What XSD Version used in WSO2 ESB 4.8.1 - xsd

What XSD Version used in WSO2 Esb 4.8.1 and is it possible to use XSD Schema 1.1 in WSO2ESB 4.8.1


Transform a xml into java object using mule 4.3 kernal (CE)

We can transform a xml payload into java object by mapping elements using Transform Message component in Mule 4.3 EE.
Can we transform a xml into java object using mule 4.3 kernal (CE) instead of using EE ?
The actual XML element in the flow for Transform Message is <ee:transform>. The ee namespace indicates it is an Enterprise Edition (EE) feature. So the answer would be that you can not use Transform Message in Mule Kernel, also known as Mule Community Edition (CE).

Docusign Java Client SDK support for JDK 1.8

Do we have a Docusign Java client SDK that's compatible with JDK 1.8? Has anyone tried using Docusign Java Client SDK with 1.8? The latest SDK version needs JDK 1.9+. Reference - https://github.com/docusign/docusign-java-client
As of now, https://github.com/docusign/docusign-java-client/tree/3.6.0 seems to be the last version that supports JDK 1.8.

Cassandra 2.2.3 Java Requirements

Does anyone know if Cassandra 2.2.3 supports Oracle Java 8? Is there a place where we can go to see supported Java versions?
I am not aware of a table or location that lists a cross-reference of all Cassandra versions and the Java versions that they support. But the Cassandra 2.2 installation documentation has this information:
Latest version of Oracle Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 (JDK) or OpenJDK 7.
That can change with the version of Cassandra that you are installing. The Cassandra 2.1 installation doc also adds:
Note: It is recommended to use the latest version of Oracle Java 8 on all nodes. (Oracle Java 7 is also supported.)

redhat enterprise 6.1 Linux compatible softwares

I am planning to install my j2EE, spring rest based application on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1. I want to know about the software version which is compatible. I am not sure whether all the new versions are compatible in REL 6.1.
The list of software's I need to install are
Apache Tomcat
The RHEL 6.1 can easily be updated for the latest versions of Java, Tomcat. For the latest MySQL, if there are dependencies not present in RHEL 6.1 then you could try either adding or updating them (using yum or building from source).
J2EE: Download from Oracle Java SDK download page [I believe you want JDK since the J2EE dependencies would be provided by Tomcat such as Servlet etc]
Apache Tomcat: Download the binaries from the tomcat apache website [http://tomcat.apache.org/]. That should be enough to get you started. If later on you would like to use openssl or apache portable runtime then that is easily setup as well. The tomcat documentation has useful documentation to set it up.
SpringRest: I believe you are referring to the java archives for it. You can use Maven to download the necessary dependencies or use Spring Boot (https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service/) or search Google for the many examples of bundling Spring dependencies with your application.
For MySQL: refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-repo-excerpt/5.6/en/linux-installation-yum-repo.html

What's the support status of old JSF versions?

What is the official support status of older JSF releases like 1.1, 1.2, 2.0? Is there some end-of-life roadmap for JSF releases?
I was only able to find end-of-life roadmap for Java SE here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/eol-135779.html I couldn't find anything related to JEE specifications.
Being a specification, JSF doesn't have a end-of-life date. That's usually used to describe available (commercial) support, which is available for the products based on that spec.
The support offerings are quite numerous, so I'll just point out Jboss EAP and Oracle WebLogic.
If you're looking for an answer regarding JSF support by component toolkits, there's the Richfaces Support Matrix and I've seen that Primefaces-4 supports JSF-2.x up to the latest 2.2 release.
