How to supply an input value to the prompt via shell script? - linux

I am writing a wrapper shell script to run bunch of other already available scripts owned by other people and I cannot touch those scripts.
The problem is, there is one script that runs some db specific activities - That script is normally executed manually and it prompts for a password at run time. There is no way I can supply the password to it as a parameter and I cannot modify that script. As such I know the db password and I can provide it in
Please let me know how can I run that script inside like in a silent mode.

Sometimes a script will insist that a password be read from the tty. Often, it will read from stdin. If so, try:
echo password |
The above has the disadvantage that the password will appear in ps. To avoid that, hide the password in a file and use that file for stdin: <file_with_password
If you want the command to be silent, you can throwaway its output: <file_with_password >/dev/null 2>&1
Under bash, as opposed to generic shell, that can be slightly simplified: <file_with_password &>/dev/null

I found out little different approach instead of writing a password in a file and that worked too ->


Linux: Checking if a user has a shell or not

I'm writing a test script in python where I use subprocess to run various terminal commands and check the result. One of the things I want to check is if the user "games" doesn't have a shell. I don't want to log in as games(which I think is impossible anyway), but have the ability to run this command as root. Is there any single bash command I can use to check what shells another user has(or doesn't have)?
I'm able to use the command "cat /etc/shells/" to check what shells I have available, I wanted to use this to search another user but I'm not sure how to do it, if it's even possible.
You may use "su", and check the return code:
root#shinwey:# su games
This account is currently not available.
root#pifa:/home/kalou/t# echo $?
or print the string "NO_SHELL":
root#shinwey:# su games 2>&1 > /dev/null || echo NO_SHELL

Get Current Command In Linux

I'm creating a shell script that will always read the user's current commands from the shell.
I'm currently using the read command which I'm not satisfied with since it is used for prompting questions. Example:
root#hostname: ./
Question here?
answer - `read` command
I want the my script to be invoked when the user directly inputs a command on the command line (the script is already running through /etc/profile.d/ once logged in).
root#hostname: read the command here
result will happen
My example script
if [ "input" = "value"]
do some actions
If you are explicitly targeting Bash, I would recommend setting up Bash aliases for those commands.
At the start of the user's session, your program can run the following commands to create bash aliases:
alias command1="/your/path/ command1"
alias command2="/your/path/ command2"
Then for instance when the user enters command1, it will expand and run /your/path/ command1 instead.

Skip to next command in shell script when user input is required

I have the following scenario. I have a shell script that is generated automatically, that I want to run. The general format of the script looks something like this:
command_1 #something like mkdir dir1 or chmod -R 775 dir1, you get the idea
Like I said the script will be automatically generated in a way that I don't have much control of the commands that are written in the script (the purpose of the script is to use it for fuzz testing, so it makes sense). The problem is that some commands require some sort of user input (for example "chfs --some arguments" will sometimes prompt me for the root password), and therefore the script will not pass to the next command until it gets the proper input.
So, my question is: Is there a way to skip the commands that require user input when they are met in such a script, so that the script finishes and executes all the other commands? Any idea is greatly appreciated.
You can use expect script to work around this, something like this
spawn /bin/bash
expect "password:"
# Send the password, and then wait for a shell prompt.
send "xxxxx\r"
Here XXXX isyour password.
Lets say your script requires a user to enter a choice interactively.
User press y then again it askes user name.
User enter his name and then script continues.
Enter choice (y/n):_
Enter name :_
So you can pass inputs by preparing an input file with choices written in each line.
content of input file :
And run the script as : cat inputfile | ./script

Linux bash shell script with password hide for truecrypt

I try to create my own linux bash script that calls truecrypt for mounting. As option a need to set the password for the truecrypt file. I can do this inside the bash script but if someone open it, they can see the password. The script will later run automatically.
My question: Is there some safe way to hide/encrypt the password?
truecrypt --mount --password="testing" /home/username/ /home/username/mount/
Thanks for any help!
Use SHC. It encrypts shell scripts using RC4 and makes an executable binary out of the shell script which you can run.
Download SHC( and install it.
Create a shell script with in "truecrypt --mount --password="testing" /home/username/ /home/username/mount/" andsave it as "".
Now, run the command :
shc -f
The switch "-f" specifies the source script to encrypt. The above command will create two files: and
The program "shc" creates C source code out of your shell script then encrypts it ( The encrypted shell script is: Run that binary and it executes your commands:
There is no safe way to store the password without someone being able to read it. The only options you have are to use user rights to limit who can see it. You can make the script readable only to the user who's password is in it as one options. Another is to have the script read the password from a file which has a similar permission set (this just gives you more flexibility with updating the script and such).
Ultimately though any admin/superuser can read the file anyways so this isn't something you can do safely. The thing most people suggest is to have the script run automatically and present a GUI for the user to input their password. These vary based on your distribution but they are usually there.

Run crontab with user input

i created a crontab which will run a bash script This file requires some input from the user, and saves the user input into a variable. How do i ensure that the user input will be saved to a variable in, and when crontab runs the script i can get the output i want?
for e.g i have 2 files, and i put in file i then run, get the user input, and save it somewhere. crontab will run, and retrieve the value from the "saved somewhere variable". is there anyway for this?
If the input is read by the script from stdin, just redirect input from a file (using a wrapper script).
#! /bin/sh <
If this does not work for you (i.e. you have your script calling some interactive shell program like telnet, you can use Expect to automate the interaction. gets user input and writes it to /etc/file2.dat reads /etc/file2.dat and does whatever it needs
This seems like a strange thing to do. Ask yourself these questions:
Do you really want a popup asking the user for an input value every time the cron runs?
What happens when there's no one at the keyboard?
