Why we cant use arithmetic mean when in planning poker? [closed] - agile

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Why so? I really can't understand that. Why we can only select from numbers proposed by players?

The numbers used are spaced far apart on purpose (typically from the Fibonacci sequence). If you get numbers from all across the board from 1 to 23, you're supposed to ask why the person who voted 1 gave it such a low score ("Did you think about testing and deployment? What about these other acceptance criteria?") and why the person who voted 23 gave it such a high score ("Are you aware we already have an existing code base? Did you know that Karen knows a lot about this and can pair up with you?") and then re-vote. If you're really stuck because half the team says 8 and the other half says 13, you can take the 13 and move on with your lives.
The extra precision isn't necessary when your accuracy is not great. My team goes for even less precision and buckets stories into "small" (one person can do a bunch in an iteration), "medium" (one person can handle a few of these), "large" (one person a week or more), and "extra large" (too big and needs to be split).

You can do what you want to do. However, the thought about choosing the exact numbers that are proposed is that with growing numbers, you cannot estimate small details reliably. That's why with growing numbers, the gaps between numbers become larger.
Once you start giving detailed numbers (like one estimating 8 and the next 13, chosing 11 as a mean) people assume this actually is a detailed estimation. It's not. The method is meant to be a rough guess.

Behind the idea that people should agree on one number is that everybody should have the same understand of the story.
If people pick very different numbers they have a different understanding how much work needed to complete the story or how difficult it will be. The different numbers should start discussions then and finally lead to a shared view of the story.

You should think to numbers as symbols with none arithmetic meaning, except for a (partially) ordered relation, because they are estimates (of effort need to do done a user story).
If you use math to model an estimate you should provide a way:
to represent certainty
to represent uncertainty
to operate with that representations
to define an average as a function of certainty and uncertainty
If you use some kind of average which operates on estimates modeled as single numbers you are supposing that certainty and uncertainty can be handle in the same way, and I guess it's a bad assumption.
I think that the spirit of planning poker session is achiving a team-shared estimates by a discussion among human being and not using arithmetic on human being estimates.


Framework for minimizing time complexity of generalized search

I have training in pure math but not in statistics, computer science, and information theory so I am a bit lost here and would really appreciate any guidance.
I am looking for some helpful ways to frame a general search approach which would minimize the time complexity of the search.
For example, let's say I was playing a modified version of 20-questions with a friend. The friend has thought of a human, presently alive in the US, and I can ask upto 20 questions to uncover the truth. I want to ask as few questions as possible on average to win the game. We will play this game repeatedly and I want to develop a strategy that would minimize my average win time (as measured by the number of questions asked).
Sample Space: 329.5 million humans currently alive in the US
Rule: Ask any question. The question can have yes or no answer or even a descriptive answer. So for instance, it is allowed to ask the first name of the person.
Intuitively, it seems to me that immediately (as a first quesiton) asking a question like "Is it Barack Obama?" is a terrible question because it splits the sample space (or search space) into two sets, one with 1 person, namely the former US President, and the second containing rest of the US population.
Asking, what is their sex (or old school gender) may be a better question as it will split the yes and no answers into sets of roughly equal sizes.
Instead of asking a binary question, asking an n-ary question is likely better because it will split the sample space into n sub-spaces of varying sizes and if the sizes are similar then that's fantastic. For instance, the question could be, what is the first letter of their last name? There are 26 possible answers, although we know that people in the US are much more likely to have their last name begin with "J" rather than "X".
Of course, I can conceivably ask a 329.5 million-ary question whereby I'll have the answer in one-shot.
My questions for you guys are as follows:
If we fix "n", so asking only binary or ternary or fixed-n-ary questions, it seems to me that the efficient approach would be to ask questions which would divide the sample space into "n" roughly equal parts, if I am minimizing time complexity. How can I prove this? What is the right approach or mathematical fraemwork to prove this? Assuming that I am only minimizing time complexity or the average number of questions I need to ask to get to the solution.
If we don't fix "n" then what would be a general way to frame this mathematically? Now I have two variables over which I am operating, "n" and "the relative size of subsets the answer to a n-ary question splits the sample space", to minimize the time complexity. How can I frame this problem mathematically?
Is my intuition even correct? Or are there faster ways to approach this?
What I am describing sounds an awful lot like a Classificaiton Decision Tree in Machine Learning. Is minimzing Entorpy the right way to frame my question?
Who would know or think about this type of stuff ? Information theorists? Computer Scientists? Statisticians? Probability Theorists? Machine Learning folks? Someone else?
What's the right forum on the internet to get help on this question? Reddit? Some specific stackexchange? Anything else?

