How to get caller pid in zmq (local socket) - linux

Im new to zmq. Im using the same for local IPC in a Linux based OS (The socket is AF_UNIX type)
But I could not find a way to get the caller's (client) process Id. Is there any way to find the same using zmq ? (Finding the pid of the caller is must for my access control requirement and if zmq does not provide the same then I should switch to dbus)
Please help me.

Forget most of the low-level socket designs and worries. Think higher in the sky. ZeroMQ is a pretty higher-level messaging concept. So you will have zero-worries about most of the socket-io problems.
For more on these ZMQ principles, read Pieter Hintjens' design maxims and his resources-rich book "Code Connected, Vol.1".
That said, the solution is fully in your control.
Create a problem-specific multi-zmq-socket / multi-zmq-pattern (multiple zmq-primitives used and orchestrated by your application level logic) as a problem-specific formal communication handshaking.
Ensure the <sender> adds it's own PID into message.
Re/authorise via another register/auth-socket-pattern with the pre-registered sender from the receiver side, so as to avoid a spoofed attack under a fake/stolen PID-identity.
Adapt your access-control policy according to your ProblemDOMAIN, use and implement any level of crypto-security formal handshaking protocols for identity-validation or key-exchange, to raise your access-control policy security to adequate strengths ( including MIL-STD grades ).


Using gRPC in client that must block on other fds - how?

I have a C++ client binary that uses epoll() to block on various OS descriptors - for file I/O, socket I/O, OS timers; and now it also needs to be a gRPC client (including streaming replies).
Reading answers to related questions across the web (e.g. about servers) it appears that there is no easy way from C/C++ to ask gRPC to give an fd that can be incorporated into the existing epoll set and then trigger gRPC to do the read & processing for the incoming response. Is that correct?
Alternatively, is the reverse possible: to use files, socket and timers via the gRPC core iomgr framework that are otherwise unrelated to the gRPC service? (for reading local files, communicating with external network equipment and managing the client's internal high-frequency timer needs.
The client in question is a single thread with RT priority (on an embedded (soft) real-time system using the PREEMPT RT). Given that gRPC creates other threads, could that be a problem?
Unfortunately, this isn't possible today, but it will be in the future once we finish the EventEngine effort. Once ready, that will allow you to inject your own event loop into gRPC. However, that probably won't be ready for public use until sometime next year.
For now, the only suggestion I can offer is that if you're using an insecure channel and don't need any name resolution or load balancing functionality, you may be able to use CreateInsecureChannelFromFd() to do the reverse (provide your own fd to use as a gRPC connection).

which multi thread model would be better to program a server to respond to udp or tcp?

If we need to design and implement a server to respond to udp or tcp requests, which multi-thread model should we use?
i researched online but couldn't find any answers.
Server architectures have interchanged heavyweight processes with new lightweight threads. Thread-per-connection model is used more. Along with sharing same address space, it also share global state and variable. Hence for individual request handlers, mutual structures can be executed, like for cacheable reactions inside the web server a mutual cache is developed. It is mandatory to have precise organization and management.

ZeroMQ IPC Unix Domain Socket accessed by nc

I want to connect to Unix Domain Socket created by ZeroMQ (IPC model) via command nc. I can connect, but when I sending some messages then, my deamon, which is listening to this socket, is not getting any message...
I'm using nc like:
nc -U /path/to/socket
Very well, here's a longer version.
ZeroMQ implements a message queue transport system over the top of stream connections like sockets, named pipes, etc. To do this it runs a protocol called ZMTP over the top of the stream, which provides all the message demarcation, communication patterns, and so forth. It also has to deal with protocol errors in order to give itself some resiliency.
Comparison to a Web Browser
It's the same idea to a web browser and web server communicating using http over a socket. Http is used to transport html files. If you look at the data flowing over the socket you see the html mixed up with the messages involved in running the http protocol. And because http is a text based protocol, it looks kinda OK to the human eye.
Talking the Same Language
Thus when a program that uses the zmq libraries for communication connects a socket / named pipe / etc, it will be expecting to exchange data over that connection in the way defined by the ZMTP protocol (in the same way a web browser is expecting to talk to a server using http). If the program at the other end is also using zmq, then they're both talking the same protocol and everything is good.
Incompatible Protocols
However, if you connect a program that doesn't of itself use the ZMTP protocol such as a web browser, and that sends a http request, it's unlikely to mean anything. And the zmq library routines will no doubt receive the bytes that make up the http request, attempt to interpret it, fail to understand it, and ultimately reject it as garbage.
Similarly if the program that uses the zmq library wants to send messages, nothing will happen unless the underlying ZMTP protocol driver is content that it is communicating with something else that talks ZMTP. If anything at all emerges from netcap, it won't look anything like the message you were sending (it'll be jumbled up with the bytes that ZMTP uses).
Human Equivalent
The equivalent is an Englishman called Bob picking up the phone and dialling the number for his English friend called Alice living in Paris. However, if a Frenchman called Charlie answers the phone by mistake (wrong number), it'll be very difficult for them to exchange information. Meanwhile Eve, who's tapped the phone line, is laughing her head off at the ineptitude of these two people's failed attempt to communicate. (I make sweeping and partly justifiable generalisations about us Englishmen's poor ability to speak any other language).
Way Forward
There's a ZMQ binding available for almost everything, possibly even bash. Whatever it is you're trying to accomplish it's probably well worth while getting a decent binding of ZMQ for the programming or scripting language your using, and use that to provide a proper ZMQ endpoint.

