Restore the previous highlighted chars quickly? - vim

Is there a shortcut (or some other quick way) which could restore previous highlighted items quickly, like the one highlighted by / when hlsearch is on?
EDIT: for previous highlighted word, I mean the word highlighted by previous searches via /. 2 search commands with different words are involved here at least.

Vim saves previous searches in the search history. You can recall previous searches by pressing ↑ in the search command-line (which you enter via /). This even considers the typed prefix, so with /foo<Up>, you'll recall previous searches that started with foo.
Alternatively, you can enter the command-line window for searches with q/. There, you can use the default Vim commands to navigate, move around, and edit, and finally select an entry to search for via Enter.

gv re-selects the last visual selection
gn selects the next search match


Incremental search in Idea the word under cursor

I would like to search in current file the word under cursor like Alt+F3, except manually selecting current word? Is there alike keyboard shortcut?
Not entirely sure what you are looking to do when you say "manually selecting current word", but F3 (Next) and Shift+F3 (previous) will search for the word under the cursor. You can use Ctrl+W (Extend selection) to select the word under the cursor. Finally Ctrl+F will open the find/search tool. More options are listed in help:
I forgot to mention, if you first use the mouse or Ctrl+W to select the word, and then open the search bar using Ctrl+F, or search & replace using Ctrl+R, IDEA will populate the search field with the selected text.
Ctrl+F3 - Find Next
Unfortunately, I have failed to find any keyboard shortcut for Find Previous shortcut.

Vim command: how to select a word under cursor in normal mode

I'm looking for a Vim command to select a word under cursor in normal mode, like double-clicking by mouse. Does it exist like this?
You can use * and/or # to search for the word under the cursor or viw to visually select the word under the cursor.
viw does a visual select inside the word. Similarly yiw copies (yanks) the word.
Personally, I am prefering vaw, yaw instead of viw or yiw as a indicates around.
On the similar lines. I use
vat to select tag.
va( or va{
v% to select matching closing tag. In some other places ev%
It is making more sense to me as the intention is to select the complete word not inside.
At the end, it all comes down to our personal preference.
To select a word under a cursor I use the combination of bve
Be aware though that if the cursor points to a first character you just need ve combination.
After using *, if you want to use the text in a command you can do the <C-r> <C-w> trick too (after pressing : or your equivalent).

Vim: How do I paste a column of text (from clipboard) after a different column of text?

I'm testing proxies with my script that looks like that:
$proxy = "http://name:pass#";
$proxy2 = "http://name:pass#";
$proxy3 = "http://name:pass#";
$proxy100 = "http://name:pass#";
I get new proxies by email so can I copy new proxies and insert it instead of the old ones by Vim:
Right know I'm doing it as was described on this page How do I paste a column of text after a different column of text in Vim?
Use visual block (ctrl-v) to cut the letter column. Then move to the
first line of the number column. Move to the end and make one space.
Then paste the letter column.
I'm curious, how it can be done without extra step, just paste data from clipboard?
The short version: you can't. There are ways around it, but they aren't necessarily simpler. Longer version follows.
Vim has three ways of marking regions of text: linewise (you start this mode when you press V), characterwise (triggered when you press v), and blockwise (when you press Ctrl-v). The marked region is copied to a register, and this register has an attribute, the "type", that reflects the way you did the marking, linewise, characterwise, or blockwise. What happens when you paste from a register depends on this type.
Now, when you copy from system's clipboard the result is stored in the * register, and the type is always set to linewise. Thus you can't paste a column mode "without extra step". You can however set the type of the * register to blockwise before pasting:
call setreg('*', #*, 'b')
Thus, replacing the list of your proxies would go something like this:
copy the new list to clipboard, from the mail message
run :call setreg('*', #*, 'b') to set the type of the * register to blockwise
go to the old list, press Ctrl-v and mark it; assuming there's nothing else in the file aside from the proxies, a Vim golfer's way of doing that might be something along the lines of:
f" - go to the first "
Ctrl-v - start marking
?;Enter - go to the last ;
paste the new list over the selection, with "*p.
You can simplify the last step a little, by making the * and + registers always refer to the same value. To do that, add this to your vimrc:
set clipboard=unnamedplus,autoselect,exclude:cons\\\\|linux
With this setting the incantation becomes:
copy the new list from mail
run :call setreg('+', #+, 'b')
go to the old list and mark it with Ctrl-v as above
press p to paste the new list over it.
You don't need this dance if you have the new list in a file that you can open with Vim:
open the file with the old list
open the file with the new list in a separate copy of Vim
mark the new proxies with Ctrl-v and yank them with y
in the other Vim mark the old list with Ctrl-v and paste the new one over it with p.
This still involves using the system clipboard under the hood, but the second copy of Vim takes care of setting the type of the relevant register to blockwise.
I don't know any direct way to do this. If it is really important to you, you will probably need some set up before you do the actual editing, which only adds to the amount of typing you have to do (however you can add commands to your vimrc to make it permanent). You might set up some keyboard macro, or use the following map command:
:imap <CR> <Esc>j011lC
Now move to the first " sign and press C, then start pasting (only works in a terminal). Whenever you paste a newline, the map will move you to column 11 in the next line.
Remember to :iunmap <CR> when you are done.