Agile/XP estimating [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Im the context of pair-programming ...how do you estimate? A 5 point story ...split in to 3 tasks...each task being swarmed by 2 members. Does it mean it mean it is finishable in half the time?
You estimate using points. The number of points achievable by a pair is called velocity. Check this: http://en.wikipedia.org/Planning_poker
I always stress story sizing over estimating. If you can minimize the variation in size between stories, then estimates become much less interesting. That is, estimation activities lose their value when the difference in size between any two stories is small, which helps fast teams recoup the cost of estimation and put it toward something productive (like building product).
With that in mind, I would suggest proactively pruning the backlog and splitting five point stories into smaller ones (still thin vertical slices) whenever possible. Until your team is experienced, I'd suggest you continue to have estimation parties, but prompt a default estimate of 1 point to each card, with a quick consensus check or discussion as to why any justify a bump to a 2 or 3. For anything that's clearly bigger than a 3, I'd suggest challenging that one of two problems is present: the baseline value of "1" is too small or the story should be split (either made more specific or tracked as an epic).
As the team establishes a decent velocity, the activity can hopefully shift its mindset from estimation to mere story vetting. That is, the question during planning of "how big is this story?" becomes "is this story abnormal?" The latter question takes significantly less time to answer.
Most Agile methodologies suggest that you should estimate in points. However, there are many successful teams out there - including several advanced and highly productive Kanban teams - who estimate in hours. Points come with their own games, perverse incentives and problems. YMMV. Anyway...
I've heard figures of 25% more dev-hours for a pair completing a task. So, the task would be finished in 62.5% of the time, using two developers instead of one. However, the quality of and knowledge-sharing often increases too. Since bugs = rework and rework takes longer than doing it the right way the first time, pair-programming usually pays for itself. This differs for different tasks and levels of skill, eg: simple bug fixes, novice programmers, etc.
In my experience 2/3 of the time is a pretty good ballpark figure. It's longer than 1/2 but less than it would be with just 1 person.
Sallyann Freudenberg is a good name to look up regarding pair programming research. You could also check out the refs on the Wikipedia page:
The figure is mostly borne out by the data in this report by Alistair Cockburn and Laurie Williams: http://collaboration.csc.ncsu.edu/laurie/Papers/XPSardinia.PDF
Pair estimates how long it is going to take them. Any estimate is based on experience - the longer experience team has with the project, with technology and with working together in pairs the better the estimates will be. Any arbitrary percentages like add 25% for pairs etc. are of any use only at the very beginning - with new project and new team on new technology - where you have nothing else to base estimation on yet. As soon as experience starts building the estimates will improve.
Remember though, that they are just this - estimates, that is our best guess of the future derived with the help of experience and knowledge from our understanding of the present. It's like weather forecast - the more data we have, the more experience forecasters have the better it is, but it is just a prediction, not reality.
Which is why points are so great, because they help you estimate one parameter you can - how "big" the tasks at hand are.
1) A simple, concrete way to think about estimating units is the number of check-ins it would take to complete the story.
If you're doing TDD, continuous integration and refactoring you'll be working in small, chunks of work, keeping the build green and checking in regularly so under those conditions single check-ins can be a meaningful unit of estimation.
2) Alternatively, think about blocks of uninterrupted pairing time in a day e.g. after stand-up to coffee break, after coffee break to lunch, after lunch to mid-afternoon break, mid-afternoon to going home time - say 4 periods a day.... so say 4 units is a single day. That gives you a bound on what you could expect to do in an interation...
Personally I go for the number of check-ins, because I can sketch out roughly the tasks involved and get an idea of check-in numbers.
The great thing about number of check-ins is that it doesn't matter if you're pairing or not - you're just tracking what you can get done.

