Can't load module in Node console using symlinks - node.js

I'm on cygwin to do unix commands on win7 (launched cygwin.bat in windows cmd prompt).
My project directories are created in root like this:
$ mkdir -p app/models
$ mkdir -p app/node_modules
Then the symlink is created:
$ cd app/node_modules
$ ln -sf ../models
Back on the /app/ directory, I go into Node console to launch the module located in
Movie = require('models/movie');
But I get the following error:
Cannot find module 'models/movie'

ln takes 2 arguments, not one.

I found out that cygwin doesn't really create actual symlinks by default. I had to create native NTFS symlinks using export CYGWIN="winsymlinks:native"


Installing package Golearn

I'm try to install the package Golearn, following these instructions.
After running in the terminal
go get -t -u -v
I tried to run (as required):
cd $GOPATH/src/
However bash doesn't find this directory. What should I do?
(I'm using linux)
install the package Golearn
Example build, in /home/name/tmp/
git clone
cd golearn/
## Completing the installation
## Run the following to complete installation
go get -t -u -v ./...
Using : Please (also) read the text file .
I did the following and worked:
go get -t -u -v
go: downloading v0.0.0-20221228163002-74ae077eafb2
go: added v0.0.0-20221228163002-74ae077eafb
go env GOPATH
cd /Users/<my_username>/go/pkg/mod/
sudo go get -t -u -v ./...
The instruction of golearn maybe some outdated, you can follow my process:
cd into a empty folder, like /home/your/code/my_golearn, all commands below should be run at this floder
run go mod init my_golearn to init a go project, you will get a go.mod file
create a main.go file and fill it with code from
run go get
run go mod download to get all dependencies
run go get, it's strange, but it doesn't work if this command miss, I think maybe the developer of golearn has some misuse of go mod
run wget -P datasets to get dataset you need
run go run ./main.go, you will get result same as
If you are not familiar with how to install dependency in a modern go project, it's better for you to go through

KeystoneJS setup placing files in wrong directory

So I run yo keystone after install keystone then run through all the setup instructions.
However, it always places it into my ~/ directory even when I add in the option to create a new directory. Thus, all the files conflict with other files in my ~/ directory.
How can I cd into a directory and install it without it placing them all into ~/
First of all, you need to cd into your directory:
mkdir myproject
cd myproject
yo keystone

How to make offline installation of node-inspector?

How to offline install node-inspector on Windows server?
The code is here:
To my best knowledge, it's not possible to install Node Inspector (or any npmjs package) directly from and/or without a working internet connection. However, you can prepare a self-containing package on a machine that does have internet connection, and then install this package on an offline host.
Here are the instructions, assuming Unix system.
On the machine connected to the internet
$ mkdir tempdir && cd tempdir
$ npm init # fill any data to prompts
$ npm install node-inspector
$ cd node_modules/node-inspector
$ tar czf ../../node-inspector.tgz .
$ cd ../..
Copy node-inspector.tgz to the offline machine and unpack it in the directory of your choice, e.g. $HOME/node-inspector or /usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-inspector
Create symlinks for node-inspector and node-debug in a folder that is in your PATH. For example:
$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ ln -s ../lib/node_modules/node-inspector/bin/node-inspector .
$ ln -s ../lib/node_modules/node-inspector/bin/node-debug .

Using SUDO with NVM?

How is it to execute something like sudo npm rebuild or sudo node if Node.js was installed by NVM ?
Each time I type sudo command, my console tries to execute npm or node program in /usr/bin/ or /usr/lib, neither of which do exist.
Try creating symlinks in /usr/bin or /usr/lib. Not a strong solution, but may be enough.
sudo ln -s /home/denny/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.0/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm
sudo for writing in system location. Suggestions here may happen useful, especially rvmsudo or group access.
Other suggestion:
According to comment, you may try to create a bash script at /home/denny/
PTH="/home/denny/.nvm/versions/node/$(node -v)/bin/npm"
chmode it +x properly and create symlink with this:
sudo ln -s /home/denny/ /usr/bin/npm
Should always check for node -v and run npm from proper directory.
I needed to do this to run the Atom installation script, but I didn't want to permanently change my machine setup. So, I did:
sudo bash
and then I sourced the file in my user's home directory tree:
source /home/ada-lovelace/.nvm/
That let me run the necessary commands with root. Of course, this means the very next time I need to run node in a session with root I'll have to do these steps again, but I don't anticipate needing to do this in the near future.

Makefile install copy executable to usr/local/bin Linux

In my Makefile I'm trying to copy the executable file into usr/local/bin.
sudo cp program1 usr/local/bin
My Makefile and program1-file is in a directory src in Documents so this doesn't work. I probably need the whole path from my src directory.
Is there a general way to make it work regardless of where I put my directory with the Makefile and executable? Maybe using the PATH variable or something?
usr/local/bin is a relative path. If you don't want that, use an absolute path:
cp whatever /usr/local/bin
Some tips:
Don't use sudo in your Makefile, that's unusual. Note in the installation docs that the install target has to be run by a user with sufficient privileges (and people will do sudo make install when they want to)
Look into the install (man install), it's meant for this sort of thing.
