Syntax Coloring for Haskell? - haskell

I started using Haskell today and am following the tutorial through However, in the tutorial all of their syntax automatically gets colored in the terminal. I am using Command Prompt through ConEmu and was wondering if there was any way that I could also get this coloring (easily). I've been looking for downloads or suggestions online and couldn't find anything. I have Notepadd++ for when I want to make .hs files, but nothing for the terminal itself once I initialize ghci.

I would suggest using Emacs with haskell-mode. I'm a Emacs fan, and I just started exploring Haskell too, haskell-mode works perfectly. I don't know if there is something like this for Notepad++.
Here is full list of editors that support Haskell highlighting. As for terminal colouring, I doubt that it will be easy on Windows (you're on windows, right?), you need an IDE.


Is there a way to make the Liningen REPL show a log of the vim+fireplace interactions?

I have been working with Clojure, VIM, fireplace, and Leiningen REPL and I'm starting to get somewhat productive with it.
However, I was wondering if there is a way for the results of evaluation (from VIM, ccp for example) to show up in the Leiningen REPL console as well instead of just in the output section of the of VIM screen (bottom). I'd like to see a log of all of the interactions with the REPL.
I also use VisualStudio and F# and I was looking for something similar to the F# Output Window concept.
You are probably looking for vim-slime plugin.
I hope this blog post can help.

*nix Shell Editor for Eclipse

Had a quick look, but I can't find a good (any?) shell (sh, ksh, csh) editors for eclipse.
I've been doing a lot of editing of *.csh files recently, and it is bugging me having eclipse open them in the system default editor. I've changed that behaviour to be the default text editor in eclipse, but obviously there is no syntax highlighting.
I was initially just looking solely for some syntax highlighting, but have noticed while searching that there are entire plugins devoted to different file type development? Not sure what these provide though.
I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, but basically just a bit of colour.
Although I haven't used it for ages. I tend to just use vi without all the colours and fancy stuff these days.
I can suggest Komodo for any kind of Programming- or Scripting-Language. Komodo itself is not free, but there is Komodoedit which is free and I'm using it since a long time for Shell scripting and Python programming and I won't switch back to eclipse or something else.
Seems like I didn't really read your question :s
I'm not a fan of eclispse, but I know you can embed gvim into eclise. Which is great if you are from the vim-camp.

Running R inside a buffer in Vim

I have used Stata and gVim on Windows for a while now. Recently I have switched to Linux, and I am planning to also change from Stata to R.
A friend of mine is using R and Emacs ESS which seems to work perfect, however i'd rather like to keep using vim. I have installed the vim-r-plugin2, however, i can only send code to a seperate terminal running R. I would much rather split my screen into a buffer running R and one buffer with my .R file, and then send code from one to the other. With ESS in Emacs this seems to work, you can run a terminal/R in a buffer without a problem. I haven't found a way to make this work. The R plugin for vim uses screen, and the only way to open a buffer running a shell I could find is the Conque Shell plugin.
I know that unlike Emacs, Vim is designed to be a simple text editor. However, having R run in a buffer seems just so much more practical.
I hope my problem is understandable, please bear with me I only recently switched to Linux and know virtually nothing about programming besides statistics. Thanks!
If you do not need to input unicode, you can consider using ConqueShell plugin.
In the meanwhile, the 'evil' (extensible vi emulation layer) mode has matured. This is a vim emulator running in Emacs and works quite well for me.
Another option, and forgive me for pointing you back to EMACS,
It's an EMACS mode that makes EMACS feel more like Vim, while giving you full access to the wonderful, mind-boggling complexity of EMACS if you ever want it.

Interface texshop with vim

Any advice on how you would interface texshop on mac osx with vim? I'm using vim quite a lot lately for coding. I find myself now trying to use vim-commands (replace, search, pattern matching, move, etc) when writing documents for latex with texshop and they obviously don't work. However, I don't want to leave texshop altogether, because it has some pretty nice tools I use very often (maybe the most important one is the ability to click the compliled .pdf file while pressing the CMD key on my macbook to jump immediately to the corresponding place in the .tex file).
Thanks in advance!
Can't really help with the question but if you want to use vim I would highly recommend vim-latex suite. It has a lot of mappings and other latex goodness including completion of references/citations (it loads them from the bib file and gives prompts based on what you've already typed). Also it supports pdfsync forward/backward searching - I use that with Skim. There is some information here on how to get that working (and see other posts on that blog).
Are there any other texshop features you would like to reproduce in Vim?

Vim as Visual Studio IDE

I have spent lot of time doing research on VIM. I am Windows guy since last 6 yrs and was using VS.
Now started working on Linux. I want to make VIM as close as possible to VS.
I want features like
Project Navigation
Files in Different Tabs
Search in Project
I have found plugins for the above requirements
Project Pligin
I am not able to correctly set vimrc script.
When I try to open file from Project it gets open in different tabs.I want to get it open in different buffers.
Also when I want to close file in buffer , complete window gets closed.
Open taglist and project window makes all mess.
Has any one done settings with these plugin..
Could you guys please post your vimrc files??
It will save lot of time for newbies like me..
Vim is a very different tool than Visual Studio. Plugins may help you get certain bits of functionality you desire, but do not expect them to work exactly like VS, work well together, or even work at all.
If you are looking for a programming environment more like Visual Studio, there are many good graphical IDE's you can use such as NetBeans, Eclipse, Code::Blocks, KDevelop, Anjuta, etc. Some of these tools are, IMHO, better heavyweight IDE's than Visual Studio, and all are available on Linux for free.
You should either learn to use Vim the way it was built to be used, or find a different tool that suits you better. Shoehorning Vim into a surrogate for Visual Studio will probably cause you more pain than it's worth.
Yes it's different to VS, but that doesn't mean it can't be used in the same way. It's just not as easy to do it :)
Personally I go the other way and use ViEmu to get VS to behave like VIM. But I'm not in the same situation as the author of this question.
Why not have a dig through some uploaded vimrc files on
You can use the following script, Trinity.
It will require 3 more scripts, and Vim will look like an IDE.
The TagList at left, a file exporer (NERDTree) at right, and Source Explorer at bottom.
Also, you can find some very useful blog entries at
The author, Kevin, explains how to compile solutions form inside Vim. He also shows interfacing and jumping between them which is very useful too.
Furhermore, there is the script vim-visual-studio which can be found at
This script is using Python extension. I have Python 2.5 installed in Windows. I am using Gvim 7.2 which is compiled with Python 2.4. So, I have replaced the executables of Gvim as explained here:
So, Gvim became compatible with Python 2.5 and raised no problems. Also, a menu entry "Visual Studio" has appeared as expected. It connects to Visual Studio itself, and it works perfectly. It does not just compiles a file, it can compile a solution containing more than one project as in Visual Studio. You can even use the Vim's 'quickfix' feature. Hope this helps.
If you really want to have vim as the front end, try Eclim. It uses Eclipse as a backend daemon for code completion and project management, and vim as the interface.
If you only like vim because of the vi key bindings, but want it to be more IDE like, you could try the latest MonoDevelop that has it built in.
These plugins used to exist long before vim had tabs. I'd be quite surprised there isn't a way to tune these plugins to split windows instead of opening tabs.
Now I can't help you much as I don't use these specific plugins but other ones. You should look at their help (:h project, :h taglist, etc)
PS: in vim terminology (it will help you browse the help files), what you call "buffer" is actually called "window", while a "buffer" is just the text you are working on, it may be associated to a file, or not. For a given buffer, there may be no or several window displaying parts of the buffer.
you can give a try to eXvim