Scrum and Story Points - why ideal man-days not ideal man-hours? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am used to thinking about time estimates in the way suggested by Joel Spolsky - that if a scheduled item takes more than 16 hours, it should be divided into smaller tasks. Now, I am implementing Scrum in my team together with Story Points based estimations. It seems to me that a good unit for a Story Point would be ideal man-hour, not man-day. If I used days, most of my issues would have estimates 1/2 or 1.
Do you have any idea, why the use of ideal man-days is mentioned most often in the Scrum literature?
It seems to me that a good unit for a Story Point would be ideal man-hour, not man-day.
This phrase sounds really, really strange, and not true. Where did you read that there is a correlation between Story Points and ideal man-day? Ideal man-days were maybe used in the early days of Scrum but, to me, Story Points (SPs) are a different thing...
Story Points are a way to to quantify the relative effort associated with a particular Product Backlog Item (PBI) which is composed of multiple tasks. Some teams use numeric sizing (i.e. a scale of 1 to 10) to estimate the "size" of a PBI, others use t-shirt sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL), some use the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc). And by the way, did you notice that SP are unit-less?
If I used days, most of my issues would have estimates 1/2 or 1.
So what? That would just mean that you have small PBIs, which is not a bad thing (at least not for the most important one). But don't forget that there are theoretically two level of estimation in Scrum: the Product Backlog level, in points, and the Sprint Backlog level, in hours. As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, PBI are composed of tasks and they should be split into tasks during the second part of the Sprint Planning Meeting. And tasks are then estimated in hours and the 16h rule applies here: a task should not exceed 16h. If it does, it is too big and should be split into smaller tasks (because we are too bad at estimating big things).
Do you have any idea, why the use of ideal man-days is mentioned most often in the Scrum literature?
This is outdated anyway. Things might change in the future but the current consensus is to estimate in unit-less points. Points are entirely decorrelated from any time unit and this is intentional to avoid any mapping with real world unit, work capacity should be measured with the velocity (the amount of points a team can achieve in one iteration).
Estimating at the hour level is too fine-grained. It also will tend to drive to over micro-management, which is somewhat antithetical to agile principles.
If I have four tasks, each estimated at a half day, I can be relatively confident that in two days I'll have a good handle on them.
But 16 1-hour tasks? I have much less confidence in those being done in the same period of time, as any one of the tasks is subject to way too much variability.
The purpose of story points and the estimating game in general is to effectively judge velocity over several sprints.
So it doesn't actually matter what units are used to estimate, so long as everyone on the team estimates in the same way, and the same units are used at each estimation session.
It's also very important to make sure that different teams don't try to correlate their story points. What I think of as a story point won't necessarily be what yours is.
So - I can't provide an answer other than "go with what seems appropriate".
Googling for "scrum ideal man hour" gives 6500 results while "scrum ideal man day" gives 10000 results. Not that big a difference. I haven't noticed a bias towards either in the literature.
Nothing really valuable rarely gets done in less than half a day (min. task duration) or even a week (min. sprint duration).
Estimating in hours can give a false sense of accuracy. Even though 5 ideal man hours is precise, it's probably not any more accurate than 0.5 ideal man days.
Ideal man units also convey the notion of mapping to real world similar units such as hours or days. The mapping is rarely straightforward. That's why many agilists prefer unitless story points as a task size measure. Team velocity metric then does the mapping from abstract size estimates to real world time.
If you're following proper Agile practices, with full unit test coverage and the red-green-refactor cycle, there are a vanishingly small number of meaningful tasks which will take less than half a day. Also, using days counteracts the developers' tendency to underestimate the time required for a task. And of course, it's better to over-estimate times and over-deliver than to under-estimate and under-deliver.
I don't know but I'm prepared to speculate that this is because the "standard" scrum length is 30 days. If you're planning to do work in blocks of 30 days then you're going to need coarser units of measurement than if you had a sprint length of 1 or 2 weeks.
Most of the scrum implementations I've seen have spring lengths of 1 or 2 weeks - so counting "ideal hours" is more useful because the relative task sizes are smaller.
As far as a relative measure of effort is concerned and assuming you're using scrum to develop software I'd count the number of separate source code commits you could make if you developed each task cleanly and use that as a measure.

