Linux SIP Client just to get incoming number - linux

I'm looking for a SIP client based on linux (console only, debian if possible) for one simple goal : To let my CRM app know what is the incoming call number.
There is no need to use voice, autoresponder, etc., I just need to get the incoming call number send somewhere (fill a file with the number, add a row in a sql database, a curl request to my CRM or anything else like that)
Do you know a SIP client that can let me do this ?

Is your intent to receive a SIP INVITE and identify the calling number using this? Because you mentioned you don't need Voice or anything else, a simple SIPP kind of test tool should be fine.
Or do you want to test it over the mobile Network and hence want to use a VoIP Client. or just use the freeware of Xlite etc from either a desktop or mobile device.


ESP8266 sending data to web server

I need to make an WEB based monitoring system using ESP8266, which could display the data. The system will have a user registration form, which should allow to display the data for a particular user. For this purpose I got a remote server (domain). Now I'm facing with some problems, how could I send data to this domain from the ESP? My ESP module uses NodeMCU firmware and I can program it using Lua. I read that there is HTTP GET and POST request methods and I unsuccessfully spent a few days trying to implement one of these methods... Maybe someone could put me on the road What should be the sequence of steps to start sending data to the external server? That would be a big step forward if I could send f.e. constant value variable.
Assuming your NodeMCU is connected to a network and had internet access, you can just do, headers, body, callback)
and it should send a post request to the given URL. HTTPS also works here, but has limitations.
Note that you need to compile the firmware with the HTTP (and TLS if you want HTTPS) module(s) by uncommenting the corresponding line(s) in the app/include/user_modules.h file.

Guidance on assigning full phone numbers to voip servers for incoming calls

I set up my own asterisk voip server and i was able to make calls to my extension but how do i get it so I would have an actual phone number people from the outside can call in. lets say i want the phone number
555-1234 and if someone calls that number it gets routed to my voip server then i process it and etc..
I was presuming that this would work similarly like DNS where you go buy a number and then point it to your server with an A record. Then from there nginx processes the server request and provides appropriate web pages and so on.
Some information on this would be fantastic as I have no idea where to go for this kind of stuff and google hits isnt revealing a lot.
You need to get a DID (Direct Inward Dialing) from a VoIP provider. There are many ITSP providers up there that can provide DID and then send it to your Asterisk server (called SIP Trunking) and from there you can configure Asterisk to terminate the call on specific extension or IVR.
Also, DIDs are usually provided by tier 1 carrier (companies like Bell Canada, AT&T, Verizon etc). Again, DID (Direct Inward Dialing) is not something you can simply advertise from your Asterisk server unless of course you want to allow people to call you by IP. For example, 5551234#YourAsteriskIP will make sure extension ring. But users from a non sip devices (ie landline) cannot call your number.

SIP linux client to block unwanted calls

I would like to have the possibility to block certain SIP incoming calls based on the caller id.
My idea so far is to have a linux box with a sip client that when recives the call (INVITE) it simply checks the caller id against a list and if in the list it hang up (BYE). No voice no media flow needed, just the possibility to register to the SIP server and hang up.
Any idea or any software that already does that?
How would you suggest doing this? (osip, sipp, exosip...)
thank you,
ps: I have no access to SIP server, and I cannot have a sip proxy/server like asterisk that blocks the calls for me, I can just have a client.
You can use re sip library to create a very basic sip client . Please check the code in the link for a basic sip client.
To block by certain caller_id use the code below in connect_handler function .
(void)sip_treply(NULL, sip, msg, 486, "Busy Here");

how to send notification (email, SMS, whatever) stealthy programacticly linux

I have seen many of the posts relating to sending email under linux but they do not address my particular need.
I want to implement code (C/C++) in my linux application that will send me back some kind of notification (in a stealthy way) under a certain program condition. All it needs to send me is less than 50 bytes of status data. The only thing I am guarenteed is that the box will be on a local network which will have access to the Internet via the usual gateway.
One possibility would be to send me a text to my wireless carrier like this: But that assumes that I have a mail client available on the linux box which is not a guarantee. If I programmed this at the socket layer directly using SMTP I would have to manage a TCP connection which is not what I prefer to do.
Any suggestions of what would be a possible way to send me a notification from my linux app?
For email you could use something like SendGrid, specifically their WebAPI - this will allow you to send email with only a HTTP request.
For SMS you could use something like Nexmo, which will allow you to send an SMS with a HTTP request.
Note that you'll have to include your API credentials in the compiled code - a potental security issue (for your credentials).
Disclaimer: I do a bit of developer evangelism for Nexmo.

Sending SMS using Java ME application

I want to a Java ME application that transfers any SMS received to a PC using bluetooth. The PC can then direct the Java ME application via bluetooth to send a response SMS. Is there library available for this architecture or I have to design it myself?
Is this approach correct or a better one exists? I want to use bluetooth as then I will not have dependency on the cable.
You'll need to create this yourself, however you'll find that you can't do what you want with J2ME.
J2ME can't access any old SMS that the handset receives, only ones sent to a specific port upon which the MIDlet is listening. So to get all the other SMSes, create a bluetooth serial/dial-up connection to your handset in the way I've described in this answer.
Create a PC client which repeatedly issues AT+CGML commands (as described in the AT command set document linked to in the answer above), to see when an SMS has been received. Use AT+CGMR to read and parse the message text. Then use AT+CGMS to sent a response. This can all be done over bluetooth.
It's better to use the serial connection to send a response, because a MIDlet cannot usually be triggered to open based on incoming bluetooth data.
Hope this helps.
You may have already achieved your task, anyway for the reference I think it is much better if you try using Gammu . I'm using it for the same task (Send / receive SMS through PC ) with a simple bat file I have written, works like a charm.
Anyway you don't need any J2me program for this.
Wammu takes care of making the connection to phone and sending AT commands.
