Excel converts document exported from google keyword tool numbers into dates - excel

When I import document from google keyword tool some curency values are converted to date for example 5.21 is converted to May 21. However there are some in the same column that are not conveted. What should I do that my document would not be disorted ? Tried to remove text proofing when typing, however I have document prewriten by google so it dosen't help.

Your regional settings seem to have the dot in the date format, with an order of MDY, so Excel will interpret a number like 5.21 as a date, but a number like 5.66 will remain a number.
Try exporting the Google output to a text file. Then open the text file with Excel via the File > Open menu. This will bring up the text import wizard. In Step 3 of the wizard you can select each column of data and specify what data type it contains, i.e. to tell Excel what each column contains.
You regional settings may also be set to have a comma as the decimal separator. In this case, Excel will not recognize 5.21 as a number at all. You can
change the Google output to produce numbers like 5,21 or
temporarily change your regional settings to use the format Google serves you
mark the column as text and import it as text, then use find and replace on that column to replace the decimal character with the one your system uses.


Converting text to data Apr 06, 2020 in excel

I need help in converting this text value exported in text format from software management tool "Apr 06, 2020" to data format.
I have tried various methods like text to columns then picked all of the possible data formats but nothing works. Can you please help or suggest any solution?
Your problem is a mismatch between your Windows Regional Settings (which Excel relies on in order to parse your date), and the date format in the exported file (which appears to be US-English).
You have several choices:
If the file exported from your management tool is a text or csv file, you can probably use Power Query to import the file. Select Transform then right click on the Date column and select Change type => Using Locale => and select Date and English-US.
You could change your regional settings to English(united states) while you do the import, then change them back.
If none of the dates get converted, you could try this formula:
=DATE(RIGHT(A1,4),MATCH(LEFT(A1,3),{"Jan";"Feb";"Mar";"Apr";"May";"Jun";"Jul";"Aug";"Sep";"Oct";"Nov";"Dec"},0), MID(A1,5,2))
Note that in the formula, you may need to change the commas to semicolons, or whatever your country uses to separate formula arguments
You can use below formula, Where A1 is date cell

Currency in CSV is formatted as Date in Excel

I am saving currencies (decimal values) in my CSV file that the customer wants to open in Excel. However, Excel formats those currency values to dates, if the range allows to (day <= 31, ...).
I found many hacks, that kind of get around it, but none that meets all of the following 3 requirements:
Should work with American and German settings (comma vs. decimal point)
Sums over those columns should be possible
Amounts smaller than 31.12€ should be possible
Things I have tried:
use "=""04.06"
use '04.06
use 04.06\t
Thanks for your help.
I am using NodeJS to automatically generate the csv files on click of a button.
Here is a sample CSV File (I don't know how to upload it here as file):
Passenger Number;Name;Birth Date;Int. Fares;Int. Taxes;Dom. Fares;Dom. Taxes
The most stable solution for this problem is to Import the file. If you Open the file, Excel makes a bunch of assumptions that may be incorrect (as you have noted). If you Import the file, you can intervene and declare, for example, the delimiter (semi-colon in this case); the date format (I used MDY but DMY could be used instead) and which column you want formatted as a date; and even the decimal and digit separators.
The manner in which to call the Import varies in different versions of Excel. I show below the method for 2016. From Text/CSV may open Get & Transform with an opportunity to select the file. Or, if you prefer the Legacy wizards, those can be made accessible under the Get Data tab.
The legacy method opens the Text Import Wizard. The more recent method allows you to set up a refreshable data connection to the file, and may be preferable for your end-user, as he will not have to fill in the options each time.

Excel imports numbers with negative exponent incorrectly

For an analysis I am doing I want to look into my data (space-delimited text file) using Excel, for a better overview. I have some really small numbers in that file (1.08675e-06).
Now I am using the Excel import function, select the file and import with delimited with tab + space.
When I look up the same row, the number which was (1.08675e-06) in the text file, is 1,09E-01 in the Excel file.
How is this possible and maybe even more important, how do I make Excel get the right number, instead of the wrong one?
I've already tried changing the "decimal separator" in the "advanced text import settings" in the import settings, which does not seem to work. If someone has an idea, I would love to get some feedback on this problem.
I assume your Windows Regional settings have the dot as the thousands separator and the comma as the decimal separator. In Excel, on the Advanced tab of the text import wizard, you need to change both of these -- not just the decimal separator.
Once you do that, the data should import properly. But, at least in my version, the cell is formatted with just two decimal places. However, the formula bar does show the correct value.
You can easily add decimal places to the formatted number.
An alternative would be to change your Windows Regional Settings with regard to the decimal and thousands separator.
Could you create a mirror and edit the csv file with notepad and replace dot (.) for comma (,) and try again? The problem appears decimal separator in csv file.

Date format different in Actual file(CSV) and the excel file

I have a csv file with a date and time field.Now if the CSV file is opened in textpad or notepad++ the time format is 24 hrs but if the same is opened using excel (2007) it is is 12 hr format. For example if it is 6/4/2012 15:00:00 in the csv file then it is 6/4/2012 3:00:00 PM
The format cell options is also not helpful.
I want the same format in excel.I think i am missing some internal settings
Following would help you if you wish to format time in Excel
On the cell, right click and go to Format Cell
There will be a tab labeled Number (the first one)
select the appropriate Category from the list (Time, in yor case)
choose one of the formats listed. (one of the bottom two, at least in Office 2003)
If none of the formats matches what you want, select one that is close to what you want, then choose the Custom category. You can now edit the format however you choose using the format you chose to customize and the other pre-defined custom formats as a guide
An other option is to import the csv into Excel from Data > From Text then go through the wizard and import the columns as text (on step 3 of the wizard) and then excel should not change the format

VB: Date format problem when loading *.csv

i have problem with excel changing the date format so it fits regional settings.
my problem is:
i am creating tool in which user chose which *.csv file to import and work with. While tool is on user side i can't rely on regional setting - tool have to work for all.
Problem is that excel automatically change date format to fits regional setting and therefore it is wrong or i can't parse it with static delimiter (like '/').
I know the format in which the date is written in the csv file (yyyy-mm-dd or dd/mm/yy) and i would like to read that date as a text so i can use DateSerial to create correct date.
Is there any way to read csv only as text and prevent excel from changing it to date (based on user regional settings) automatically ?
Thank you.
When importing, specify the column as text.
Or, put an apostrophe at the start of each date value. This is the "this is a text value, don't reformat it" symbol.
123,'12/29/1999,blah blah
