Swift - Search in string and sum the numbers - string

Hey guys I have string "69 - 13" How to detect "-" in the string and how to sum the numbers in the string 69+13=82 ?

There are various method to do that (componentsSeparatedByString, NSScanner, ...).
Here is one using only Swift library functions:
let str = "69 - 13"
// split string into components:
let comps = split(str, { $0 == "-" || $0 == " " }, maxSplit: Int.max, allowEmptySlices: false)
// convert strings to numbers (use zero if the conversion fails):
let nums = map(comps) { $0.toInt() ?? 0 }
// compute the sum:
let sum = reduce(nums, 0) { $0 + $1 }

Here is an updated implementation in Swift 4 that relies on higher order functions to perform the operation:
let string = "69+13"
let number = string.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted)
.compactMap({ Int($0) })
.reduce(0, +)
print(number) // 82
The components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted) removes all non-digit values and creates an array for each group of values (in this case 69 and 13)
Int($0) converts your string value into an Int
compactMap gets rid of any nil values, ensuring that only valid values are left
reduce then sums up the values that remain in your array


Access Each Character in a String in Swift 2

let amount = "73.45"
I want four different constants (strings, not characters) with each number in this string. Ideally:
let amount1 = amount[0] // 7
let amount2 = amount[1] // 3
let amount3 = amount[3] // 4
let amount4 = amount[4] // 5
I have searched and can't find anything that works, I either get the whole string or a character of the string. Any advice would be helpful--new to xcode and swift
You can always get the characters using
let characters = amount.characters
to get strings instead of characters, you can:
let amount1 = String(characters[0])
to do it for all digits
let amounts = amount.characters.map {
return String($0)
To filter out the separator, you can
let amounts = amount.characters.map {
return String($0)
}.filter {
$0 != "."
Note that if you have the input number localized, you should check NSLocale for the correct decimal separator or just remove all non-numeric characters. One way to do that is using:
let amounts = amount.characters.filter {
$0 >= "0" && $0 <= "9"
}.map {
You can put your digits into separate variables then but I would advise against it:
let amount1 = amounts[0]
let amount2 = amounts[1]
let amount3 = amounts[2]
let amount4 = amounts[3]

Remove nth character from string

I have seen many methods for removing the last character from a string. Is there however a way to remove any old character based on its index?
Here is a safe Swift 4 implementation.
var s = "Hello, I must be going"
var n = 5
if let index = s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: n, limitedBy: s.endIndex) {
s.remove(at: index)
print(s) // prints "Hello I must be going"
} else {
print("\(n) is out of range")
While string indices aren't random-access and aren't numbers, you can advance them by a number in order to access the nth character:
var s = "Hello, I must be going"
s.removeAtIndex(advance(s.startIndex, 5))
println(s) // prints "Hello I must be going"
Of course, you should always check the string is at least 5 in length before doing this!
edit: as #MartinR points out, you can use the with-end-index version of advance to avoid the risk of running past the end:
let index = advance(s.startIndex, 5, s.endIndex)
if index != s.endIndex { s.removeAtIndex(index) }
As ever, optionals are your friend:
// find returns index of first match,
// as an optional with nil for no match
if let idx = s.characters.index(of:",") {
// this will only be executed if non-nil,
// idx will be the unwrapped result of find
Swift 3.2
let str = "hello"
let position = 2
let subStr = str.prefix(upTo: str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: position)) + str.suffix(from: str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: (position + 1)))
var hello = "hello world!"
Let's say we want to remove the "w". (It's at the 6th index position.)
First: Create an Index for that position. (I'm making the return type Index explicit; it's not required).
let index:Index = hello.startIndex.advancedBy(6)
Second: Call removeAtIndex() and pass it our just-made index. (Notice it returns the character in question)
let choppedChar:Character = hello.removeAtIndex(index)
print(hello) // prints hello orld!
print(choppedChar) // prints w

