How to update a bash script with the old version of this script? - linux

I have a linux bash script, which has a parameter to update the script self. My problem is, that the script can't update itself, while it's used. Well.. Does someone have a solution?
Currently I try to update the script as following:
# Download latest version
wget -q
# Unzip latest version
unzip TS3UpdateScript-master/* -x TS3UpdateScript-master/configs/ && mv -f TS3UpdateScript-master/* . && rmdir TS3UpdateScript-master/
But I receive the following error by the script:
replace TS3UpdateScript-master/LICENSE_GNU_GPL.txt? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: A
caution: excluded filename not matched: TS3UpdateScript-master/configs/
# many arguments
I hope, someone can help me. Thanks in advance!

It seems that your error comes from file name wildcard without quotes. Bash does globbing first and replaces * with lots of filenames and then runs unzip with this parameters. Try 'TS3UpdateScript-master/*' -x 'TS3UpdateScript-master/configs/' .
Then there will be a problem with running a new version of script instead of old one running. I think it should be done like that:
if [ "$UPDATED" != "$0" ]; then
exec env UPDATED="$0" "$0" "$#"
echo "This script's version is $version"

Thanks for your help and ideas! I've "outsourced" the code to another script, which contains following code:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sleep 5s
# Download latest version
wget -q
# Unzip latest version
if [[ $(unzip TS3UpdateScript-master/* -x TS3UpdateScript-master/configs/*) ]]; then
if [ $(cp -Rf TS3UpdateScript-master/* . && rm -rf TS3UpdateScript-master/) ]; then
rm -rf
exit 1;
rm -rf
exit 0;


How to get Linux command line functions for Windows?

I am following Caffe on this tutorial. I am using Windows so I don't have the Linux functions. Is there an easy way I can get Linux functions ? When I run the shell script it launches Bash which immediately closes. It doesn't seem to download anything.
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This scripts downloads the mnist data and unzips it.
DIR="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"
cd "$DIR"
echo "Downloading..."
for fname in train-images-idx3-ubyte train-labels-idx1-ubyte t10k-images-idx3-ubyte t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte
if [ ! -e $fname ]; then
echo "done"
wget --no-check-certificate${fname}.gz
gunzip ${fname}.gz
echo "done"
You can consider installing such an environment, e.g. start with CYGWIN:

Check if rsync command ran successful

The following bash-script is doing a rsync of a folder every hour:
rsync -r -z -c /home/pi/queue
rm -rf rm /home/pi/queue/*
echo "Done"
But I found out that my Pi disconnected from the internet, so the rsync failed. So it did the following command, deleting the folder.
How to determine if a rsync-command was successful, if it was, then it may remove the folder.
Usually, any Unix command shall return 0 if it ran successfully, and non-0 in other cases.
Look at man rsync for exit codes that may be relevant to your situation, but I'd do that this way :
rsync -r -z -c /home/pi/queue && rm -rf rm /home/pi/queue/* && echo "Done"
Which will rm and echo done only if everything went fine.
Other way to do it would be by using $? variable which is always the return code of the previous command :
rsync -r -z -c /home/pi/queue
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
rm -rf rm /home/pi/queue/*
echo "Done"
echo "Error while running rsync"
see man rsync, section EXIT VALUES
Old question but I am surprised nobody has given the simple answer:
Use the --remove-source-files rsync option.
I think it is exactly what you need.
From the man page:
--remove-source-files sender removes synchronized files (non-dir)
Only files that rsync has fully successfully transferred are removed.
When unfamiliar with rsync it is easy to be confused about the --delete options and the --remove-source-files option. The --delete options remove files on the destination side. More info here:
you need to check the exit value of rsync
rsync -r -z -c /home/pi/queue
if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]
# take failure action here
rm -rf rm /home/pi/queue/*
echo "Done"
Set of result codes here:

