Custom Objects to CSV PowerShell - object

#Function to get the computerlist: Name,OS,IPv4, IPv6,DiskInfo
function Get-ComputerListnDiskInfo{
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [string[]]$ComputerName
Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Cmdlet Get-ADComputer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$computerinfo = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties OperatingSystem
#Information about Name,Ipv4,IPv6,Device,VolumeName,Free,Busy,Size,Pfree,Pbusy for ALL COMPUTERS container
$AllComputerInfo = #()
foreach ($comp in $computerinfo){
#Testing if computers is ON LINE
$TestCon = Tester $
$test = $TestCon.BooleanV
if($test) {
#write-output "$Test"
$PhysicalDisks = Get-WMIObject -computername $ -query "SELECT * from win32_logicaldisk where DriveType = 3" | Select Deviceid,VolumeName,FreeSpace,Size
$Target = #()
#Create the Object foreach disk and append in the Target Variable
$GetOPNHealthStatus = Get-PhysicalDisk | select FriendlyName,OperationalStatus,HealthStatus
Write-Output "$PhysicalDisk.count"
#write-output $GetOPNHealthStatus.OperationalStatus
foreach ($disk in $physicalDisks){
#Get all Items: size,free,busy,pfree and pbusy disk space info (can add a number at the end to set decimals)
$Size=FormatNSetSizeFreeSpace $disk.Size
$Free=FormatNSetSizeFreeSpace $disk.FreeSpace
$Busy=FormatNSetBusySpace $disk.Size $disk.FreeSpace
$Pfree=PercentFreeBusy $Free $size
$PBusy=PercentFreeBusy $Busy $size
#Create a new Object using all the info
$result =New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Pfree = $PFree
PBusy = $PBusy
OPStatus = $GetOPNHealthStatus.OperationalStatus[$i]
HStatus = $GetOPNHealthStatus.HealthStatus[$i]
#add this info to the target array
$Target+= $result
#Add all info into new object
$allIComnDiskInfo=New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Name = $comp.Name
OS = $comp.OperatingSystem
IPV4 = $TestCon.IPv4
IPV6 = $TestCon.IPv6
disksInfo = $Target
#and Fill any just add this info to the $Allcomputer info (just online computer's)
$AllComputerInfo+= $allIComnDiskInfo
return $AllComputerInfo
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
$test = Get-ComputerListnDiskInfo
running $test
$test = Get-ComputerListnDiskInfo
disksInfo : {#{PBusy=8,148; VolumeName=; Busy=10,306; Pfree=91,853; Free=116,178; Device=C:; Size=126,483; OPStatus=O; HStatus=H}}
Name : DC2012
OS : Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
IPV4 :
IPV6 : fe80::cd63:76bf:3d2b:340f%12
And running
$test | Export-Csv here.csv
I got this:
#TYPE System.String
Why is happening this?
Why I don't get all this info?
And how should I search the info contained in the "diskInfo" variable
I tried to pass this $test variable to another function to format it and It seem not to work:
Thank you in advance for the answers

To start out with, you aren't just outputting a custom object, or an array of custom objects. But that's not the first problem I see. The first problem I see is that you have this big function that has a parameter, and then you do this:
$test = Get-ComputerListnDiskInfo
So you call that function with no arguments, so it has no computer to run it against. Some of the parts of the function will probably default to the local computer, but will they all? I don't know, maybe.
So what does $test actually contain? An array. Of what? Well, the first thing that the function outputs is a string:
Write-Output "$PhysicalDisk.count"
So the first item in your array is a string. Then you build a bunch of custom objects and arrays, and what not, and you Return those. Great, the next item in your $test array is a custom object. But $test is not an array of custom objects, or a single custom object, it is an array with a variety of things within it.
That is why Export-CSV will not work.

