Grunt Server and WebStorm javascript debugging (and SpyJS) not working - node.js

I have an app that I made with yeoman, grunt an angular JS (typical setup - image included below). I'm trying to debug my project with spyjs (or even regular javascript debugging) but I can't seem to get it working when I run "grunt serve" - the file that's loaded from WebStorm clearly isn't going through the grunt server (but localhost:63343 instead). Any ideas how I could configure things properly to get debugging to work?
Here's my SpyJS configuration:
I've also tried localhost:9000 for the URL to trace (which is the port that grunt serve runs on), and I've tried using another node interpreter.

You need using the server your client code runs on (localhost:3000) and not WebStorm built-in webserver to debug your Angular application served by Grunt. See Debugging grunt with Intellij for some hints
Note: haven't tried this with spyjs - only with a regular debugger

You need to upgrade to Webstorm 9. As per spy-js
Node.js tracing is now supported in WebStorm 9 EAP, including multi process and node cluster tracing support.
Then instead of using Spy-js profile, use Spy-js for Node.js profile.
This screenshot is from Webstorm 9 RC.

I am using too the Yeoman generator (AngularJs + grunt), and I am debugging the application using the JavaScript Debug configuration like this:
Have a look to this post about how to debug angularJS with Intellij (It should work too for web storm)


Meteor Tool stuck on extracting or downloading. Deploying app on AWS EC2 Linux

Ive scoured to web with no avail..
noob here as well... sorry im still learning
App Dependencies are all out of date... I honestly dont know how to go about updating them yet
System Meteor version is 2.9.1
App Meteor version is
when I run Yarn Start, Meteor Tools starts download and extracting. well, it never finishes extracting, even if i leave it for hours.
Works locally no problems but when running on the AWS server or Digital Ocean droplets, both get stuck on Meteor Tools Extracting
I attempted to remove meteor and reinstall meteor globally. Didn't touch anything inside the app as i dont want to break the app. Tried running
meteor update
only for it to freeze on meteor tools extracting. Also tried
meteor update --patch
only to have it freeze as well.

Can I run .exe file on Heroku?

I am building a node app that has a function that requires running an .exe file. I am using the .exe because it was the only was I was able to get my my legacy fortran code to compile (through intel visual fortran). Will I be able to get my app to run through heroku, and if so, is there anything I need to do besides the basic deploy?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think Heroku has any windows servers.
As you have the Heroku CLI to enter into the machine where your app is running you can try using Wine ( to run your exe.

Node JS 7.3.0 and WebStorm 2016.3.2: IDE always debugs with "--inspect"

Ever since upgrading to node v7.x, WebStorm always starts the debugger with the --inspect flag and there is no option to disable this in the run/debug configuration.
I want the same debugging experience as before (debugging within WebStorm) and not use the new DevTools wizardry.
How can I stop the --inspect flag from being added when the debugger starts? Or, alternatively, is there an undocumented override, like --inspect=false?
Unfortunately no:( it's a known issue, see WEB-24629. Hidden option for turning dev tools protocol support off (js.debugger.node.use.inspect=false) will be included in next 2016.3 update - see
For now the only workaround is downgrading Node.js to 6.x:(
Full Node 7 support (using v8 inspector) will be available in 2017.1
Just to add to lena's post. I've found that the bug is in Webstorm 2016.3.2 so you only have to downgrade to Webstorm 2016.3.1 to get the functionality back with the latest Node 7.x

New Node V8 Inspector not logging to console on Windows PC

On my Windows PC I have the latest version of node 6.9.1 which has V8 inspector built in. When I use the --inspect flag to run an app.js file and go to the "chrome-devtools" URL to attach the Debugger, everything works fine (I can set breakpoints and step through the code) but console.log code doesn't print to the chrome console. I already checked the console filter, it is set to ALL. It prints to the console window where I ran the app, just not to Chrome.
I have Windows Server 2008 R2. I dont have this issue on my macbook, it logs to the chrome console fine. I was hoping someone could check if they have it working on their Windows computer or if anybody else has run into this issue. Maybe its just a Server 2008 R2 issue?
It is very easy to test. Just create an app.js file with 1 line "console.log('test')", open command prompt or git Bash or whatever in the folder and type:
node --inspect --debug-brk app.js
It will give you a chrome-devtools URL. Go to this URL in chrome and you will see your app. The script execution will be stopped (due to the -brk flag) so you will have to resume it. If you have the same issue as me, you will notice that when you resume it, nothing will be logged to console.
I had the same problem. ( Node 6.11.0, V8 Inspector and no console)
I've updated Node.js to version 8.9.0 for Windows
I've downloaded the msi file here
Now everything it's OK.

running Karma in grunt with IE launcher in Linux box

We're creating a Linux build box for an angular and node application, we have setup grunt to run unit tests against 3 browsers (IE, Chrome and FF).
Now that we're automating the build, we won't be able to run unit tests against IE.
I've read Karma docs and I've learned about PhantomJS, but from what I read it is build on webkit which is chrome.
Searching the internet gave me no answer to my questions:
1. Is PhantomJS sufficient to cover IE, chrome and FF? because it seems the only straight forward solution I got from Karma.
2. Is there any way I can run karma unit tests on IE in a Linux box? it seems like a common requirement but I'm surprised I found no answer.
I've installed GNOME on the build box to try to get at least Chrome and FF covered, but the problem was that if I run the grunt build from a terminal (ie. Putty) it won't launch Chrome or FF, I have to log in from the GUI to be able to launch the browsers through Karma.
I've also tried to install wine to install IE on the build box, but it installed only IE6!! :)
Our team is relatively new to NodeJs and Angular, how would you setup your build box and how would you cover unit tests in IE??
We ended up removing IE tests in Linux, but we run them in our windows dev boxes, and kept only Chrome and FF which are both working.