Leading zeros for Int in Swift

I'd like to convert an Int in Swift to a String with leading zeros. For example consider this code:
for myInt in 1 ... 3 {
Currently the result of it is:
But I want it to be:
Is there a clean way of doing this within the Swift standard libraries?
Assuming you want a field length of 2 with leading zeros you'd do this:
import Foundation
for myInt in 1 ... 3 {
print(String(format: "%02d", myInt))
This requires import Foundation so technically it is not a part of the Swift language but a capability provided by the Foundation framework. Note that both import UIKit and import Cocoa include Foundation so it isn't necessary to import it again if you've already imported Cocoa or UIKit.
The format string can specify the format of multiple items. For instance, if you are trying to format 3 hours, 15 minutes and 7 seconds into 03:15:07 you could do it like this:
let hours = 3
let minutes = 15
let seconds = 7
print(String(format: "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds))
With Swift 5, you may choose one of the three examples shown below in order to solve your problem.
#1. Using String's init(format:_:) initializer
Foundation provides Swift String a init(format:_:) initializer. init(format:_:) has the following declaration:
init(format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...)
Returns a String object initialized by using a given format string as a template into which the remaining argument values are substituted.
The following Playground code shows how to create a String formatted from Int with at least two integer digits by using init(format:_:):
import Foundation
let string0 = String(format: "%02d", 0) // returns "00"
let string1 = String(format: "%02d", 1) // returns "01"
let string2 = String(format: "%02d", 10) // returns "10"
let string3 = String(format: "%02d", 100) // returns "100"
#2. Using String's init(format:arguments:) initializer
Foundation provides Swift String a init(format:arguments:) initializer. init(format:arguments:) has the following declaration:
init(format: String, arguments: [CVarArg])
Returns a String object initialized by using a given format string as a template into which the remaining argument values are substituted according to the user’s default locale.
The following Playground code shows how to create a String formatted from Int with at least two integer digits by using init(format:arguments:):
import Foundation
let string0 = String(format: "%02d", arguments: [0]) // returns "00"
let string1 = String(format: "%02d", arguments: [1]) // returns "01"
let string2 = String(format: "%02d", arguments: [10]) // returns "10"
let string3 = String(format: "%02d", arguments: [100]) // returns "100"
#3. Using NumberFormatter
Foundation provides NumberFormatter. Apple states about it:
Instances of NSNumberFormatter format the textual representation of cells that contain NSNumber objects and convert textual representations of numeric values into NSNumber objects. The representation encompasses integers, floats, and doubles; floats and doubles can be formatted to a specified decimal position.
The following Playground code shows how to create a NumberFormatter that returns String? from a Int with at least two integer digits:
import Foundation
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.minimumIntegerDigits = 2
let optionalString0 = formatter.string(from: 0) // returns Optional("00")
let optionalString1 = formatter.string(from: 1) // returns Optional("01")
let optionalString2 = formatter.string(from: 10) // returns Optional("10")
let optionalString3 = formatter.string(from: 100) // returns Optional("100")
For left padding add a string extension like this:
Swift 5.0 +
extension String {
func padLeft(totalWidth: Int, with byString: String) -> String {
let toPad = totalWidth - self.count
if toPad < 1 {
return self
return "".padding(toLength: toPad, withPad: byString, startingAt: 0) + self
Using this method:
for myInt in 1...3 {
print("\(myInt)".padLeft(totalWidth: 2, with: "0"))
Swift 3.0+
Left padding String extension similar to padding(toLength:withPad:startingAt:) in Foundation
extension String {
func leftPadding(toLength: Int, withPad: String = " ") -> String {
guard toLength > self.characters.count else { return self }
let padding = String(repeating: withPad, count: toLength - self.characters.count)
return padding + self
let s = String(123)
s.leftPadding(toLength: 8, withPad: "0") // "00000123"
Swift 5
#imanuo answers is already great, but if you are working with an application full of number, you can consider an extension like this:
extension String {
init(withInt int: Int, leadingZeros: Int = 2) {
self.init(format: "%0\(leadingZeros)d", int)
func leadingZeros(_ zeros: Int) -> String {
if let int = Int(self) {
return String(withInt: int, leadingZeros: zeros)
print("Warning: \(self) is not an Int")
return ""
In this way you can call wherever:
String(withInt: 3)
// prints 03
String(withInt: 23, leadingZeros: 4)
// prints 0023
// prints 42
// prints 054
Using Swift 5’s fancy new extendible interpolation:
extension DefaultStringInterpolation {
mutating func appendInterpolation(pad value: Int, toWidth width: Int, using paddingCharacter: Character = "0") {
appendInterpolation(String(format: "%\(paddingCharacter)\(width)d", value))
let pieCount = 3
print("I ate \(pad: pieCount, toWidth: 3, using: "0") pies") // => `I ate 003 pies`
print("I ate \(pad: 1205, toWidth: 3, using: "0") pies") // => `I ate 1205 pies`
in Xcode 8.3.2, iOS 10.3
Thats is good to now
let dayMoveRaw = 5
let dayMove = String(format: "%02d", arguments: [dayMoveRaw])
print(dayMove) // 05
let dayMoveRaw = 55
let dayMove = String(format: "%02d", arguments: [dayMoveRaw])
print(dayMove) // 55
The other answers are good if you are dealing only with numbers using the format string, but this is good when you may have strings that need to be padded (although admittedly a little diffent than the question asked, seems similar in spirit). Also, be careful if the string is longer than the pad.
let str = "a str"
let padAmount = max(10, str.count)
String(repeatElement("-", count: padAmount - str.count)) + str
Output "-----a str"
The below code generates a 3 digits string with 0 padding in front:
import Foundation
var randomInt = Int.random(in: 0..<1000)
var str = String(randomInt)
var paddingZero = String(repeating: "0", count: 3 - str.count)
print(str, str.count, paddingZero + str)
5 1 005
88 2 088
647 3 647
Swift 4* and above you can try this also:
func leftPadding(valueString: String, toLength: Int, withPad: String = " ") -> String {
guard toLength > valueString.count else { return valueString }
let padding = String(repeating: withPad, count: toLength - valueString.count)
return padding + valueString
call the function:
leftPadding(valueString: "12", toLength: 5, withPad: "0")
Xcode 9.0.1, swift 4.0
import Foundation
let array = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
Solution 1
extension Int {
func getString(prefix: Int) -> String {
return "\(prefix)\(self)"
func getString(prefix: String) -> String {
return "\(prefix)\(self)"
for item in array {
print(item.getString(prefix: 0))
for item in array {
print(item.getString(prefix: "0x"))
Solution 2
for item in array {
print(String(repeatElement("0", count: 2)) + "\(item)")
Solution 3
extension String {
func repeate(count: Int, string: String? = nil) -> String {
if count > 1 {
let repeatedString = string ?? self
return repeatedString + repeate(count: count-1, string: repeatedString)
return self
for item in array {
print("0".repeate(count: 3) + "\(item)")
Unlike the other answers that use a formatter, you can also just add an "0" text in front of each number inside of the loop, like this:
for myInt in 1...3 {
println("0" + "\(myInt)")
But formatter is often better when you have to add suppose a designated amount of 0s for each seperate number. If you only need to add one 0, though, then it's really just your pick.