AUTOSAR: expressing crypto services during modelling

I'm new in AUTOSAR, I'm working on a project and my only concern is modeling (Software Components layer), without Basic Software implementation. I'm looking for a way to specify crypto information in the model (a way to specify that a specific communication has to be treated by the Crypto Service Manager). Does someone know a way to do so? Any tips or advice would be accepted.
The principle is same as with other services, model a SwcServiceDependency that aggregates a CryptoServiceNeeds. Create RoleBasedPortAssignments to indicated which PortPrototypes shall be used to interact with the Csm.
The SWC defines a way to specify the Crypto Service Needs of an SWC. This is defined in the standard/AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate.pdf
But the actual sighing and authentication is done in the BSW by first routing incoming SecuredIPdus by the PduR to the SecOC, which will forward authentication to the CryptoStack (Csm, Cry, CryIf, CAL / CrySHE). They'll return an (authenticated) IPdu back to the PduR, which routes it up to Com, which provides you the ISignalGroups and ISignals. To transmission is just the opposite way, where the SecOC gets an IPdu and delivers back a SecuredIPdu, which is routed by PduR down to the If to the -Driver to transmit.
On the receiving side, failed authentication will, the same as other failures usually cause the IPdu to be discared to higher layers, which looks like a message was never received.
This BasicSW parts are defined in the SystemDescription, which is defined in the standard/AUTOSAR_TPS_SystemTemplate.pdf

winsock application and multhreading - listening to socket event from another thread

assume we have an application which uses winsock to implement tcp communication.
for each socket we create a thread and block-receiving on it.
when data arrives, we would like to notify other threads (listening threads).
i was wondering what is the best way to implement this:
move away from this design and use a non-blocking socket, then the listening thread will have to iterate constantly and call a non-blocking receive, thus making it thread safe (no extra threads for the sockets)
use asynchronous procedure calls to notify listening threads - which again will have to alert-wait for apc to queue for them.
implement some thread safe message queue, where each socket thread will post messages to it, and the listener, again, will go over it every interval and pull data from it.
also, i read about WSAAsyncSelect, but i saw that this is used to send messages to a window. isnt there something similar for other threads? (well i guess apcs are...)
Use I/O completion ports. See the CreateIoCompletionPort() and the GetQueuedCompletionStatus() functions of the Win32 API (under File Management functions). In this instance, the socket descriptors are used in place of file handles.
You'll always be better off abstracting the mechanics of socket API (listening, accepting, reading & writing) in a separate layer from the application logic. Have an object that captures the state of a connection, which is created during an incoming connection and you can maintain buffers in this object for the incoming and outgoing traffic. This will allow your network interface layer to be independent of the application code. This will also make the code cleaner by separating the application functionality from the underlying communication mechanism.
Blocking or non-blocking socket decision depends on the level of scalability that your applications needs to achieve. If your application needs to support hundreds of incoming connections, adopting a thread-per-socket approach is not going to be very wise. You'll be better off going for an Io ports based implementation, which will make your app immensely scaleable at added code complexity. However, if you only foresee a few 10s of connections at any point in time, you can go for an asynchronous sockets model using Win32 events or messages. Win32 events based approach doesn't scale very well beyond a certain limit as you would have to manage multiple threads if the number of concurrent sockets exceed 63 (as WaitForMultipleObjects can only support a max of 64 sockets). Windows message based mechanism doesn't have this limitation though. OHOH, Win32 event based approach does not require a GUI window to work.
Check out WSAEventSelect along with WSAAsyncSelect API documentation in MSDN.
You might want to take a look at boost::asio package as well. It provides a neat (though a little complex) C++ abstraction over sockets API.
