I have created all the files needed and put them in the right folder hierarchy. After the configuration file is created, I modify it as needed and then start the training but errors occur in the terminal as shown:
Sphinxtrain path: /usr/local/lib/sphinxtrain
Sphinxtrain binaries path: /usr/local/libexec/sphinxtrain
Running the training
MODULE: 000 Computing feature from audio files
Extracting features from segments starting at (part 1 of 1)
Extracting features from segments starting at (part 1 of 1)
Feature extraction is done
MODULE: 00 verify training files
Phase 1: Checking to see if the dict and filler dict agrees with the phonelist file.
WARNING: The phonelist (/home/anonymus/workspace/Sphinx-Test/Alphabets/tutorial/alphabets/etc/alphabets.phone) does not define the phone SIL (required!)
Found 6 words using 10 phones
WARNING: This phone (SIL) occurs in the dictionary (/home/anonymus/workspace/Sphinx-Test/Alphabets/tutorial/alphabets/etc/alphabets.dic), but not in the phonelist (/home/anonymus/workspace/Sphinx-Test/Alphabets/tutorial/alphabets/etc/alphabets.phone)
Phase 2: Checking to make sure there are not duplicate entries in the dictionary
Phase 3: Check general format for the fileids file; utterance length (must be positive); files exist
Phase 4: Checking number of lines in the transcript file should match lines in fileids file
Phase 5: Determine amount of training data, see if n_tied_states seems reasonable.
Estimated Total Hours Training: 0.000816666666666667
This is a small amount of data, no comment at this time
Phase 6: Checking that all the words in the transcript are in the dictionary
Words in dictionary: 3
Words in filler dictionary: 3
Phase 7: Checking that all the phones in the transcript are in the phonelist, and all phones in the phonelist appear at least once
MODULE: 0000 train grapheme-to-phoneme model
Skipped (set $CFG_G2P_MODEL = 'yes' to enable)
MODULE: 01 Train LDA transformation
Skipped (set $CFG_LDA_MLLT = 'yes' to enable)
MODULE: 02 Train MLLT transformation
Skipped (set $CFG_LDA_MLLT = 'yes' to enable)
MODULE: 05 Vector Quantization
Skipped for continuous models
MODULE: 10 Training Context Independent models for forced alignment and VTLN
Skipped: $ST::CFG_FORCEDALIGN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
Skipped: $ST::CFG_VTLN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 11 Force-aligning transcripts
Skipped: $ST::CFG_FORCEDALIGN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 12 Force-aligning data for VTLN
Skipped: $ST::CFG_VTLN set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 20 Training Context Independent models
Phase 1: Cleaning up directories:
Phase 2: Flat initialize
Phase 3: Forward-Backward
Baum welch starting for 1 Gaussian(s), iteration: 1 (1 of 1)
Only 0 parts of 1 of Baum Welch were successfully completed
Parts 1 failed to run!
Training failed in iteration 1
MODULE: 30 Training Context Dependent models
Phase 1: Cleaning up directories:
Phase 2: Initialization
This step had 1 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
Phase 3: Forward-Backward
Baum welch starting for iteration: 1 (1 of 1)
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 2 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
Only 0 parts of 1 of Baum Welch were successfully completed
Parts 1 failed to run!
Training failed in iteration 1
MODULE: 40 Build Trees
Phase 1: Cleaning up old log files...
Phase 2: Make Questions
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
Phase 3: Tree building
Processing each phone with each state
AE 0
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
AE 1
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
AE 2
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
L 0
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
L 1
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
L 2
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
AH 0
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
AH 1
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
AH 2
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
F 0
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
F 1
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
F 2
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
B 0
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
B 1
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
B 2
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
IY 0
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
IY 1
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
IY 2
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
JH 0
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
JH 1
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
JH 2
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
EY 0
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
EY 1
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
EY 2
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
M 0
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
M 1
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
M 2
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
MODULE: 45 Prune Trees
Phase 1: Tree Pruning
This step had 1 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
Phase 2: State Tying
This step had 1 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
MODULE: 50 Training Context dependent models
Phase 1: Cleaning up directories:
Phase 2: Copy CI to CD initialize
This step had 1 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
Phase 3: Forward-Backward
Baum welch starting for 1 Gaussian(s), iteration: 1 (1 of 1)
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
Only 0 parts of 1 of Baum Welch were successfully completed
Parts 1 failed to run!