Finding minimum moves required for making 2 strings equal

This is a question from one of the online coding challenge (which has completed).
I just need some logic for this as to how to approach.
Problem Statement:
We have two strings A and B with the same super set of characters. We need to change these strings to obtain two equal strings. In each move we can perform one of the following operations:
1. swap two consecutive characters of a string
2. swap the first and the last characters of a string
A move can be performed on either string.
What is the minimum number of moves that we need in order to obtain two equal strings?
Input Format and Constraints:
The first and the second line of the input contains two strings A and B. It is guaranteed that the superset their characters are equal.
1 <= length(A) = length(B) <= 2000
All the input characters are between 'a' and 'z'
Output Format:
Print the minimum number of moves to the only line of the output
Sample input:
Sample output:
Swap the first and last character of the string aab to convert it to baa. The two strings are now equal.
EDIT : Here is my first try, but I'm getting wrong output. Can someone guide me what is wrong in my approach.
int minStringMoves(char* a, char* b) {
int length, pos, i, j, moves=0;
char *ptr;
length = strlen(a);
for(i=0;i<length;i++) {
// Find the first occurrence of b[i] in a
ptr = strchr(a,b[i]);
pos = ptr - a;
// If its the last element, swap with the first
if(i==0 && pos == length-1) {
swap(&a[0], &a[length-1]);
// Else swap from current index till pos
else {
for(j=pos;j>i;j--) {
// If equal, break
if(strcmp(a,b) == 0)
return moves;
Take a look at this example:
Your solution: 8
aaaaaaaaab -> aaaaaaaaba -> aaaaaaabaa -> aaaaaabaaa -> aaaaabaaaa ->
aaaabaaaaa -> aaabaaaaaa -> aabaaaaaaa -> abaaaaaaaa
Proper solution: 2
aaaaaaaaab -> baaaaaaaaa -> abaaaaaaaa
You should check if swapping in the other direction would give you better result.
But sometimes you will also ruin the previous part of the string. eg:
caaaaaaaab -> baaaaaaaac -> abaaaaaaac
You need another swap here to put back the 'c' to the first place.
The proper algorithm is probably even more complex, but you can see now what's wrong in your solution.
The A* algorithm might work for this problem.
The initial node will be the original string.
The goal node will be the target string.
Each child of a node will be all possible transformations of that string.
The current cost g(x) is simply the number of transformations thus far.
The heuristic h(x) is half the number of characters in the wrong position.
Since h(x) is admissible (because a single transformation can't put more than 2 characters in their correct positions), the path to the target string will give the least number of transformations possible.
However, an elementary implementation will likely be too slow. Calculating all possible transformations of a string would be rather expensive.
Note that there's a lot of similarity between a node's siblings (its parent's children) and its children. So you may be able to just calculate all transformations of the original string and, from there, simply copy and recalculate data involving changed characters.
You can use dynamic programming. Go over all swap possibilities while storing all the intermediate results along with the minimal number of steps that took you to get there. Actually, you are going to calculate the minimum number of steps for every possible target string that can be obtained by applying given rules for a number times. Once you calculate it all, you can print the minimum number of steps, which is needed to take you to the target string. Here's the sample code in JavaScript, and its usage for "aab" and "baa" examples:
function swap(str, i, j) {
var s = str.split("");
s[i] = str[j];
s[j] = str[i];
return s.join("");
function calcMinimumSteps(current, stepsCount)
if (typeof(memory[current]) !== "undefined") {
if (memory[current] > stepsCount) {
memory[current] = stepsCount;
} else if (memory[current] < stepsCount) {
stepsCount = memory[current];
} else {
memory[current] = stepsCount;
