Examples for pre-emptive and non-preemptive resources in OS - resources

According to my understanding, In Operating Systems Preemptive resources are those which can be taken away from a process without causing any ill effects to the process, while non-pre-emptive resources are those which cannot be taken away from the process without causing any ill effects.
I am interested in knowing examples of these pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive resources, in TWO separate categories i.e Hardware Resources and Softwares Resources.
Generally when people give examples it is these Hardware Resources, but I am not sure about the examples w.r.t Software Resources.

Memory is an example of a preemptive resource, as that is one of the main resources processes dread to share..
A printer is an example of a non-preemptive resource, as when a process has been granted access to it, a process must finished in operations without being interrupted.

Microsoft were using non-preemptive till windows 3.x whereas Apple started using Preemptive from OS X.


In linux how to run piece of code without getting preempted in user mode

//code to run
a piece of code is running in a thread,
are atomic functions are available in user mode?
Linux doesn't offer very good behavior for real-time applications.
Unless your application really is real-time you should change your code to use normal synchronization primitives (e.g. mutexes, condition variables etc.)
But if you really think you need your thread not to be interrupted you might get away (but not really) with the real-time policies mentioned in sched(7) e.g. SCHED_FIFO. If you choose to go down that route you can influence a thread's scheduling using sched_setattr(2).
More warning
Before using this for anything with hard real-time constraints consider a vanilla Linux kernel itself is probably not the tool for the job: although the scheduler will try to keep your thread running I don't think it "guarantees" it.

Is it possible to avoid or minimize the use of scheduling policies in operating system design?

I recently stumbled upon the question above but I am not sure if I understand what it is asking.
How would one avoid the use of scheduling policies?
I would think that there isn't any other way...
Scheduling policy has nothing to do with the resource allocation! Processes are scheduled basically, and hence allocated resources as such.
From "Resource allocation (computer)" description on Wikipedia :-
When the user opens any program this will be counted as a process, and
therefore requires the computer to allocate certain resources for it
to be able to run. Such resources could have access to a section of
the computer's memory, data in a device interface buffer, one or more
files, or the required amount of processing power.
I don't know how you got confused between them. All the process would, at a time or another, get scheduled at any point of time; unless the CPU is an unfair one.
How would one avoid the use of scheduling policies?
If there are more than one user-process to be executed, then one has to apply the scheduling policy so that the processes get executed in some order. There has to be a queue to hold all the processes. See a different case in BareMetal OS below.
Then, there is BareMetal OS which is single address space OS.
Multitasking on BareMetal is unusual for operating systems in this day
and age. BareMetal uses an internal work queue that all CPU cores
poll. A task added to the work queue will be processed by any
available CPU core in the system and will execute until completion,
which results in no context switch overhead.
So, BareMetal OS doesn't use any scheduling policy, it is based on polling of the work-queue by the cores.

What are user threads?

What are user threads? Below explanation says they are managed by userspace... Please explain how?
Threads are sometimes implemented in userspace libraries, thus called user threads. The kernel is not aware of them, so they are managed and scheduled in userspace.
Every modern server or desktop OS, and all major mobile OSs, have a native thread library these days, so this question is not very relevant anymore. But basically, before this was the case, there were libraries -- most famously, the "Green threads library" -- which implemented cooperatively-multitasking threads as a user library. That "cooperatively multitasking" part is the important part: in general, such a library switches from one thread to another only when the thread calls some method that allows a switch to happen ("sleep", "yield", etc.) A user library generally can't do preemptive time-slicing; that's something that has to be done at the OS level.
Symbian OS has an Active Object framework that allows async event handling in a single thread
Windows also has Fibres:
Kernel threads (also called lightweight process) are handeled by the system. They offer several interesting benefits, the main one being that two threads can be scheduled on two different processors in the hope that this will reduce the execution time of your process.
However threads are often used as a programming model. A typical example is a multi-client webserver that waits for incoming connexion and simultaneously exchange data with its connected clients. In this case the programmer may want to create a lot of threads and switch between them very quickly. System threads are not very adapted to this. The number of kernel threads is limited (to few undreads) and any basic operation (creation destruction switching locking) is costly since it must be executed in kernel space.
The user threads on the other hand, can be implemented using set_jmp() and long_jmp() inside a user library. Since they don't involve the kernel an application can create/destroy and switch between user threads very efficiently.
As Ernest said, user threads are not very common any more, however there exists a hybrid solution that can take advantages of the two worlds.

What Use are Threads Outside of Parallel Problems on MultiCore Systems?