Training failed in iteration 1
MODULE: 60 Lattice Generation
Skipped: $ST::CFG_MMIE set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 61 Lattice Pruning
Skipped: $ST::CFG_MMIE set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 62 Lattice Format Conversion
Skipped: $ST::CFG_MMIE set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 65 MMIE Training
Skipped: $ST::CFG_MMIE set to 'no' in sphinx_train.cfg
MODULE: 90 deleted interpolation
Skipped for continuous models
MODULE: DECODE Decoding using models previously trained
Decoding 3 segments starting at 0 (part 1 of 1)
This step had 2 ERROR messages and 0 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
Aligning results to find error rate
word_align.pl failed with error code 65280 at /usr/local/lib/sphinxtrain/scripts/decode/slave.pl line 173.
Please help me resolve this issue.
You have several issues which logs report you about:
WARNING: This phone (SIL) occurs in the dictionary (/home/anonymus/workspace/Sphinx-Test/Alphabets/tutorial/alphabets/etc/alphabets.dic), but not in the phonelist (/home/anonymus/workspace/Sphinx-Test/Alphabets/tutorial/alphabets/etc/alphabets.phone)
You need to add SIL phone to alphabets.phone file.
Estimated Total Hours Training: 0.000816666666666667
You do not have enough data for training. A starting amount is 1 hour of data. You can find details in acoustic model training tutorial
I have installed JMeter in my new system. Create a script and trying to execute from non-GUI mode. But the script is not getting executed and it gives below summary result.
summary = 0 in 00:00:00 = ******/s
Avg: 0
Min: 9223372036854775807
Max: -9223372036854775808
Err: 0 (0.00%)
What could be the reason? How to resolve this? Kindly guide me as I am from the Loadrunner background.
It means that the script hasn't generated any results as it failed to execute any Samplers.
You can always look into jmeter.log file - most probably it will contain sufficient information to get to the bottom of the issue, if not - you will be able to increase JMeter log verbosity for the components you're using or the whole JMeter engine.
The most common reasons are:
Missing file referenced in the CSV Data Set Config
Missing JMeter Plugin
The script version is not compatible with the JMeter version
So look into jmeter.log file and if you won't be able to figure out what's wrong - post its contents here
After activating CORS on my webserver I have run my manifest on dash conformance webtool finding several errors that I can not interpret, at the moment I am not able to get the ABR behavior,Can i ask for help to understand how to fix the bug?
Below some log reported from the Dash confromance webtool, for more details is better run the manifest on their webtool
Thanks a lot!
error: moov-1:trak-1:mdia-1:minf-1:stbl-1:stsd-1
SampleDescription sdType must be 'mp4v', 'avc1', 'encv', 'hev1','hvc1', or 'vp09'('mp4v', 'avc1', 'encv', 'hev1','hvc1','vp09')
Warning: Unknown atom found "avcC": video sample descriptions would
not normally contain this Warning: Unknown atom found "pasp": video
sample descriptions would not normally contain this Brand 'lmsg' not
found as a compatible brand for the last segment (number 3); violates
Section 3.2.3. of Interoperability Point DASH264: If the MPD#type is
equal to "dynamic" or if it includes MPD#profile attribute in-cludes
"urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011", then: if the Media Segment is
the last Media Segment in the Representation, this Me-dia Segment
shall carry the 'lmsg' compatibility brand tfdt base media decode time
1658.000000 not equal to accumulated decode time 0.000000 for track 1 for the first fragment of the movie. This software does not handle
incomplete presentations. Applying correction.
