Implementing Rust traits cause struct to not be found - struct

When I implement a trait on a struct in Rust it's causing the struct type not to be found. First, the working code:
trait SomeTrait {
fn new() -> Box<SomeTrait>;
fn get_some_value(&self) -> int;
struct SomeStruct {
value: int
impl SomeStruct {
fn new() -> Box<SomeStruct> {
return box SomeStruct { value: 3 };
fn get_some_value(&self) -> int {
return self.value;
fn main() {
let obj = SomeStruct::new();
println!("{}", obj.get_some_value());
Here the SomeTrait trait isn't being used. Everything works. If I now change the impl of SomeStruct to implement SomeTrait:
trait SomeTrait {
fn new() -> Box<SomeTrait>;
fn get_some_value(&self) -> int;
struct SomeStruct {
value: int
impl SomeTrait for SomeStruct {
fn new() -> Box<SomeTrait> {
return box SomeStruct { value: 3 };
fn get_some_value(&self) -> int {
return self.value;
fn main() {
let obj = SomeStruct::new();
println!("{}", obj.get_some_value());
I get the error: 21:28 error: failed to resolve. Use of undeclared module `SomeStruct` let obj = SomeStruct::new();
^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21:28 error: unresolved name `SomeStruct::new`. let obj = SomeStruct::new();
What am I doing wrong? Why is SomeStruct suddenly missing? Thanks!

At the moment, associated functions (non-method functions) in traits are called via the trait, i.e. SomeTrait::new(). However, if you just write this, the compiler cannot work out which impl you're using, as there's no way to specify the SomeStruct information (it only works if the special Self type is mentioned in the signature somewhere). That is, the compiler needs to be able to work out which version of new should be called. (And this is required; they could have very different behaviour:
struct Foo;
impl SomeTrait for Foo {
fn new() -> Box<SomeTrait> { box Foo as Box<SomeTrait> }
struct Bar;
impl SomeTrait for Bar {
fn new() -> Box<SomeTrait> {
box Bar as Box<SomeTrait>
Or something more dramatic than just printing.)
This is a language hole that will be filled by UFCS. For the moment, you need to use the dummy-Self trick:
trait SomeTrait {
fn new(_dummy: Option<Self>) -> Box<SomeTrait>;
which is then called like SomeTrait::new(None::<SomeStruct>).
However, I question why you are returning a boxed object from a constructor. This is rarely a good idea, it's normally better to just return the plain type directly, and the user can box it if necessary, that is,
trait SomeTrait {
fn new() -> Self;
(NB. this signature mentions Self and thus the Option trick above isn't required.)
Sidenote: the error message is rather bad, but it just reflects how these methods are implemented; an associated function in an impl Foo is very similar to writing mod Foo { fn ... }. You can see it differ by forcing the compiler to create that module:
struct Foo;
impl Foo {
fn bar() {}
fn main() {
prints just
<anon>:7:5: 7:13 error: unresolved name `Foo::baz`.
<anon>:7 Foo::baz();
i.e. the Foo "module" exists.


Is it possible to have a collection of dynamic generic traits?