Threads make the design, implementation and debugging of a program significantly more difficult.
Yet many people seem to think that every task in a program that can be threaded should be threaded, even on a single core system.
I can understand threading something like an MPEG2 decoder that's going to run on a multicore cpu ( which I've done ), but what can justify the significant development costs threading entails when you're talking about a single core system or even a multicore system if your task doesn't gain significant performance from a parallel implementation?
Or more succinctly, what kinds of non-performance related problems justify threading?
Well I just ran across one instance that's not CPU limited but threads make a big difference:
TCP, HTTP and the Multi-Threading Sweet Spot
Multiple threads are pretty useful when trying to max out your bandwidth to another peer over a high latency network connection. Non-blocking I/O would use significantly less local CPU resources, but would be much more difficult to design and implement.
Performing a CPU intensive task without blocking the user interface, for example.
Any application in which you may be waiting around for a resource (for example, blocking I/O from network sockets or disk devices) can benefit from threading.
In that case the thread blocking on the slow operation can be put to sleep while other threads continue to run (including, under some operating systems, the GUI thread which, if the OS cannot contact it for a while, will offer the use the chance to destroy it, thinking it's deadlocked somehow).
So it's not just for multi-core machines at all.
An interesting example is a webserver - you need to be able to handle multiple incoming connections that have nothing to do with each other.
what kinds of non-performance related
problems justify threading?
Web applications are the classic example. Each user request is conceptually a new thread. Nothing to do with performance, it's just a natural fit for the design.
Blocking code is usually much simpler to write and easier to read (and therefore maintain) than non-blocking code. Yet, using blocking code limits you to a single execution path and also locks out things like user interface (mentioned) and other IO ports. Threading is an elegant solution in these cases.
Another case when multithreading is to be considered is when you have several near-synchronous IO channels that should be managed: using multiple threads (and usually a local message queue) allows for much clearer code.
Here are a couple of specific and simple scenarios where I have launched threads...
A long running report request by the user. When the report is submitted, it is placed in a queue to be processed by a separate thread. The user can then go on within the application and check back later to see the status of their report, they aren't left with a "Processing..." page or icon.
A thread that iterates cache storage, removing data that has expired or no longer needed. The thread's job within the application is independent of any processing for a specific user, but part of the overall application run-time maintenance.
although, not specifically a threading scenario, logging within our web site is handed off to a parallel process, so the throughput of the web site isn't hindered by the time it takes to record log data.
I agree that threading just for threadings sake isn't a good idea and it can introduce problems within your application if isn't done properly, but it is an extremely useful tool for solving some problems.
Whenever you need to call some external component (be it a database query, a 3. party library, an operating system primitive etc.) that only provides a synchronous/blocking interface or using the asynchronous interface not worth the extra trouble and pain - and you also need some form of concurrency - e.g. serving multiple clients in a server or keep the GUI still responsive.
Well, how do you know if you're app is going to run on a multi-core system or not?
Beyond that, there are a lot of processes that take up time, but don't require the CPU. Such as writing to a disk or networking. Who wants to push a button in a GUI and then have to sit there and wait for a network connection. Even on a single core machine, having a separate IO thread greatly improves user experience. You always at least want a separate thread for the UI.
Yet many people seem to think that
every task in a program that can be
threaded should be threaded, even on a
single core system.
"Many people"... Who?
Also from my experience many many programs that should be multithreaded aren't (especially games.. I have an i7 and yet most games still use only 1 of my cores), so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Definitely programs like calc.exe are not multithread (or, if they are, 1 thread does 99% of the work).
Performing a CPU intensive task
without blocking the user interface,
for example.
Yes, this is true but this is fairly easy to implement and it's not what the OP is referring to (since, in this case, 1 thread does almost all the work and you only need very few mutexes)

Is a multi-user and multi-processor environment useful with threading?

Taking CPU affinity into account, will such an environment be useful with threading? Or will there be a performance degradation in such a system, if multiple users login and spawn multiple kernel and user threads?
When you say "taking CPU affinity into account" - are you saying that all processes have CPU affinity in this hypothetical system? Or is that just as one extra possible bit of information?
Using multiple threads will slow things down a bit if the system is already loaded (so there are more runnable threads than cores) but if there are often times where there are only (say) 2 users and 4 cores available, threading may help.
Another typical use for threads is to do something "in the background" whether that's explicitly using threads or using async calls. At that point multi-threading can definitely give a benefit (e.g. a non-hanging UI) without actually using more than one core simultaneously for much of the time.