Find and Replace within selection in `vi`

How do I do a Find and Replace within a selection in vi?
Select the text in visual mode (I assume that's what you're doing), then press : to start typing a command, you'll see something like this appear in the command line:
That means that the command will apply to the selection. Then type s/search/replace/ and hit enter. (Add a g after the third slash if you want to replace all matches, and a c if you want a confirmation for every replace)
Most of the other solutions suggested here work over the ENTIRE line in which the selection occurs, which may not be what you want.
To search and replace ONLY in the selection, first visually select the text, then use a command like so:
This will do the search and replace only in the visually selected section, replacing SEARCH with REPLACE. If you have more than one line selected, this will work over multiple lines too.
If you used Visual Mode to select, then:
VIM will place the range ('<,'>) automatically if you go into Command Line Mode (by pressing ':') from within Visual Mode.
Some more help here Search and replace in a visual selection
The range of Ex commands are specified line-wise (see *cmdline-ranges*), and when : is pressed while there is a visual selection, the line range is automatically specified on the command line as '<,'> (see *v_:*), which makes the :s[ubstitute] command operate on the whole lines unless the visual selection boundaries are specified in the search pattern with \%V (see */\%V*), e.g. /\%Vvi\%Vm matches "vim" only within the visual selection, where the end of the selection is specified right before the end of the search pattern since each \%V specifies the next character as the start or end of the visual selection, and thus /\%Vvim\%V would require the visual selection to continue after 'm' to match "vim". Note that using the second \%V in a search pattern isn't necessary unless a match is required to be right at the border of or only partly in the visual selection.
If you want to do a global search and replace (with optional regexes) for all instances in the file, I would do the following:
Omit the g to do a local replace.

Search for selection in Vim

I use Vim and Vim plugins for Visual Studio when writing C++. Often, I find myself wanting to search for a string within a function, for example every call to object->public_member.memberfunc().
I know Vim offers a convenient way to search for a single word, by pressing * and #, and it can also search for typed strings using the ubiquitous slash / command. When trying to search for all the instances of a longer string like the one above, it takes a while to re-type after /.
Is there a way to search for the selection? For example, highlight with v, then copy with y, is there a way to paste after /? Is there an easier shortcut?
Check this Vim tip: Search for visually selected text
Or you can simply yank the selected text with y and go to search mode /, then you can paste the last yanked text with Ctrl+R 0
Yank the text you want to search for
q/ works similarly to vanilla search / except you're in command mode so p actually does "paste" instead of typing the character p. So the above will copy the text you're searching for and paste it into a search.
For more details type :help q/
Use q / instead of just /. (Same with q :). Now you can VIM-edit through your command and search history! (Try Ctrl-N and Ctrl-P sometime).
I just learned (through the excellent book Practical Vim) that there is a plugin for that.
You can find the plugin on GitHub.
The plugin lets you search for a visual selection with * and #.
You can actually select text visually and press * and # to search for the next occurrence... It will work the same, the only caveat is that:
Whitespace in the selection matches any whitespace, when searching (searching for "hello world" will also find "hello" at the end of a line, with "world" at the start of the next line).
--> if you want to highlight a text occurrences in gvim
Select the text & copy
then ?paste the selected text (Note: This will not work for insert mode)