Basically the issue is this one:
I have an system.object[] in the output while using CSV.
object or similar output when using export-csv


PowerShell :: Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database.Model.AzureSqlDatabaseModel.DatabaseName [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can you use an object's property in a double-quoted string?
(5 answers)
Closed 5 months ago.
I wrote a script that allows me to query the whole Azure database park:
#$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
# Connect to Azure
$azureAccount = Connect-AzAccount
# Get Azure Access Token (we will use this to query the databasees)
#$azureToken = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl
$access_token = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl
# Queries will be picked up from here
$folderPath = '.\Queries'
# Choose how to format each date ("yyyy-MM-dd") or ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
$DateTime = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
# List Azure Sunscriptions
Get-Azsubscription | ForEach-Object -Begin { $a = 1 } -Process {"$a $($_.Name)"; $a++}
$SubscriptionChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "Copy/paste the name of the Subscription that you want to investigate. If more than one separate them by a coma, Type `"All`" if you want to target all of them"
# Iterate into subscriptoins and print names
foreach ($gs in $SubscriptionChoice) {
Select-Azsubscription -Subscription "$gs" | Out-Null
Write-Host "Let's browse into Azure Sunscription: " -NoNewline
Write-Host (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Name -ForegroundColor green
# Fins all Azure SQL Server
Get-AzSqlServer | ForEach-Object -Begin { $a = 1 } -Process {"$a $($_.ServerName)"; $a++}
$SqlServerChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "Copy/paste the name of the SQL Server that you want to investigate. If more than one separate them by a coma, Type `"All`" if you want to target all of them"
if ($SqlServerChoice = "All"){
$SqlServerChoice = Get-AzSqlServer
Foreach ($server in $SqlServerChoice){
$DatabaseChoice = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ServerName $server.ServerName -ResourceGroupName $server.ResourceGroupName | Where-Object DatabaseName -NE "master"
Foreach ($database in $DatabaseChoice){
(Get-ChildItem $folderPath | sort-object {if (($i = $_.BaseName -as [int])) {$i} else {$_}} ).Foreach{
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server.FullyQualifiedDomainName -Database $database.DatabaseName -AccessToken $access_token -InputFile $psitem.FullName | Export-Csv -Path ".\Results\$psitem.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation
write-host "Executing $psitem on $database.DatabaseName"
However each time the query is executed against a database the Write-Hosts returns:
Executing DTU_to_vCore.sql on Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database.Model.AzureSqlDatabaseModel.DatabaseName
Here a picture:
This Write-Hosts comes from the line:
write-host "Executing $psitem on $database.DatabaseName"
In which you can find the two variables:
$psitem : which is the name of the file that contains the query
$database.DatabaseName : which should be the database name but instead of printing the database name is printing Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.Database.Model.AzureSqlDatabaseModel.DatabaseName
Why one of the two variable is not interpreted?
You need to encapsulate your variable property in a subexpression operator $().
write-host "Executing $psitem on $($database.DatabaseName)"
This is because only simple variables get expanded in an expandable string.
Only simple variable references can be directly embedded in an
expandable string. Variables references using array indexing or member
access must be enclosed in a subexpression.
Source: about_Quoting_Rules
Subexpression operator $( )
Returns the result of one or more statements. For a single result,
returns a scalar. For multiple results, returns an array. Use this
when you want to use an expression within another expression. For
example, to embed the results of command in a string expression.
PS> "Today is $(Get-Date)"
Today is 12/02/2019 13:15:20
PS> "Folder list: $((dir c:\ -dir).Name -join ', ')"
Folder list: Program Files, Program Files (x86), Users, Windows
Source: about_Operators

Powershell question about parsing the tag values in Get-AzVm

I'm attempting to load individual tag key and value records per VM using the Get-AzVm cmdlet. The values are stored like:
"Tags : {"Purpose":"SQL Server","Test":"Value"}"
I want to load them like:
VMID, VMName, Key, Value
No amount of searching or testing with ForEach, ForEach-Object or loading in to a hash is working as the results are always null, but what is loaded in to a variable is not. I would be very grateful for any suggestions.
$vm_list = Get-AzVM -Name #######
foreach ($name in $vm_list)
$_ = $vm_list.tags.GetEnumerator() |
$k = $_.key
$v = $_.value
Write-Host $tagkeys.VMID, $tagkeys.Name, $k, $v
There is more to the script, but this is what I have working now. Using enumerator, I would have expected to need to reference the objects as {0} and {1}.

