PassportJS - Using multiple passports within Express application - node.js

Suppose I need two different passports within one express application (e.g. user & room).
So I define two separate vars:
var passport = require('passport');
var roomPassport = require('passport');
then, I initialize them with separate passport strategies:
require('./config/passport')(passport); // pass passport for configuration
require('./config/roompassport')(roomPassport); // pass passport for configuration
the last step is to set them as Express middleware:
// required for passport
application.use(session({ secret: 'ilovepassport;-)' })); // session secret
application.use(passport.initialize({ userProperty: "user" }));
application.use(passport.session()); // persistent login sessions
application.use(roomPassport.initialize({ userProperty: "room" }));
application.use(roomPassport.session()); // persistent login sessions
application.use(flash()); // use connect-flash for flash messages stored in session`
however, if I did it like this, in fact roomPassport overrides passport and instead of having two objects - req.user and, I have got just one but initialized with user data.
It is important to mention that each passports (user or room) could authenticate independently from each other, i.e. there is a scenario where both objects req.user and have to exist.
How to resolve this?
Well, after few more hours, it seems that although I have to separate passport objects, after the call of application.use(roomPassport.initialize({ userProperty: "room" }));, things get messy - and this is because req.login() method works with the last attached passport. So instead of calling the correct passport.serializeUser method, it calls roomPassport.serializeUser method.
My next question - how to make req.login() to call the right method?

The problem your having is that the passport module exports an instantiated Passport object when you require it. And because that object is cached by node when you require it, you get the exact same object every time.
Luckily, the passport module also gives you a reference to the class, meaning you can do this.
var Passport = require('passport').Passport,
passport = new Passport(),
roomPassport = new Passport();
Now you should have two completely separate passport objects.


How does passport js stores user object in session?

I am using node/express with passport in my development. I came across an article which says:
Express loads the session data and attaches it to the req. As passport stores the serialised user in the session, the serialised user object can be found at req.session.passport.user.
But to my surprise, the value for sessionID stores in the browser cookies remain the same before and after login. So where does the serialised user object is stored?
I thought that it was stored in the user sessionid cookie initially but it seems that this is not the case as I still can access my user object with req.session.passport.user
So where does the serialised user object is stored?
In Short
The serialized user object is stored in req.user by PassportJS taken from req.session.passport.user (which is is populated by Express) with the help of Passport's deserializeUser method.
Express adds the id of the session object into a cookie on user's browser, which is sent back to express in a header on every request. Express then takes the id from the header and search the session store (i.e. Mongo or whatever) and find the entry and load it to req.session.
PassportJS uses the content of req.session to keep track of the authenticated user with the help of serializeUser and deserializeUser methods (for more information on workflow of serializeUser and deserializeUser see my answer in this SO question).
Express is responsible for creating the session. when does the sessions gets created? That is when Express do not detect a session cookie. So the order in which you organize your session and passport configs in your app or server.js file is very important. If you declare your session and passport configs above static directory configs then all requests for static content will also get a session, which is not good.
See my answer to this SO question, where I have mentioned about static content access as well as how to selectively apply passport to certain routes, rather than default (you might not need to authenticate all the routes - hence you could avoid unnecessary session store lookup and de-serialization by attaching session only to requests that map to secure URLS see below).
//selectively applying passport to only secure urls
app.use(function(req, res, next){
passport.session()(req, res, next)
next(); // do not invoke passport
There is one amazing tutorial that I highly recommend you to read up if you want to understand the workflow of PassportJS.
You can look at the sessionID in the cookie as a key to a database where the session data is stored. Depending on what session handler you use with express, and what storage policy you use the data will be stored in different ways. This means that the sessionID can be the same value both before login, after a successful login, and even after a user logs out.
If you use express-session with MemoryStore the data will be saved in the memory of the node process, indexed on the sessionID. Look here for initialization of the store and here for storing of the data.
You could create a store where the data is serialized to the cookie, but none such are listed in the compatible session stores.

Express.js: 2 PasportJS's deserialize() methods conflict in vhost

and thank you for viewing this question.
I'm building a service with 3 express apps using vhost:
For client
For moderator
For admin (this one not developed yet)
So each one of them uses Passport.js with diffetent authentication (diffrent user collections). End every one of them successfully authenticates. The problem is in Passport's serialize() and deserialize() method which overrides previous in another vhost. I call them this way:
var app = express(),
clientApp = require('./config/client/express')(db),
moderatorApp = require('./config/moderator/express')(db);
app.use(vhost('localhost', mainApp));
app.use(vhost('moderator.localhost', moderatorApp));
// some express settings, router settings
// and here I set passport
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
// Deserialize sessions
passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {
// Require necessary strategies
// Return Express server instance
return app;
here is almost (made some security stuff) same as in client/express.js except Passport's deserialize() method. It looks for a user in SuperUsers collection.
The problem is after authentication passport can't deserialize user from needed collection. I think it overrides previous passport deserialize settings. But if leave only one passport serialize and deserialize method (delete another serialize & deserialize method which overrides prvious) it work totally OK.
How can I set passport's serialize and deserialize method's in two vhosts that it won't conflict with each other???
Please community help me.

