Update some chrome extension files from own server - google-chrome-extension

I am writing a chrome extension in which some script and an XML file in which I data is to be read by the script are changed almost twice per day. If I include a link to it on every page load, my hosting server load will probably suffer. Isn't it possible to get a copy of my script and XML Files each time that the browser is launched in order to update them in my extension ?
PS : I resorted to this solution since it is not possible to get the Update of the extension directly from my server since chrome's last upgrades.
- Any other way to update my extension is welcomed .


Python3 web-server: Difference between localhost and

I'm creating a local web-server in python for web-page testing purposes. While testing the web-page, I get two different results depending on whether I open localhost:8000/index.html or in the web-browser (Chrome).
In the first case, it pulls an older version of the index.js file (from like days-ago old); but the version pulls the correct file. So why would I be getting two different javascript files depending on the source when both are technically from the same directory? Where might I find the days-old file at?
I run the server from the html directory using the command:
python3 test_server.py
Index.html, Index.css, Index.js and test_server.py are the only files located in the directory...
So this is a caching issue. The Python webserver is not even requesting the new js file from a couple days ago was pulled on localhost Whereas the one on was either expired or never pulled, so chrome pulled a new one.
To do a hard pull in chrome, right mouse click and then click on inspect. This opens the dev tools. Now right mouse click on the refresh page button and click on 'Hard Reload'. This will tell chrome to disregard any cached files and instead pull them from the server.
To avoid having to do this each time:
Click on the network tab in the devtools and make sure the box disable cache is checked.
However, be aware this will slow down load times on other sites, because no site will use caching with that box checked. So make sure you uncheck it when you are done doing dev work.

Leverage browser caching - I have this enabled but GT Metrix not showing it

I have Leverage browser caching configured on my site via the .htaccess but when I run a performance check on GT Metrix or Google Page Speed - they both say that this is missing and needs to be enabled - any suggestions?
All of the links that it is flagging are external - Google Tag Manager, api.feefo.com, Google tag manager etc.
You cannot control the caching on external links, the domain they are served from sets the cache times.
If you really want to do it (no business sense in it, but just for trying to get no errors / advisory items) then you can use the method I use:-
use cURL or similar to download the file every 4 hours.
cache that file on your server
serve the local copy of that file so you can control the headers.
Don't forget to set up cache busting on the local copy so that every time you download the latest version from the external host and it is different you can override the cached file.
As stated, ignore this item if it is only external resources, you have done everything correctly it is just part of the diagnostic tools.

JS Files not updating in Site Assets

Ok, I have never seen anything like this before and hoping someone else has. I just finished patching our Dev and Test servers to Nov2017CU (SharePoint 2013). Since then, any solutions that are using JS injection from Site Assets are not updating. I'll make a change to the file, the library reflects that I made the change, but when I attempt to load the page accessing the js file, the changes are not reflected. Hard refreshes and full cache cleans are not affecting it. If I close and reopen my editor (VSCode) my changes are gone. When I look at the version history, the current version doesn't have my changes, but the previous version does. If I try to revert to that version, it doesn't take (still shows the previous version of the file).
Here's where it becomes extra weird. I have deleted the entire file from the library. Reset IIS (heck, I even rebooted the server at one time). It somehow still loads the file. The file is no longer in the library, but the server is still serving it up to the browser. I have confirmed it is not getting it from another location as the Dev tools are showing the file is located in the Asset Library the file was deleted from. Even users who have never accessed the site before are still getting that file in their browser.
This isn't limited to a single site either. I have other developers in different sub sites (same site collection) that are having the same issues.
Anyone seen this before?
Looks like your web application has BLOB cache enabled which is causing files to served from the cache.
There are 2 ways to fix:
1) The heavy handed way would be to flush the BLOB cache using powershell commands mentioned:
$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication "<WebApplicationURL>"
This will flush all the files in the BLOB. Usually, the files are cached based on the max-age attribute value. So, that is the reason that your files are being served even if you had deleted it from the source.
2) The surgical knife approach would be to append a query string, like (https://sitecollurl/siteassets/app.js?v=1.1), to the file references (usually in master page, page layouts, webpart references, script links etc. wherever it is referenced). When you append a query string to the file, it will force the browser to download the newer version of the file. Would prefer this approach as it will not unnecessarily clear other files from BLOB.