Using Objects in Powershell to do command

What im trying to do is the following:
Im getting a list of all VM`s that have some set values such as being in use and NOT having Azure Benefits turned on.
What i have is that i made a tiny script to get all machines within an subscription and select on the basis mentioned above.
What i want to do with that output is do the command Update-azureVM in bulk.
Could someone help me with this ? do i need to export the values to an excel and use that sheet to do a bulk update-AzureVM
here is the code that i have setup at the moment:
$returnObj = #()
$VMs=Get-AzVm -status
foreach ($VM in $VMs)
$obj = New-Object psobject -Property #{
"VmSize" = $VM.HardwareProfile.VmSize;
"VmName" = $vm.Name;
"PowerState" = $vm.PowerState;
"License_Type" = $vm.LicenseType;
$returnObj += $obj | select VmSize, VmName, PowerState, License_Type
$returnObj |
Where-Object{$_.PowerState -ne "VM deallocated"} |
Where-Object{$_.License_Type -ne "Windows_Server"} |
Where-Object{$_.License_Type -ne "Windows_Client"} |
Export-Csv C:\temp\freek.csv
Thank you all in advance!

Add Version Info to Excel file properties with VBA, read with PowerShell

My goal is to add a version number to the file properties of an Excel file that can then be read externally with PowerShell.
If I run (Get-Item "example.xls").VersionInfo I get blank ProductVersion and FileVersion.
ProductVersion FileVersion FileName
-------------- ----------- --------
I cannot find a way to set these attributes from VBA. I did find a way to get\set a Revision Number:
Public Function FileVersion() As String
With ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties
FileVersion = .Item("Revision Number").Value
End With
End Function
Public Sub UpdateFileVersion()
With ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties
.Item("Revision Number").Value = .Item("Revision Number").Value + 1
End With
End Sub
However, I can't find a way to read the Revision Number from PowerShell. I either need to read Revision Number from PowerShell or I need to set ProductVersion and FileVersion from VBA. I would accept any combination of things that results in setting a file version in Excel that is visible outside of Excel, ideally I would like to be able to use all of these properties.
You can see the Revision Number I am trying to get from PowerShell and also the Version Number that I cannot set from VBA here:
If you right-click a file and hit properties in the Details tab, you see all that is available.
If you don't want to have to COM into the EOM (Excel Object Model), then you need to assign these in the EOM first, then hit them via PowerShell just as Windows Explorer shows them or enum metadata.
So, something like...
### Get file properties
Get-ItemProperty -Path 'D:\Temp' -filter '*.xl*' |
Format-list -Property * -Force
### Enumerate file properties in PowerShell
# get the first file
$Path = ($FileName = (Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Temp' -Filter '*.xl*').FullName ) |
Select-Object -First 1
$shell = New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application
$folder = Split-Path $path
$file = Split-Path $path -Leaf
$shellfolder = $shell.Namespace($folder)
($shellfile = $shellfolder.ParseName($file))
You'll need to know what the ID of the extended attribute is.
This will show you all of the ID's:
0..287 |
Foreach-Object { '{0} = {1}' -f $_, $shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($null, $_) }
# Once you find the one you want you can access it like this:
$shellfolder.GetDetailsOf($shellfile, 216)
As for this...
Thanks but your list, and the one I got from running this on my Excel
file, do not contain Revision
... try it this way.
Gleened from here:
Hey, Scripting Guy! How Can I List All the Properties of a Microsoft
Word Document?
and here:
# Getting specific properties fomr MS Word
$Path = "D:\Temp"
$ObjectProperties = "Author","Keywords","Revision number"
$Application = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$Application.Visible = $false
$Binding = "System.Reflection.BindingFlags" -as [type]
$Select = "Name","Created"
$Select += $ObjectProperties
ForEach ($File in (Get-ChildItem $Path -Include '*.docx' -Recurse))
{ $Document = $Application.Documents.Open($File.Fullname)
$Properties = $Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties
$Hash = #{}
ForEach ($Property in $ObjectProperties)
{ $DocProperties = [System.__ComObject].InvokeMember("item",$Binding::GetProperty,$null,$Properties,$Property)
Try {$Value = [System.__ComObject].InvokeMember("value",$binding::GetProperty,$null,$DocProperties,$null)}
Catch {$Value = $null}
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Properties) |
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Document) |
