Export Related SharePoint Lists - excel

I have two related lists in SharePoint that I would like to export to Excel so that the information can be viewed in a nested scenario as it is a one to many situation where list 1 has client information and list 2 has all the purchases related to the client. These are already linked using the OOTB Related Lists functionality in SharePoint. Is this even possible? I have already been able to export each list independently, but was hoping for a scenario where users could go to one Excel sheet and see all the clients and then expand/collapse the purchases.

Use excel to create two worksheets and link them to those lists.Then create a third worksheet to join the other two worksheet. You can find more info : https://superuser.com/questions/420635/how-do-i-join-two-worksheets-in-excel-as-i-would-in-sql.
If you want to go further, instead of lists, you can have the data on an sql server (external content types/lists and BCS), so the join could be done to server and the excel would get all the data. It depends on the amount of data.


Two way link task sheet - Excel/Access

Currently at work I am trying to create a task sheet system. Basically for each job there will be a Master sheet with a variety of tasks for several different people, from this I'm looking to create a task sheet specific to each person. I would like to be able to add a task on the Master sheet and it appear on the respective person's page. As well as this, if the person makes a note on their personal sheet then it would appear on the Master.
However the complicated part is that there is constantly multiple job's with their own Master sheet and I want each of these to contribute to the persons overall task list.
Could anyone please suggest how I go about this? I have attempted using Google Sheets but I can't get the two way sync to work. So I was thinking of using a combination of Microsoft Access to store the data and Excel to present it.
Any help would be great!
well I'm a database app designer; so for a database - any data set which includes a field for a person ID - - is then easily queried by Person ID so that you have another 'view' or set of data just for that person...….. so in the database world this is very straight forward.... as to linking sheets in google docs or even the implementation in excel I have no idea.....

Infopath Form to submit data to two sharepoint lists

Novice in Sharepoint and looking for some advise.
we are trying to setup a infopath form with the below fields.
ReqID (Autogenerated with a workflow based on ID like Req-1 etc.),
when the user submits the form, we would like to save the information to two separate lists on sharepoint like...
List A - ReqID, Description, User, Date
List B - ReqID, Description, Testing, Tester, Date
Can someone please advise if this is doable without using any coding.
Thank you so much for all the help.
Several possible solutions:
One list:
If it is a matter of hiding clutter from selected users then: create one list for all of the fields and then create two views, one with your first set of columns and the other with the second set of columns. This has the advantage of no duplication of data, and if you need to update the Description column, it only has to be done in one place.
Two lists:
From the InfoPath form, post all of the fields to the first list and create a View that only displays what's needed for the "A" users. Create a workflow that adds a new item to list "B" with only the data needed.
Three lists:
From the InfoPath form, post all of the fields to a master list. Create a workflow that copies selected fields to List A and to List B. This has the advantage of the master list being an unchanged source of the original data for audit or tracking purposes.
Using Web Services
I believe InfoPath can call web services. This will be more like "coding", but you can write data directly to SharePoint lists using SharePoint's REST API.

Google Spreadsheets - work together with same sheet but different filtering for each user

I am trying to work on a shared Google Spreadsheet workbook.
The problem is that on every filter I do on my side, my friends' book is also been filtered.
I would like to know if there is any possibillity we can work together, but with diffrence "filtering" for the same book.
Use the new spreadsheet feature "Filter Views" your filter parameters can be saved, and they do not automatically apply to other sheet users as is explained in this excerpt from Google sheets help...
Filters vs. Filter Views
Adding a filter will change the view for anyone viewing the spreadsheet, while filter views need to be explicitly turned on by each person. Each person in a spreadsheet could be viewing a different filter view at the same time.
In this case your friend does not actually have his or her own copy, it is shared, with you as the owner. If your friend creates a copy of it to work with, then you can each make changes to your own documents without affecting the other.

How to create m2m relationship in PowerPivot

So I am trying to link an employee metrics pivot chart with an employee project table with one slicer. I want an employee slicer that manipulates all charts but the data is coming from 2 different places (SQL, Sharepoint). When I try to create a relationship based on Employees I get the following error: "The relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that only contains unique values."
So one chart has quantitative items while the table has qualitative items and I want one slicer to manipulate both at the employee level.
I want to see all the data on both charts for the selected employee, and not just single items linked by unique values. I can use unique values, and have created relationships that one slicer can manipulate however I only get one record at a time that way and therefore the slicer has thousands of buttons (one for each record).
I wouldn't think this would be that difficult and I hope it's really not.
Please Help!
M2M relationships in PowerPivot will most likely cause more headaches than solutions unless you are aware of what you are doing. After some thought, I realized that I really do not want an m2m relationship because it would result in junk data for what I wanted. I just wanted to start my answer off acknowledging that I did not achieve an m2m.
So if you want to link SharePoint data to Excel here is what you need to do:
Export SharePoint data as an RSS feed. If this is something others will need to refresh then the rss file will need to be stored on a shared drive.
Add PowerPivot if you have not already done so. In PowerPivot get external data from other sources (rss feed) then add your file. To link data you will need a Unique ID to join tables on.

Dispatch Excel to different SharePoint lists based on Department field

I have Excel sheet representing a survey that shall be dispatched to different departments (based on one department field). How can this be done with the help of SharePoint? Note that each department can only see the result (charts) pertinent to it.
You could host the Excel file in non-searchable document library and create some chart web parts that relate to different department.
This can't be done with a full security based on the excel contents, so if you want to have full security you must create multiple files.
