What does it mean by _._ in Groovy/Spock - groovy

I have seen _._ in the source code of a few Spock Specs. Does anyone know what that means?
For example,
def "test something"() {
someClass = Mock(SomeClass)
1 * someClass.someMethod() >> returnSomething
0 * _._
String str = someClass.someMethod().toString()
str == 'returnedValue'

_ is like a wildcard.
Means the method someMethod called on any mocked object, likewise
Means anything called on myDomain.
And following that logic _._ means anything called on any mock object. This can be useful if you don't want any more methods called:
0 * _._
Extra Reading
You should read the docs for some more information on the kinds of things _ can be used for.


How to evaluate a String which one like a classname.methodname in SoapUI with Groovy?

I have groovy code as below:
def randomInt = RandomUtil.getRandomInt(1,200);
log.info randomInt
def chars = (("1".."9") + ("A".."Z") + ("a".."z")).join()
def randomString = RandomUtil.getRandomString(chars, randomInt) //works well with this code
log.info randomString
evaluate("log.info new Date()")
evaluate('RandomUtil.getRandomString(chars, randomInt)') //got error with this code
I want to evaluate a String which one like a {classname}.{methodname} in SoapUI with Groovy, just like above, but got error here, how to handle this and make it works well as I expect?
I have tried as blew:
evaluate('RandomUtil.getRandomString(chars, randomInt)') //got error with this code
Error As below:
Thu May 23 22:26:30 CST 2019:ERROR:An error occurred [No such property: getRandomString(chars, randomInt) for class: com.hypers.test.apitest.util.RandomUtil], see error log for details
The following code:
log = [info: { println(it) }]
class RandomUtil {
static def random = new Random()
static int getRandomInt(int from, int to) {
from + random.nextInt(to - from)
static String getRandomString(alphabet, len) {
def s = alphabet.size()
(1..len).collect { alphabet[random.nextInt(s)] }.join()
randomInt = RandomUtil.getRandomInt(1, 200)
log.info randomInt
chars = ('a'..'z') + ('A'..'Z') + ('0'..'9')
def randomString = RandomUtil.getRandomString(chars, 10) //works well with this code
log.info randomString
evaluate("log.info new Date()")
evaluate('RandomUtil.getRandomString(chars, randomInt)') //got error with this code
emulates your code, works, and produces the following output when run:
~> groovy solution.groovy
Thu May 23 20:51:58 CEST 2019
I made up the RandomUtil class as you did not include the code for it.
I think the reason you are seeing the error you are seeing is that you define your variables char and randomInt using:
def chars = ...
def randomInt = ...
this puts the variables in local script scope. Please see this stackoverflow answer for an explanation with links to documentation of different ways of putting things in the script global scope and an explanation of how this works.
Essentially your groovy script code is implicitly an instance of the groovy Script class which in turn has an implicit Binding instance associated with it. When you write def x = ..., your variable is locally scoped, when you write x = ... or binding.x = ... the variable is defined in the script binding.
The evaluate method uses the same binding as the implicit script object. So the reason my example above works is that I omitted the def and just typed chars = and randomInt = which puts the variables in the script binding thus making them available for the code in the evaluate expression.
Though I have to say that even with all that, the phrasing No such property: getRandomString(chars, randomInt) seems really strange to me...I would have expected No such method or No such property: chars etc.
Sharing the code for for RandomUtil might help here.

Parameter aliasing

when implementing Origen::Parameters, I understood the importance of defining a 'default' set. But, in essence, my real default is named something different. So I implemented a hack of a parameter alias:
Origen.top_level.define_params :default do |params|
params.tconds.override = 1
params.tconds.override_lev_equ_set = 1
params.tconds.override_lev_spec_set = 1
params.tconds.override_levset = 1
params.tconds.override_seqlbl = 'my_pattern'
params.tconds.override_testf = 'tm_3'
params.tconds.override_tim_spec_set = 'bist_xxMhz'
params.tconds.override_timset = '1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1'
params.tconds.site_control = 'parallel:'
params.tconds.site_match = 2
Origen.top_level.define_params :cpu_mbist_hr, inherit: :default do |params|
# way of aliasing parameter names
Is there a proper method of parameter aliasing that is just not documented?
There is no other way to do this currently, though I would be open to a PR to enable something like:
default_params = :cpu_mbist_hr
If you don't want them to be called :default in this case though, then maybe you don't really want them to be the default anyway.
e.g. adding this immediately after you define them would effectively give you an alternative default and would do pretty much the same job as the proposed API above:
# self is required here to help Ruby know that you are calling the params= API
# and not defining a local variable called params
self.params = :cpu_mbist_hr

