What's the difference between startGearmanServer and createGearmanServer in Gearman.
gearman = Gearman.createGearman();
GearmanServer server = gearman.createGearmanServer("", POST);
and startGearmanServer code:
Gearman gearman = Gearman.createGearman();
GearmanServer server = gearman.startGearmanServer(POST);
startGearmanServer: instantiate a GearmanServer.
createGearmanServer: just get GearmanServer.
i have an error with redis set command on local redis server(
npm version : 2.15.0;
node version : 4.4.2;
nodejs verison : 0.10.25;
redis version : 2.7.1;
events.js:141 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
ReplyError: ERR wrong number of arguments for 'set' command at parseError
parser/lib/parser.js:193:12) at parseType
all of my codes look like this:
on my local machine the code is running successfully , but on aws linux machine i got this error.
var matchedMaps = map.get(publicURIField);
if(matchedMaps) {
var patternToValidate = matchedMap.pattern;
var type = matchedMap.type;
var tagID = matchedMap.tagID;
var patternToCheck = "cs-uri-stem";
var patternToSave = "";
patternToCheck = "c-referrer";
var regexToFind = new RegExp(patternToValidate.substring(1,patternToValidate.length-1));
var matchedPattern;
if (regexToFind.test(rawLogParsed[patternToCheck].toString())) {
if (matchedMap.regexType=="&"){
var key = patternObject.pattern.split("=")[0];
var value = rawLogParsed[patternToCheck].toString().split(key)[1];
value = rawLogParsed[patternToCheck].toString().split(key)[1].split("&")[0];
patternToSave += key+value+"&";
patternObject.pattern = patternObject.pattern.replace(/\*!/g, '.*');
patternToSave += rawLogParsed[patternToCheck].toString().match(patternObject.pattern)+"/";
patternToSave = patternToSave.substring(0,patternToSave.length-1);
var matchedField = publicURIField,matchedPattern = patternToSave
,key = tagID + "_"+userID+"_"+ matchedField + "_" + matchedPattern + "_" + type + "_" + fixedMinuteNumber;
if (tagUsageInfo[startKeyForRedis+key] == undefined) {
var tagObject = {
minuteNumber: parseInt(fixedMinuteNumber),
hourNumber: parseInt(yearMonthDayHourToCheck),
dayNumber: parseInt(yearMonthDayToCheck),
tagID: tagID,
matchedPattern: matchedPattern,
totalRequests: 1,
totalEgress: parseInt(bytes),
totalTransfered: parseInt(bytes),
totalRest: parseInt(totalWorld),
totalUS: parseInt(totalUS)
tagObject.totalIngres += parseInt(bytes);
tagUsageInfo[startKeyForRedis+"tagUsage_"+key] = startKeyForRedis+key;
else {
dbclient1.get(startKeyForRedis+"tagUsage_"+key, function(err, tagObject) {
var tagObjectJson = JSON.parse(tagObject);
tagObjectJson.totalRequests += 1;
tagObjectJson.totalEgress += parseInt(bytes);
tagObjectJson.totalTransfered += parseInt(bytes);
tagObjectJson.totalRest += parseInt(totalWorld);
tagObjectJson.totalUS += parseInt(totalUS);
tagObjectJson.totalRequests += 1;
tagObject.totalIngres += parseInt(bytes);
dbclient1.set(startKeyForRedis+"tagUsage_"+key, JSON.stringify(tagObjectJson));
any help?
1)If your trying to run redis on windows set accepts only two arguments cause the redis version issue
2)try latest version of redis on linux it will work
Try installing this version of Redis on windows from the following link. You can find more information here https://github.com/ServiceStack/redis-windows
This link provides three options to install Redis on windows
Option 1) Install Redis on Ubuntu on Windows
Option 2) Running the latest version of Redis with Vagrant
Option 3) Running Microsoft's native port of Redis
I personally prefer option 3.
Hope this helped. Thanks.
all of my codes look like this: [...]
It's not important how all of your code looks like. It's important how the specific line that caused the problem looks like but unfortunately you didn't include it.
The errors that you provided include some files and line numbers but you seem to have removed the ones that are related to your code. If you read those messages carefully then you should be able to know what lines those errors are related to and focus on those lines.
If the errors show up on a server and not on your desktop then I would suspect that maybe you're trying to use some environment variables or files on the file system to populate some variables in your program, and those are not available on the server resulting in putting undefined there.
