Docker container cannot resolve dns - dns

I'm trying to configure my docker container to see my local private rpm repository through http. It cannot resolve the dns name and I'm probably not setting up DNS correctly on the host CENTOS 6.5 VM.
[Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 7 - > "couldn't connect to host"
bash-4.1# more /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo
name=nginx repo
(can't connect to host)
The container /etc/resolv.conf contains this
bash-4.1# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search localdomain eadis.local
When I try to add the domainname to the IP address it does not
Docker container IP address
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 7E:EB:4C:25:F4:DA
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Host VM Docker server
docker0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr FE:EF:63:A8:65:5C
inet addr:
Bcast: Mask:
eth3 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:10:0A:77
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
[root#centos named]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
domain localdomain
search localdomain eadis.local

When you run your container with --net or --network, docker will use a self DNS server to discover services that runs with it. All DNS queries are sent to the docker engine.
In normal times (when using default network) you can use the --dns option on your run command. But when you run your images with a self-defined network, you must add your customize resolv.conf file to the container. You make one on your system and name it custom-resolv.conf.
In this file you can add your custom dns address and add it to your container.
Then you must add this small part to your run command:
-v /path/to/file/custom-resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf:ro
Use ro for read-only volume mapping. When your container is started, you can exec to your container and check the /etc/resolv.conf file which must be the same as custom-resolv.conf.
Now all of your DNS requests are sent to your DNS server.


Using ip link To Connect Multiple Chroot Jails

I've done some research online, and I'm not really finding any info about how to establish a communication link between two or more chroot jails. The "standard" seems to be just using a single chroot jail for sandboxing.
To put things into context, I'm trying to perform the basic functions of docker containers, but with chroot jails. So, in the same way that two docker containers can ping each other via IP and/or be connected on the same user-defined docker network, can this exist for two chroot jails?
I understand that containers and chroot jails are different things, and I'm familiar with both. I just need to know if there is a way to link two chroot jails in a similar way to linking two containers, or if this is nonexistent and I'm just wasting my time
There's nothing magic about Docker: it's just using the facilities provided by the Linux kernel to enable various sorts of isolation. You can take advantage of the same features.
A Docker "network" is nothing more than a bridge device on your host. You can create those trivially using either brctl or the ip link command, as in:
ip link add mynetwork type bridge
You'll want to activate the interface and assign an ip address:
ip addr add dev mynetwork
ip link set mynetwork up
A Docker container has a separate network environment from the host.
This is called a network namespace, and you can manipulate them by
hand with the ip netns command.
You can create a network namespace with the ip netns add command. For example, here we create two namespaces named chroot1 and chroot2:
ip netns add chroot1
ip netns add chroot2
Next, you'll create two pairs of veth network interfaces. One end of each pair will be attached to one of the above network namespaces, and the other will be attached to the mynetwork bridge:
# create a veth-pair named chroot1-inside and chroot1-outside
ip link add chroot1-inside type veth peer name chroot1-outside
ip link set master mynetwork dev chroot1-outside
ip link set chroot1-outside up
ip link set netns chroot1 chroot1-inside
# do the same for chroot2
ip link add chroot2-inside type veth peer name chroot2-outside
ip link set netns chroot2 chroot2-inside
ip link set chroot2-outside up
ip link set master mynetwork dev chroot2-outside
And now configure the interfaces inside of the network namespaces.
We can do this using the -n option to the ip command, which causes
the command to run inside of the specified network namespace:
ip -n chroot1 addr add dev chroot1-inside
ip -n chroot1 link set chroot1-inside up
ip -n chroot2 addr add dev chroot2-inside
ip -n chroot2 link set chroot2-inside up
Note that in the above, ip -n <namespace> is just a shortcut for:
ip netns exec <namespace> ip ...
So that:
ip -n chroot1 link set chroot1-inside up
Is equivalent to:
ip netns exec chroot1 ip link set chroot1-inside up
(Apparently older versions of the iproute package don't include the
-n option.)
And finally, you can start your chroot environments inside of these
two namespaces. Assuming that your chroot filesystem is mounted on
/mnt, in one terminal, run:
ip netns exec chroot1 chroot /mnt bash
And in another terminal:
ip netns exec chroot2 chroot /mnt bash
You will find that these two chroot environments can ping each other.
For example, inside the chroot1 environment:
# ip addr show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK> mtu 65536 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
36: chroot1-inside#if35: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 12:1c:9c:39:22:fa brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
inet scope global chroot1-inside
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::101c:9cff:fe39:22fa/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
# ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Prohibited
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 0ms
And they can ping the host:
# ping -c1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.115 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.115/0.115/0.115/0.000 ms
Of course, for this chroot environment to be useful, there's a bunch
of stuff missing, such as the virtual filesystems on /proc, /sys,
and /dev. Setting all of this up and tearing it back down cleanly
is why people use tools like Docker, or systemd-nspawn, because
there's a lot to manage by hand.

