How to get identities in Azure Mobile Services? - azure

I am using the following code in an Azure Mobile Service API. but I am not getting any response or error. If I go specifically for or facebook I get error 500 Internal Server Error. In log it appears as if the identities is null. whereas I am loggedin to gmail and facebook with the current browser session..
Error in script '/api/test123.js'. TypeError: Cannot read property 'google' of null
at Object.request.user.getIdentities.success
exports.get = function (request, response) {
success: function (identities) {
//response.send(statusCodes.OK, identities);
// request.respond(200, identities);
response.send(statusCodes.OK, identities);
// Do something with identities, send response
error: function (err) {
// handle errors
What am I doing wrong? I have also enables the preview user feature using the Azure CLI but no effect.

The identities you get back from that call are identities used to authenticate with the mobile service. Just being logged into google in your browser session has nothing to do with the identities in your mobile service.
The mobile service is going to read the signed JWT token you are sending with the request and provide you the identities. That token is generated when you call the login method on the mobile service.
To login using an existing token from google or facebook, you can use this API:
To have mobile services initiate the login process with the provider (i.e. show you the OAuth login for the provider) then you can use this API:
Note that for this to work you have to have previously setup your mobile service, on the identity tab, with the information about your application setup with that identity provider. Also, all of the client SDKs for mobile services provide login methods that wrap these REST API calls.


Getting Error AADB2C99067 when trying to request access token from Azure B2C

I have an Azure AD B2C tenant setup with an Angular app on the front-end using Authorization Code Flow with PKCE and a back-end api. Everything is working fine. I now have a need to allow the user to access certain pages on the front-end anonymously. I would prefer to still protect the apis these pages will call using the same access token.
I have followed the article here to set up Client Credentials flow. I am able to get an access token successfully using Postman and use it to call my back-end apis fine. However, when I try to do the same from the Angular app, I get the following error:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADB2C99067: Public Client XXXXX-XXXXXX is not supported for Client Credentials Grant Flow\r\nCorrelation ID: 2b3346ef-1828-4900-b890-06cdb8e0bb52\r\nTimestamp: 2022-07-28 04:12:21Z\r\n"}
Below is the code snippet I am using in Angular to retrieve the access token.
const urlencoded = new URLSearchParams();
urlencoded.set('grant_type', 'client_credentials');
urlencoded.set('client_id', '<clientid>');
urlencoded.set('client_secret', '<clientsecret>');
urlencoded.set('scope', '<scope>');
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }),
const url = 'https://<b2ctenant><b2ctenant><customPolicy>/oauth2/v2.0/token';
return, urlencoded, httpOptions);
Any ideas what could be missing?
Though azureadb2c supports client_credential flow.One may not use them with SPA apps.
This scenario is not supported by MSAL.js. Client credential flow/ grant type will not work in SPAs(Angular) because browsers cannot securely keep client secrets.
As they may end up in the browser, visible to everyone and to attackers that load them.
Note:As the application's own credentials itself are being used, they must be kept safe - never publish that credential in your source
If you are using it for web app , please make sure to select the platform as web or change the reply url type to be web.
"replyUrlsWithType": [
"url": "https......",
"type": "Web"
Please refer :
Configure authentication in a sample Angular SPA by using Azure
Active Directory B2C | Microsoft Docs
OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow on the Microsoft identity platform- Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Docs

Azure Authentication Id is not stable

I am using Azure mobile app services with Xamarin Forms.
In my app, I use web social media authentication (Facebook, Twitter, Google) configured in the azure portal.
I am taking the sid gotten from CurrentClient.Id to match it with users in my Easy Tables. However, for some users, after logging in with the same account and same provider, no match is found in my database because the sid is different! I am 100% sure that it is the same account used to login before, yet I get a different sid. How is that possible? Shouldn't it remain the same with every login or what's the whole point of it then?
You are using Azure App Service Authentication for this. There is a stable ID that is available within the JWT that you pass to the service. You can easily get it from the /.auth/me endpoint (see )
When you GET /.auth/me with the X-ZUMO-AUTH header set to the authenticationToken returned from the login, the user.userId field will be populated with a stable ID. So, the next question is "how do I add this / compare this within the Node.js backend?" Fortunately, the HOW-TO FAQ for Node.js explicitly answers this. Short version is, use context.user.getIdentity() (an async method) to get the identity, then do something with it:
function queryContextFromUserId(context) {
return context.user.getIdentity().then((data) => {
context.query.where({ id: data.userId });
return context.execute();
function addUserIdToContext(context) {
return context.user.getIdentity().then((data) => { = data.userId;
return context.execute();
The real question here is "what is in the data block?" It's an object that contains "whatever the /.auth/me endpoint with the X-ZUMO-AUTH header produces", and that is provider dependent.
The mechanism to figure this out.
Debug your client application - when the login completes, inspect the client object for the CurrentUser and get the current token
Use Fiddler, Insomnia, or Postman to GET .../.auth/me with an X-ZUMO-AUTH header set to the current token
Repeat for each auth method you have to ensure you have the formats of each one.
You can now use these in your backend.