I have a trait with generic type parameter. I want to put different objects that implements this trait in a collection. Object have different type parameters.
When I do it, compiler tells me that I need to specify generic type parameter. I actually don't need this generic type information for my case, so some kind of wildcard would work for me. Let me show the code, as it shows my intention better:
trait Test<T> {
fn test(&self) -> T;
struct Foo;
struct Bar;
impl Test<i64> for Foo {
fn test(&self) -> i64 {
impl Test<String> for Bar {
fn test(&self) -> String {
fn main() {
// I'm not going to invoke test method which uses generic type parameter.
// So some kind of wildcard would work for me.
// But underscore is not wildcard and this does not compile.
let xs: Vec<Box<dyn Test<_>>> = vec![Box::new(Foo), Box::new(Bar)];
xs.iter().map(|x| {
// do some stuff, but not invoke Test::test() method, so I don't need type information
The error is:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `Bar: Test<i64>` is not satisfied
--> src/
24 | let xs: Vec<Box<dyn Test<_>>> = vec![Box::new(Foo), Box::new(Bar)];
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Test<i64>` is not implemented for `Bar`
= help: the following implementations were found:
<Bar as Test<std::string::String>>
= note: required for the cast to the object type `dyn Test<i64>`
I understand why compiler gives me this error: I put Foo first and it has i64 as a type parameter. After that compiler expects only i64 as a type parameter. But is there a way to workaround this?
I think you can not make it work exactly like this.
Your options to achieve a similar result are to either have your elements implement another non generic trait that you then add to your Vec if you do not know ahead of time which types for T are ultimately possible i.e. the trait is part of your public API and other crates are expected to implement it for their own types T.
trait NonGenericTest {}
trait Test2<T> : NonGenericTest {
fn test(&self) -> T;
impl NonGenericTest for Foo{}
impl NonGenericTest for Bar{}
impl Test2<i64> for Foo {
fn test(&self) -> i64 {
impl Test2<String> for Bar {
fn test(&self) -> String {
fn main() {
let xs: Vec<Box<dyn NonGenericTest>> = vec![Box::new(Foo), Box::new(Bar)];
xs.iter().map(|x| {
// do some stuff, but not invoke Test::test() method, so I don't need type information
Or if you know all possible types of T ahead of time you could change the T in your trait to an enum that contains all the types you want to support here:
enum TestResult {
trait Test {
fn test(&self) -> TestResult;
struct Foo;
struct Bar;
impl Test for Foo {
fn test(&self) -> TestResult {
impl Test for Bar {
fn test(&self) -> TestResult {
fn main(){
let xs: Vec<Box<dyn Test>> = vec![Box::new(Foo), Box::new(Bar)];
xs.iter().map(|x| {
// do some stuff, but not invoke Test::test() method, so I don't need type information

Trait as generic parameter to struct object intialization

I have this struct:
use sp_runtime::traits::Block;
struct Bar<T: Block> {
e1: Vec<T>,
impl<T: Block> Bar<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Bar { e1: Vec::new() }
Where Block is from the sp_runtime crate.
In main:
fn main() {
let var_1 = Bar::<Block>::new();
Full Code
This code throws compilation error that trait can't be made into an object. I'm new to Rust, much of online solution haven't addressed this issue. Kindly let me know how to get around initialization of bar object.
Your confusion likely stems from the fact that the sp_runtime crate has two items called Block. One is the trait sp_runtime::traits::Block and the other is a struct, sp_runtime::generic::Block, which implements that trait.
Traits can be used as a constraint on a type parameter, but they cannot be used as a type argument.
So, in your definition of Bar<T>, you can constrain T with sp_runtime::traits::Block, but when you construct an instance of Bar<T>, T needs to be the struct instead.
use sp_runtime::traits::Block;
struct<T: Block> Bar {
e1: Vec<T>,
impl<T: Block> Bar<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Bar {
e1: Vec::new(),
fn main() {
use sp_runtime::generic::Block;
let var_1 = Bar::<Block>::new();
However, given that this is the only implementation of the trait in the crate, you can just avoid mentioning the trait altogether and use the concrete struct type (unless you plan on implementing it yourself or depending on implementations from other crates):
use sp_runtime::generic::Block;
struct Bar{
e1 : Vec<Block>,
impl Bar {
pub fn new() -> Self{
Bar {
e1: Vec::new(),
fn main() {
let var_1 = Bar::new();

Why do I get "use of undeclared type or module" error when calling a struct's function?

