Is it possible to incorporate an environment variable into a ruby script for Calabash? - cucumber

I am testing a feature on an app that requires the user to be a certain age. The only time you see the prompt that asks for your age is once you open the app for the first time and once you log out of the app. I don't want my test to only go through my steps to log in and then log out to be able to see this prompt, but I also don't want to manually reset the data in between tests either. Isn't this why we write scripts? Anyways, before I launch the test, I use the environment variable RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS=1 cucumber features/my_feature.feature. Is there a way that I can use this variable INSIDE of my step definition so that it resets the data on its own once I run the script?

I'm not familiar with Calabash, but it appears to be using cucumber. If that is the case, you could handle the action in a before or after hook which would run before or after each scenario.
Within the features/support folder, add a file hooks.rb
Before() do
#code to reset data
This could also be run after the scenario by using After() do. The same if/then could be used within a scenario step as well.


Show progress in a azure-pipeline output

so I have my computer set up as an agent pool in azure-devops. I'm creating a test for latency so the developers can use it in their CI, the script runs in python and test various points in a system I have set up for the company which is connected to the cloud, it's mainly for informative purposes. When I run the script I have to wait some time, so the system I have connected goes through its normal network cycle inspecting all the devices in the local network, not very important for que question, however when I'm waiting I show in the terminal a message with "..." going from "." to ".." to "...", just to show the script didn't crash or anything.
the python code looks like this and works just fine when I run it locally:
sys.stdout.write("\rprocessing queue, timing varies depending on priority" + ("."*( i % 3 + 1))+ "\r")
however the output shown in the azure pipeline shows all of the lines without replacing them. Is there a way to do what I want?
I am afraid showing progress is not supported in azure pipeline. Azure pipeline log console isnot user interactive. It just capture the agent machine terminal outputs.
You might have to use a simpler way to indicate that the script is now executing and not finished yet. For simple example:
sys.stdout.write("Waiting for processing queue ..." )
You can report this problem to microsoft development team. Hope they find a way to fix this in the future sprint.
I have seen it once but never actually used it myself, this can be done in both bash and PowerShell, not sure if this works inside a Python script, you might have to call bash/PowerShell from within your Python script.
It is possible to set a progress value in percent that is visible outside of the log, but as I understand it this value is step-spefific, meaning it only applies to the pipeline step you're currently in. You could drag the numeric value (however many percent) along into the next step, but the progress counter would then again show up in the next step. I believe it is not possible to have a pipeline global display of a progress.
If you export a progress value it will show up beside the step name in the left hand side step list.
This setting of a progress (also exporting one variable from one step to another, which is typically done that way) can be done by echoing special logging commands. There's a great description to be found here: Logging commands
What you want to do is something just as it is shown as an example on the linked page:
echo "Begin a lengthy process..."
for i in {0..100..10}
sleep 1
echo "##vso[task.setprogress value=$i;]Sample Progress Indicator"
echo "Lengthy process is complete."
All of these special logging commands start with ##vso[task... The VSO is a relict to the time when Azure DevOps was called Visual Studio Online.
There are a whole bunch of them, but most of the time what you really need is exporting variables from one build step context to another, which is done with ##vso[task.setvariable]value

How to call an automation script from an automation script in Maximo

Could anyone tell me how to invoke an action automation script from an automation script in Maximo. I have achieved this before but can't remember/find the procedure used to call an action script.
When invoking another script, it doesn't matter if it is an action script or a script just sitting out there with no launch points (or even one already triggering on its own otherwise with, say, an object save launch point). The below code assumes Jython and Maximo of at least 7.6.0.x (I forget exactly what version added this feature).
First, you do need to make sure you import java.util.HashMap into your script. Then, you start by creating a new HashMap. This is the script context that you will put all of your implicit variables into for the other script. You then use the "invokeScript" method of the implicit service or script context (if this is in an integration script) object. The first parameter of that method is the name of the new script you want to invoke and the second parameter is your HashMap that is the context for the new script.
from java.util import HashMap
subScriptCtx = HashMap()
subScriptCtx.put("mbo", woMbo)
subScriptCtx.put("var1", someObject)
subScriptCtx.put("var2", MXServer.getMXServer().getDate())
service.invokeScript("OTHERSCRIPTNAME", subScriptCtx)

integrating protractor with Jenkins

When I want to run specific test or suites. I run them from terminal.
I've installed jenkins and configured my first free style project.
I added shell command (ex: protractor conf.js --suites A --params.user =A).
Everything works fine. If I want to run multiple suites I must edit my shell command inside jenkins. Is there any workaround?, like checkboxes, so I can check which suites I want to run.
Also I want to know about extensible parameters. I want to select which parameters I want to run. Instead of putting command protractor conf.js --params.user=oneuser I want to be able to choose it from GUI.
Look into parameterized builds.
"First, you need to define parameters for your job by selecting "This build is parameterized", then using the drop-down button to add as many parameters as you need."
"String parameters are exposed as environment variables of the same name. Therefore, a builder, like Ant and Shell, [or protractor] can use the parameters."
So if you make "protractorSuites" a string parameter, you can reference it like:
protractor conf.js --suites ${protractorSuites} --params.user =A
Then when you "Build with parameters" you can supply the appropriate suite.

Using GroovyScript in SoapUI to access and lock an external file

I have a set of 60 testcases in a project in SoapUI that I want to run concurrently. Each testcase needs to use a value to work. The values are stored in an external file (spreadsheet or textfile). Each testcase needs to get a value from this file and use it. However when I run the testsuite, multiple tests are picking up the same value however only one value can be used for a test (same value cannot be used in more than 1 test at the same time). I would like the external file to be accessed by one testcase at a time in soapUI. Does this involve locking or some sort of queueing system or what groovyscript could I use? thanks
I can't figure out how to get this to work with your external file, but I can think of another way only using SoapUI. Here's my suggestion for a solution:
Create a new TestCase containing only a DataGen TestStep.
Configure it so that it generates the numbers you want.
Change its mode to "READ", so that it will generate a new value every time the test step is run.
Now, wherever you want one of these values, instead of accessing your external file, add a Run TestCase TestStep to run your new DataGen test case, and make sure to return the generated number as a property. Use it where you need the generated number.
As I'm typing this, I just realized this only works with the pro version of SoapUI. If you don't have a license you can get a trial from the website.

Is there a way to run a single cucumber feature file on autotest?

I'd like to run just a single cucumber feature file on autotest. I'd like the test to be run, report failures, then run again as soon as I save a change to my code base. Anyone know a way to do this?
I found a solution myself:
Watchr -
It watches whenever you save specified files and runs specified tests at that point. Uses pattern matching.