Docker macvlan network, unable to access internet

I have a dedicated server with multiple IP addresses, some IP's have mac address associated while others(in a subnetwork) doesn't have mac addresses.
I have created docker macvlan network using:
docker network create -d macvlan -o macvlan_mode=bridge --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=eth0 macvlan_bridge
I have ip: with mac: 00:50:56:00:60:42. Created a container using:
docker run --name cont1 --net=macvlan_bridge --ip= --mac-address 00:50:56:00:60:42 -itd nginx
This works, I can access nginx hosted at that ip address from outside.
Case with IP which doesn't have mac address and the gateway is out of subnet.
subnet:, gateway:
Unable to create network using:
docker network create -d macvlan -o macvlan_mode=bridge --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=eth0 mynetwork
Throws error:
no matching subnet for gateway
Tried with increasing subnet scope to include gateway:
docker network create -d macvlan -o macvlan_mode=bridge --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=eth0 mynetwork
Network got created, then started nginx container using 'mynetwork' and well I dont have mac address for so used some random mac address 40:1c:0f:bd:a1:d2.
docker run --name cont1 --net=mynetwork --ip= --mac-address 40:1c:0f:bd:a1:d2 -itd nginx
Can't reach nginx(
How do I create a macvlan docker network if my gateway is out of my subnet?
How do I run a container using macvlan network when I have only IP address but no mac address?
I don't have much knowledge in networking, it will be really helpful if you explain in detail.
My /etc/network/interfaces file:
### Hetzner Online GmbH - installimage
# Loopback device:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface lo inet6 loopback
# device: eth0
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
# default route to access subnet
up route add -net netmask gw eth0
iface eth0 inet6 static
address 2a01:4f8:221:1266::2
netmask 64
gateway fe80::1
You might want to start by reading up on simple routing concepts or subnets and routing
How do I create a macvlan docker network if my gateway is out of my subnet?
A gateway address must be on the same subnet as an interface. To use this new subnet you will need to use up one of the IP addresses and assign it somewhere on the host as a gateway.
Subnet routing to a bridge network.
From the hosting screen shot, the subnet has been setup to route via your host You need to create an interface somewhere on your host to use as the gateway if you want Docker to use the rest of the IP addresses in the subnet.
Create a bridge network for Docker to use, the bridge will be assigned the gateway address
docker network create \
--driver=bridge \
--subnet \
--gateway= \
You may also need to enable IP forwarding for routing to work. Configure ip forwarding in /etc/sysctl.conf:
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
and Apply the new setting
sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
Then run a container on the new bridge with your routed network should be able to access the gateway and the internet
docker run --net=name0 --rm busybox \
sh -c "ip ad sh && ping -c 4 && wget"
You may need to allow access into the subnet in iptables, depending on your default FORWARD policy
iptables -I DOCKER -d -j ACCEPT
Services on the subnet will be accessible from the outside world
docker run --net=name0 busybox \
nc -lp 80 -e echo -e "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-Length: 3\n\nHi\n"
Then outside
○→ ping -c 2
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=0.527 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.417 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.417/0.472/0.527/0.055 ms
○→ curl
No need for macvlan interface mapping.
How do I run a container using macvlan network when I have only IP
address but no mac address?
macvlan is use to map a physical/host interface into a container. As you don't have a physical interface for these addresses it will be hard to map one into a container.

