I have an API route and looking to make it more dynamic - node.js

My route is defined as
.get(function(req, res) {
var entity = req.params['0'];
var field = req.params['1'];
var params = req.params['2'];
Is there a way to make it more dynamic? Say I only want to send 2 parameters or just call /api, or even pass 4 parameters?
Is there a way to make my route definition more open to that without explicitly defining the number of * in the route?

You can do something like below:
app.get('/api/*', function(req, res) {
var paths = req.params[0].split('/');
//use paths
e.g for a url like '/api/a/b/c', paths will be ['a', 'b', 'c'].


Choosing between 2 middleware in express

Hello i am creating a validation middleware but the problem is i have 2 types to the same endpoint so i created two schema for each.
All i want to do is when type is somthing pass through middleware_a esle return middleware_b
here is my idea but its not working
const middlewareStrategy = (req,res,next) => {
if(req.params.type === "Something"){
return custom_middleware(schemas.A_body);
return custom_middleware(schemas.B_body);};
A_Body here is just validation schema.
It's a bit hard to tell eactly what you're trying to do because you don't show the actual middleware code, but you can dynamically select a middleware a couple of different ways.
Dynamically call the desired processing function
const middlewareStrategy = (req,res,next) => {
const schema = req.params.type === "Something" ? schemas.A_body : schemas.B_body;
bodyStrategy(schema, req, res, next);
In this middleware, you're dynamically calling a bodyStrategy function that takes the schema and res, res, next so it can act as middleware, but will know the schema.
Create a middleware that sets the schema on the req object
const middlewareStrategy = (req,res,next) => {
req.schema = req.params.type === "Something" ? schemas.A_body : schemas.B_body;
Then, use it like this:
// this sets req.schema to be used by later middleware
Then, you can use another middleware that expects to find the req.schema property to do its job:
// this middleware uses req.schema
If this isn't exactly what you were looking for, then please include the code of your actual middleware so we can see what we're really aiming for.

Complex NodeJS / Express REGEX routing

I'm trying to create a NodeJS Express API (route) which has the following characteristics:
It has a base path, in my case it is /web/views. This part is a static value and doesn't change for as long as the server is up.
I can do this as follows:
const BASE = '/web/views'; // defined externally/elsewhere
app.get(BASE, function handleRequest(req, res) {
// handle API request...
Next, I expect to be provided with a resource. Given the name of this resource, I locate a file and send it to the client.
I can do this as follows:
app.get(BASE + '/:resource', function handleRequest(req, res) {
var resource = req.params.resource;
// handle API request...
So on the client, I invoke it this way:
GET /web/views/header
All of this works so far... but my problem is that my 'resource' can actually be a path in itself, such as:
GET /web/views/menu/dashboard
or a longer path, such as:
GET /web/views/some/long/path/to/my/xyz
I was using the following REGEX mapping:
const DEFAULT_REGEX = '/(\*/)?:resource';
or more precisely:
app.get(BASE + DEFAULT_REGEX, function handleRequest(req, res) {
var resource = req.params.resource;
// handle API request...
This works with an arbitrary length path between my BASE value and the :resource identifier, but the problem is that my resource variable only has
the xyz portion of the path and not the full path (ie: /some/long/path/to/my/xyz).
I could simply cheat and strip the leading BASE from the req.url, but I though there would be a REGEX rule for it.
If anyone knows how to do such advanced REGEX routing, I'd appreciate it.
Sure, so I think the easiest way is to simply not worry about using Regex, but instead just use a wildcard. You lose the cool params name, but otherwise it works as you're looking for. For example:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
const BASE = '/web/views'
app.get(`${BASE}/*`, (req, res) => {
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`))
If you hit http://localhost:3000/web/views/path/to/my/resource, in my example the response content will be /web/views/path/to/my/resource, so from there it's some simple string manipulation to pull the bit you want:
let resource = req.url.split('/web/views')[1];
// resource will equal /path/to/my/resource if the above URL is used
Of course you could get fancier with your string parsing to check for errors and such, but you get the idea.
You could even setup a middleware to get that resource piece for other handlers to work from:
app.use(`${BASE}/*`, (req, res, next) => {
const resource = req.url.split(BASE)[1];
req.resource = resource;
Then all subsequent routes will have access to req.resource.