with agile estimating, is it true some say to choose intervals like 1/2 to 1.5 days only? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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with agile estimating, is it true some say to choose intervals like 1/2 to 1.5 days only?
It tends to be a good rule of thumb (agile or not) that your tasks should be broken down into at most 1 - 2 day increments.
The idea is that if you have larger chunks than that then you haven't broken the task down enough and you will more likely miss the estimate and miss it by larger amounts of time than had you broke it down. Often when you break it down you discover your initial estimate was off and since you have broken the task down into more concrete tasks your estimate is now more accurate, more trackable and meaningful.
For tasks that are coming up on your to do list soon you should pay attention to this but for long range planning where you haven't necessarily thought out the feature in detail I think larger estimates / tasks not broken out for the feature is OK.
Here's a link to Joel Spolsky talking about this. Take a look at item #5 about half way down the page.
In my experience, any estimate that's longer than 2 days is probably hiding serious work that should be broken down further. Such estimates have a very high probability of going over. Try to break everything down into smaller chunks so that no individual chunk costs more than 1-2 days.
There are advantages to keeping the estimates short. It forces you to break up large tasks into small, discrete tasks that can be measured and discussed quickly, which helps promote the entire Agile development process.
That being said, I almost never keep a "rule" as a hard and fast rule with things like this. I'd say this is a good guideline, however.
My team consists of junior programmers (university students) and we've found that it's generally easier if we break all the large tasks down into a bunch of smaller ones. It involves more forward-thinking but in the end we are more productive and can it's easier to evaluate our progress. It also brings a sense of achievement when you have something completed at the end of the day.
I would agree with that guideline. Anytime I have ever taken on a 5 day task, it has degenerated to a three week nightmare. Large estimates indicate you didn't learn enough about the problem up front to know what is involved, because if you had, you could have found ways to break it up better.
I don't agree. If a team's iterations are two week long, the 10 days mean that 1 day would be spent for iteration close (show & tell), iteration planning and tasking or planning poker.
When playing planning poker, a team either geometric or Fibonacci progressions for estimates. For example, cards would contain values such as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. Each number reflects the number of days of development for a pair of programmers.
For each card, once discussion has occurred, each member simultaneously plays the card that reflects their estimate. If the majority of the team converges on the same estimate, the estimate is accepted. If there is much variation in the estimates, further discussion occurs (members explain the reason for their estimates) and another round of voting takes place. This occurs until consensus is reached.
If a number greater than 8 is picked, then the card is deemed to be too big and the card is refactored into at least 2 smaller cards. The reason being is that such a large estimate indicates the card is too big to be completed in a single iteration and any estimate is very likely to be inaccurate.
Using such a method brings commitment from the team members to delivery all they have committed to and for a new team the estimate become so accurate that carry over of cards soon become a low risk.
A very good post about agile estimation and planning you can find on the blog of agile42: Just enough, just in time
A lot of good answers here, so I'll play devil's advocate and approach it from a different side.
There's a possible problem with breaking down things into very small estimates (# of hours) when doing things such as release planning. David Anderson discusses it in his (excellent) book Agile Management for Software Engineering.
Basically, the idea is that with a task that is very small, a developer will pad his estimate by a fair bit (say, turning a half hour into an hour, or doubling it) because of a certain amount of ego that would be bruised if the developer failed to complete such a small task in the estimated time. These local buffers add up quite a bit and result in a global buffer that's far bigger than it needs to be.
This is less of a problem if you stick with .5 days as a min - it's basically assumed that there's some buffer in there, so you won't need to pad it any more.
I feel there is a bit of mix of information and overlapping in this thread... allow me to make my point :-)
1) The Fibonacci sequence, that is very much use through the Planning Poker technique from Mike Cohn, is about estimating "Complexity" of User Stories, which are - as Cam said - normally written on cards, and entail more than one task, at least all of those which will be needed to make a Story shippable (Ken Schwaber, Alistar Cockburn, Mike Cohn...)
2) The tasks that are included to complete a Story, are normally estimated in Ideal Hours or Pomodori (Francesco Cirillo, "The Pomodoro technique"). If you estimate in Ideal Hours normally the rule of thumb is to keep them between 1/2 day (3 ideal hours) and 2 days (12 ideal hours) of work. The reason for this is that doing so the team will have more qualitative status information by having at least every two days a team member reporting a Task as done, which is much more "valuable" than a 60% done. If you use Pomodori they are implicitly "timeboxed" to 25 min. each
The reason to keep tasks small comes basically from the "Empirical Process Control Theory" for which through transparency and regular inspection & adaption, you can better check the progress of your work, by quantifying it. The goal of having smaller tasks is to be able to clearly describe and envision in details what will be actually done, without adding too much of "guessing" given to the natural uncertainty deriving from having to predict "the future". Moreover defining an outcome and a shorter timebox allow people to keep the focus with enough "sense of urgency" to make it a challenging and motivating experience.
I would also catch up the point of the "motivation" and "ego" - from Chris - by adding that a good way to have people committed and motivated is to define the expected outcome of a task, so to be able to measure the results upon completion, and celebrate the success. This idea is encapsulated in the Pomodoro Technique, but can be achieved also using ideal hours for estimation. Another interesting part of the Pomodoro Technique is that "breaks" are considered "First Class Citizens" and planned regularly, which is very important especially in creative and brain intensive activities :-)
What do you think?

