Query and sum all with mongoose - node.js

I want to fetch all users user_totaldocs and user_totalthings and want to sum those variables.
How can it's possible? Here is user schema:
var user_schema = mongoose.Schema({
local : {
user_id : String,
user_totaldocs : Number,
user_totalthings : Number

You can use the Aggregation Pipeline to add calculated fields to a result. There are some examples below using the mongo shell, but the syntax in Mongoose's Aggregate() helper is similar.
For example, to calculate sums (per user document) you can use the $add expression in a $project stage:
// Limit to relevant documents and potentially take advantage of an index
{ $match: {
user_id: "foo"
{ $project: {
user_id: 1,
total: { $add: ["$user_totaldocs", "$user_totalthings"] }
To calculate totals across multiple documents you need to use a $group stage with a $sum accumulator, for example:
{ $group: {
_id: null,
total: { $sum: { $add: ["$user_totaldocs", "$user_totalthings"] } },
totaldocs: { $sum: "$user_totaldocs" },
totalthings: { $sum: "$user_totalthings" }
You may want only the one total field; I've added in totaldocs and totalthings as examples of calculating multiple fields.
A group _id of null will combine values from all documents passed to the $group stage, but you can also use other criteria here (such as grouping by user_id).

You can use aggregation framework provided by mongodb. For your case --
if you want to fetch sum of user_totaldocs and sum of user_totalthings across the collection (meaning for all users), do --
$group : {
user_id : null,
user_totaldocs: { $sum: "$user_totaldocs"}, // for your case use local.user_totaldocs
user_totalthings: { $sum: "$user_totalthings" }, // for your case use local.user_totalthings
count: { $sum: 1 } // for no. of documents count
To sum user_totaldocs and user_totalthings for particular user in a collection(assuming there are multiple document for a user), this will return sum for each user, DO --
$group : {
user_id : "$user_id",
user_totaldocs: { $sum: "$user_totaldocs"}, // for your case use local.user_totaldocs
user_totalthings: { $sum: "$user_totalthings" }, // for your case use local.user_totalthings
count: { $sum: 1 } // for no. of documents count
No need to provide individual user id.
For more info read:
1. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#pipe._S_group
2. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/aggregation/


Using aggregation query to get list of users with total transaction count and transaction detail as embedded document

I am trying to get a list of users with total transaction count and each user should have latest transaction detail as embedded object using MongoDB's aggregate pipelines to fetch results in GET API.
I have the following database schema:
User: _id, name, phone, address
Product: _id, name, unit_price, description
Transaction: _id, date, product_id(ref to Product), user_id(ref to User), quantity, total_price
Expected Response JSON
latest_transaction_detail: {
latest_transaction_detail: {
How do I generate an aggregate query to return the above?
You can achieve this by running an aggregation query.
A lookup stage will join your User collection with your Transaction collection (no need to join Product in your expected result). Its pipeline is splitted with $facet, for both get the count result and the latest transaction for that user
A project stage will reshape your data and extract array elements to documents.
Here's such a query :
from: "Transaction",
let: { userId: "$_id" },
pipeline: [
{count:[{$match:{$expr:{$eq:["$$userId","$user_id"]}}}, {$count:"total_transaction"}],
} }],
as: "transactions"
$project: {
total_transaction : {
latest_transaction : {