Express.js unique var per request outside routing

In my express application I have a module called helpers thats is required in almost all my routes and modules. This module has a logger method that logs to fluentd (but that's unimportant). While building the data to log I'd like to add a unique identifier of the request, so that all the logs written for the same request have the same unique ID. Using a global var in the app entry point app.use doesn't work because this var would be overwritten every time a new request hits, so the global uuid will change would obviously change in case of high load or long running tasks. The res.locals is not available outside routing, so I can't use it for this matter. Is there a way to create a var that would be unique per request and available in every module or maybe a way to access the res.locals data outside routing? Thank you
Maybe an example will help understand better the question.
Suppose I have a module called helpers.js like this:
let helpers = {};
helpers.log = (logData, logName) => {
fluentLogger.emit('', {
name: logName,
//uuid: the needed uuid,
message: logData
module.exports = helpers;
Now obviously I can do this in my app.js entry point:
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
res.locals.uuid = uuid.v4();
and then in every loaded middleware module that requires helpers(adding a new param to the helpers.log method):
const helpers = require('helpers');
router.post('/', (req, res, next) => {
helpers.log('my log message', 'myLogName', res.locals.uuid);
and this will normally work. But suppose a big or middle size project where there are hundreds of custom modules and models (not middlewares) and a module may require other modules that require other modules that require finally the helpers module. In this case I should pass the res.locals.uuid as a parameter to every method of every method so that I have it available in the logger method. Not a very good idea. Suppose I have a new module called dbmodel.js that is required in a middleware function:
const helpers = require('helpers');
let dbmodel = {};
dbmodel.getSomeData = (someParam) => {
//some logic
helpers.log('my log message', 'myLogName');
module.exports = dbmodel;
The dbmodel has no idea about the res.locals data if I don't pass it from the middleware, so the helpers.log method will also have no idea about this.
In PHP one would normally write a GLOBAL var in the application's entry point so a hypothetical logger function would have access to this global on every method request from whichever class of the application.
Hope this explanation will help :) Thank you
The solution for this kind of problems is CLS. Thanks to #robertklep for the hint. A good slideshare explaining exactly the same problem (logger with unique ID) and explaining the CLS solutions can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/isharabash/cls-and-asynclistener
I answered a very similar question here which will solve this problem.
I used to solve the problem the libraries node-uuid and continuation-local-storage. Take a look to the answer of this question and see if it helps:
NodeJS Express - Global Unique Request Id
And you want a bigger explanation, take a look here:
Express.js: Logging info with global unique request ID – Node.js
Yes you can do so by one method .
Every request comes to his routes pass that request inside the middleware.
Suppose you have
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(public + "index.html"));
a request.
Place Middleware in it .and edit req field coming , in this way you will get the unique variable values for each request
check out this .
Like this
var requestTime = function (req, res, next) {
req.requestTime = Date.now()
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
var responseText = 'Hello World!<br>'
responseText += '<small>Requested at: ' + req.requestTime + '</small>'
Here req.requestTime is unique for each request.

Simulate File Structure in URL

I have content with a hierarchical structure which is stored in a database. I want to have the URL reflect the path to the current element. E.g. if I wanted to represent a database of animals, I might want a URL to be: animals.com/kingdom/phylum/class/order/family/genus which would show a list of species in that genus.
How can I accept requests to a URL matching that format, parse it, and show the appropriate page?
If you want to do it yourself rather than use a framework, you can use url.parse() to extract the path from a url, and then use split() to create an array from the path element.
var url = require('url');
var myUrl = "http://animals.com/kingdom/phylum/class/order/family/genus";
var myPath = url.parse(myUrl).path;
var elements = myPath.substr(1).split('/');
console.log(elements); // [ 'kingdom', 'phylum', 'class', 'order', 'family', 'genus' ]
You might consider using a framework like Express that offers robust routing options for this stuff. For example, in Express, you could do something like this:
app.get('/animal/:kingdom/:phylum/:class', function (req, res, next) {
console.log('Kingdom: ', req.params.kingdom);
console.log('Phylum: ', req.params.phylum);
console.log('Class: ', req.params.class);
res.send('Hello animal, lover!');

Global variable across all controllers in Node JS

I am trying to have a variable which can be accessible by all controllers in my node project. Currently in one controller I have:
var ua = req.headers['user-agent'];
var isMobile = "no";
It's pointless to copy past all of this for all my controllers and pass the isMobile variable to the view. I'd like to get the value of isMobile set once, and then pass it wherever I want from my controllers.
Is there an easy way to do this rather than have those 4 lines of code copy pasted in every controller?
You'll want to use a Sails policy for this:
// /api/policies/isMobile.js
module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
var ua = req.headers['user-agent'];
req.isMobile = /mobile/i.test(ua);
// /config/policies.js
module.exports.policies = {
'*': 'isMobile'
This will run the code before every controller action, and give you access to the req.isMobile var in all of your custom controller code.
A truly global variable isn't particularly an option as any concurrency above 1 will likely result in unexpected behavior. Being that it is something particular to the unique request itself, the req object is likely your best bet.
Assuming you have access to the req object everywhere that you would like to utilize use this flag, you can simply add a property to the req object at any point (preferably early in the request/response cycle). After this property is added, it should be available everywhere that has access to req.
req.isMobile = /mobile/i.test(req.headers['user-agent']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
Or if there is a concept like middleware in express for sails
function isMobile(req, res, next) {
req.isMobile = /mobile/i.test(req.headers['user-agent']) ? 'yes' : 'no';