You will surely find the problem when you add console.log() statements to every place where you want to access Redis so that you first print it and then call to Redis. That way at least you will know what data is causing the problem. I suspect that you are having some undefined values or something like that.
Remember that JSON.stringify(undefined) returns undefined instead of a valid JSON string. Something like that may be causing problems. Adding debug messages will help to narrow it down.
Some extra advice: You can use prefix parameter of the redis module then you will not have to add startKeyForRedis+ all over the place. You can set a prefix once and have it prepended automatically. See the docs:
I was doing learning to use KUE a nodejs library for job scheduling that uses redis for saving data.
I got this error while running client.js(that puts jobs in queue) and worker.js(that process the schedule jobs).
I was running worker before running the client and that is why this happened.
I reversed the order and everything went fine!
To fix this error on windows Redis from v.3 required.
That's why I've took zipped release 3.0.504 from here and now all is working.
Quite simple.
I have faced similar type of error which was because of older version of Redis. This is compatibility issue which fixes a bug in Redis after Redis 2.6.12. Make sure you install recent version of Redis v3.X.
Is it possible to read\write data if i spawn windows calculator process ? And how to do that ?
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var calcWin = spawn('calc');
stdin\stdout with event on 'data'\'message' not working.
So I'm trying to do the following from the command line:
> somecommand "Hello world"
will cause my listening node.js application (RabbitMQ) to receive "hello world" and print it to stdout...
Here's my node.js application (app.js) that's listening for "newTrend" events:
var context = require('rabbit.js').createContext();
var sub=null;
context.on('ready', function() {
sub = context.socket('SUB');
console.log("Connected to rabbitmq");
Start using:
nodejs app.js
But how to send it "newTrend" events via RabbitMQ using just the command line? I have rabbitmqadmin installed.
Is there something stopping you from writing a Node.JS program to act as the client?
#!/usr/bin/env node
var context = require('rabbit.js').createContext();
Either that or see if rmqcat will do what you need: https://github.com/squaremo/rmqcat
My app server uses node.js cluster API cluster.fork() to fork multiple child processes. This works fine.
However, when I try to use vows for unit test, the test also got run multiple times because of the call to cluster.fork() inside my app server; as I instantiate the server inside my test code, as follows:
var vows = require('vows');
var MyAppServer = require('../my_app');
// start the server
var app = MyAppServer.start();
var suite = vows.describe('My Tests');
suite.discuss('connections API')
.addBatch({ ... })
How do I prevent test code to run multiple times in this case ? This test is included in npm test, so I need a way to instantiate my app server inside test itself.
At the top you can do
var cluster = require('cluster');
Then wrap the suite in an if:
if (cluster.isMaster) {
var suite = ...
For more info on isMaster, check the documentation
I'm trying to create a node server that spawns phantomjs processes to create screenshots. The grab.js script works fine when executed and I've confirmed that it writes to stdout. Problem is the node code that spawns the process simply hangs. I've confirmed that phantomjs is in the path. Anyone know what might be happening here or how I might troubleshoot this?
Here's the phantomjs code (grab.js) that renders the page and writes the data to stdout:
var page = require('webpage').create(),
system = require('system'),
fs = require('fs');
var url = system.args[1] || 'google.com';
page.viewportSize = {
width: 1024,
height: 1200
page.open(url, function() {
var b64 = page.renderBase64('png');
fs.write('/dev/stdout', b64, 'w');
And here's the node code that spawns the phantom progress and prints the result (hangs):
var http = require('http'),
exec = require('child_process').exec,
fs = require('fs');
exec('phantomjs grab.js google.com', function(error, stdout, stderr) {
console.log(error, stdout, stderr);
I have had similar issues with exec and then switched to using spawn instead and it worked.
According to this article , Use spawn when you want the child process to return huge binary data to Node, use exec when you want the child process to return simple status messages.
I had same problem, in my case it was not in nodejs, but in phantomjs (v2.1).
It's known problem when phantom`s open method hangs.
Also, found second link (I guess same person wrote) in which author points that requestAnimationFrame is not working well with tweenJs, which causes freezing. PhantomJS returns unixtimestamp but tweenjs expects it to be DOMHighResTimeStamp, and so on...
Trick is to inject request-animation-frame.js (which is also provided in that article)