how to combine array of object result in mongodb

how can i combine match document's subdocument together as one and return it as an array of object ? i have tried $group but don't seem to work.
my query ( this return array of object in this case there are two )
'business_details.business_location': {
$near: coords,
$maxDistance: maxDistance
'deal_details.deals_expired_date': {
$gte: new Date()
}, {
'deal_details': 1
}).limit(limit).exec(function(err, locations) {
if (err) {
return res.status(500).json(err)
the console.log(locations) result
// give me the result below
_id: 55 c0b8c62fd875a93c8ff7ea, // first document
deal_details: [{
deals_location: '101.6833,3.1333',
deals_price: 12.12 // 1st deal
}, {
deals_location: '101.6833,3.1333',
deals_price: 34.3 // 2nd deal
business_details: {}
}, {
_id: 55 a79898e0268bc40e62cd3a, // second document
deal_details: [{
deals_location: '101.6833,3.1333',
deals_price: 12.12 // 3rd deal
}, {
deals_location: '101.6833,3.1333',
deals_price: 34.78 // 4th deal
}, {
deals_location: '101.6833,3.1333',
deals_price: 34.32 // 5th deal
business_details: {}
what i wanted to do is to combine these both deal_details field together and return it as an array of object. It will contain 5 deals in one array of object instead of two separated array of objects.
i have try to do it in my backend (nodejs) by using concat or push, however when there's more than 2 match document i'm having problem to concat them together, is there any way to combine all match documents and return it as one ? like what i mentioned above ?
What you are probably missing here is the $unwind pipeline stage, which is what you typically use to "de-normalize" array content, particularly when your grouping operation intends to work across documents in your query result:
// Your basic query conditions
{ "$match": {
"business_details.business_location": {
"$near": coords,
"$maxDistance": maxDistance
"deal_details.deals_expired_date": {
"$gte": new Date()
// Limit query results here
{ "$limit": limit },
// Unwind the array
{ "$unwind": "$deal_details" },
// Group on the common location
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$deal_details.deals_location",
"prices": {
"$push": "$deal_details.deals_price"
function(err,results) {
if (err) throw err;
Which gives output like:
"_id": "101.6833,3.1333",
"prices": [
Depending on how many documents actually match the grouping.
Alternately, you might want to look at the $geoNear pipeline stage, which gives a bit more control, especially when dealing with content in arrays.
Also beware that with "location" data in an array, only the "nearest" result is being considered here and not "all" of the array content. So other items in the array may not be actually "near" the queried point. That is more of a design consideration though as any query operation you do will need to consider this.
You can merge them with reduce:
locations = locations.reduce(function(prev, location){
previous = prev.concat(location.deal_details)
return previous

Mongoose sort the aggregated result

I'm having a lot of difficulty in solving this mongodb (mongoose) problem.
There is this schema 'Recommend' (username, roomId, ll and date) and its collection contains recommendation of user.
I need to get a list of most recommended rooms (by roomId). Below is the schema and my tried solution with mongoose query.
var recommendSchema = mongoose.Schema({
username: String,
roomId: String,
ll: { type: { type: String }, coordinates: [ ] },
date: Date
recommendSchema.index({ ll: '2dsphere' });
var Recommend = mongoose.model('Recommend', recommendSchema);
_id: '$roomId',
recommendCount: { $sum: 1 }
function (err, res) {
if (err) return handleError(err);
var resultSet = res.sort({'recommendCount': 'desc'});
The results returned from the aggregation pipeline are just plain objects. So you do the sorting as a pipeline stage, not as a separate operation:
// Grouping pipeline
{ "$group": {
"_id": '$roomId',
"recommendCount": { "$sum": 1 }
// Sorting pipeline
{ "$sort": { "recommendCount": -1 } },
// Optionally limit results
{ "$limit": 5 }
function(err,result) {
// Result is an array of documents
So there are various pipeline operators that can be used to $group or $sort or $limit and other things as well. These can be presented in any order, and as many times as required. Just understanding that one "pipeline" stage flows results into the next to act on.

MongoDB aggregate query with a where in node.js

I have the following mongodb query in node.js which gives me a list of unique zip codes with a count of how many times the zip code appears in the database.
collection.aggregate( [
$group: {
_id: "$Location.Zip",
count: { $sum: 1 }
{ $sort: { _id: 1 } },
{ $match: { count: { $gt: 1 } } }
], function ( lookupErr, lookupData ) {
if (lookupErr) {
How can this query be modified to return one specific zip code? I've tried the condition clause but have not been able to get it to work.
Aggregations that require filtered results can be done with the $match operator. Without tweaking what you already have, I would suggest just sticking in a $match for the zip code you want returned at the top of the aggregation list.
collection.aggregate( [
$match: {
zip: 47421
$group: {
This example will result in every aggregation operation after the $match working on only the data set that is returned by the $match of the zip key to the value 47421.
in the $match pipeline operator add
{ $match: { count: { $gt: 1 },
_id : "10002" //replace 10002 with the zip code you want
As a side note, you should put the $match operator first and in general as high in the aggregation chain as you can.

How to aggregate mongoose collection?

In my mongoose model I have an invoiceHeader and invoiceLine collection both relating to account object.
In a view I want to display the total invoiceAmount for the account.
In SQL something like select sum(amount) from invoiceHeader group by account.
How can i achieve similar with nodeJS and mongoose?
Assuming amount is the property that you want to sum on, it would be like:
$match: {
account: '<Account_ID>'
}, {
$group: {
_id: null,
total: {
$sum: "$amount"
}, {
$project: {
_id: 0,
total: 1
}, function(err, res) {
// res contains the result
The $match operator is used to match certain documents. The $group operator is used to group the documents. The $project operator is used to select certain fields from the documents.