New-Object PSObject -Property $Hash |
Select $Select
# Results
Name : D:\Temp\Test.docx
Created : 06-Feb-20 14:23:55
Author : ...
Keywords :
Revision number : 5
# Getting specific properties fomr MS Excel
$Path = "D:\Temp"
$ObjectProperties = "Author","Keywords","Revision number"
$Application = New-Object -ComObject excel.Application
$Application.Visible = $false
$Binding = "System.Reflection.BindingFlags" -as [type]
$Select = "Name","Created"
$Select += $ObjectProperties
ForEach ($File in (Get-ChildItem $Path -Include '*.xlsx' -Recurse))
{ $Document = $Application.Workbooks.Open($File.Fullname)
$Properties = $Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties
$Hash = #{}
ForEach ($Property in $ObjectProperties)
{ $DocProperties = [System.__ComObject].InvokeMember("item",$Binding::GetProperty,$null,$Properties,$Property)
Try {$Value = [System.__ComObject].InvokeMember("value",$binding::GetProperty,$null,$DocProperties,$null)}
Catch {$Value = $null}
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Properties) |
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Document) |
New-Object PSObject -Property $Hash |
Select $Select
# Results
Name : D:\Temp\Test.xlsx
Created : 25-Nov-19 20:47:15
Author : ...
Keywords :
Revision number : 2
Point of note: I meant to add sources:
Regarding setting properties, see this Word example from the MS, which can be tweaked of course for other Office docs.
Set specific word document properties using PowerShell
The attached script uses the Word automation model to set a specific
BuiltIn Word document property. It is provided as an example of how to
do this. You will need to modify the pattern used to find the files,
as well as the built-in Word property and value you wish to assign.
As note above, getting is the same thing...
Get Word built-in document properties
This script will allow you to specify specific Word built-in document
properties. It returns an object containing the specified word
document properties as well as the path to those documents. Because a
PowerShell object returns, you can filter and search different
information fr
Thanks to #postanote for pointing me in the right direction. None of the code offered worked out of the box for me.
This is what I ended up doing to pull the Revision Number from my Excel document:
<# Get-Excel-Property.ps1 v1.0.0 by Adam Kauffman 2020-02-03
Returns the property value from an Excel File
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$FilePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)][string]$ObjectProperties
Function Get-Property-Value {
[CmdletBinding()]Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$ComObject,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$Property
$Binding = "System.Reflection.BindingFlags" -as [type]
Try {
$ObjectType = $ComObject.GetType()
$Item = $ObjectType.InvokeMember("Item",$Binding::GetProperty,$null,$ComObject,$Property)
return $ObjectType.InvokeMember("Value",$Binding::GetProperty,$null,$Item,$null)
Catch {
return $null
# Main
$Application = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Application.Visible = $false
$Document = $Application.Workbooks.Open($FilePath)
$Properties = $Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties
$Hash = #{}
ForEach ($Property in $ObjectProperties)
$Value = Get-Property-Value -ComObject $Properties -Property $Property
# COM Object Cleanup
if ($null -ne $Document) {
Remove-Variable -Name Document
if ($null -ne $Properties) {
Remove-Variable -Name Properties
if ($null -ne $Application) {
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Application) | Out-Null
Remove-Variable -Name Application
# Show collected information
New-Object PSObject -Property $Hash

Fill in column into excel with powershell

I'm trying to create a report which will get two sets of information, Group name and domain. The problem is that the information will be output into one column instead of two for example:
Group Member Domain
but I want it to be like this:
Group Member Domain
thisIsGroupMember, Domain
I also try export-csv but the created csv file only show
Here's my code:
$appName = $
$domain = (($ -split ',')[3].substring(3)
$inputstring = "$appName,$domain"
out-file -FilePath "C:\Test\Result.csv" -append -inputObject $inputstring
If your code iterates through a list of objects pulled from AD you can use something like this:
# your foreach code
$appName = $
$domain = (($ -split ',')[3].substring(3)
$output += ,(New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{"Group Member"=$appName;"Domain"=$domain})
$output | Export-Csv "C:\Test\Result.csv"
$output is an array of objects being created on the fly with $appName and $domain values. It will then nicely export to a csv after all AD objects are processed.