I have the following code in Rust:
trait MyTrait {
fn get_value() -> &'static str;
struct MyStruct;
impl MyTrait for MyStruct {
fn get_value() -> &'static str {
"has value"
fn main() {
println!("My value: {}", MyStruct::get_value());
fn has_trait<T>(trt: T) where T: MyTrait + std::fmt::Debug {
println!("{:?}", trt)
This code is fine. It defines a trait and a struct. The struct implements the trait; which requires to implement a function. Everything is fine until now. But if I try the following code:
trait MyTrait {
fn get_value() -> &'static str;
struct MyStruct;
impl MyTrait for MyStruct {
fn get_value() -> &'static str {
"has value"
fn main() {
println!("My value: {}", MyStruct::get_value());
fn has_trait<T>(trt: T) where T: MyTrait + std::fmt::Debug {
println!("{:?}", trt::get_value())
I get the following error:
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type or module `trt`
--> src/
21 | println!("{:?}", trt::get_value())
| ^^^ use of undeclared type or module `trt`
Now, I don't really understand very well why that wouldn't work. trt should represent a copy of myStruct and then it should have its own functions, right?
Interestingly, this following code will compile:
trait MyTrait {
fn get_value(&self) -> &'static str;
struct MyStruct;
impl MyTrait for MyStruct {
fn get_value(&self) -> &'static str {
"has value"
fn main() {
println!("My value: {}", MyStruct.get_value());
fn has_trait<T>(trt: T) where T: MyTrait + std::fmt::Debug {
println!("{:?}", trt.get_value())
So what is exactly wrong with the code that doesn't compile?
Now, I don't really understand very well why that wouldn't work. trt should represent a copy of MyStruct and then it should have its own functions, right?
It doesn't quite work that way for associated functions in Rust.
With the identifier trt, you can call methods where trt is the receiver (self or one of its variations such as &self or &mut self). However, get_value() does not have a receiver, so it is an associated function. This resembles a static method in some languages such as Java. Unlike Java, associated functions in Rust can only be called by specifying the type or type parameter with that function:
fn has_trait<T>(trt: T) where T: MyTrait + std::fmt::Debug {
println!("{:?}", T::get_value())
This will now work, and would not even need the parameter trt, because we're just calling an associated function of the type T, rather than a method.
Although trt is an identifier to a function parameter in this context, the compiler will actually try to interpret it as something else (module name, type name, ...) once combined with the :: token, hence the given error message.

Is it possible to use `impl Trait` as a function's return type in a trait definition?