How to change to use Story Points for estimations in Scrum [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Having used "days" as the unit for estimation of tasks in Scrum I find it hard to change to using Story Points. I believe story points should be used as they are more comparable to each other - being less dependent on the qualifications of whoever addresses the task etc. However, it isn't easy to make a team start using Story Points when they're used to estimating in days.
So, how to make a team change to Story Points? What should motivate the team members to do so, and how should we apply the switch?
When I switched to points, I decided to it only if I could meet the two following points; 1) find and argument that justify the switch and that will convince the team 2) Find an easy method to use it.
It took me a lot of reading on the subject but a finally found the argument that convinced me and my team: It’s nearly impossible to find two programmers that will agree on the time a task will take but the same two programmers will almost always agree on which task is the biggest when shown two different tasks.
This is the only skill you need to ‘estimate’ your backlog. Here I use the word ‘estimate’ but at this early stage it’s more like ordering the backlog from tough to easy.
Putting Points in the Backlog
This step is done with the participation of the entire scrum team.
Start dropping the stories one by one in a new spreadsheet while keeping the following order: the biggest story at the top and the smallest at the bottom. Do that until all the stories are in the list.
Now it’s time to put points on those stories. Personally I use the Poker Planning Scale (1/2,1,2,3,5,8,13,20,40,100) so this is what I will use for this example. At the bottom of that list you’ll probably have micro tasks (things that takes 4 hours or less to do). Give to every micro tasks the value of 1/2. Then continue up the list by giving the value 1 (next in the scale) to the stories until it is clear that a story is much bigger (2 instead of 1, so twice bigger). Now using the value '2', continue up the list until you find a story that should clearly have a 3 instead of a 2. Continue this process all the way to the top of the list.
NOTE: Try to keep the vast majority of the points between 1 and 13. The first time you might have a bunch of big stories (20, 40 and 100) and you’ll have to brake them down into chunks smaller or equal to 13.
That is it for the points and the original backlog. If you ever have a new story, compare it to that list to see where it fits (bigger/smaller process) and give it the value of its neighbors.
Velocity & Estimation
To estimate how long it will take you to go through that backlog, do the first sprint planning. Make the total of the points attached to the stories the teams picked and VOILA!, that’s your first velocity measure. You can then divide the total of points in the backlog by that velocity, to know how many sprints will be needed.
That velocity will change and settle in the first 2-3 sprints so it's always good to keep an eye on that value
If you want to change to using story points instead of duration, you just got to start estimating in story points. (I'm assuming here you have the authority to make that decision for your team.)
Pick a scale, could be small, medium, large could be fibonacci sequence, could be 1 to 5, whatever pick one and use it for several sprints this will give you your velocity. If you start changing the scale from one to the other then velocity between scales is not going to be comparable (ie dont do it). These estimates should involve all your Scrum team.
Having said that you still need an idea of how much this is going to cost you. There arent many accountants who will accept the answer "I'll tell you how much this is going to cost in 6 months". So you still need to estimate the project in duration as well, this will give you the cost. This estimate is probably going to be done by a senior person on the team
Then every month your velocity will tell you and the accountants how accurate that first cost estimate was and you can adapt accordingly.
Start by making one day equal one point (or some strict ratio). It is a good way to get started. After a couple of sprints you can start encouraging them to use more relative points (ie. how big is this compared to that thing).
The problem is that story points define effort.
Days are duration.
The two have an almost random relationship. duration = f ( effort ). That function is based on the skill of the person actually doing the work.
A person knows how long they will take to do the work. That's duration. In days.
They don't know this abstract 'effort' thing. They don't know how long a hypothetical person of average skills will require to do it.
The best you can do is both -- story points (effort) and days (duration).
You can't replace one with the other. If you try to use only effort, then you'll eventually need to get to days for planning purposes. You'll have to apply a person to the story points and compute a duration from the effort.