How to persist additional data added on fly in Passport sessions

I have a simple authentication system built on Passport.js on top of Node.js. I have a use case where I need to persist Organisation ID in the session which is to be updated on hitting of a particular route.
I did this using the middleware:
app.use('/switchOrganization',function(req, res, next) {
if(req.user) req.session.passport.user.activeOrg = 'my org';
But this doesn't persist the data in other routes:
It doesn't contains the 'activeOrg' value. Where I am going wrong?
The user object is deserialized into req.user in the deserializeUser function. This happens on each request. So if you make change to req.user in one of the route handlers, and expect it to be persisted for the route handlers that follow it, it'll only be the case for that particular request. If /someRoute is requested anew, it will not have the the changes you made in another route which wasn't invoked in the new request.
You should instead persist the changes to database so that when the deserializeUser function is called for the next request, it'll have your data from the beginning.
I am using redis sessionStore. And if I write to req.session, then data persists on redis store:
req.session.access_token = result.access_token;
req.session.refresh_token = result.refresh_token;
req.session.instance_url = result.instance_url;
Redis Screenshot

What does passport.session() middleware do?

I am building an authentication system using Passport.js using Easy Node Authentication: Setup and Local tutorial.
I am confused about what passport.session() does.
After playing around with the different middleware I came to understand that express.session() is what sends a session ID over cookies to the client, but I'm confused about what passport.session() does and why it is required in addition to express.session().
Here is how I set up my application:
// Server.js configures the application and sets up the webserver
//importing our modules
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var passport = require('passport');
var flash = require('connect-flash');
var configDB = require('./config/database.js');
//Configuration of Databse and App
mongoose.connect(configDB.url); //connect to our database
require('./config/passport')(passport); //pass passport for configuration
app.configure(function() {
//set up our express application
app.use(express.logger('dev')); //log every request to the console
app.use(express.cookieParser()); //read cookies (needed for auth)
app.use(express.bodyParser()); //get info from html forms
app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); //set up ejs for templating
//configuration for passport
app.use(express.session({ secret: 'olhosvermelhoseasenhaclassica', maxAge:null })); //session secret
app.use(passport.session()); //persistent login session
app.use(flash()); //use connect-flash for flash messages stored in session
//Set up routes
require('./app/routes.js')(app, passport);
console.log("Server listening on port" + port);
passport.session() acts as a middleware to alter the req object and change the 'user' value that is currently the session id (from the client cookie) into the true deserialized user object.
Whilst the other answers make some good points I thought that some more specific detail could be provided.
is equivalent to
Where 'session' refers to the following strategy that is bundled with passportJS.
Here's a link to the file:
And a permalink pointing to the following lines at the time of this writing:
var property = req._passport.instance._userProperty || 'user';
req[property] = user;
Where it essentially acts as a middleware and alters the value of the 'user' property in the req object to contain the deserialized identity of the user. To allow this to work correctly you must include serializeUser and deserializeUser functions in your custom code.
passport.serializeUser(function (user, done) {
passport.deserializeUser(function (user, done) {
//If using Mongoose with MongoDB; if other you will need JS specific to that schema.
User.findById(, function (err, user) {
done(err, user);
This will find the correct user from the database and pass it as a closure variable into the callback done(err,user); so the above code in the passport.session() can replace the 'user' value in the req object and pass on to the next middleware in the pile.
From the documentation
In a Connect or Express-based application, passport.initialize()
middleware is required to initialize Passport. If your application
uses persistent login sessions, passport.session() middleware must
also be used.
In a typical web application, the credentials used to authenticate a
user will only be transmitted during the login request. If
authentication succeeds, a session will be established and maintained
via a cookie set in the user's browser.
Each subsequent request will not contain credentials, but rather the
unique cookie that identifies the session. In order to support login
sessions, Passport will serialize and deserialize user instances to
and from the session.
Note that enabling session support is entirely optional, though it is
recommended for most applications. If enabled, be sure to use
express.session() before passport.session() to ensure that the login
session is restored in the correct order.
While you will be using PassportJs for validating the user as part of your login URL, you still need some mechanism to store this user information in the session and retrieve it with every subsequent request (i.e. serialize/deserialize the user).
So in effect, you are authenticating the user with every request, even though this authentication needn't look up a database or oauth as in the login response. So passport will treat session authentication also as yet another authentication strategy.
And to use this strategy - which is named session, just use a simple shortcut - app.use(passport.session()). Also note that this particular strategy will want you to implement serialize and deserialize functions for obvious reasons.
It simply authenticates the session (which is populated by express.session()). It is equivalent to:
as can be seen in the code here:

Node Passport session lost on subsequent calls

I believe I have configured everything correctly:
app.configure(function() {
app.use(express.cookieParser('secret message')); // secret it set here in new version of express or connect
When the request is made to "login" with the correct credentials:'/api/login', passport.authenticate('local'), function (req, res, next) {
console.log(req.session.passport); // {"user":"5259f2739d4323000a000003"}
req.session.passport is populated:
"passport": {"user":"5259f2739d4323000a000003"}
However, when a call is made to:'/api/checklogin', function (req, res, next) {
console.log(req.session.passport); // {}
req.session.passport is lost:
Both times, req.session looks like this:
** Passport object is obviously different though, as described above
I assume I have configured serializeUser correctly, because it correctly sets this property.
I am not completely sure how Passport creates session cookies, and how these cookies can persist.
I assume that req.session.passport is supposed to retain the user property, but it seems that the Passport object either:
Resets on every call
Does not actually save the Passport property in the session
The session is never created
I fear that I may be overlooking something large -- possibly something that I may need to do that Passport doesn't handle directly for me.
I do not know of any way to test if the session is created by Passport.
Any advice or help is really appreciated. This has been a multiple day struggle.
Are you using a cluster setup? If so, you need to stop using the default MemoryStore, and switch to something like connect-redis, so different instances of your app can access the shared session data.