Is it at all possible to define functions inside of traits as having impl Trait return types? I want to create a trait that can be implemented by multiple structs so that the new() functions of all of them returns an object that they can all be used in the same way without having to write code specific to each one.
trait A {
fn new() -> impl A;
However, I get the following error:
error[E0562]: `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function and inherent method return types
--> src/
2 | fn new() -> impl A;
| ^^^^^^
Is this a limitation of the current implementation of impl Trait or am I using it wrong?
As trentcl mentions, you cannot currently place impl Trait in the return position of a trait method.
From RFC 1522:
impl Trait may only be written within the return type of a freestanding or inherent-impl function, not in trait definitions or any non-return type position. They may also not appear in the return type of closure traits or function pointers, unless these are themselves part of a legal return type.
Eventually, we will want to allow the feature to be used within traits [...]
For now, you must use a boxed trait object:
trait A {
fn new() -> Box<dyn A>;
See also:
Is it possible to have a constructor function in a trait?
Why can a trait not construct itself?
How do I return an instance of a trait from a method?
Nightly only
If you wish to use unstable nightly features, you can use existential types (RFC 2071):
// 1.67.0-nightly (2022-11-13 e631891f7ad40eac3ef5)
trait FromTheFuture {
type Iter: Iterator<Item = u8>;
fn returns_associated_type(&self) -> Self::Iter;
// Needs `return_position_impl_trait_in_trait`
fn returns_impl_trait(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u16>;
impl FromTheFuture for u8 {
// Needs `type_alias_impl_trait`
type Iter = impl Iterator<Item = u8>;
fn returns_associated_type(&self) -> Self::Iter {
std::iter::repeat(*self).take(*self as usize)
fn returns_impl_trait(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u16> {
fn main() {
for v in 7.returns_associated_type() {
println!("type_alias_impl_trait: {v}");
for v in 7.returns_impl_trait() {
println!("return_position_impl_trait_in_trait: {v}");
If you only need to return the specific type for which the trait is currently being implemented, you may be looking for Self.
trait A {
fn new() -> Self;
For example, this will compile:
trait A {
fn new() -> Self;
struct Person;
impl A for Person {
fn new() -> Person {
Or, a fuller example, demonstrating using the trait:
trait A {
fn new<S: Into<String>>(name: S) -> Self;
fn get_name(&self) -> String;
struct Person {
name: String
impl A for Person {
fn new<S: Into<String>>(name: S) -> Person {
Person { name: name.into() }
fn get_name(&self) -> String {
struct Pet {
name: String
impl A for Pet {
fn new<S: Into<String>>(name: S) -> Pet {
Pet { name: name.into() }
fn get_name(&self) -> String {
fn main() {
let person = Person::new("Simon");
let pet = Pet::new("Buddy");
println!("{}'s pets name is {}", get_name(&person), get_name(&pet));
fn get_name<T: A>(a: &T) -> String {
As a side note.. I have used String here in favor of &str references.. to reduce the need for explicit lifetimes and potentially a loss of focus on the question at hand. I believe it's generally the convention to return a &str reference when borrowing the content and that seems appropriate here.. however I didn't want to distract from the actual example too much.
You can get something similar even in the case where it's not returning Self by using an associated type and explicitly naming the return type:
trait B {}
struct C;
impl B for C {}
trait A {
type FReturn: B;
fn f() -> Self::FReturn;
struct Person;
impl A for Person {
type FReturn = C;
fn f() -> C {
Fairly new to Rust, so may need checking.
You could parametrise over the return type. This has limits, but they're less restrictive than simply returning Self.
trait A<T> where T: A<T> {
fn new() -> T;
// return a Self type
struct St1;
impl A<St1> for St1 {
fn new() -> St1 { St1 }
// return a different type
struct St2;
impl A<St1> for St2 {
fn new() -> St1 { St1 }
// won't compile as u32 doesn't implement A<u32>
struct St3;
impl A<u32> for St3 {
fn new() -> u32 { 0 }
The limit in this case is that you can only return a type T that implements A<T>. Here, St1 implements A<St1>, so it's OK for St2 to impl A<St2>. However, it wouldn't work with, for example,
impl A<St1> for St2 ...
impl A<St2> for St1 ...
For that you'd need to restrict the types further, with e.g.
trait A<T, U> where U: A<T, U>, T: A<U, T> {
fn new() -> T;
but I'm struggling to get my head round this last one.

How to call a trait method without a struct instance?

If I have a struct with a method that doesn't have self as an argument, I can call the method via SomeStruct::method(). I can't seem to do the same with a method that's defined from a trait. For example:
trait SomeTrait {
fn one_trait() -> uint;
struct SomeStruct;
impl SomeStruct {
fn one_notrait() -> uint {
impl SomeTrait for SomeStruct {
fn one_trait() -> uint {
fn testing() {
SomeStruct::one_trait(); // doesn't compile
SomeStruct::one_notrait(); // compiles
The compiler gives the error "unresolved name 'SomeStruct::one_trait.'"
How can I call a struct's implementation of a trait method directly?
trait Animal {
fn baby_name() -> String;
struct Dog;
impl Dog {
fn baby_name() -> String {
impl Animal for Dog {
fn baby_name() -> String {
fn main() {
println!("A baby dog is called a {}", <Dog as Animal>::baby_name());
From Advanced Trait
I believe this is currently not possible. The problem is that you cannot explicitly specify the Self type. But there is an active RFC in the pipeline which should allow this when implemented.
In the meantime, you could work around it like this:
trait SomeTrait {
fn one_trait(&self) -> uint;
struct Static<T>;
struct SomeStruct;
impl SomeTrait for Static<SomeStruct> {
fn one_trait(&self) -> uint { 1 }
fn main() {
let type_to_uint = Static::<SomeStruct>.one_trait();
println!("{}", type_to_uint);
This is how I map a type to an integer (if that's what you're after). It's done without having a value of type T. The dummy value, Static<T>, has a size of zero.