calcMinimumSteps(swap(current, 0, current.length-1), stepsCount+1);
for (var i = 0; i < current.length - 1; ++i) {
calcMinimumSteps(swap(current, i, i + 1), stepsCount+1);
var memory = {};
calcMinimumSteps("aab", 0);
alert("Minimum steps count: " + memory["baa"]);
Here is the ruby logic for this problem, copy this code in to rb file and execute.
str1 = "education" #Sample first string
str2 = "cnatdeiou" #Sample second string
moves_count = 0
no_swap = 0
count = str1.length - 1
def ends_swap(str1,str2)
str2 = swap_strings(str2,str2.length-1,0)
return str2
def swap_strings(str2,cp,np)
current_string = str2[cp]
new_string = str2[np]
str2[cp] = new_string
str2[np] = current_string
return str2
def consecutive_swap(str,current_position, target_position)
diff = current_position > target_position ? -1 : 1
while current_position!=target_position
new_position = current_position + diff
str = swap_strings(str,current_position,new_position)
# p "-------"
# p "CP: #{current_position} NP: #{new_position} TP: #{target_position} String: #{str}"
return counter,str
while(str1 != str2 && count!=0)
counter = 1
if str1[-1]==str2[0]
# p "cross match"
str2 = ends_swap(str1,str2)
# p "No match for #{str2}-- Count: #{count}, TC: #{str1[count]}, CP: #{str2.index(str1[count])}"
str = str2[0..count]
cp = str.rindex(str1[count])
tp = count
counter, str2 = consecutive_swap(str2,cp,tp)
# p "Step: #{moves_count}"
# p str2
p "Total moves: #{moves_count}"
Please feel free to suggest any improvements in this code.
Try this code. Hope this will help you.
public class TwoStringIdentical {
static int lcs(String str1, String str2, int m, int n) {
int L[][] = new int[m + 1][n + 1];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
if (i == 0 || j == 0)
L[i][j] = 0;
else if (str1.charAt(i - 1) == str2.charAt(j - 1))
L[i][j] = L[i - 1][j - 1] + 1;
L[i][j] = Math.max(L[i - 1][j], L[i][j - 1]);
return L[m][n];
static void printMinTransformation(String str1, String str2) {
int m = str1.length();
int n = str2.length();
int len = lcs(str1, str2, m, n);
System.out.println((m - len)+(n - len));
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
String str1 = scan.nextLine();
String str2 = scan.nextLine();
printMinTransformation("asdfg", "sdfg");

String Matching: Matching words with or without spaces

I want to find a way by which I can map "b m w" to "bmw" and "ali baba" to "alibaba" in both the following examples.
"b m w shops" and "bmw"
I need to determine whether I can write "b m w" as "bmw"
I thought of this approach:
remove spaces from the original string. This gives "bmwshops". And now find the Largest common substring in "bmwshop" and "bmw".
Second example:
"ali baba and 40 thieves" and "alibaba and 40 thieves"
The above approach does not work in this case.
Is there any standard algorithm that could be used?
It sounds like you're asking this question: "How do I determine if string A can be made equal to string B by removing (some) spaces?".
What you can do is iterate over both strings, advancing within both whenever they have the same character, otherwise advancing along the first when it has a space, and returning false otherwise. Like this:
static bool IsEqualToAfterRemovingSpacesFromOne(this string a, string b) {
return a.IsEqualToAfterRemovingSpacesFromFirst(b)
|| b.IsEqualToAfterRemovingSpacesFromFirst(a);
static bool IsEqualToAfterRemovingSpacesFromFirst(this string a, string b) {
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
while (i < a.Length && j < b.Length) {
if (a[i] == b[j]) {
i += 1
j += 1
} else if (a[i] == ' ') {
i += 1;
} else {
return false;
return i == a.Length && j == b.Length;
The above is just an ever-so-slightly modified string comparison. If you want to extend this to 'largest common substring', then take a largest common substring algorithm and do the same sort of thing: whenever you would have failed due to a space in the first string, just skip past it.
Did you look at Suffix Array - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffix_array
or Here from Jon Bentley - Programming Pearl
Note : you have to write code to handle spaces.