Buffer underrun conformance error: first (and only one reported here) for sample 1 of run 1 of track fragment 1 of fragment 1 of track
id 1 (sample absolute file offset 1356, fragment absolute file offset
860, bandwidth: 7591)
'tkhd' alternateGroup must be 0 not 1 Validate_ES_Descriptor: ES_ID
should be 0 not 2 in media tracks
WARNING: unknown sample table atom 'sgpd' WARNING: unknown mvex atom
'trep' WARNING: unknown/unexpected atom 'meta' Brand 'lmsg' not found
as a compatible brand for the last segment (number 3); violates
Section 3.2.3. of Interoperability Point DASH264: If the MPD#type is
equal to "dynamic" or if it includes MPD#profile attribute in-cludes
"urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011", then: if the Media Segment is
the last Media Segment in the Representation, this Me-dia Segment
shall carry the 'lmsg' compatibility brand tfdt base media decode time
1657.984000 not equal to accumulated decode time 0.000000 for track 2 for the first fragment of the movie. This software does not handle
incomplete presentations. Applying correction.
grouping_type roll in sbgp is not found for any sgpd in moof number 1
grouping_type roll in sbgp is not found for any sgpd in moof number 1
grouping_type roll in sbgp is not found for any sgpd in moof number 1
The cause of the majority of your problems is spelled out in the error message: This software does not handle incomplete presentations. You are trying to validate a live stream, and this tool does not currently have that capability.
With respect to the sample description issue, it looks like the validator does not recognise avc3 content (ie where the parameter sets are inband rather than in the initialisation segment). I would consider this a bug and suggest you raise an issue at https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/Conformance-and-reference-source/issues.
I'm trying to create right regexp for log file I would like to monitor, but I have tried many things and they don't work.
What I would like to monitor...
My log file looks like this:
17-06-14 Name Succ Fail Reject
11:36:33 BalanceCheck 2 6 10
Connections 3 0 0
Transfers 0 0 0
17-06-14 Name Succ Fail Reject
11:37:33 BalanceCheck 2 6 1
Connections 3 0 0
Transfers 50 2 10
The value I'm trying to have in output is for example "2". Which should be found under Succ and BalanceCheck.
I was trying to use:
log[/tmp/logfile,,"BalanceCheck *([0-9]+)",,,,\1]
But it shows in Zabbix that it is not supported, because of too many outputs.
Also I can't create a regex for Fail value to work properly....
You are currently using:
log[/tmp/logfile,,"BalanceCheck *([0-9]+)",,,,\1]
Zabbix log[] key syntax is:
Notice how the second parameter should be regexp, but you have it put in the third parameter. Try removing the first or second comma in your key.
Sometimes Syslog send line like that :
Aug 12 20:35:57 server sshd[15984]: last message repeated 2 times
I know that we can disable it, in the rsyslog config file :
$RepeatedMsgReduction off
Source : here
That config disable this feature on all syslog facilities.
But my question is : is there any way to disable this feature on only a specific facility (local1 for example) ?
Thanks !
No, according to the manual this option only accepts values on and off. Likewise, the source code only documents these two values:
int bReduceRepeatMsgs; /* reduce repeated message - 0 - no, 1 - yes */
I have a long Cucumber scenario with only a few steps implemented, and many steps are pending. In my set up, Cucumber skips all pending steps, but still prints all the names of those skipped tests in the output, and that makes it tedious to scroll up to find the step where the scenario failed.
How can I make sure the skipped steps are not printed in the output? Ideally, I want the output to show all passing steps and the last failed step.
I think there is no out of the box formatter that does exactly that. You would need to create a custom one but perhaps you could use the progress formatter. It prints information about the failed steps, green dots for the passing steps and dashes for the skipped ones:
>> cucumber --format progress
(::) failed steps (::)
"Error messages here"
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/dashboard.feature:13 # Scenario: Dashboard data is loaded
4 scenarios (1 failed, 3 passed)
26 steps (1 failed, 1 skipped, 24 passed)
Also you can combine different formatters. One to give its output in the console and others to output its format in different files for later inspection. for example:
$ cucumber -f progress -f pretty --out results.txt -f rerun --out rerun.txt