Group authorization using Azure AD ADAL.JS - NodeJS, ReactJS

I've seen that when using ADAL.js, you cannot get group membership claims due to some URL limitation.
I am using oauth-bearer authentication from the frontend, that is, the frontend triggers a login via the AD login page.
The client then pass the access token to the backend.
What I want to do:
I want to filter some data in my backend endpoints depending on group membership.
e.g. if you are a member of group "London" in AD, you should only see things related to London in our DB queries.
Super simple using e.g. Okta or Auth0, not so much with Azure AD.
I also want to accomplish the same thing on the frontend, that is, show and hide menu items depending on group membership.
(All access is still checked on backend also)
The documentation is sparse and not very helpful.
"You should use Graph API".
How?, how do I talk to graph api using the token I get from the frontend?
This is the setup I have for my Node+Express endpoints:
passport.authenticate("oauth-bearer", { session: true }),
How, where and when should I call the graph API here?
Our system is super small so I don't mind using session state.
Can I fetch this information when the user logs in?
How should that flow be? client logs in, once logged in, call the backend and request the groups?
When you get the access token from Azure AD after the user logged in, you can find the group membership of the user by doing a GET request to with the access token like this:
function getGroupsOfUser(accessToken, callback) {
.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken)
.end((err, res) => {
callback(err, res);
This sample assumes you are using the NPM package superagent.
And the required permissions to call this API are listed here.

Azure active directory v2.0 query for Web API integration on a SharePoint site

We have a SharePoint publishing site with anonymous access hosted on the internet. As per out latest requirements, we need to implement user login (AzureAD, Microsoft personal and work accounts, and more).
As per the documentation here, we want to implement this using Web API to get the secure information from the database. We are thinking about using MSAL.js file for user login and logout on the SharePoint and after getting a bearer token we can call the Web API for the additional data from our database.
Standalone Web APIs restriction: “You can use the v2.0 endpoint to build a Web API that is secured with OAuth 2.0. However, that Web API can receive tokens only from an application that has the same Application ID. You cannot access a Web API from a client that has a different Application ID. The client won't be able to request or obtain permissions to your Web API.”
How can we create two applications with same application ID at App Registration Portal? Or should we use the same application ID at SharePoint and Web API’s end?
There is no need to register two application, you only need to one register application. After you register the application, you can using the MSAL library below to get the token to call the web API:
<script class="pre">
var userAgentApplication = new Msal.UserAgentApplication("e5e5f2d3-4f6a-461d-b515-efd11d50c338", null, function (errorDes, token, error, tokenType) {
// this callback is called after loginRedirect OR acquireTokenRedirect (not used for loginPopup/aquireTokenPopup)
userAgentApplication.loginPopup([""]).then(function (token) {
var user = userAgentApplication.getUser();
// signin successful
}, function (error) {
// handle error
And to protect the web API, you can use the same app and refer the code below:
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
var tvps = new TokenValidationParameters
// The web app and the service are sharing the same clientId
ValidAudience = "e5e5f2d3-4f6a-461d-b515-efd11d50c338",
ValidateIssuer = false,
// NOTE: The usual WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticaitonMiddleware uses a
// metadata endpoint which is not supported by the v2.0 endpoint. Instead, this
// OpenIdConenctCachingSecurityTokenProvider can be used to fetch & use the OpenIdConnect
// metadata document.
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions
AccessTokenFormat = new JwtFormat(tvps, new OpenIdConnectCachingSecurityTokenProvider("")),

Cannot Login with Facebook and Azure Mobile Services

I am trying to setup Authentication with a Javascript backed Azure Mobile Service. When I call my code to login in I get:
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.MobileServiceInvalidOperationException: Error: The Facebook Graph API access token authorization request failed with HTTP status code 400
Here is my code to call my Login:
public async Task<MobileServiceUser> Authorize(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider provider, JObject jObject)
return await App.Client.LoginAsync(provider, jObject);
Is this an issue with a setting in the Facebook app? Or is it something in my code? Or a setting in the configuration of the Azure Mobile service.
