Instagram Api: Client is no longer active - instagram

Yesterday, I was doing some test with Instagram API. I want to design a web page where I show the lastest photos in our account (Some like social feed). Today, I'm recieving this error: "The client used for authentication is no longer active.".
Somebody knows if I did some wrong working with your API and How can I do to fix this problem.
Best regards.

I'm running into similar issues. Have not been able to successfully pull anything through the API for over 12 hours.
Check out this link for quick API testing:
Nothing seems to work.


Get latest post from client's Instagram account without authentication

All I want to do is show the most recent of our client's Instagram posts on the website we are building for them.
This was possible using only their ClientID until November 2015, but Instagram seem to have made it so that we have to get users to log in so we can get an access token to use in the API call.
This seems nonsense and I can't help feeling I'm missing something simple. I should be able to display client's content on their website without viewers of the site having to log into Instagram!
There are a number of solutions on Stack Overflow, but all the ones I've found pre-date Nov. 2015.
Use your own access_token.
Get it one time, save it and use it, it is not eternal though. I have the same problem.

Instagram API throwing OAuthAccessTokenException 400 error using client id

I was using the following api to get the latest 3 posts from public accounts to show on the website:{user-id}/media/recent/?client_id={client-id}&count=3
I had created an app to get the client-id.
However from today, this API has started throwing the following exception:
meta: {
error_type: "OAuthAccessTokenException",
code: 400,
error_message: "The access_token provided is invalid."
Could you please let me know as how to resolve this?
Based on the date, you probably have an older app that got hit by the API migration today, like mine. In short, Instagram decided to make developing for their platform WAY more annoying by requiring all API requests to be authenticated per user, even for data that users shares publicly. So you (like me) will likely be redesigning you app entirely.
To tell, log in to and click manage clients; then hit edit next to the set of keys your're trying to use. Up near the top, it will have a section called 'Client Status' -- if yours reads 'Sandbox Mode', fun times ahead! Hopefully you interact with less than 10 users and can stay in sandbox mode, otherwise you'll have to write an essay, film a video, and basically plead to get your permissions back (probably in a few months, when some Instagram intern finally digs his way down to you in the pile of applications). If it reads something eles, you've got another problem altogether and should thank your lucky stars.
In the meantime, I guess I'll get back to sending out dozens of emails to the maintainers of our many, many affiliated Instagram accounts to explain the issue and try to get permissions, so provided we get approved by then, all our social media displays aren't broken during a huge event Saturday. Another option might be to use the OAuth-less json response available here, but that might break terms of service.
I have a solution to this. If you are using the same code I am, which appears likely. I was pulling the last two images using this.{user-id}/media/recent/?client_id={client-id}&count=3
What I did to get this working is the following.
Login to your Instragram account you are using as the application.
Go to the developer (API) area.
Manage clients. Make sure your website URL is the same as your valid redirect URL.
Add new Sandbox User. Put in the account of the IG photos you want to reach.
Hit this URL: where the client ID is the same one you used in your previous app above.
You should get back and access token URL. Copy your access token.
Login as your account that you want the IG photos of. The account you added as a sandbox user and go to developer and approve the Sandbox Invites.
Change your original URL above from{user-id}/media/recent/?client_id={client-id}&count=3 to with your access token.
This is the IG API Media endpoint documentation:
After that, it all worked for me and while you are in the sandbox, you should be able to pull the last 3 photos or at this point, figure out how to read the JSON to do so.
Has your app been approved after the June 1st Instagram platform changes?
If you want to retrieve the user media file then try this, It's working for me,caption,media_url,media_type&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
For some reason the token is no more valid. Request it again.
Possible reasons why a token is no more valid:
changed password
verified the account
logged-in from a different country

Unable to like media in instagram from any access token

Since 3 or 4 days ago i'm not able to like any photos from any token, I think they blocked me to like. I still can follow/unfollow users via my application. I also can like photos via instagram iOS app.
This is the error i have:
"meta": {
"code": 400,
"error_message":"you cannot like this media"}
Do you know if they will unlock me or it's permanently?
Instagram changed the terms for using POST and DELETE requests. You can read more about it here
If you want to request access to those endpoints you can do it here, if your app is qualified.
See API Terms of Use:
Do not abuse the API. Too many requests too quickly will get your access turned off
Wait for some days and see if they will free you... If you are still having trouble, i would suggest to create a new client and see what happens.

Can't figure out how to access's REST API

So I want to use's API to grab data for an infographic type application.
My problem is they require a Developer ID and password. I'm not sure where I can get this since it's required for the OAuth token.
I plan on using Node.js to make requests to their RESTful service. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I emailed (email grabbed from and got a reply:
Thanks for your interest in the Dice API! It's currently not available
for public use. We've been field testing it at some events and hope
to open it up by the end of Q2 2015.
We'll definitely make an announcement when it opens up.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
I found it pretty easy to get started hacking around with this using Postman (actually for searches you could just start in a browser, with a JSON plugin installed or the like).

Azure CTP signup

I am trying to signup to the Azure CTP but am finding the whole process real non user friendly. On this web page it gives me a link to go to get a token, but when I click it doesn't appear to do anything. It takes me to another page but doesn't tell me if a token has been sent or I have to do something else.
On the dashboard of Microsoft Connect it tells me my status in Azure is 'Participating'. What does this mean? I am not participating because I don't have a token. The whole process is very frustrating!
Is it possible to contact an actual person?
It sounds like you already submitted a request for a token. I tried to sign up a week ago or so and I haven't received anything yet. However, I did get my SQL Azure license and it seems to be working well.
Also, you are absolutely correct, their website is a mess and it's very hard to figure things out. I hope they will be cleaning it up soon!
And I don't think they have any kind of support setup yet.