Docker DNS settings

I try create docker container with custom network and dos settings.
docker network create --driver=bridge --opt ""="true" --opt ""="true" --opt=""="1500" --opt=""="" net
docker run --dns --network=net busybox cat /etc/resolv.conf
options ndots:0
Else if I use standard network all work fine
docker run --dns --network=bridge busybox cat /etc/resolv.conf
As of Docker 1.10, DNS is managed differently for user-defined networks. DNS for the default bridge network is unchanged for backwards compatibility. In a user-defined network, docker daemon uses the embedded DNS server. According to the documentation found here:
--dns=[IP_ADDRESS...] The IP addresses passed via the --dns option is used by the embedded
DNS server to forward the DNS query if embedded DNS server is unable
to resolve a name resolution request from the containers. These
--dns IP addresses are managed by the embedded DNS server and will not
be updated in the container’s /etc/resolv.conf file.
So, the DNS nameserver will be used, it just is not visible in the container's /etc/resolv.conf.

How to configure network on centos

I was trying to setup go auto dial which uses cent OS, I am totally new to cent OS and don't know how to configure network on it, and without network I can't access the go auto CE portal.
I tried putting my WiFi IP sub-net mask and default gateway, but when I try to access the given IP it shows me:
To display all your network interfaces (to check your interface name, eth0 in following example, replace eth0 par your interface name read from the result of the following command):
[root#localhost]# ifconfig -a
if you use eth0 interface you should configure like following:
[root#localhost]# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
## Configure eth0
# /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
DEVICE="eth0" # interface name
ONBOOT=yes # launch network in Linux boot
HWADDR=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF # your mac address
BOOTPROTO=static # static or dhcp
NAME="System eth0"
IPADDR=X.X.X.X # your ip address if static is chosen
NETMASK= # your netmask if static is chosen
[root#localhost]# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
## Configure Default Gateway
# /etc/sysconfig/network
Restart Network Interface
[root#localhost]# /etc/init.d/network restart
Configure DNS Server
[root#localhost]# vi /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver # Replace with your nameserver ip
nameserver # Replace with your nameserver ip

How to use Linux Network Namespaces for per processes routing?

I want to crawl webpages through browser and store network traffic per URL (not only HTTP but also udp, rtmp etc.) I came across this solution to use linux network namespace for per process routing. Following are the steps I followed, however unable to browse the webpage.
ip netns add test
create a pair of virtual network interfaces (veth-a and veth-b):
ip link add veth-a type veth peer name veth-b
change the active namespace of the veth-a interface:
ip link set veth-a netns test
configure the IP addresses of the virtual interfaces:
ip netns exec test ifconfig veth-a up netmask
ifconfig veth-b up netmask
configure the routing in the test namespace:
ip netns exec test route add default gw dev veth-a
sudo bash -c ‘echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward’
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
Open Browser in the namepace and get following:
sudo ip netns exec test /usr/bin/firefox
(firefox:15861): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:
Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-xE8M4KnMPn: Connection refused
(firefox:15861): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Unable to get session bus: Could not connect: Connection refused
In wireshark: sudo ip netns exec test wireshark
I can see Only Outgoing DNS requests from 192.168.163 to
Kindly let me know what I am missing here?
Instead of modifying the host /etc/resolv.conf a cleaner way would be to create a network namespace specific resolv.conf in the following path /etc/netns/ . The "ip netns" utility will bind-mound any resolv.conf on this path to a /etc/resolv.conf in a mount namespace for the process launched with the new network namespace.
Got it. I am able to ping The problem was in DNS resolving.
Update DNS resolver.
put nameserver in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base and in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head.
Restart Network.
sudo service network-manager restart
Now /etc/resolv.conf looks like.
# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
sudo ip netns exec test /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --user-data-dir=/tmp/chrome2/