prompt list of files before execution of rm

I started using "sudo rm -r" to delete files/directories. I even put it as an alias of rm.
I normally know what I am doing and I am quite experience linux user.
However, I would like that when I press the "ENTER", before the execution of rm, a list of files will show up on the screen and a prompt at the end to OK the deletion of files.
Options -i -I -v does not do what I want. I want only one prompt for all the printed files on screen.
Thank you.
# Double-check files to delete.
delcheck() {
printf 'Here are the %d files you said you wanted to delete:\n' "$#"
printf '"%s"\n' "$#"
read -p 'Do you want to delete them? [y/N] ' doit
case "$doit" in
[yY]) rm "$#";;
*) printf 'No files deleted\n';;
This is a shell function that (when used properly) will do what you want. However, if you load the function in your current shell then try to use it with sudo, it won't do what you expect because sudo creates a separate shell. So you'd need to make this a shell script…
… same code as above …
# All this script does is create the function and then execute it.
# It's lazy, but functions are nice.
delcheck "$#"
…then make sure sudo can access it. Put it in some place that is in the sudo execution PATH (Depending on sudo configuration.) Then if you really want to execute it precisely as sudo rm -r * you will still need to name the script rm, (which in my opinion is dangerous) and make sure its PATH is before /bin in your PATH. (Also dangerous). But there you go.
Here's a nice option
Alias rm to echo | xargs -p rm
The -p option means "interactive" - it will display the entire command (including any expanded file lists) and ask you to confirm
It will NOT ask about the recursively removed files. But it will expand rm * .o to:
rm -rf * .o
rm -rf program program.o backup?... # NO NO NO NO NO!
Which is much nicer than receiving the error
rm: .o file not found
Edit: corrected the solution based on chepner comment. My previous solutions had a bug :(
This simple script prompts for a y response before deleting the files specified.
rmc script file:
read -p "ok to delete? " ans
case $ans in
[yY]*) sudo rm "$#" ;;
*) echo "Nothing deleted";;
Invoke thus
./rmc *.tmp
I created a script to do this. The solution is similar to #kojiro's.
Save the script with the filename del. Run the command sudo chmod a=r+w+x del to make the script an executable. In the directory in which you want to save the script, export the path by entering export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/the/del/executable in your '~/.bashrc' file and run source ~/.bashrc.
Here, the syntax of rm is preserved, except instead of typing rm ..., type del ... where del is the name of the bash script below.
#! /bin/bash
# Safely delete files
args=("$#") # store all arguments passed to shell
N=$# # number of arguments passed to shell
#echo $#
#echo $#
#echo ${args[#]:0}
echo "Files to delete:"
n=`expr $N - 1`
for i in `seq 0 $n`
if [ ${str:0:1} != "-" ]; then
echo $str
read -r -p "Delete these files? [y/n] " response
case $response in
rm ${args[#]:0}

Check for existence of wget/curl

Trying to do a script to download a file using wget, or curl if wget doesn't exist in Linux. How do I have the script check for existence of wget?
Linux has a which command which will check for the existence of an executable on your path:
pax> which ls ; echo $?
pax> which no_such_executable ; echo $?
As you can see, it sets the return code $? to easily tell if the executable was found, so you could use something like:
if which wget >/dev/null ; then
echo "Downloading via wget."
wget --option argument
elif which curl >/dev/null ; then
echo "Downloading via curl."
curl --option argument
echo "Cannot download, neither wget nor curl is available."
wget http://download/url/file 2>/dev/null || curl -O http://download/url/file
One can also use command or type or hash to check if wget/curl exists or not. Another thread here - "Check if a program exists from a Bash script" answers very nicely what to use in a bash script to check if a program exists.
I would do this -
if [ ! -x /usr/bin/wget ] ; then
# some extra check if wget is not installed at the usual place
command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Please install wget or set it in your path. Aborting."; exit 1; }
First thing to do is try install to install wget with your usual package management system,. It should tell you if already installed;
yum -y wget
Otherwise just launch a command like below
wget http://download/url/file
If you receive no error, then its ok.
A solution taken from the K3S install script (
function download {
if [ -x "$(which wget)" ] ; then
wget -q $url -O $2
elif [ -x "$(which curl)" ]; then
curl -o $2 -sfL $url
echo "Could not find curl or wget, please install one." >&2
# to use in the script:
download https://url /local/path/to/download
It looks for the location of wget and checks for a file to exist there, if so, it does a script-friendly (i.e. quiet) download. If wget isn't found, it tries curl in a similarly script-friendly way.
(Note that the question doesn't specify BASH however my answer assumes it.)
Simply run
wget http://download/url/file
you will see the statistics whether the endpoint is available or not.

what does this shell script codes means

i need some help to understand the following few lines of a given shell script.
here $_filecount variable hold the number of file to be archived
here i want to know what $TARC means, searched on this command but got no result for TARC and TARU commands. could anybody explain me what these commands are
if [ $_filecount -ne 0 ]; then
if ! [ -f ${_archive} ]; then
touch ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${_today}
$TARC ${_archive} -C ${ARCHIVE_PATH} ${_today}
rm -f ${ARCHIVE_PATH}/${_today}
for i in ${_filelist}; do
$TARU ${_archive} -C ${_path} $i
[ $? -eq 0 ] && rm -f ${_path}/$i
when this code is run using cygwin at line $TARC ${_archive} -c ${ARCHIVE_PATH} ${_today} returns following error
tar: invalid option -- 'E'
Try `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.
thanks in advance for any help
$TARC and $TARU are variables (if they aren't defined in your script somewhere, then they must be environment variables)
Try echo $TARC to see what they are set to.
Looks TARC is the tar command to archive and TARU is the tar command to unarchive.
TARC and TARU must be set somewhere or else you would get a different error - the error you are seeing is tar specific.