How do I test file download using intern framework?

I have a requirement where I need to write functional test for download a file and testing its contents.
So i can say there are two parts.
1) Ensure clicking on a link downloads a file
2) Reading the file an checking its contents. Its a csv file, so I Can possibly do some manipulation with the content.
There are several issues with doing this. One is that if you're running a browser on a remote system, you'll need a way to get the file back to the system running Intern. The second issue is that you'll need to know where the downloaded file ended up when it was downloaded. A third issue is that some browsers (FF and IE) pop open OS-level dialogs that Selenium can't deal with.
The first question is: do you really need to download a file in the browser? It sounds like you may be testing a service rather than the browser, in which case you may be able to just download the file using Intern and inspect it there.
Assuming you do need to download a file via the browser, you should be able to configure a browser to not open a confirm dialog and to download the file to a known location, which at least handles 2 of the 3 issues mentioned above. Note that I haven't actually tested this.
In Firefox you can setup a test profile and use it when running tests. You'll likely need to configure the following properties:
browser.download.dir: 'path to download folder'
browser.download.folderList: 2
browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk: 'text/csv'
browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting: false
For Chrome you'll pass options through the environment descriptor. The specific options should be:
'profile.default_content_settings.popups': 0
'download.default_directory': 'path to download folder'
Once you've setup the browser, your test code would need to click the link, then wait for some indeterminate amount of time (Selenium doesn't provide any sort of download progress data), then grab the file from the Intern test itself (using a network request or local file operation) to inspect it.

Making a Windows Installer communicate with a Chrome extension without NPAPI

I have a windows application which installs a Chrome extension via the windows registry. I wish for this application to generate some one-time information for Chrome to read based on information typed in by the user during the installation process.
Assuming I am not using NPAPI in the Chrome extension, is there anywhere the installer can place information such that the extension will see it?
Edit: I also wish to launching chrome at the end of the installation.
Another way you can pass information to an installed extension from outside of Chrome is to have a page with your extension that you then open Chrome too and pass the info in the hash...such as....
chrome.exe "chrome-extension://emcggffhhapbbkcodabdliakappfibcf/showHash.html#info"
Problem with this method is your installing the extension using the simple registry method (Im guessing) and not using the Policy method. With the Policy method you can force an install and it will happen even if Chrome is allready open (where as according to the docs the simple method happens the next time Chrome is opened). Downside to this is you will have to make an uninstaller yourself as you cant uninstall an extension from Chrome that is installed with this method. Im also not sure how quick/often it will be before the extension is installed (couldnt find it in the docs and too lazy to try it ;)) and youd need to make your installer wait a bit for it to be installed....
http://dev.chromium.org/administrators/policy-templates (says where in the registry to add them)
Another possible method could be to pack the extension at install time and add a file with the info that the extension could read. Problem with this method is that the extensions ID would change (might not be a problem for you?) or youll have to include the PEM in your installer which you probably dont want to do....
chrome.exe --pack-extension="C:\simple-example" --no-message-box
Many people wish there were an event firing on extension installing.
There's a workaround, not elegant way to send info to the browser from outside: launch chrome asking to open an url.
I use it with a local html file. My application execute a command line like:
"pathToChrome\Chrome.exe" "file://pathToHtmlFile/myFile.html?param1=value1&param2=value2"
The info I pass are the page's parameters.
The catch is that this page is read by the extensions in one of many ways:
You can write a content script this page will fire
You can put some javascript on this page to write down the parameters as cookies, for the extension to read in the future (without calling the extension at this time)
It hasn't to be a local page. If your page is on a server, it can save the parameters in the server, ir it worthy.
It hasn't to be even your page. You can call any page on Internet, but beeing sure it will fire your content script extension, and it will read your "customized" parameters.
Instead of communicating through the windows registry, you can create a WebSQL from the installer and from the extension read the data from there.
You will need to a bit of research about how to this, but this is possible. the steps should be:
The installer will create the database and register to chrome (maybe with the Databases.db)
The extension will use openDatabase to create a connection to the database
The extension will do a transaction and read the needed file.
Another option is to add file to the crx for example "installer_info.json" and do an AJAX request from the extension to the "installer_info.json" file.
There is no formal way for doing this things, little research and you will have a way.