Using groovy Eval to process generated expression

I'm trying to create a field mapping to map fields from user-friendly names to member variables in a variety of domain objects. The larger context is that I'm building up an ElasticSearch query based on user-constructed rules stored in a database, but for the sake of MCVE:
class MyClass {
Integer amount = 123
target = new MyClass()
println "${target.amount}"
fieldMapping = [
'TUITION' : 'target.amount'
fieldName = 'TUITION'
valueSource = '${' + "${fieldMapping[fieldName]}" + '}'
println valueSource
value = Eval.me('valueSource')
The Eval fails. Here's the output:
Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: valueSource for class: Script1
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: valueSource for class: Script1
at Script1.run(Script1.groovy:1)
at t.run(t.groovy:17)
What's necessary to evaluate the generated variable name and return the value 123? It seems like the real problem is that it's not recognizing that valueSource has been defined, not the actual expression held in valueSource, but that could be wring, too.
You're almost there, but you need to use a slightly different mechanism: the GroovyShell. You can instantiate a GroovyShell and use it to evaluate a String as a script, returning the result. Here's your example, modified to work properly:
class MyClass {
Integer amount = 123
target = new MyClass()
fieldMapping = [
'TUITION' : 'target.amount'
fieldName = 'TUITION'
// These are the values made available to the script through the Binding
args = [target: target]
// Create the shell with the binding as a parameter
shell = new GroovyShell(args as Binding)
// Evaluate the "script", which in this case is just the string "target.amount".
// Inside the shell, "target" is available because you added it to the shell's binding.
result = shell.evaluate(fieldMapping[fieldName])
assert result == 123
assert result instanceof Integer

Data driven tests in Spock

I'm rewriting some JUnit test into Spock to take advantage of the data driven test style.
I'm struggling a bit with how to provide the verification with something dynamic.
Here's what I have so far:
def "domestic rules"(from, to, oneWay, check) {
String mealResponse = getMealResponse(new BookingOptions.BookingOptionsBuilder().setFrom(from).setTo(to).setOneWay(oneWay).build());
from | to | oneWay || check
'MNL' | 'PEK' | true || assertNoMeals()
def assertNoMeals = {
assert JsonAssert.with(it)
.assertThat('$.links', hasSize(1))
.assertThat('$.links[0].rel', is("http://localhost:9001/api/docs/rels/ink/meal-allocations"))
.assertThat('$.links[0].uri', startsWith("http://localhost:9001/api/tenants/acme/meals/allocations/"));
Unfortunately, I get a NullPointerException at the line with the first row of data.
I guess thats because the closure is being run at that point, rather than just declared.
Is there a way to do this better?
def "domestic rules"(from, to, oneWay, check) {
def "domestic rules from #from to #to one way #oneWay"() {
def "domestic rules"() {
when: 'get meals using certain parameters'
String mealResponse = getMealResponse(new BookingOptions.BookingOptionsBuilder().setFrom(from).setTo(to).setOneWay(oneWay).build())
then: 'the json response should contain some contents (improve the message here!)'
.assertThat('$.links', hasSize(1))
.assertThat('$.links[0].rel', is(somethingToUseInAssertions))
from | to | oneWay || somethingToUseInAssertions
'MNL' | 'PEK' | true || 'just some example'
The above should help you get in the right track. Notice that you should have some values only in the examples. If you need some logic in the assertions, use a value which indicates what kind of assertion needs to be made... but it's a very bad idea to use a closure as an example.
If you really want to make your test hard to maintain and go ahead and use closures as "values" in your examples, then do something like this:
def "domestic rules"() {
String mealResponse = getMealResponse(new BookingOptions.BookingOptionsBuilder().setFrom(from).setTo(to).setOneWay(oneWay).build())
from | to | oneWay || check
'MNL' | 'PEK' | true || this.&assertNoMeals
boolean assertNoMeals(mealResponse) {
assert JsonAssert.with(mealResponse)
.assertThat('$.links', hasSize(1))
.assertThat('$.links[0].rel', is("http://localhost:9001/api/docs/rels/ink/meal-allocations"))
.assertThat('$.links[0].uri', startsWith("http://localhost:9001/api/tenants/acme/meals/allocations/"))
return true // pass!
I advise you to learn both Groovy and Spock before writing something that is more reasonable. It's not hard, but it does take at least a few hours!

Are there equivalents to Ruby's method_missing in other languages?

