. Once the copying was done properly, everything fell into place. Hope this helps