In Ruby, objects have a handy method called method_missing which allows one to handle method calls for methods that have not even been (explicitly) defined:
Invoked by Ruby when obj is sent a message it cannot handle. symbol is the symbol for the method called, and args are any arguments that were passed to it. By default, the interpreter raises an error when this method is called. However, it is possible to override the method to provide more dynamic behavior. The example below creates a class Roman, which responds to methods with names consisting of roman numerals, returning the corresponding integer values.
class Roman
def romanToInt(str)
# ...
def method_missing(methId)
str = methId.id2name
r = Roman.new
r.iv #=> 4
r.xxiii #=> 23
r.mm #=> 2000
For example, Ruby on Rails uses this to allow calls to methods such as find_by_my_column_name.
My question is, what other languages support an equivalent to method_missing, and how do you implement the equivalent in your code?
Smalltalk has the doesNotUnderstand message, which is probably the original implementation of this idea, given that Smalltalk is one of Ruby's parents. The default implementation displays an error window, but it can be overridden to do something more interesting.
PHP objects can be overloaded with the __call special method.
For example:
class MethodTest {
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
// Note: value of $name is case sensitive.
echo "Calling object method '$name' "
. implode(', ', $arguments). "\n";
$obj = new MethodTest;
$obj->runTest('in object context');
Some use cases of method_missing can be implemented in Python using __getattr__ e.g.
class Roman(object):
def roman_to_int(self, roman):
# implementation here
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.roman_to_int(name)
Then you can do:
>>> r = Roman()
>>> r.iv
I was looking for this before, and found a useful list (quickly being overtaken here) as part of the Merd project on SourceForge.
Construct Language
----------- ----------
__getattr__ Python
method_missing Ruby
doesNotUnderstand Smalltalk
__noSuchMethod__(17) CoffeeScript, JavaScript
unknown Tcl
no-applicable-method Common Lisp
doesNotRecognizeSelector Objective-C
TryInvokeMember(18) C#
match [name, args] { ... } E
the predicate fail Prolog
forward Io
With footnotes:
(17) firefox
(18) C# 4, only for "dynamic" objects
JavaScript has noSuchMethod, but unfortunately this is only supported by Firefox/Spidermonkey.
Here is an example:
wittyProjectName.__noSuchMethod__ = function __noSuchMethod__ (id, args) {
if (id == 'errorize') {
wittyProjectName.log("wittyProjectName.errorize has been deprecated.\n" +
"Use wittyProjectName.log(message, " +
"wittyProjectName.LOGTYPE_ERROR) instead.",
// just act as a wrapper for the newer log method
this.log.apply(this, args);
Perl has AUTOLOAD which works on subroutines & class/object methods.
Subroutine example:
use 5.012;
use warnings;
my $sub_missing = our $AUTOLOAD;
$sub_missing =~ s/.*:://;
uc $sub_missing;
say foo(); # => FOO
Class/Object method call example:
use 5.012;
use warnings;
package Shout;
sub new { bless {}, shift }
my $method_missing = our $AUTOLOAD;
$method_missing =~ s/.*:://;
uc $method_missing;
say Shout->bar; # => BAR
my $shout = Shout->new;
say $shout->baz; # => BAZ
Objective-C supports the same thing and calls it forwarding.
This is accomplished in Lua by setting the __index key of a metatable.
t = {}
meta = {__index = function(_, idx) return function() print(idx) end end}
setmetatable(t, meta)
This code will output:
In Common Lisp, no-applicable-method may be used for this purpose, according to the Common Lisp Hyper Spec:
The generic function no-applicable-method is called when a generic function is invoked and no method on that generic function is applicable. The default method signals an error.
The generic function no-applicable-method is not intended to be called by programmers. Programmers may write methods for it.
So for example:
(defmethod no-applicable-method (gf &rest args)
;(error "No applicable method for args:~% ~s~% to ~s" args gf)
(%error (make-condition 'no-applicable-method :generic-function gf :arguments args) '()
;; Go past the anonymous frame to the frame for the caller of the generic function
(parent-frame (%get-frame-ptr))))
C# now has TryInvokeMember, for dynamic objects (inheriting from DynamicObject)
Actionscript 3.0 has a Proxy class that can be extended to provide this functionality.
dynamic class MyProxy extends Proxy {
flash_proxy override function callProperty(name:*, ...rest):* {
try {
// custom code here
catch (e:Error) {
// respond to error here
Tcl has something similar. Any time you call any command that can't be found, the procedure unknown will be called. While it's not something you normally use, it can be handy at times.
In CFML (ColdFusion, Railo, OpenBD), the onMissingMethod() event handler, defined within a component, will receive undefined method calls on that component. The arguments missingMethodName and missingMethodArguments are automatically passed in, allowing dynamic handling of the missing method call. This is the mechanism that facilitated the creation of implicit setter/getter schemes before they began to be built into the various CFML engines.
Its equivalent in Io is using the forward method.
From the docs:
If an object doesn't respond to a message, it will invoke its "forward" method if it has one....
Here is a simple example:
Shout := Object clone do (
forward := method (
method_missing := call message name
method_missing asUppercase
Shout baz println # => BAZ
Boo has IQuackFu - there is already an excellent summary on SO at how-can-i-intercept-a-method-call-in-boo
Here is an example:
class XmlObject(IQuackFu):
_element as XmlElement
def constructor(element as XmlElement):
_element = element
def QuackInvoke(name as string, args as (object)) as object:
pass # ignored
def QuackSet(name as string, parameters as (object), value) as object:
pass # ignored
def QuackGet(name as string, parameters as (object)) as object:
elements = _element.SelectNodes(name)
if elements is not null:
return XmlObject(elements[0]) if elements.Count == 1
return XmlObject(e) for e as XmlElement in elements
override def ToString():
return _element.InnerText
